The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 897: An assassination farce that ends with an anticlimax

Chapter 897: An assassination farce that ends with an anticlimax

A palm blocked Miss Hehe's knife, and it was Xu Xin who took action.

"You little fool..."

The girl Hehe glared at Xu Xin dissatisfiedly. Without Xu Xin's sudden attack, she could have taken advantage of the good opportunity to kill Wang Mingyin.

She was a little confused. Xu Xin and Wang Mingyin were obviously rivals. Why did this little fool want to save people?
Xu Xin's reason for saving Wang Mingyin is simple, he just saved him if he wanted to.

He could beat Wang Mingyin on his own, so he didn't let Fengziying continue to take action, and he didn't let Qingniao take action either.

Although he was just preparing to practice with Wang Mingyin to warm up, he was his opponent after all. What if he was killed by someone else?

In addition, he also wanted to use Wang Mingyin to test the Huang Longshi who was suspected of being a time traveler behind Miss Hehe.

Huang Longshi, the only one among the thirteen in the Spring and Autumn Period, is the third best, so he is also called Huang Sanjia. Introducing the destiny after the destruction of the Spring and Autumn Kingdoms into the rivers and lakes, opening a prosperous new era of rivers and lakes.

He behaved very mysteriously in "In the Snow", as if he knew the fate of many people and mentioned things in history.

Xu Xin is quite interested in this person, but currently he has no plans to contact Huang Sanjia, but he can test Wang Mingyin a little to see if he should die and whether he will die.

Because of Miss Hehe's sudden intervention, the battle between Wang Mingyin and Xu Xin naturally ended. The No. 1 man in the world lowered his head and recalled the thrilling scene just now. If Xu Xin hadn't stopped him, he wouldn't have been able to escape Miss Hehe's knife. He's dead.

"you owe me!"

After Xu Xin finished speaking, Wang Mingyin looked up at him steadily, nodded, and then turned and left without saying anything.

Although the fight with Xu Xin just now was just a few moves, he knew in his heart that he had already lost.

Even without Miss Hehe taking action, Xu Xin could have easily taken Wang Mingyin's life.

In other words, Wang Mingyin's life and death depended on Xu Xin's thoughts, so he said that Wang Mingyin owed him a life.

And Wang Mingyin didn't refute. People like him just nodded and acknowledged it.


"Open the box!"

Just when Xu Xin and Wang Mingyin decided the winner, the battle between Wu Liuding and Li Chungang also reached its most intense point. The bamboo pole Wu Liuding used to show off was broken again, and he could only invite the Ancient Sword King.

A ray of sword light cut through the void. Li Chungang did not pursue it, but held the sword in his left hand and looked at the King Su Sword flying from behind Wu Liuding.

The ancient sword seemed to be pulled by something and circled a crescent arc. The speed did not slow down but flew faster and faster. Finally, it was so fast that it was invisible to the naked eye. This was the legendary method used by immortals to take off heads with flying swords.

Before Li Chungang became famous, the Wu Family Sword Tomb was known as, "There is only one stone in the world for swordsmanship, and I have eight swords to myself." It's a pity that two sword gods, Li Chungang and Deng Tai'a, have appeared one after another in the past hundred years. The Wu family has become a stepping stone, and their reputation has been greatly affected.

When Wu Liuding finally grasped the prime king, the nearby reeds centered on him, forming a circle and falling backward together, advancing layer by layer, continuously.

"Boy, it's interesting. With your ability to barely control a sword for a few feet today, you are not worthy of me spending money on it. However, since Su Wangjian has been born, I don't mind opening your eyes to save you from being raped by Mrs. Deng later. The peach blossom branches are so thin that I can’t find the north.”

Li Chungang narrowed his eyes and said with a smile.

Wu Liuding's heart was as calm as water, he held the sword and raised his arms, with one man at the gate, making a sword mound and raising the sword. Sword Attendant Cuihua closes her eyes and doesn't look, but she can learn more useful things.

She injured her eye when she was ten years old. During that time, she practiced swordplay with her eyes closed. After that, she became accustomed to practicing blind swordsmanship in the Withered Tomb. The first time she opened her eyes when she held the sword after she was ten years old was the battle before leaving the tomb. , reached the top with one sword, and took the ancient sword of King Su for Wu Liuding.

Cuihua murmured: "Is it finally here? But after so many years of seclusion, Li Chungang really only has two sleeves of green snakes?"

Li Chungang turned around, and a sword in his hand, like a hundred-foot-long green snake, flew away in the air.


A rolling green snake hit the sword mound Wu Liuding and fled away with his head in his arms. Even with King Su's ancient sword in hand, he was defeated miserably.

However, this guy was extremely happy. Although he regretted not being able to get back his aunt Wu Su's Great Liang Dragon Bird, he was able to fight against Li Chungang and witness the sword god's famous stunt "Two Sleeves Green Snake". It was considered a worthwhile trip. .

Wu Liuding didn't want to win this battle at all, he just wanted to see Li Chungang's sword skills.

His swordsman Cuihua's swordsmanship is amazing. He can understand the magic of re-engraving by sensing other people's sword energy, sword and so on. Choosing to challenge Li Chungang means that he has the intention to steal his master.

Of course, Li Chungang might have guessed it, but he didn't care much and just regarded it as giving advice to the younger generation of the Wu family. He has some grudges and connections with the Wu family. His famous divine sword Trojan Horse Ox was taken from the Sword Tomb.

Wang Mingyin and Wu Liuding failed one after another, and this assassination farce that started but ended quickly was about to come to an end. The two men had taken action early and left simply. But for the remaining Zhao Kai, it would not be easy for him to leave.

Zhao Kai's own cultivation level is not high, but relying on the red armor of Fu Jiang, there are not many people in the world who can hurt him.

However, this guy's first attempt to assassinate Xu Fengnian lost his second armor of water and fire, leaving him with only three armors of gold, wood, and earth.

In the Battle of the Reed Marsh, Zhao Kai's wooden armor had an advantageous location, but it was restrained and destroyed by Wei Shuyang's Thirty-six Tiangang Peach Wood Sword Formation. He lost another pair of Talisman Armor, leaving only two armors of gold and earth. Before he could continue arranging the assassination, Xu Xin had already arrived.

Xu Xin defeated Wang Mingyin quickly and did not pay too much attention to the battle between Li Chunang and Wu Liuding. The reason was naturally Zhao Kai, or Fu Jiang Hongjia to be precise.

This set of armor is very helpful for him to study the use of luck in this life, so his trip to the reed swamp is intended to catch them all.

As soon as Xu Xin appeared, he knocked out Zhao Kai's strongest Jin Jia with one kick. He grabbed the sword-holding Jin Jia's arms and tore them in half using special means.

The golden armor was broken, and the remaining earth armor naturally could not last long. Although Zhao Kai was not directly attacked, in such a fierce battle, the little aftermath almost killed this guy.


Zhao Kai vomited blood again. He was hit by the aftermath of Xu Xin's punch and fell directly into the depths of the reed marsh. The blood spurted from his mouth spread all over the reed marsh. This time, he suffered heavy losses. All his red armors were lost. .

"Brother-in-law, monster..."

Zhao Kai survived the disaster and was lucky enough to save a small life. How could he dare to stay for a long time? After complaining about Xu Xin, he staggered away without looking back.

But what he didn't notice was that Xu Xin's eyes were actually staring in the direction he was running. In the end, he was able to survive only because Xu Xin let him go deliberately.

Because Xu Xin wanted to use this guy to lure Han Shengxuan out of the palace, first kill a slave of the Zhao family, and start the liquidation of the "White Clothes Case".

(End of this chapter)

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