The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 849 Let’s go! You are no longer qualified to be a god!

Chapter 849 Let’s go! You are no longer qualified to be a god!

On the top of Peach Mountain, Xu Xin holds seven volumes of heavenly books, involving the realm of gods.

He represented the Taoist sect and regained control of Haotian.

He and Haotian in the Kingdom of God, the unconscious will of rules that has not been contaminated by the power of the human world, are gradually becoming one.

The sky became brighter and brighter, because the sun was burning more and more blazingly. In the deepest part of the sky, the majestic Kingdom of God, which was vaguely visible, seemed to be burning along with the sun.

An indescribable divine power descended from the sky and landed on Xu Xin.

An indescribable beam of light descended from the sky and landed in the sky above Taoshan.

Compared with the power of Haotian borrowed from the Apocalypse realm, this divine power is like the sun and fireflies. The Haotian divine brilliance burned by Xiling's magic is even more worthless in front of this pillar of light.

Xu Xin looked at the Tiannu and Ning Que in front of him, his expression gradually became indifferent, his eyes became calmer and calmer, without any emotion, just like the appearance of the Tiannu when she first came to this world.

The beam of light falling from the sky fell on the Peach Mountain, instantly activating the sacred mountain. Countless peach blossoms bloomed and light spread all over the earth.

The light in the sky is extremely beautiful, but also extremely thrilling.

If even a trace of this light falling from the sky bursts into the world, even a majestic city like Chang'an City would be destroyed in an instant and turn into a sea of ​​fire.

At this moment, under the abyss and sea of ​​divine power, Ning Que's face turned pale.

The goddess who showed Sangsang's side was even paler than Ning Que, especially when she saw the changes in the scene of the Kingdom of God in the deepest part of the sky, the burning sun, and the beam of light falling from the sky. , she looked very scared.

The sun in Puyao Haotian's world is really burning, scattering infinite light like jade pulp. The storm in the East China Sea has long been evaporated, and the seas everywhere have returned to calm. The earth will soon be covered with droughts. of chapped.

The cloud walls surrounding the world reflect light back to the land, and the light refractions overlap, making the entire world so bright that it is impossible to look directly at it.

Almost no one can look directly at the radiant, burning sun.

"bring it on!"

Xu Xin floated slightly in the air, just like Sangsang who invited the Master to ascend to heaven that day. He stretched out his hand to the goddess, looked at her, and said: "Let's go! You are no longer qualified to be a god! But Haotian The world cannot exist without gods, and this matter must have an outcome.”

When he said these words, there was no expression on his face, and there was no emotion in his voice, but he seemed to have some pity.

The heavenly maiden incarnated by Haotian has reached this stage due to the influence of human forces, but it is mostly Sangsang's choice, so she cannot blame anyone.

The goddess of heaven, or Sangsang, who was now dominating her consciousness, her body trembled slightly.

Her snow-white dress, which was wrinkled and slightly worn, also started to tremble.

Every time her body trembled, her face turned pale, and a few golden dust particles would overflow from the surface of her white clothes.

These golden dust particles are vaguely in the shape of a human figure.

The golden afterimage comes from her origin?

Belongs to the origin of God.

The goddess frowned in pain, her face was pale and she kept shaking her head. The golden afterimage slowly left her body and floated towards Xu Xin's position.

In front of Xu Xin, the seven volumes of the Heavenly Book shifted position, and the day's scrolls of the Heavenly Book unfolded to take over these golden lights and shadows. Perhaps, the golden afterimage leaving the goddess will eventually become a picture on the Tianzi scroll?

With the seven volumes of the Heavenly Book in hand, the eternal passage between heaven and man has been reopened, the Kingdom of God has reappeared, and the door is about to open. At this moment, the holder of the Heavenly Book possesses divine power formed by the consciousness of objective rules, but Xu Xin wants to To become the new "Heaven", one also needs godhead.

What is the Godhead?

The godhood of the Haotian world is not the core of the power of the gods, but the basic attributes. In the simplest terms, it is why gods become gods and why gods are called gods. To use a very inaccurate and vague description, that is the qualifications. , or it can be said to be personality, luck or the like.

To explain it from another perspective: The reason why humans are humans is that they have personality, and the reason why gods are gods is because they have divine personality. Divine personality is the personality of God, and it is an existence that transcends objective will.

Of course, there is also a case of transcendence here, which is the fall of God.

Haotian has been reincarnated into the world many times as the daughter of Pluto to bring eternal night, but this time when he was incarnated as Sang Sang, he was plotted by the Master. Sang Sang awakened his subjective consciousness and made a new choice.

During the battle when the Master ascended to heaven, a very important part of Haotian was knocked down to earth. After being combined with Sangsang, he turned into a brand new goddess of heaven.

The new goddess has Haotian's godhead in her body.

Xu Xin wants to ascend to heaven and become a god. What she has to do now is to separate the godhead from her body. Only by possessing the most basic qualifications can she replace it.

The sun in the sky became stronger, and countless figures on Peach Mountain all knelt on the ground. Ning Que wanted to try to struggle, but he was hit hard and fell directly to the ground. The void seemed to be burning, and the flowing light was like fire, and the light was like flames. across the sky.

A trace of the golden afterimage was peeled off from the goddess's body, and the goddess's appearance was also changing. She no longer looked like the goddess after eating fat, nor the perfect goddess when she first came, but the original black one. The skinny little maid, Sangsang.

Sang Sang was originally a dark girl, but at this time, her face became increasingly pale.


Ning Que and Sang Sang still had a natal relationship, and as the goddess side gradually faded away, he became more and more aware of Sang Sang's situation.

Sangsang is going to die. She is only the side of the goddess. If the original support of the goddess is gone, Sangsang, as a pure subject, will not be able to survive.

"Stop it, stop it..."

Ning Que shouted loudly, and Xu Xin noticed him. At this moment, he was holding the Heavenly Script in one hand, and his whole body was shining brightly. With just a thought, a stream of light, like a spark, seemed to be falling on Ning Que.

"Master Guan, we have reached this moment, aren't you ready to take action!"

At this time, a voice sounded from the side, and two groups of rays of light appeared in the ocean of Haotian. It was Li Manman and Yu Lian. These two academy experts who had transcended the five realms joined forces and had a little strength to struggle.

They couldn't defeat the previous Haotian, nor could they defeat the current Xu Xin, so they never showed up, just waiting silently behind the scenes for changes.

But now, they have to show up because Ning Que is very important. If the academy's final plan is to succeed, Ning Que is the most critical link.

Li slowly sounded, but the spectator next to him did not move. He was also waiting for changes. He was not prepared to fall out with Xu Xin until the right time came. After all, he only had one chance.

The loud chirping of cicadas resounded through Taoshan, and the cicada wings formed a miniature world, protecting Ning Que, Sang Sang, Li Manman and Yu Lian.

The stream of light is like fire, and the endless sky fire is burning the cicada wings. Yu Lian's aura is changing, and her expression is also slightly fluctuating. Her power is being consumed rapidly. Once the cicada wings are burned out, the people inside are really in danger. .

(End of this chapter)

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