The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 909 Guniu Dagang, Xuanyuan Jingcheng

Chapter 909 Guniu Dagang, Xuanyuan Jingcheng

"This old guy may be the leader of the celestial beings in Longhu Mountain who doesn't want to ascend, but I don't know where he came from? This Longhu Mountain has been able to confront the two Zen temples from north to south for thousands of years. It really shouldn't be underestimated."

At the foot of Yunjin Mountain, Li Chungang let out a long breath and looked behind him in the direction of Bibo Pond, his eyes still extremely serious.

If he was still at his peak, he could just kill a Taoist land immortal, but now he only has less than 50% to 60% of his original ability. If he can protect himself, it will be difficult to do anything else.

"Senior, don't you know the origin of that person?"

Cao Changqing's expression was equally solemn. He just felt the Taoist's eyes on Jiang Ni, so he naturally prepared for the worst. He originally thought that Li Chungang, a senior who became famous before Jiazi, would know something about it, but he didn't expect that this man would actually know something about it. I don't know where that person came from.

Li Chungang shook his head and frowned: "I have never heard of it, and I didn't hear it mentioned by the old man Qi Xuanzhen twice when I saw him. But with this Taoist's cultivation, he is more than enough to be the leader of that Taoist priest."

"What is Taoshou?"

Xu Fengnian asked doubtfully when he heard Dao Shou say it for the first time.

Li Chungang explained: "The Taoist leader is the contemporary patriarch of the Taoist sect, and his status is equivalent to the Buddha's head of the leader of the Buddhist sect. It's just that these two positions are too hot on the butt. Those who are qualified to sit in this position in both Buddhism and Taoism have good character. Not willing to be the first to do so.

Xu Fengnian smiled coquettishly, then looked at the somewhat absent-minded Zhao Xituan, and asked again: "Old man Zhao, it's your turn to tell me! Is that old man really the Taoist leader of Longhu Mountain?"

"I observed earlier that the person's Qi has been so abundant that it can be called Qi. He is definitely an old guy with a great seniority in the Taoist sect."

"In addition, I suspect that he is fishing for a giant salamander, which is the one Xuanyuan girl is looking for. If he does it, he will definitely disturb the dragon salamander. If he misses this opportunity, he doesn't know when the next time will be..."

"Senior, does the old Taoist priest in front want to attack us?"

"How dare I! You old man, you think too much."

As for those who want to be Taoist Buddha heads, they are basically just looking for fame and reputation. Most of them are too close to the imperial government and their popularity and cultivation are beyond their reach. Therefore, in the past hundred years, except for Qi Xuanzhen, who is worthy of being the Taoist leader, the others have not been able to convince the public.

Xu Fengnian asked again at this time.

As for Buddhism, Li Dangxin, a monk in white who traveled thousands of miles to the west to seek scriptures, had the opportunity to make the Bodhisattva head. Unfortunately, he got married and had a daughter, so the Taoist Buddha heads are all hanging in the air. "

"Did you see it?"

Li Chungang's words revealed a lot of information, some of which everyone understood, and some of which only Xu Xin and Cao Changqing could understand.

"Even if I, Silly Boy, and Cao Changqing are not as good as him, the outcome of the fight is uncertain. If the three of them join forces and deny him the opportunity to form formations and use Taoism, he will definitely lose."

"You kid, don't let your thoughts wander. Heaven and earth will take action. Life or death is unpredictable. Even if we can win the fight, the price we have to pay will definitely be huge."

But Xu Fengnian finally understood. It was probably because neither side was sure of winning, but their side was more sure. This made him regretful that he missed a grand scene of a fight between gods.

Li Chungang looked at Xu Fengnian in surprise, then nodded and said, "He looked at you, Girl Jiang, and that silly boy earlier. He must have had some thoughts, but he didn't dare to take action."

Zhao Xituan came to his senses with a jolt. He didn't want to speak, but even Li Chungang, Cao Changqing and Xu Xin's eyes were focused on him, so he felt very stressed. He smiled and said slowly and proudly: "I am Longhu. Mountains are still protected by land gods.”

"Before Jiazi, the world only knew about my father and Qi Xuanzhen, but they didn't know that there were gods above real people!"

