The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 907: Bring the boat closer to me!

Chapter 907: Bring the boat closer to me!
"Yuan Tingshan, didn't you follow my father's orders and prevent me from returning to Huishan?"

"Help me catch that bastard, and I won't go back to Huishan for the time being."

On the Shejiang River, a woman dressed in purple on the second floor of the ship stood out. She stretched out her hand and pointed at Xu Fengnian on the ship opposite. The man wearing a bamboo hat and holding a knife next to her raised his head and stared at Xu Fengnian with sharp eyes.

"The man next to Xuanyuan Qingfeng is a bit interesting, he's pretty good!"

Although there is still some distance between the two big ships, for experts, they are already very close. Therefore, the first-level people on the big ship here can hear Xuanyuan Qingfeng's words clearly, and naturally they also noticed Yuan Tingshan.

Li Chungang and Cao Changqing did not speak, but Zhao Xituan praised Yuan Tingshan in his words. The man was indeed unforgettable.

He has a broad forehead, a broad face, a tiger body, and a bear-like waist. What is interesting is that he has a childish face. Together, they are impressive. Those eyes are overflowing with light. With the eyesight of Zhao Xituan, an inner alchemist and a qigong practitioner, he can see at a glance Then we know that this boy has good internal strength.

If given the opportunity, he will definitely be able to enter the first-level realm that martial artists in the martial arts world dream of.

Yuan Tingshan wears a heavy sword in the style of a Baipi sword, which exudes a sharp and fierce energy.

Zhao Xituan frowned, thinking that he was filled with evil spirits. Could it be that his sword skills were learned from killing people?
His guess was correct. Yuan Tingshan came from a poor and humble background. By chance, he fell into the trap of a bandit. Unintentionally, he obtained half of the incomplete sword manual. He was self-taught and fought countless battles with his life hanging by a thread. However, he was able to carve out a future for him.

Later, Yuan Tingshan was smitten by a master of swordsmanship and accepted as a closed disciple. However, his master was soon destroyed. He endured the humiliation and lay dormant for three years, killing him with one blow. He killed the second rank with the strength of the third rank, and killed all sixty members of the Qiu family. The two of them obtained another secret book, their realms greatly improved, and their sword skills became more perfect.

This man went up Mount Hui to Guniu Dagang, where he stood in the snow day and night to learn the art of swordsmanship. He had an extremely cold personality and perseverance. When he first met Xuanyuan Qingfeng, he bluntly said that he wanted to marry her.

Xuanyuan Qingfeng couldn't be said to be angry or happy with this guy, nor was he disgusted. This time I came to Longhu Mountain, firstly for sightseeing and relaxing, and secondly, I wanted to go deep into the stream to catch some of the unique supernatural beasts of Dragon and Tiger. I needed an expert, so I took Yuan Tingshan with me.

Xuanyuan Qingfeng was born with a cold temperament, but at this moment he was excited. He suddenly opened his delicate eyes and stared at Xu Fengnian. She still remembered what a certain bastard said before leaving in the past, asking her to "suck the rabbit." "Whatever, you really dare to say it!"

This bastard who called himself Xu and a ranger with a wooden sword humiliated her in every possible way at the Wuzhou Lantern Market. She remembered that there was an old guy with missing teeth at the time.

This trip was meant to relax, but she didn't expect to meet that guy who was as handsome as Mr. Rabbit. She still remembers what that bastard said in the past.

Tu Sui Hao, right? She decided to wait until she catches that bastard, and then personally trains him in this area. Her Xuanyuan family is also a big family, and it is not difficult to find a few men who like the little Xuan Gong Tu Er Ye. Let that bastard Lepus suck every cent.

On the opposite ship, Xu Fengnian saw that Xuanyuan Qingfeng recognized him, and immediately stopped pretending. He walked out and looked at Xuanyuan Qingfeng. He followed the example of his good brother Wen Hua in the past and deliberately mispronounced a word and shouted: " Gu Liang! How come Gu Liang has become fat after seeing the light market."

