The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 821 The power of the human world makes the goddess more and more human-like

Chapter 821 The power of the human world makes the goddess more and more human-like
In Chang'an City, on Zhuque Street, Chen Pipi looked at the goddess, a heart-breaking smile suddenly appeared on his fat face.

He said seriously: "Although the mistakes you make are often irreparable, and you may not have the ability to make up for them, you should always try once in your life, so that you can feel at ease."

He said, putting down the cart and pointing out from afar.

With the Academy's careless intention to control the Tianxia River, the strong wind rolled up the snow into a snow line, coming from an unpredictable place, leaving elusively, and stabbing the face of the goddess of heaven.

The goddess didn't move, but the whole Chang'an seemed to be moving, or the whole world was moving. To be more precise, the space was moving.

So the snow line flew past her body, and then landed on the soft snow. It seemed to fall on a mirror, refracted back, and accurately sank into Chen Pipi's body.

Chen Pipi's face turned slightly pale, and there was a bloody hole on his shoulder, which was the sign of his own Tianxiaxi God. When he looked at Sangsang, there was a touch of bitterness and emotion in his eyes.

This bitter emotion had nothing to do with the difference in realm. He had never expected to defeat her. This was her world. It was natural that he could not hurt her. If he could hurt her, that would be incomprehensible.

His mood at this time was a little sentimental because he remembered the first day of the new year a few years ago, when Sang Sang was still a skinny black girl, and Chen Pipi was playing with her and Ning Que. Unfortunately, there is no going back.

The goddess looked at Chen Pipi quietly. After coming to the human world, Chen Pipi was the first person who dared to attack her. Even the drunkard only wanted to escape, but the butcher only dared to squat in the corner and cry.

"I have three knives..."

"I have a knife to protect Sangsang from sleeping well..."

The strange thing is that she did not punish Chen Pipi for being disrespectful to Haotian, but looked at the viewer and said without any emotion: "Here, you rejected me."

He vaguely saw the changes that had taken place in her, and he wanted to praise his wife who had left this world. He felt that no one could see clearly where the world was going, not even Haotian's calculations.


Chen didn't explain and laughed strangely. There were many emotions in his smile, including the great joy of finally seeing the other side, the great relief of seeing through everything, and the great peace of waving his sleeves to look at the clouds, but there was no awe.

"I have two knives to cut down all the grass in the mountains..."

The children's song stopped suddenly, and the viewer, Chen Pipi and Tiannu all looked in that direction. In their field of vision, a figure quickly enlarged and flew over.

The protagonist entered Chang'an alone, clearly using "Apocalypse", but in the end he entered the realm of peace, which became Haotian's biggest rebellion.

On the other end of Suzaku Street, near the palace, bursts of self-composed children's songs suddenly came out. The voice was very hoarse, very powerful, and had a stubborn and fucking power like life.

This is the first time he has really seen Haotian. She is so arrogant, so indifferent, and has no human emotions, but in the eyes of the viewer, she is so interesting.


Ning Que's body hit hard, knocking the tattered stalls and various debris all over the ground, leaving a deep mark on Zhuque Street.

"Ahem..." He kept coughing, and the blood from the corner of his mouth dripped on the ground, but he still wanted to get up and continue to stop Xu Xin from taking the Suzaku Formation Spirit away.

Xu Xin did not kill him, but he was unwilling to fail and wanted to take back the formation spirit and reestablish the Shocking God Formation.

"Ning Que!"

Ning Que suddenly heard Chen Pipi's voice. He turned around subconsciously and saw the cart on the street. The viewer Chen was on the cart. His senior brother Chen Pipi fell to the ground. Between him and the cart, In the room, there was another woman, a woman in a white dress.

"Sangsang, you seem to have gained weight..."

When Ning Que saw this woman in white, he immediately thought of Sangsang. Probably because he was beaten so miserably, he felt a little dazed and subconsciously spoke out what was in his heart. He just wanted to raise his head and apologize, but he really He recognized it, and the woman in white in front of him was the former Sangsang, now the goddess of heaven.

The goddess has now become very plump, or can be said to be very fat. Her body stretches the flowery green clothes a little. She is very fair and tall, and is completely different from the dark and skinny maid in the past ten years.

But her eyes have not changed, they are still as slender as willow leaves, and their eyes are extremely clear.

When she saw Ning Que, she was also stunned. She squinted her eyes, which became even thinner, like the willow leaves beside Yanming Lake in Chang'an City. This didn't mean that she really closed her eyes. She was still looking at what was in front of her. All scenery.

The red sun leaping out of the morning glow, the thread-like clouds in the flowing wind, and the thin waterfalls between the cliffs were all presented in her bright eyes.

She saw birds flying back and forth between the cliffs, cubs in the mountains in the distance, rocks appearing as the seawater fell in the distance, and the heat of the sun turning the seawater into steam.

She also saw Ning Que who was beaten badly in front of her, and Xu Xin who walked out of the Tang Palace. Xu Xin walked slowly and walked in front of her.

All these pictures represent the rules at work. The rules of this world are unshakable and appear so stable. Therefore, the world also appears to be so stable. The distribution of the energy of heaven and earth and all matter appears to be so even. She is the rule.

"You have become a lot more greedy and enjoy the delicacies of the world without restraint. Or maybe you just want to change your figure on purpose? Or, the power of the world has made you more human..."

When Xu Xin came over, Tiannu's face was still expressionless, but when he said those words, Tiannu's face was still emotionless and absolutely cold and indifferent, but she didn't even notice it. Those slender fingers clenched tightly into a fist.

She frowned with disgust, looked at Ning Que on the ground, and then at Xu Xin who was walking over. Both of these people seemed to be able to put her in a bad mood.

The goddess of heaven is the incarnation of Haotian. She is the rule of this world and the master of this world. She falls into the human world and becomes a mortal. She does not need to practice, she only needs to bask in the sun.

Although the sun in the sky is not known to be a real substance, the light and heat are real and are the source of her power. As for the wine and dishes, to her, they are just the nutrients needed by her body, or to put it more simply, she Just greedy.

In fact, she didn't need to eat. She only needed to bask in the sun to make this incarnation live well in the human world. But after she entered the human world, she couldn't help but enjoy eating, drinking and having fun. She gained a lot of plumpness and became more and more like a human being.

Xu Xin glanced at the goddess, pointed at Ning Que who barely stood up, and said, "If you still want to return to the Kingdom of God, one of the best ways is to kill him with your own hands."

(End of this chapter)

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