"When I was young, I went into the mountains to collect herbs, and I met this old man. At that time, he looked like what he is today. Later, Qi Xuanzhen had been alive for more than 20 years, and I met this old man again by chance. Including this trip. It’s the third time.” “Hey, there’s one more thing.”

"When Xu Xiao, the king of Northern Liang, led his troops to Longhu Mountain, everyone in the world knew that several postmen killed six horses before delivering the imperial edict to the foot of Longhu Mountain, but they didn't know that the last one The postmen and horses had long since died of exhaustion sixty miles away."

"On that day, it is said that there was also an unknown middle-aged Taoist holding the imperial edict. Wherever he came, he was protected from the rain of arrows and his swords and halberds were broken. He showed up with only half a stick of incense and delivered the imperial edict to Xu Xiao... …”

The few things Zhao Xituan said were as if they had not been said at all, and everyone heard them as if they were myths.

According to what Zhao Xituan said, this person must be of extremely high seniority and must be extremely powerful. If he harbors ill intentions towards everyone in Beiliang, it is definitely not a good thing.

"go there!"

Everyone went down the mountain with doubts, and were about to continue their previous trip to Xiaoyaoguan, the old Taoist priest of Zhao Xituan, for a temporary stay. However, Xu Xin suddenly pointed to another place on the other side of the Shejiang River, which was in the direction of Huishan and where the Xuanyuan family was.

Li Chungang and Cao Changqing looked at what Xu Xin was pointing at, felt something in their hearts, and nodded. The next group of people changed their itinerary, and only Zhao Xituan muttered a few words, but also followed them.

On the Qinglong River, the big ship started sailing again, heading towards the left side of the river.

The left bank of the Shejiang River is the territory of influence of the Xuanyuan family in Huishan. On the terrain of Jianzhou, Guniu Dagang in the east of the Yangtze River confronts the majestic peak of the Dragon Tiger Killing Demon Platform in the east of the Yangtze River. The layout and situation are similar.

Xu Xin and his party left Longhu Mountain and crossed the river overnight. They set up camp on the left bank of the Shejiang River and headed for Huishan early the next morning.

On Guniu Dagang in Huishan, the architecture is very particular, with strict hierarchies and complicated rules. For example, the back courtyard where the Changfang clan is located is even though it is small, it has all the internal organs.

There is a banquet hall facing the front, with fine vermilion paint, carved red sandalwood, and ridged beasts soaring. There is a large plaque hanging on the wall of the hall with the four characters "Hu Tian Yong Dong". There is a patio in the front and a garden in the back, and there are stairs above the east and west wing rooms.

In the front patio, there is a large glazed tank half a man's height, which holds thousands of kilograms of water. There are eight or nine lotus plants planted there, which are slim and graceful, with roots visible, and a dozen fat red carps swimming in it.

Among the red walls and green tiles, yellow leaves cover the bluestone floor tiles under the eaves. No one has cleaned them, and there is an air of desolation.

A woman in gorgeous palace clothes stood in front of the glazed fish tank, holding a small porcelain bowl and throwing bait into the tank, causing the red carps to swim happily. She had a graceful posture and a lazy expression.

A middle-aged Confucian scholar walked into the small courtyard. He was handsome and elegant. His bun was tied with a Xiaoyao scarf. He was definitely a very cultivated man.

"Qingfeng is back and has brought guests."

"It seems that there is some connection with the person in the portrait in your room."

When the beautiful woman in palace clothes saw this man appearing, she was originally ready to turn around and go back to the room, but after hearing his words, especially the last sentence, she changed her mind.

She always knew that the man in front of her would not lie to her, so she nodded, and the couple, who did not look like a married couple, went to the banquet hall to receive guests.

In the banquet hall of the Xuanyuan Changfang in Guniu Dagang, Xu Xin finally saw the person he had been waiting for for a long time. Xu Xin recognized his father-in-law at the first sight.

Xuanyuan Jingcheng endured what ordinary people could not endure. He was a qualified father, a great Confucian who was expected to be named Wenzheng, and a real seed for reading.

It can be said that except for marrying an unworthy wife, he has almost no shortcomings.

(End of this chapter)

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