Xuanyuan Qingfeng no longer cared about ladylike etiquette, and said angrily through gritted teeth: "Xu! If you have the ability to come to Huishan as a guest, Xuanyuan Qingfeng will definitely do your best to be a landlord!"

Xu Fengnian said with a smile: "Girl, are you so impatient to marry into my Xu family and be my brother's little wife?"

"What a bastard!"

Xuanyuan Qingfeng was inexplicably angry and wished he could kill this human-looking bastard of a rabbit with a sword. "Pull the boat closer to me!"

At this time, a powerful voice exploded on the river, but it was Xu Fengnian, who had been ordered to take action by Xuanyuan Qingfeng before. His eyes were sharp, and he was already thinking about how to kill this rabbit master.

Yuan Tingshan was born in a poor and humble background. After gaining strength, he never concealed his hatred for the wealthy sons and grandsons, and he repeatedly tortured and killed the descendants of wealthy families.

"Did this guy take the script of Jack the Pirate King? Are they all so brave?"

Xu Xin looked at the two-story ship that came quickly through the waves, and he had already sentenced Yuan Tingshan to death in his heart.

He remembered that this guy could be regarded as a little legend. He came from a humble background but later reached a very high level. He could also be regarded as a lucky person. Since such a person has become an enemy, kill him and crush his bones into ashes. That is the greatest respect for him.

The two-story ship quickly crashed into Xu Xin's ship. Yuan Tingshan stood on the bow of the ship with his sword in hand, looking like a master.

On several large ships belonging to Beiliang and his party, the soldiers of Fengziying responded quickly, cocking their powerful crossbows and firing arrows.

When the distance between the two ships was less than ten feet, Yuan Tingshan suddenly flew up, moving around like a spiritual ape. The distance was only twenty or thirty steps. In an instant, the face of the arrogant young master was clearly visible. He had a pretty face. The head of such a wealthy family Cut it off to relieve your anger!
He was already thinking about how to deal with Xu Fengnian by himself, to please Xuanyuan Qingfeng and successfully trick him into sleeping with him. By then, with Huishan's secrets in hand, he, Yuan Tingshan, would finally occupy the magpie nest and change Huishan's surname to Yuan.

Yuan Tingshan's dreams and ambitions can be described as lofty. He successfully dodged a wave of arrows and jumped up to the deck. But before he could get close to Xu Fengnian, there was a divination halberd thrust into his chest. If If you are stabbed, you will most likely be heartbroken.

Yuan Tingshan hurriedly fell down with a thousand catties and used his feet to gain strength from the boat. However, the heavy halberd was swung in the air, and it just faced each other and swept towards his blade.

Yuan Tingshan's ability is very good, close to the first-class skills, but Ning Emei is not weak, not to mention that there are Lu Qiantang, Wei Shuyang and others on the ship. These people alone are not something he can deal with now, not to mention the look in his eyes , and Xu Xin disliked it very much.

A figure suddenly appeared on the edge of the deck, and a palm fell lightly, hitting Yuan Tingshan's head.


Yuan Tingshan, this "mad dog", had not yet blossomed into his own glory, but was slapped to the bottom of the river by Xu Xin. There was no sound of a pop, only a vague blood rolling around. The fish on the Shejiang River today are considered to have increased. Dinner.

Xu Xin suddenly made a move to kill Yuan Tingshan. Such an action made Zhao Xituan, Cao Changqing, Li Chungang and others have a flash of doubt in their eyes. A master like him would generally not care about such a small person? But when I thought about it, Xu Xin seemed to be in a state of confusion. Maybe he was ill?
No one cared about the life or death of little Yuan Tingshan, and Xu Fengnian didn't care about Xu Xin, who had been staring at Shejiang. He walked to the side of the boat and shouted in the direction of Xuanyuan Qingfeng: "Pull the boat over to me!"

"Today, young master, I have kept my word and snatched away the eldest daughter of the Xuanyuan family and gave her to Huang Man'er as my wife."

They also shouted to pull the boat over, but the situation was completely different.

Xuanyuan Qingfeng, who was dressed in purple, wanted to run away at this moment, but could he still run away at this time?

(End of this chapter)

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