The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 904: Hate the sky for being without a ring, hate the earth for being without control, and th

Chapter 904: Hating the sky without a ring, hating the earth without a handle... The pure scholar is close to corruption, it is unreasonable...

In Baoguo Temple, Juedai Qingyi opened his arms and took a deep breath.

The wind and clouds roared between the sky and the earth, and countless water droplets seemed to gather, covering the endless rain of swords in the direction of Xu Xin.

As far as Xu Xin could see, there were water swords rolling down from all over the world like the Milky Way. His expression remained calm, and he stared at Cao Changqing without saying a word. He advanced instead of retreating, and continued to chase him and beat him at close range.

But when he raised his left foot, just stepped down, and just when he was about to lift his right foot, the sharp edges were already coming, as if the murderous intent was infinite.

Xu Xin continued to raise his right foot and rushed towards the transferred Cao Changqing. The endless sword rain was like a flood hitting the rocks, sliding past both sides of his body that exuded a restrained golden light.

He was not injured, but his clothes were in tatters, his hair on his temples was fluttering violently, and a lot of his sharp edge had been worn away in a fit of anger.

Li Dangxin of the Liangchan Temple is said to have the best diamond essence in the world, and the indestructible Vajra. Even the first person in Beimang who claimed to be able to challenge Qi Xuan frame went south, but he was stopped by him, and in the end he could not destroy Li Dangxin's indestructible Vajra.

In the Great Vajra state, the Vajra is indestructible.

Before today, Cao Changqing had gone to Liangchan Temple to discuss Taoism with Li Dangxin because of Jiang Ni. Naturally, he knew how difficult this kind of strong man who cultivated his body to become a world on his own was, and he also had some experience in dealing with it.

Xu Xin is not that old. No matter how talented he is, he can't cultivate to the Vajra realm even more outrageously than Li Dangxin, right?
Cao Guanzi was thinking about it, but Xu Xin's figure was approaching him quickly. The moment the two met, Xu Xin ran straight into Cao Changqing, and the latter used exquisite close-quarters moves at the same time as if he had a clear understanding.

It’s not that Cao Badou, who has a romantic celestial image, is not good at close combat, but that few people can withstand his changes in celestial phenomena and rush in front of this person in Tsing Yi. If he really wants to be approached by this person in Tsing Yi, even if the emperor is in front of him, there is a high probability that he will be killed. die. However, Xu Xin is stronger in close combat.

Cao Changqing stretched out his hand, but it was held by Xu Xin's hands. The latter just twisted his toes, and Cao Changqing was thrown away.

At the same time, Xu Xin himself seemed to have no weight, because the palms of the two came into contact, and he flew out with Cao Changqing.

The current fight between the two of them was a bit funny. Xu Fengnian, who was watching next to him, bumped the sheepskin who was looking at it with interest with his shoulder and asked in a low voice: "Old sword god, please tell me, Huang Man'er and this Cao Qingyi What’s the mystery behind the fight?”

Jiang Ni also looked at Li Chungang, she was naturally concerned about this battle.

"Hey! Look at the fight between the two of them. Is it like a chaotic fight with no rules at all? This is the most exciting thing."

The old man in sheepskin fur pointed at the two people who seemed to be fighting blindly, and continued with a smile: "This Cao Changqing is good at calculating people's hearts, and his finishing is invincible. If ordinary people fight with him normally and pay attention to the changes of moves, they will be easily led by him. Nose goes.”

"But this stupid boy is indestructible and has infinite strength. No matter how many tricks you use, I will chase you and fight you. I don't care whether you finish the battle or not. I make many schemes in vain." , I think he is very depressed.”

As Li Chungang spoke, the battle on the field also changed. Xu Xin and Cao Changqing jumped into the air and lifted off the ground.

The two looked at each other. Cao Changqing was standing in the air, as cool as ever. When he rolled up his sleeves, there were thousands of water droplets from the nine heavens and the earth. Previously, the drops gathered into sword rain, but now countless torrential rain poured down.

The water drops and raindrops in the sky are now divided into high and low levels. The raindrops in the same straight line, pulled by the air, fall faster and faster, so the raindrops are strung together, and the beads are strung together to form a sword.

