The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 868: Chu Lushan, the great traitor and evil man, can make his death worthwhile if he is not

Chapter 868 Chu Lushan is a great traitor and evil man. If he is not disciplined well, his death will be worthwhile...

"Huang Man'er wants to listen to Jiang Ni read?"

Listening to Chao Pavilion, Northern Liang King Xu Xiao quickly received the report. After thinking for a while, he nodded and ordered: "Let Jiang Ni read to Huang Man'er, but you guys keep a close eye on it secretly."

Xu Xiao didn't take Jiang Ni too seriously. She was just a princess whose country had perished. Even if she learned martial arts, she wouldn't be able to cause any trouble.

After receiving the instructions, the secret guard of Beiliang Prince's Palace passed the news to Tingchao Pavilion. Jiang Ni also received permission and returned to Xu Xin with a washbasin and a book and started studying. A job for Xu Xin.

Jiang Ni's voice is very pleasant, and listening to her reading is a kind of enjoyment. Xu Xin enjoys this process very much. From this day on, listening to Jiang Ni or other maids reading has become a new interesting part of his life.


Time flies, and the days pass by. Xu Xin gradually adapts to the natural Vajra body, and in listening to books every day, he understands the essence of the three teachings and the martial arts path. Although his cultivation has not Growth, but there is a slight change in the breath.

On this day in early spring, Hong De, who had been recognized by Xu Xiao as Xu Xin's concubine, rode with Xu Xin in a carriage, took the maids and guards, and left the city to Wudang Mountain to pray for blessings and incense.

Wudang was a Taoist holy land in the previous dynasty, and it stabilized the current Longhu Mountain, the ancestral home of Taoism. The Liyang Dynasty had a close relationship with Longhu Mountain. After conquering the world, it promoted the dragon and tiger to suppress Wudang, which made Longhu Mountain become The ancestral home of Taoism.

Xu Xiao, the king of Northern Liang, had six adopted sons, one tiger, two bears, and three dogs, as well as Xu Fengnian's closest "eagle dog" Chu Lushan, who was so notorious in Liang that it was difficult to write about them. He likes fancy clothes and beautiful women. Not only does he often rape women, but he also has extremely nasty habits.

At noon that day, the carriage stopped at a town market. Xu Xin and Hong She got out of the carriage. Xu Xin, surrounded by many beauties, naturally attracted a lot of attention and became the focus of discussion by others.

After Xu Xin, Hong She and his party left the palace and left the city, they walked slowly along the official road and enjoyed the mountains and rivers. It was quite leisurely and comfortable.

In this vast land of the three states of Beiliang, being too good-looking may be a sin, and it is easy to be targeted by the scum among the Beiliang army.

Xu Xin just heard someone talking, saying that with so many beautiful ladies in their team, they would most likely be "robbed and killed by bandits", but it was a pity for these pretty young ladies.

Wudang has been silent for hundreds of years, but no one dares to underestimate the thousand-year heritage of this great sect. Although the current headmaster of Wudang, Wang Zhonglou, is not among the top ten masters in the world, it is said that he used an immortal to guide the way. , breaking through the turbulent Canglang River.

Most of the troops under the Northern Liang Prince's Mansion are fairly strictly disciplined, but there are also some ruffians and even bandits. This mainly depends on the style of the leader.

Whether this news is rumored or exaggerated, Taoist Master Wang Zhonglou is definitely one of the few Taoist masters in the world.

Xu listened to the discussions of the people around him, but after a moment he frowned slightly. He heard some not-so-good words, which were not rumors, about the treachery and evil committed by some people under the command of the Prince of Beiliang.

It is said that as long as Chu Lushan heard about any beautiful woman giving birth to a child, he would kidnap her and take her to his house to feed her. If the milk supply is good, then the woman will be fine. If the milk supply is not good, then the fate will go without saying... For such a wolf character, it is a bit humiliating to say that she is a pervert.

The other adopted sons of Xu Xiao all despised Chu Lushan. The leader of the six adopted sons, the "little man butcher" Chen Zhibao, even said that he would light up Chu Lushan's sky lanterns in the future as a warning to others.

It can be said that the Northern Liang Army had a bad reputation in the Liyang Dynasty, and a large part of it was caused by Chu Lushan. However, this Chu Lushan was indeed loyal to the Xu family. He once followed Xu Xiao in the north and south, and performed the feat of blocking eleven swords with Xu Xiao on his back on the battlefield. Therefore, when Xu Xiao was granted the title of Queen, he promised his adopted son Chu Lushan that he would not die if he committed eleven capital crimes.

"The traitor and evil Chu Lushan, this bastard must be dealt with. Killing him directly is not the best way. First find an opportunity to teach him a lesson. If he is really not well disciplined, then we can only let him die early. Death is worth something."

Xu Xin naturally didn't like people like Chu Lushan. Apart from his ability to lead troops and intelligence, and his loyalty to the Xu family, this guy had no other advantages.

The above-mentioned advantages are bonus points for Xu Fengnian, but they are useless for Xu Xin.

In Xu Xin's mind, this kind of scum that has caused anger and resentment must be dealt with and cleared out of the team sooner or later, but the method and timing of dealing with it must be well grasped.

Xu Xin was thinking about the problem and naturally remained silent. After a hasty lunch, he and Red Musk got into the carriage and continued on their way.


"Xiuxiu, put the basket here and go over and eat it after I finish hoeing this piece."

Somewhere in the countryside near the official road, an old man was hoeing the ground. At noon, his daughter came to deliver food, but the old man did not stop working. After saying a few words casually, he remembered something again and raised his head to give instructions. Said: "Xiuxiu, be careful when you go back. There have been a lot of soldiers coming to our place recently."

The old man sighed as he spoke. He admired Xu Xiao, the king of Northern Liang. After all, this prince had brought them a peaceful life.

But the reputation of the Northern Liang Army in Liangdi... The old man didn't know any big reason, he just knew that whoever dared to bully his daughter would risk his life.

"Grandpa, I know. I've left the food here for you, so I'll go back first."

The girl named Xiuxiu was obedient and sensible. She put down the basket after saying yes, and then turned around and returned home along the original road.

The old man didn't say anything, he just turned to face the field and continued to swing the hoe.

The girl delivering food was walking home when suddenly her body trembled and she heard the sound of horse hooves and quickly hid aside.

Not long after the girl escaped, three or four Beiliang cavalrymen wearing iron armor roared past. Just when the woman thought she had escaped, she suddenly heard the neighing of horses approaching quickly, and a man was surrounded by people. Soldiers in iron armor appeared before her.

"You, raise your head!"

The soldier's voice came, and the girl raised her head tremblingly. Her face was smeared with pot ash when she went out. It was so dark that it couldn't be compared with beauty.

This cavalryman who came from the Fushui Fang of the Beiliang spy organization and was specifically looking for beauties for Chu Lushan looked at the girl carefully and then smiled and said: "You, the Beimang spy, thought you were smeared with black dust and wearing peasant clothes. Can you escape it?"

(End of this chapter)

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