The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 815 Why do you want to become an ant instead of being a good person? As cattle and sheep bei

Chapter 815 Why do you want to become an ant instead of being a good person? As cattle and sheep being grazed?

"How could this guy...cultivate a sixth realm..."

In the sky above Chang'an City, Ning Que was swaying in the storm of fists. He struck out the magic talisman with one knife after another, but he could only barely protect himself, struggling to hold on amidst the storm and wave like a roaring river. Own.

However, at this moment, another aura wall came over. The Qi wall is square, the boxing meaning is round, the square is yang, the round is yin, the two poles merge to create thunder.

Xu Xin's punch was like smashing a piece of the world towards Ning Que. It was like a thunderous force. It made Ning Que feel unmatched pressure across the distance of the void.

The celestial phenomena are sympathetic!

Yin and Yang should be born!

Even though Ning Que kept using the human power of the Shocking God Formation to resist, he was not a master after all, so how could he use the entire human power.

Since it is not the entire human world, but only the weakened Chang'an, how can it withstand the nearly infinite power of the heaven, earth, and celestial phenomena.

Ning Que, who was standing on top of Suzaku, had a solemn expression, with a flash of blue between his brows. He formed an eye pestle in his left hand and a hatchet in his right hand. He gathered his hands in front of him and released the infinite density of human aura. Instead of shrinking before, he moved outwards. Continuously expanding, colliding with Xu Xin's celestial power.




And now, because of this collision, Yanming Lake seems to have undergone quite obvious changes.

The exchange of two qi resounded throughout the world, and the whole of Chang'an was shaken. Although the overall key pattern has not changed, there seems to be varying degrees of damage everywhere, which has never happened before.

"Long Qing, I have completed the Shocking God Formation. Within Chang'an, I know everything. Even the Master of Wujian can't catch up with me."

"Besides, I can do anything."

When the light is accelerated to the limit, a terrifying explosion occurs. The spiral storm, with the power as powerful as a Category 10 hurricane, expanded wantonly around, lifting up layers of turf, blowing sand and flying rocks, and its power was astonishingly huge.

Xu Xin on the earth continued to gather the power of heaven and earth. He just used his palm to push forward flatly, with his fingers spread out. In the roar of the claw wind, the terrifying energy entangled and rotated with each other, creating a mysterious light like lightning and thunder.

Before Xu Xin bought Yanming Lake, the lake was being dredged by the Tang government. Many people didn’t understand why the government took the lead in dredging Yanming Lake. The reason was that it was part of a larger pattern. It is part of the Shocking God Formation.

Heaven and man merge into one, and the celestial phenomena change. At this moment, with one grasp, the celestial phenomena are created, and the vitality of the surrounding heaven and earth pours into Xu Xin's claws like crazy, and a ball of light bursts out, becoming more and more dazzling and huge.

Ning Que spit out a mouthful of blood on Suzaku's back, and his blood fell on the eye pestle. The scattered blood flowers turned into blood mist and fell down. Some places in Chang'an on the earth shone with little crystal lights. The place where Sang Sang once lived and the traces left by Haotian are also the key to the Dao Sect tearing apart the Shocking God Formation and forming a loophole.

The various buildings in Chang'an City are easily damaged, but the general layout is part of the Jingshen Formation, so it has not changed in more than a thousand years, such as the Yanming Lake.

A ray of light went towards Ning Que in the sky, suddenly changing in a thousand ways, uniting the heaven and the earth, swimming endlessly, turning into brilliance, the storm and the mysterious light merged into one, flying into the sky, the target was naturally Ning Que on Suzaku's back.

Where Ning Que's words fell, he was slashed with a vertical sword again.

The thought power in his sea of ​​consciousness spread out of his body, and spread to all directions of Chang'an City through the Formation Eye pestle he held tightly in his hand, to the houses in the streets and alleys, to the old blue bricks and stones that had experienced wind, rain, snow and frost, to The lakes, rivers, pavilions and pavilions in Chang'an City...

The breath of vicissitudes of life emanates from the gaps between the bricks and stones, rises slowly from the depths of lakes and canals, from the underground of pavilions and towers... The old beams creaked, the bluestone slabs grinded out the accumulated dust, and countless pearl-like bubbles emerged from the bottom of the lakes and canals.

The Jingshen Formation sensed the call of telepathy emanating from the Formation Eye Pestle, and responded with endless aura of heaven and earth, arriving on the Suzaku Avenue, around Ning Que, and in front of his blade.

Ning Que slashed down with his sword. This sword slashed out the whole city of Chang'an.

Countless knife marks, hissing noises, broke through the wall and cut away the ground. These knife marks are in pairs, each pair of knife marks is a human character, each of them is a powerful human talisman, condensed with the breath of Chang'an's heaven and earth, each mark is above the five realms, and Xu Xin's path forward The back road is blocked.

The sword marks came with the city and faced off against the various celestial phenomena controlled by Xu Xin.

"I want the wind, I want the endless wind."

"I want rain, I want pouring rain."

"I want thunder, I want thunder all over the sky."

"I want fire, I want raging fire."


Xu Xin's voice was like an ancient curse or the murmur of an ancient god, bringing endless natural disasters to the sky of Chang'an. Celestial phenomena from all directions gathered together, seemingly destined to destroy Suzaku and Ning Que in the sky.

The air between heaven and earth was distorted, and the auras from all over Chang'an were aimed at Xu Xin. After all, this was the home of the Jingshen Formation. Xu Xin would naturally have to face the power of the entire Chang'an City to break the formation.

A figure truly fell from the sky, and Ning Que's arrived.

Xu Xin was able to withstand the aura attacks of the entire city of Chang'an, but Ning Que was unable to stop the changes in the celestial phenomena in all directions. He was forced to give up the advantage of being able to escape at any time and fell into face-to-face confrontation with Xu Xin in Chang'an again.

The aura of heaven and earth in Chang'an City was changing violently. Ning Que slashed dozens of knife marks in an instant, all of which were above the Five Realms, possessing the power to cut mountains and rivers.

But at this time, Xu Xin had the celestial body to regenerate severed limbs, rebirth with a drop of blood, a very high fault tolerance rate, and the omnipotent power of heaven and earth to control changes in the celestial phenomena, so he almost had no shortcomings.

Xu Xin's celestial phenomena seem to be a mixture of apocalypse and infinity.

The six boundless realms are said to be the realm of infinite space, which can make a person's breath and body feel like a vast ocean.

The Six Realm Apocalypse can borrow the mighty power of Haotian. In theory, it can activate the infinite power of heaven and earth, that is, all the power of Haotian.

Xu Xin's celestial phenomena can activate the power of heaven and earth, but it is not as empty and empty as "infinite". It is a real infinite power.

"What on earth are you going to do? Why do you want to stand on Haotian's side? Why do you want to be an ant instead of a good person? Be a herd of cattle and sheep?"

In Chang'an City, Ning Que's roar was echoing. He was asking Xu Xin why he was helping Haotian even though he knew that Haotian was a cannibal.

"You are too weak and don't understand at all."

Xu Xin just looked at Ning Que calmly and said coldly: "Haotian is right in a sense. The strong men above the fifth realm live too long and can only go in and out. They really need to be harvested." . I also want to change, but not in the academy way..."

(End of this chapter)

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