The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 827 He couldn’t bear to see those cruel things, so he would kill them all!

Chapter 827 He couldn’t bear to see those cruel things, so he would kill them all!

This is a cliff flat located on a solitary peak in the air. There is an unknown tree on the edge of the cliff. The green cover blocks out the light. It is very quiet. There is a small temple behind the pine. The yellow paint has long since peeled off. The stone steps are full of dust, as if No one has been here for many years.

Xu Xin took the little girl all the way from the bottom of the peak. No matter which temple was there, it was either magnificent or solemn and sacred. He had never seen such a dilapidated temple before, and it looked very strange.

Xu Xin looked at the ruined temple, and he faintly sensed a familiar aura in it, an aura full of supreme Buddha nature. That Buddha nature was very pure and compassionate, and very powerful, even better than the temples they passed along the way. The Buddha-nature I feel inside is even more powerful when combined.

"Is this the residence of a living Buddha?"

The little girl asked curiously, but Xu Xin did not reply and just led her towards the temple. The temple door opened, there was a creak, the cobwebs fell, and a breeze blew, sweeping away the endless abyss under the cliff.

This is a fake temple. What you see from the cliff is just the front end of a ruined temple, but there is not even a Zen temple inside. There is only a dusty corridor that leads directly to the cliff. There is a deep hole on the cliff. entrance of the cave.

The cave is very quiet and dry. The furnishings inside are extremely simple. There is only one futon, lying quietly in front of the deepest cave wall. The futon is full of dust, and the threads inside have been disconnected, as if it will fall apart at any time.

On the stone wall opposite the futon, there is a human-shaped shadow. If you look carefully, you can vaguely see the flowing cloud edge of the cassock on its edge.

A long time ago, there was a monk who sat in meditation facing the wall here. He sat there for countless years, and even had his own figure imprinted on the stone wall. He could definitely be called an eminent monk during his lifetime.

Xu Xin was talking to himself, not expecting a response from the little girl. He reached to his shoulder and took off the small white flower, inserted it into the little girl's temple, and said with a smile: "It's so pretty."

"He is indeed amazing, at least he is more amazing than the shrunken turtles like Xuankong Temple. Anyway, he tried to change the world, although the method he used was too outrageous..."

The smart little girl didn't speak at this time, her face was flushed, she lowered her head slightly shyly, and got closer to Xu Xin.

Xu Xin looked at the shadow in front of him, looking at it, his breath seemed to be searching for something to merge with. The unknown green tree outside the ruined temple gave birth to a white flower. It only bloomed for a moment, then left the branch and headed towards The ground fell.

Next to Xu Xin, the little girl's voice sounded. He turned to look at the little girl. The girl's innocent and clean eyes looked into his, with a bright and bright smile.

"Judgment God, may I ask those people, did they offend you?"

This old temple was the former residence of Liansheng. At that time, Liansheng studied Buddhism in Xuankong Temple and stayed on the wall of the cave for several years, leaving his shadow and the legend of the Buddha's mountain gate protector in the world.

"Living Buddha Lian, he must be a great Buddha!"

Xu Xin bowed to the shadow on the stone wall, then took the little girl out of the cave and came to the green tree on the cliff. He calmly looked at the Buddhist scenery and the human purgatory of the sinkhole in front of him.

Xu Xin reached out and picked off the small white flower on his shoulder. He gently moved the delicate flower stem with his fingers, looked at the shadow on the stone wall, exhaled a breath and said, "It's a pity that the lotus grows."

This white flower fell on the cliff, touched the dust, and was blown up by the breeze outside the cliff. It seemed like a pair of invisible hands slowly lifted it up, floated into the broken temple door, floated to the stone wall in the cave, and fell gently on Xu. On the shoulder of the letter.

A voice sounded outside the dilapidated temple. Humxun walked out with the little girl wearing flowers on her head. What she recognized was a strong man of Zhiming Realm from Xuankong Temple. He seemed to be named Qimei. He followed the path of Vajra Indestructible Cultivation and his strength was also high. Not weak.

Xu Xin looked at the wilderness of the Tiankeng, his voice became cold, and said: "I just can't bear to see these things. The Buddha said that all living beings are saved, but they treat all living beings as pigs and dogs. The Buddha said that there are endless wonderful meanings in the Buddhist scriptures, but Is this how Buddha taught you to enslave sentient beings?”

"This... do you care about these ants?" Qi Mei's simple words revealed the cruel truth. As practice goes on, practitioners increasingly no longer regard themselves as mortals and have a truly compassionate heart. There are indeed some Buddhist practitioners, such as Master Qishan of Lanke Temple who has passed away.

But most practitioners in the Haotian world, whether they are Taoists, Buddhists, Demons or Confucians, including the Master, have no regard for the human world in their eyes, and they don't care too much about ordinary people.

As Qi Mei said, do you care about these ants?

"I just said that I couldn't bear to see these things, so I killed them all. Is there any problem?"

Xu Xin said very calmly, he couldn't bear to see it, but he didn't bother to do anything like starting a serf uprising. Instead, he simply killed them all, so naturally there would be no more things that he couldn't bear to see.

The seven hands clasped together in a salute and said: "Amitabha, those sinners can be liberated at the Judgment Seat, which can be regarded as their salvation."

Xu Xin continued: "The Buddhist sect is said to be compassionate. You are meditating on the peaks, and the people are suffering below the peaks. Even I can't bear to watch these things. How can you meditate calmly?"

"Amitabha, the Judgment God has misunderstood."

Qimei quickly replied: "Countless years ago, the Buddha opened up the Buddhist kingdom with great vows and built countless yellow temples among the peaks. He also gathered countless sinful people here to farm and graze, so as to support the monks and gain the influence of Buddhism. , hoping to wash away their sins.”

"Ha ha……"

Xu Xin sneered and didn't bother to say more.

The Buddha in the Haotian world is a selfish, hypocritical and cruel demon to the extreme. He can kill people with just a nod of his head, but this demon Buddha wants to enslave the descendants of the so-called "sinners" forever.

Are the mortals who were kidnapped here by the Buddha really guilty? Even if they are guilty, they will be punished according to their own laws. The most is to kill or implicate the whole family, which will affect the descendants of modern times. Why should the descendants of those people be enslaved by this group of monks for generations?

"This world is so filthy!"

Xu Xin stood next to the flowering tree on Yaping, looking at the filthy hell on earth in the sinkhole, and it began to shine brightly.

The human purgatory in the tiankeng where the compassionate and warm light shines does not harm those at the bottom who have been bullied all their lives, but only purifies the so-called nobles, living Buddhas and their lackeys.

Purification in the true sense, as Xu Xin said, he couldn't bear to see those cruel things, so he would kill them all!



"I am Buddha!"

Countless nobles and monks in the Tiankeng world knelt on the ground and died after being punished in pain and repentance. Their miserable conditions and the shocking vision naturally attracted more experts from the Xuankong Temple, one The two took action one after another, trying to hinder Xu Xin's purification.

(End of this chapter)

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