If it is just a line of rain and a long sword, it is nothing more than the realm of fingering and enlightenment, which is similar to Lu Baijie's previous method. But when thousands of raindrops are connected in series to form a bead curtain sword net, it is undoubtedly a celestial phenomenon. The grandeur of the realm.

That's not all, Cao Changqing stretched out his hand, and the rain curtain was pulled away. The tip of the sword pointed at the rain of swords all over the sky, pointing at Xu Xin who was in the air and seemed unable to exert force.

Borrowing the power of heaven and earth, one often has no control over oneself, which is why there are land gods above the celestial realm. Stringing beads into a sword refers to the mysterious, raining swords into curtains is a celestial phenomenon, and ordering the sword curtain refers to the methods of land gods.

However, people in the three religions each have their own characteristics. Confucianism is the best at changing celestial phenomena. Cao Changqing entered martial arts through Confucianism. However, his Confucianism and Taoism insights did not disappear. On the contrary, as martial arts advanced, he gradually reached a higher level. This is the unique celestial phenomenon. The romantic Cao Badou.

The essence of the martial arts celestial realm and the great celestial phenomena of Confucianism are integrated. It not only has the power of lifting up the heaven and earth, but also has the mysterious method of holding the heavenly constitution in its mouth, making a move into a plan, and pointing the earth into steel. It is precisely reflected in today's sword rain. .

There is no light in the sky, the wind and rain are like darkness, and the waves are like anger. At this time, the sword curtain is covering the sky, and the sky is filled with darkness, and the heavy rain is destroying the mountain.

In Baoguo Temple, countless talking scholars looked up and saw the sword energy tornado falling sharply down the mountain. They were all shocked and looked at each other, and all of them looked pale. They just feel the power of heaven and earth is so terrifying, they want to escape, but the two forces are fighting, how can they escape?
Xu Xin stood in the void, and it was said that his feet could not touch the ground. Even though he had the immeasurable dragon-elephant power of "hating the sky without a ring, hating the earth without a handle", he could not exert it, but he still punched through the void.

Xu Xin, who was in the void, was indestructible and indestructible. He just punched Cao Changqing, and the punch was as powerful as breaking a bamboo without any wavering.

You, Cao Changqing, have the Heavenly Image Feng Liu Qian Yu Sword, but I, Xu Xin, am just one punch away.

In front of this punch, no matter whether they are land gods or mortals, all living beings are equal, and they will all fall.

"Ahem... The indestructible King Kong is really troublesome!"

Cao Changqing landed on the ground again. The green shirt he wore was still chic, but as he covered his mouth and coughed, his eyes on Xu Xin became more fierce.

He had discussed the Tao with Li Dangxin, and he naturally knew about the trouble of the indestructible King Kong. In the past, the first person in Beimang went south, but was blocked by Li Dangxin, who could not even let the latter waver. In the end, it was Li Dangxin who took the initiative and stepped on it. One hundred and eight Vajra seals were obtained.

And Cao Changqing tried his best, but still couldn't break Li Dangxin's King Kong.

Of course, he didn't lose that battle either.

The same was true when fighting Xu Xin in front of him. Although it was very tricky, he looked more chic and easily got rid of Xu Xin's entanglement. From the outside, he naturally had the initiative and the upper hand.

He and Xu Xin have fought to this level, and there is little chance of winning if they continue, but he still has to fight, because what he is determined to do will not waver even if he faces Wang Xianzhi, just like when he stormed Emperor Wu's city in one go , fight Wang Xianzhi hard without changing his temper.

"Uncle Qizhao! Can you stop taking action?"

At this time, a timid voice sounded, but it was Jiang Ni in the Peony Pavilion who spoke softly.

The wind, rain and dust in the void were mixed together, and the thousands of weather conditions that finally gathered were scattered outward layer by layer like ripples. Cao Guanzi said softly: "Cao Changqing, follow the princess's orders."

After Cao Changqing finished speaking, he walked up the steps without entering the pavilion and knelt down again.

Xu Xin landed and looked at the standing little clay figurine and the kneeling Cao Guanzi.

Earlier, when the group of scholars were talking about the "overlord", one person once said, "It is unreasonable to think that a pure Confucian scholar is close to corruption."

It seems that there is some truth!

(End of this chapter)

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