The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 819 As long as I am here, the Tang Dynasty will not perish!

Chapter 819 As long as I am here... the Tang Dynasty will not fall!
"The Shocking God Formation is broken, and the power of the world will be dispersed in the world."

In the Chang'an Palace, Xu Xin held the formation spirit Suzaku that turned into a little red bird in one hand, looked at Ning Que calmly, and said: "All living beings in the world are equal, and there is no need for a special place."

"As long as I am here, the Shocking God Formation will not be broken and the Tang Dynasty will not fall!"

Naturally, Ning Que was unwilling to fail. He roared and rose into the sky, gathering the final power of the shocking formation to slash out the human-shaped talisman.

Under the vast blue sky, Ning Que made two slashes with his sword and wrote the human-shaped divine talisman in a crooked way.

The knife falls and the magic talisman moves!
The human atmosphere in Chang'an City rioted, and the human-shaped divine symbols falling one stroke to the east and one stroke to the west covered it again.

"When did I say that I would destroy the Tang Dynasty!"

"Ning Que, you and I are the same people. What the time traveler cares about most is himself. He is refined and self-interested, so don't act so righteously."

Facing the falling human character talisman, Xu Xin just calmly stretched out his other hand and said: "It's a human character. This character is written really well. It's a pity that this talisman will eventually fall apart."

"You don't let me break the Jing Shen Formation, after all, because it is beneficial to you. Now you are a vested interest and want to maintain your rights."

The beauty of a gentleman will be cut down in five lifetimes.

Xu Xin's voice fell, and Ning Que and his herringbone talisman were scattered and flew out of the palace, falling on Zhuque Street.

There is no such thing as an empire that lasts for thousands of years. There is a certain truth to this, because after a powerful country reaches its peak, internal problems will gradually appear. As time goes by, the years will change, second, third, or even fourth or fifth generations.

From now on, the Tang Empire is still protected by a powerful "Shocking God Formation", but it can no longer mobilize the power of the entire human world. When the power of the human world is dispersed, this formation is just a powerful formation. , can no longer know everything and be omnipotent.

The Jingshen Formation was arranged by Master. The original intention of the arrangement, the word "Jingshen" explains everything. The key lies in the power of the human world.

"However, the Tang Kingdom will indeed not perish."

If this "power in the world" is compared to luck, then the normal development trend of luck is flowing. As people's hearts and expectations change, once the king or the court loses the hearts and minds of the people, luck will shift, and then there will be Change the world.

"You are right, and I am right, but I am stronger, so I win, you lose, the Jingshen Formation is broken, and Tang Guo loses."

The Master is the true invincible in the human world, so he tried to find a way to gather the power of the human world in one place. The Shocking God Formation gathers some kind of power from the entire human world, so it is so powerful.

The core of the formation that existed in the palace, a key component of the Shocking God Formation, had cracks. As the cracks in the base of the formation eye continued to expand, the most critical human power in the formation was dispersed.

When an empire develops to a certain extent, it will "change" due to internal conflicts. Whether it will rise from the ashes and rise again, or whether it will change the world and turn everything upside down depends on the specific development.

The structure of the Tang Empire has not changed much in the past thousand years. It can even be said that there has been almost no change. The fundamental reason for being the world hegemon for thousands of years is the Master. The Master established the Tang State and the Jingshen Formation out of his own selfish motives. Naturally, he did not want the Tang State to Too many twists and turns occurred.

But up to this point, there is an unknown amount of internal darkness and an unknown amount of contradictions. The case of massacre of the entire family of General Xuanwei is not an exception. The military wanted to first accuse Sangsang of treason and then interrogate him. This is not an exception either. , those powerful people are used to playing games like this. If there were no masters and academies, the Tang Empire would have collapsed long ago. That's why Xu Shi, Xia Hou and other members of the Tang military, as well as the powerful families in Qinghe County, were regarded as fools by Xu Xin.

Do these people think Datang relies on them? In fact, the reason why the Tang Dynasty was so strong was only because of the Confucius and the Academy. However, these idiots think that their composition is very important, and they constantly promote the theory of threats to the academy. They are really a group of guys who are experts in internal fighting.

In the same way, the Xiling Divine Sect has been able to stand firm on the mainland for thousands of years and become the dominant force because they have the true god Haotian behind them. Without Haotian, the hidden shadow and darkness of the Xiling Divine Sect would have overthrown the Holy See long ago. Recreated.

Vested interests, when faced with various problems and hidden dangers, never think about solutions, but how to suppress them, as if they cannot see them.

They will also do their best to suppress those who try to reform and touch their own interests. Just like in the original work, Ye Su founded the Protestant Religion and was constantly hunted by Xiling Shen Cult, Zhi Shouguan and others with the intention of destroying the Protestant Religion.

The Master left the human power in the Shocking God Formation in Chang'an of the Tang Dynasty for thousands of years, allowing the Tang Dynasty to become the world hegemon for thousands of years. Now that the Master has ascended to heaven, such abnormal situations naturally need to be corrected, and this great formation should naturally be broken. .

The shocking formation is broken, and the future direction of the Tang Dynasty depends on the people of the Tang Dynasty. Whether they will be reborn from the ashes and rebuild ZTE, or change the world and turn the world upside down, it depends on their own choices, the true people's will, and the people's own choose.

According to Xu Xin's deduction, the Tang Empire will most likely not be destroyed, and may even remain the overlord of the world. After all, compared to other countries in the world and Xiling that had more problems, the country of Datang was relatively fair and clear.


Xu Xin broke the shocking formation and thought for a long time in the palace. It was not until the little red bird on his shoulder called out that he came back to his senses in a daze.

This Tang Dynasty reminded him of the Tang Dynasty, which was also a powerful era. On the eve of its collapse, some foreign countries with wolfish ambitions were beaten to death. It can be said that a country was destroyed by force.

Even if the powerful Han Dynasty and the prosperous Tang Dynasty died, they still died with great vigor, unlike a certain Jin who stole the family and caused the tragic disaster of Wuhu.


On the streets of Chang'an, the wind and snow were like knives, and debris was flying. An embarrassed fat man lowered his head and found an old trolley among the piles of debris. The trolley was very broken, but at least it had a complete carriage. He found it and dragged it to the lake with a smile on his face.

Under the trees by the lake, a figure was lying upside down, covered with a quilt.

Such a strange combination is naturally Chen Pipi, the twelfth gentleman of the academy, and his father, Guanzhu.

The invincible master of Zhishou Temple is now just an old man who is seriously injured and seems to be dying, but the look in his eyes is still so calm and there is no expression on his face.

In the shocking battle in Chang'an City, he finally lost to the character written by Ning Que and was struck by thousands of knives. The most terrifying thing was that the breath of human beings mixed with those knives mixed into him like filthy ink. The wound, and later his breath was taken away by Xu Xin, and he became a useless person.

Chen Pipi asked him to take the last Tongtian Pill, which could only help him temporarily survive, but could not make his injury better.

(End of this chapter)

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