The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 840 Liu Bai: If I want to be invincible in the world, I will first kill the judgment and the

Chapter 840 Liu Bai: I want to be invincible in the world. I will first kill the judgment and then kill the sky...

Thousands of miles away from Taoshan is the Southern Jin Dynasty. There is a sword pavilion in the Southern Jin Dynasty.

At this moment, outside the sword pavilion, countless sword-wielding disciples knelt down in front of the peak of the sword, and the whole area was filled with darkness.

During the Battle of Qingxia, Liu Bai was deprived of part of his breath by Xu Xin, and was unable to fight anymore, so the sword master returned to the sword pavilion for retreat.

Practitioners often need to retreat. Liu Bai has been obsessed with swordsmanship throughout his life and has gone into retreat countless times. However, this time his retreat was a little different because he kicked all his disciples out of the sword pavilion.

Deep in the heart of the mountain, the pond is still so cold, and a sword full of ancient meaning hangs on the pond.

Liu Bai sat by the pond and looked at the human sword in front of him. He spent decades cultivating this ancient sword to perfection, but after the sword was borrowed by the Master to slay the golden dragon and slay the divine general, although the human sword returned, he was no longer qualified to use it.

Liu Bai was in seclusion this time, facing this sword, and spent many days and nights sitting there.

The shadow of the sword fell on his body and became extremely deep, as if the man and the sword were merging into one.

"Ke Haoran is dead, Liansheng is dead, and the master of the temple is also useless. Fortunately, there is still a judgment in this world, and there is an opponent who can let me draw my sword."

The ancient sword suddenly trembled slightly, Liu Bai sensed it, opened his eyes, looked at the sword, and said with a smile to himself. The next moment, the ancient sword roared into the sky, traveling thousands of miles across the mountains and rivers, and Liu Bai was no longer around the desolate Hantan.

Lord Sword Master, please rescue me quickly. "

On the top of Peach Mountain, the sacred words of the Fengtian Chapter of the Xiling Canon were echoing, and countless people were kneeling and praying devoutly. On the white jade altar, Chen Pipi looked at the moving sword and suddenly shouted loudly.

At this moment, the sword intention originated from thousands of miles away and spanned between heaven and earth.

The sword flew towards Taoshan. Two large formations of clear light were arranged between Taoshan. Each one was more powerful than the other. Even a strong person at the peak of Zhiming would find it difficult to break through them in a short time.

But Liu Bai's sword was too fast and too strong. His sword was as fast as lightning, and all barriers in the world were regarded as nothing.

Two crisp sounds came from Taoshan, and the Qingguang Formation broke, but the human sword that came from thousands of miles away also stopped.

Liu Bai's sword turned into a sharp line, causing a figure to appear in the void on the top of Peach Mountain. It was not the goddess in the Temple of Light, but the great ruling priest Xu Xin, who was sitting on the throne under Haotian.

"I thought you would point your sword at the one in the Temple of Light and imitate Ke Haoran in drawing your sword to ask the sky."

Xu Xin looked at the sword in front of him and the man holding the sword. This sword came down from the mountain and was Liu Bai's sword, the strongest sword in the world.

Liu Bai's sword is now quietly stopping three feet in front of Xu Xin, clamped by his two fingers. The infinite light in the void makes their silhouettes extremely clear, and also allows many strong men on Taoshan to be able to See more situations.

When the sun sets in the void between Xu Xin and Liu Bai's sword blades, the space bends slightly. The sword blades are advancing, but are affected by a strange force, and are still unable to break through the defense.

Movement and stillness are strangely blended together, making this scene extremely strange. There is an invisible and transparent barrier. At this time, Xu Xin's innate Qi protects him. As his practice deepens, this three-foot Qi wall becomes more powerful and mysterious, and is mixed with the laws and rules controlled by Xu Xin.

The innate Gang Qi is like an invisible sphere, isolating Xu Xin from the world. Not even Liu Bai's sword can break it at once.

Liu Bai came with the breeze. Just when Xu Xin reached out to clamp the sword of the world, Liu Bai's hand also grasped the hilt of the sword.

He looked at him quietly and gently moved his right hand forward.

Xu Xin guessed that Liu Bai would come to Taoshan, and also guessed that Liu Bai would take action, but he was a little surprised that the target of Liu Bai's action was actually himself, instead of "I am invincible in the world, and who will I fight if I don't fight with heaven?" Jian Wentian.

One moment Liu Bai was still in the Southern Jin Sword Pavilion, and the next moment he appeared in Taoshan. His sword could pierce the separation between heaven and man, so the human world was harmonious.

There was a small gap in Xu Xin's innate strength, which is why he reached out first to clamp the most powerful sword in the world when the sword edge reached in front of him. The sharp sword edge moved forward an inch, getting closer to Xu Xin's body.

Liu Bai stabbed not with the sword in his hand, but with the sword in his heart.

There is a sword full of ancient meaning in his heart. The sword once slayed the golden dragon and killed the divine messenger in the wasteland. Today, it merged with him and came to Xu Xin's body.

At this moment, Liu Bai, although he has not surpassed the fifth realm, it does not mean much anymore. His combat power definitely surpasses the fifth realm.

"The strongest sword in the world!"

In the Temple of Light, the goddess who had been preparing to take action looked at the white jade altar in the distance, and met Liu Bai's eyes from the distance.

Liu Bai held the hilt of the sword and raised his head at the same time. Once they looked at each other, heaven and earth were no longer separated, and countless messages were passed between her and Liu Bai.

She knew that this human being was called the strongest person in the world, and if he was given enough time, he could really become as powerful as that madman.

However, now is not that moment. According to the calculation of heaven, at least he should not be able to reach this point now. What happened to him?
Even if he had reached this point in advance, why not continue to wait for hundreds of years until he was at his strongest?
Moreover, why did this person appear in Taoshan now, instead of attacking her directly, he went to fight the Judgment God Seat?

The goddess had too many doubts in her heart, but Judgment and Liu Bai, the two "flying ants", were barely qualified to talk to her, so she raised her questions to Liu Bai across the void.

Liu Bai spoke, not only to answer Tiannu, but also to Xu Xin's question.

"Before Qingxia, I watched Jun Mo Ye Su Yi's sword and gained some enlightenment."

"Watching the battle of Chang'an from the air gave me some insights."

"Li slowly asked someone to bring me a breath. It was the academy's view of the human world, and I had some enlightenment..."

"Today's Bright Light Festival, I was enlightened and finally realized it."

"My sword cannot cross the five realms, but it can also kill people above the five realms."

"I have achieved great success in swordsmanship, but I have developed a great hatred."

"Why hate?"

This is the question of the goddess.

"I wish I could fight swords with Ke Haoran, I wish I could drink with Liansheng, I wish I could be born a thousand years ago, fight in the wilderness with Guangming, and be the same generation as the Master..."

"The previous sages have passed away. Looking at the world, I see that the master is useless. Li Manchuan is not good at fighting. He is a drunk butcher. He has state but no intention. He is just a piece of rotten meat..."

"Fortunately, there is still judgment in this world, and there is a goddess descending to the world, who can test my swordsmanship... So, I came to Taoshan."

"I want to be invincible in the human world. I will first kill the judgment and then the heaven..."

Liu Bai's answer was both unexpected and unsurprising.

He wants to become truly invincible in the world, just like his former master, so he has to sharpen his sword with the two powerful men on Taoshan. He first kills Xu Xin, the God of Judgment, to sharpen the edge of his sword, and then draws his sword to ask the sky and perform the act of slaying the sky. .

(End of this chapter)

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