The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 901: A chess edict to uncle is enough to make him fight for his life!

Chapter 901: A chess edict to uncle is enough to make him fight for his life!

There is still Qingyi in the world, so I will teach you to conquer the world but not be safe.

With Cao Changqing's courage, he deserves to be the best person in the world.

With the fall of Western Chu,

With the fall of Western Chu, the names of Cao Touxiu and Cao Longli were no longer as well-known as before. Only the two names of Cao Guanzi and Cao Qingyi remained, which became more and more famous in the world and the court.

The former is Cao Changqing, an official who is invincible in both martial arts and chess, and the latter is the only mad scholar in the world who regards the head of Emperor Liyang as a treasure. Picking one at will can make people fascinated.

At this moment, this famous old minister of Western Chu was kneeling in front of the pavilion in front of the subjugated princess.

Cao Qingyi always knew that Jiang Ni was alive, but he couldn't find it.

Because Xu Xiao used special means to hide the subjugated princess who was responsible for the fate of the country in Western Chu in Beiliang for many years. With Xu Fengnian leaving the world, Jiang Ni could no longer hide her.

In the flower pavilion surrounded by peonies, Jiang Ni struggled to recall the extremely bad dusty past, trying to find the impression of the person in front of him from his memory.

Her memory of Xi Chu has long been blurred, and her impression is more about everything in the palace, and more about her father, emperor and mother who have died with the country. As for foreign ministers... As Cao Changqing raised his head, she looked at that Zhang finally remembered the face that was similar to the one in his memory.

Jiang Ni was half convinced and asked softly: "Uncle Qi Zhao?"

Cao Changqing nodded heavily, with mixed feelings in his heart.

Jiang Ni's eyes suddenly turned red and she wanted to do something, but subconsciously looked at Xu Fengnian first, then turned to look at Xu Zhihu cautiously. When Cao Changqing saw this scene, he was extremely sad, and the ground in front of the pavilion suddenly sank.

Cao Changqing, who was more elegant than any celebrity in Jiangnan Road, did not stand up. He knelt on his knees and put his hands on the ground.

His temples were already white with frost, but this did not detract from the unparalleled elegance of Badou Feng Cao Guanzi. Thinking of his rough life, it only added to the first-class celebrity demeanor of this official of Western Chu.

The Cao family was most proud of having a son. He led his troops out of the capital at the age of thirty-two, and finally played a game with the emperor. The powerful eunuch in the palace personally took off his boots for the game, and the emperor of Xichu personally poured wine for the two players. Zi, it can be said that there is no one before or after.

Cao Changqing's tearful eyes looked at the princess who in his memory was just a lively little girl, and he once held her little hand.

In the palace of ten thousand palaces, he cast his son on the scale, arranged his formation, and pointed out the country with the king. Cao Deyi did not seek wealth and honor, but just wanted a smile from a beautiful woman beside the king.

When I was young and most energetic, I walked with my piano and met her in a corner of the garden. The sun set over the mountains and she came humming her local accent.

In the chess edict pavilion, she slowly rolled up her sleeves, and the black heron chess pieces fell gently, falling heavily on his heart.

Later, she became a queen.

That day, Cao Changqing left Beijing, never thinking that he would never see him again.

When Cao Changqing remembered her, he naturally remembered her daughter, the little girl who was as innocent as she was.

He looked up and saw that she looked so much like her.

Her Royal Highness the Princess's chess instruction to the uncle is enough to make him fight for his life!

Today's human world is an unprecedented era of martial arts prosperity because Huang Longshi has brought the spirits of all nations into the rivers and lakes.

Xianzhi, the second king in the world, is a recognized monster, a warrior immortal who rides all over the world. Some people say that he is not inferior to the gods on land. He has been ranked number one in the world for thousands of years. He is always among the top figures.

After Wang Xianzhi, the other two in the top three martial arts rankings are also recognized as characters with great supernatural powers who are quite close to land gods. There is a huge gap between the peach blossom sword gods Deng Tai'a and Cao Guanzi and the remaining seven people on the list. In other eras, they would have been enough to rank first in martial arts reviews.

