The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 879: 1 Gongsun Sword Dance, showing off the splendor of Chu Yao

Chapter 879: A Gongsun sword dance shows the splendor of Chu Yao
In the courtyard full of bananas, the plain-faced woman finally came to her senses after Xu Fengnian left. She looked at the young man who walked into her courtyard and couldn't help but frown.

She had been in Liangdi for a while, and naturally she had heard that the King of Northern Liang had two sons. The eldest son, Xu Fengnian, was a dandy, but he was the most likely to inherit the throne of the King of Northern Liang, while the second son was stupid, but... Another brute force.

Xu Xin walked into the courtyard and carefully looked at the stunning oiran in front of him. He was indeed a beautiful person with his head down and his toes invisible. His visit was worthy of his visit.

When Xu Fengnian came over suddenly today, he was a little surprised, thinking that he had leaked some flaws, but after hearing the meaning of Xu Fengnian's words, he just wanted to laugh.

Xu Fengnian actually discussed with him about Jiang Ni. She would rather not go ahead and put Jiang Ni to sleep first, but come to him to discuss. Is this his true love? Xu Xin couldn't understand this kind of person anyway.

However, he is really not that interested in ginger mud. Xu Fengnian likes to chew on hard bones with a rebellious temper, but Xu Xin prefers girls to be obedient and obedient. Don't you think Red Musk and Blue Bird would like this!

In addition, Jiang Ni's temperament is not very lovable. Anyway, after three years of contact, Xu Xin is not interested in Jiang Ni, who is now average in stature.

He quite agrees with what Persimmon said before leaving. A woman who lowers her head so that her toes are not visible is the most beautiful woman in the world.

Xu Xin walked over and saw that the girl in green clothes was still sitting on the chair. This beauty named Yu was different from those oirans who were particular about pomp and circumstance. She did not have any maids or maids to serve her personally. She even cleaned the room and cleaned the courtyard herself. He is very unique. Looking at the brothel Goulan, he really stands out from the crowd.

On the table beside, squatted a white cat that was neither bloated nor thin. Just like the owner's enchanting figure, it would not be inappropriate to increase or decrease it. The spiritual white cat had a pair of bright ruby ​​eyes, staring at it. When people look at it, it makes people feel absurd and weird.

Xu Xin nodded, walked over and sat down next to her.

In the Western Chu Dynasty, there was a daughter named Gongsun, who moved all directions with her sword dance.

The sword dance should be accompanied by a good song, but the fish beauty did not call Qin Ji to assist in the music. Instead, she sang the song "Looking at the City Head" herself.

The Yuhua Kui stretched out his slender hand to hold the restless kitten, stroked Wu Mei Niang's head, and said softly: "Young master, are you here tonight to watch the dance?"

She danced with the sword, taking an extreme slant, with red silk wrapped around her hand and the sword tied at the end.

After a cup of tea, Yu Youwei, the courtesan, walked out from behind the screen again, looking gorgeous and graceful.

A gust of fragrant wind passed by, and the little white cat meowed and landed on the table next to it. Naturally, the beauty was not touched by Xu so easily. She nodded and circled several times in a row, and when she looked back, her figure was half hidden. Having already arrived behind the screen, he said: "Sir, wait a moment!"

The viewer is as depressed as a mountain, and the world has been low for a long time.

In an instant, the courtyard was filled with sword light.

This pet cat with snow-like hair, nicknamed Wu Meiniang, meowed twice and raised its head when it saw Xu Xin approaching, as if it was ready to get closer to get familiar with the scent of its male owner.

This poem was circulated from the Shangyin Academy after the fall of the Western Chu Dynasty. It does not seek rhyme, and every word is sad and indignant. It is rated as the top "elegiac poem" in the world.

The late emperor had three thousand maids, and Gongsun was the first in swordsmanship.

Flags were lowered on the city of Phoenix, but only beauties stood on the wall.

