The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 851 The viewer moves mountains and finally takes action, the final decisive battle above the

Chapter 851 The viewer moves mountains and finally takes action, the final decisive battle in the five realms of the world

Dark night fell on the earth, the moon blocked the sun, and the moment the solar eclipse came, Xu Xin carried more power, but the power he could mobilize was much less. At this moment, it was as if he was falling from a god to a human.

It was at this moment that the viewer finally made a decision.

"The seven volumes of the Heavenly Book are, after all, the most precious treasure inherited by me, Zhi Shou Guan. Even if the world is changed, it should be done by me, Zhi Shou Guan."

When the master of the temple said this, his expression was still so peaceful and gentle, no different from the spring breeze, as if a teacher with insight into all worldly affairs was speaking the simplest words.

At this moment, the seven volumes of the Heavenly Book seemed to be affected by a mysterious force, and the power of rules blessed by Xu Xin seemed to disappear at this moment.

If it were just like this, he would still be the most powerful practitioner in the world, and he would still be an invincible existence.

However, Haotian's divine personality was previously induced to enter the Tianzi Scroll, and the Tianzi Scroll containing the divine personality was held in Xu Xin's hand. With the power of the divine personality, he naturally carried the power of the Kingdom of God.

Now that the Kingdom of God is once again blocked by the moon, and the Seven Volume Heavenly Book rebels under the influence of the Guanzhu, Xu Xin not only does not receive any blessing, but also has to withstand the power of the Kingdom of God, which is equivalent to supporting the Kingdom of Light with one hand. Respond to the enemy's offensive.

Xu Xin was affected by the power of the Kingdom of God and suppressed the seven volumes of the Heavenly Book. It seemed that he could not get away for a while, but at this time the viewer walked towards Sangsang.

He showed an indescribable smile and said slowly as he walked: "Not only does the Judgment God's Throne want to replace it, I know Shouguan also wants to replace the sun and moon with a new sky."

"The ruling is correct. You are no longer worthy of being a god, because you have failed and are no longer able to perform Haotian's duties."

"Years ago, you wanted to arrange that situation for Master. You woke up from the Kingdom of God and put your consciousness into the human world. From that moment on, you were defeated."

"Did you really want to kill Master when you set up that plan? Could it be that God's heart is unpredictable and you can't think of any other way? You must come to the human world yourself?"

"No... maybe you don't even realize it. You arranged that situation out of curiosity. You wanted to see what the world is like."

"When you start to be curious, you are no longer Haotian, and you start to have human characteristics. The fact that you can never return to the Kingdom of God is proof of that."

"The Taoist sect awakened you from the chaos and asked you to protect the world. When you can no longer bear the responsibility, the Taoist sect will naturally have the responsibility to replace you."

"Principles are actually the simplest things in the world. Water flows down, clouds go up to the sky, there is light and there is darkness. When it is time to change, it will naturally change."

The viewer's fingers gently rubbed towards Sangsang, and a fresh and pleasant voice sounded. Accompanied by his words, his fingers passed through the void and brushed against the green leaves. The green leaves became more green, like the fields in all directions. Like wild flowers, they exude fragrance.

Countless flowers are blooming in the mountains and fields, countless vines are growing, and countless green trees are spreading. In just a moment, the spring feeling is so dense that it is hard to breathe.

In the sea of ​​boundless flowers and boundless spring, every flower and every wisp of spring is filled with the highest and most powerful killing intent.

The petals all over the mountain were blown up by the wind, floated high into the sky and then slowly fell down. It looked like a goddess hiding in the clouds scattering flowers, welcoming Haotian to show his miracles again in the world. The viewer's smile became more and more easy-going and satisfied.

Xu Xin now needs to suppress the Book of Heaven and support the Kingdom of God. He is temporarily unable to take action. However, he only needs to seize the last bit of divinity from Sangsang to achieve overtaking in a corner. He can use special means to take away the Book of Heaven from Xu Xin's hand and replace Xu Xin. In its current position, it ascends to the Kingdom of God and becomes the new “heaven”.

"咻咻咻咻..." Countless peach blossoms stopped the viewer from continuing to move. The last bit of divinity in Sangsang's body should be Xu Xin's. How could he let others take it away.

The master of the temple is capable of causing trouble. As Xu Xin had expected, there was a problem with the seven-volume heavenly book. It was unexpected but reasonable. After all, it was not something he refined himself, but a treasure that had been passed down by the Taoist sect for countless years and was left behind. It is normal to act backward.

However, Xu Xin can be sure that even the so-called back-up can't directly take away the Book of Heaven from him, so as long as he solves the last few opponents who jump out, he can get everything he wants.


The void where the viewer was located was flooded by countless petals, but he was unscathed simply because he left early and returned quickly.

The viewer stood in the void and looked at Xu Xin, with no expression on his face. His eyes were firm and calm, even slightly arrogant.

He was not alone when he returned to Peach Mountain, because he brought back a mountain stretching for thousands of miles with him.

The mountain that divides the northern continent into two is Minshan Mountain outside the Great Wall. Minshan Mountain in the north of Helan City in the Tang Dynasty is often called Tianqi Mountain by the world, because it was once the area of ​​influence of the Demon Sect and the gate of the Demon Sect. So it is considered a mountain range abandoned by Haotian.

The master of the temple is the master of the Tao sect. Logically speaking, he is even in conflict with the aura of this majestic mountain range, but now he has become different.

He in the Quiet Realm, just like the Great Priest of Light who founded the Ming Sect thousands of years ago, has betrayed Haotian. To be more precise, he has abandoned Haotian. He has become one with the mountain range abandoned by Haotian. , it seems to be a matter of course.

He returned to the void in Taoshan, raised his hand and pointed at Haotian, who held the kingdom of light in his palm, united the heaven and earth with a state of tranquility, lifted the heaven and earth with immeasurable force, held the breath of heaven and earth from the entire Tianqi Mountain between his fingers, and smashed it directly towards Xu Xin.

Before he took action, he relied on unimaginable superb Taoist techniques. The action itself was so simple and direct, so unreasonable, because under the majestic majestic mountain, there was no need for any reason at all.

The spring breeze all over the mountains and fields was crushed into silk wadding by the mountains. The peach blossoms flying in the sky were crushed in an instant until not even the remaining flowers were left. An entire mountain range of thousands of miles was just smashed down.

Countless smoke and dust spread towards Taoshan, countless gravels, like thousands of feather arrows, cut countless traces in the sky, and the whole world began to shake.

Before the thousands of miles of mountains fell, the earth was shaking violently. Countless peach trees on the Peach Mountains were shaken to the sky, and everything on the earth was in turmoil.

All kinds of terrifying sounds and waves swept up and down Taoshan. The giant mountain did not fall in the end, but Xu Xin was forced to hold Tianqi Mountain and try to move it away while holding up the Kingdom of God.

At the same time, the viewer rushed towards Sang Sang again. Wind blew up from the cliff. The viewer floated in the wind and pointed out that the point of his fingertip was right between Sangsang's eyebrows.

A wooden stick suddenly appeared in front of his finger.

The stick was very ordinary. It was not huanghuali, agarwood, or iron sandalwood. It was just like the sticks that can be seen everywhere in ordinary people's homes, used for rolling noodles or beating children.

Mr. Li slowly faced the master of the academy again, and more auras from above the five realms were gathering, and the final decisive battle in the human world began.

(End of this chapter)

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