He went straight to Tai'an City alone and forced himself in front of the emperor several times.

Thousands of armored guards were in front of them, and they still fought their way through. Even if they faced thousands of troops, they were still able to retreat calmly.

It would not be difficult for him to kill a few "minions" before leaving. During his several visits to Tai'an, nearly a thousand soldiers died in his own hands.

He is not the Sword King of Western Shu who defends the country alone by painting the earth as a prison. He has won the eight battles of heaven and earth, and he has mastered the heaven and earth. This is called attaining the Tao. This Tao is not a Taoist Tao in the narrow sense, but is almost a saint.

In the past twenty years, Cao Changqing has been like a sharp thorn in the hearts of two emperors in Liyang. Before the death of the old emperor Zhao Li, he truly said that he would not rest in peace until Qing Yi was killed.

Because of Xu Xiao's suggestion, Liyang had a group of masters who specifically targeted the ruthless gangsters who used force to rebel against the ban, all of whom were extremely skilled in martial arts and were assisted by elite soldiers in the army.

This organization called "Zhao Gou" is the nightmare of many warriors in the world. In the past ten years, many warriors who relied on their superior strength have been killed and "passed on to the world", including many masters of the Celestial Realm.

The human cat Han Shengxuan is the leader of this organization. This great eunuch of Tianzi, who is known as the most sinister person in the world, is good at killing celestial phenomena with his fingertips. He was forged with the blood of Jianghu warriors.

Han Shengxuan, who has white eyebrows and a white face, is at best like a child with white hair, but at worst, has become a monster. Many of the shocking bloodshed in the palace were created by this human cat himself.

Everyone said that he was good at keeping his appearance, because he liked people's hearts and livers as food, and sliced ​​them into dishes for drinking and drinking. Not to mention whether it was true or not, but when he heard it, there was a chill in his thighs and bones.

But even such a person could only hold Cao Changqing back. If the two met outside Liyang, the human cat would probably have turned into a dead cat.

"Who is your Excellency?"

The movement of the peony pavilion here naturally attracted the attention of some outsiders.

Because Xu Fengnian had caused trouble in the Lu Mansion before, they came to Baoguo Temple this time. The youngest of the Seven Heroes of the Lu Mansion, Lu Baijie, who had a good relationship with Xu Zhihu, was also there, and at this moment he flew up to Xu Zhihu. Beside him, he looked at Cao Changqing with doubtful eyes.

Cao Changqing glanced at Lu Baijie and just raised his palm, and there were already several more stones in his hand.


A strong wind roared, and Lu Baijie's sword "Baxiu" was unsheathed and collided with the stone.

The ancient sword "Baxiu" is the last sword cast by "Tangxi Sword House". The last owner was Yang Yuzhang, a famous swordsman at the same time as Li Chungang. Because this sword was passed down to him, Lu Baijie became famous and was called " "Tangxi Sword Immortal".

Lu Baijie's domineering ancient sword was unsheathed, and one man and one sword rushed in front of Cao Changqing. The sword energy was cold. The green-robed scribe frowned slightly, and did not move back. He stood still with both feet and tapped the tip of the sword with one finger. , forcefully bending this ancient sword that is famous on the list.

There was a curved sword lying between them. The Confucian scholar's temples were speckled with white frost, and it seemed that he was not far away from Ba Xiu.

Lu Baijie spun and landed on the ground, his domineering cold light surged, and under the sword energy, countless water droplets poured out from various ponds and streams in the temple.

Tangxi Sword Immortal borrowed water as a sword, and saw countless water droplets connected in series to form a sword, and finally condensed into a water sword. As Lu Baijie swung his sword out, a rain of swords exploded all over the sky.

Cao Changqing on the other side was as motionless as a mountain. He just raised his hand and turned it into clouds and covered it into rain. The entire small lake in Baoguo Temple actually caused huge waves, pushing them layer by layer, causing the flowers and trees on the other side to shake. , a tornado rose into the sky.

The incoming sword rain was all swept away, and the remaining tornado aftermath spread towards Lu Baijie.

(End of this chapter)

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