180,000 people were all disarmed, and not a single man in the country was a man. When Yu Youwei was dancing with her sword, her eyes were looking at the position on the wall, as if she was moved by the scene. She was looking at the wall now, so who was looking at the beautiful woman standing on the top of the city of the subjugated country back then?
This poem "Looking at the City Head" is a poem written by her father to her mother. When the Western Chu Dynasty fell, the father and daughter left the city among the refugees. Looking back at the city head, they only saw that familiar and delicate figure. .

Her mother was good at sword dancing, and she learned sword dancing from her mother when she was young. Her mother accompanied the Western Chu State to surrender and was martyred, while her father died of depression not long after he returned to Shangyin Academy.

Yu Youwei, whose real name is Yu Xuanji, later traveled a long way to Lingzhou, where she first learned the most authentic Fengzhou accent, and then entered the most disgraceful brothel among the three religions and nine schools. Fortunately, she was outstanding in appearance and was selected to be trained as an oiran, so she did not need to be spoiled early. body.

Courtesans are different from other women in the flesh business. For the first time in their lives, they have a chance to change their destiny. If they meet a lover who is willing to redeem themselves, they may have the opportunity to become a concubine of a wealthy family.

No matter how you look at it, the former has a better future between a perfect virgin being redeemed as a concubine and a broken virgin being redeemed again. Therefore, many oirans will be very selective when accepting their first patron.

The reason why Yu Youwei chose Zijin Tower to sell herself as an courtesan was because after she came to Lingzhou, she heard about the reputation of Xu Fengnian, who had just started to develop into a playboy.

This son of Beiliang Rentu is not like his father at all. He doesn't know any martial arts, is a playboy, and is lustful but not lustful. He still looks down on ordinary women.

Yu Xuanji stayed in Liangdi for several years, collected a lot of intelligence, and finally decided that Xu Fengnian was the primary assassination target. Although she only learned the basics of Gongsun's sword dance, she was confident enough to kill Xu Fengnian, who didn't know how to do martial arts.

Unfortunately, by mistake, Persimmon ran away, leaving behind the dull boy in front of him. Yu Youwei had no choice but to change her plan and thought of sneaking into the Beiliang Prince's Mansion first.

The fish, young and wei dance a sword dance, and finally the music is scattered and the people are moving. The sword edge flew out quickly with a killing aura, as if it was going to stab Xu Xin's head.


There seemed to be an exclamation outside the small courtyard, and then he was stopped by another person.

You could vaguely hear the fat man Lu Qiu'er saying, Prince, don't worry, it's okay.

It turned out that the two bastards, one fat and one skinny, were listening to the wall outside. Xu Shizi was incompetent in martial arts. Chu Lushan was a general in the army. He was repaired by Xu Xin almost every once in a while for the past three years and was forced to serve for three years. As a living eunuch, he naturally knows how powerful this young prince is.

Don't say that this little lady's sword dance does not have murderous intentions. Even if she does have murderous intentions, ordinary swords can break through the defense of the natural sword.

Yu Youwei's sword failed in the end because Xu Xin was not the target she most wanted to assassinate. She knew that the young prince was not easy to kill. Therefore, she chose to please his heart with her graceful sword dance.

The sword flower bloomed in front of Xu Xin's eyes. In the cold light, the beauty danced gracefully up close. The murderous intent and beauty were intertwined, making people unable to help but be intoxicated.

Xu Xin reached out and hooked his fingers, and the naughty little white cat took the initiative to run over and put the cat's chin up, meowing.

Xu Xin felt a weight on his arm without touching it twice. Wu Meiniang rolled and opened her belly. Her obedient and obedient appearance made the hostess who was doing the sword dance feel complicated.

She planned to sacrifice her beauty, but she didn't plan to sacrifice her "cat beauty". What was this little white cat who was usually not very obedient doing, assisting her master?
The little white cat meowed, tilted its head and leaned on Xu Xin's shoulder, squinting slightly and looking at the fish beauty who was doing the sword dance. Her intimate look was like that of a good brother who was making out. The mistress demonstrating towards the mistress.

Yu Youwei looked at Wu Meiniang, who had established a good relationship with her male master early on, and felt so angry. She hadn't had any trouble yet, so this little white cat had already found a home in advance in order not to be a wild cat?

(End of this chapter)

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