The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 911 You don’t even know what kind of person you are, and you actually dare to have the same

Chapter 911 You don’t even know what kind of person you are, and you actually dare to have the same hobby as Xu,

In the remnants of Huishan Mountain, in front of a waterfall, Li Chungang was instructing Xu Fengnian to practice swordsmanship. Suddenly he looked up and saw the master coming from the sky, with a look of surprise in his eyes.

In these days in Huishan, he had met Xuanyuan Jingcheng several times, but he had never noticed that Xuanyuan Jingcheng was not weak in cultivation. He was a saint of the three religions and had cultivated Confucian celestial phenomena.

Confucian celestial phenomena, this is one of the three religions that is much rarer than Buddhist Vajra and Taoist Zhixuan. It seems that for some unknown reason, Confucianism and Taoism are not lucky enough?
"I have met His Highness the Crown Prince! Senior Li!"

Xuanyuan Jingcheng, who had read a lot about Confucian celestial phenomena, was still humble and polite. He nodded to Xu Fengnian and the others, then looked at a cliff behind him and said loudly: "Since the young prince has followed you, come out. Uncle has something to say to you."

Xuanyuan Jingcheng naturally discovered Xu Xin's following, which was naturally what Xu Xin asked him to discover.

Xu Xin suddenly appeared in front of several people. Li Chungang's expression did not change. He had obviously noticed Xu Xin's arrival a long time ago. Naturally, it was Xu Xin who made him and Xuanyuan Jingcheng aware of it without concealing it.

Xu Xin is a "silly boy" who "doesn't know" how to hide his aura, which is something only a scheming person can do.

Xuanyuan Jingcheng looked at Xu Xin who was so close to his eyes, and said with mixed feelings: "Being born in the Vajra realm, you are really gifted!"

He envied Xu Xin's talent. At a young age, he was at the top of the martial arts ranking list. If he had such talent, Huishan would have been wiped out long ago, and how could he have fallen to this level.

Xu Xin just responded with a smile, and Xu Fengnian showed his effect again at this time and asked: "Mr. Xuanyuan, I would like to ask, you obviously have such a level of cultivation, why are you in the Xuanyuan family..."

Xuanyuan Jingcheng said calmly: "Xuanyuan Dashan made the Xuanyuan family prosperous, but it also caused the Xuanyuan family to fall to this point. The Xuanyuan family is already dirty. I want to change everything, so I have been enduring it and waiting for the opportunity."

"But, he actually wants Qingfeng, then I can't bear it anymore..."

Xuanyuan Jingcheng's voice was steady, and he calmly recounted the scandal of the Xuanyuan family.

"In the past twenty years, I have learned all the secret exercises of Huishan's Winning Pavilion, and I have understood the celestial phenomena through reading. Originally, I was originally given another five years...sigh..."

"I'm not afraid of death, but I just want my mother and daughter to be safe."

Xuanyuan Jingcheng spoke slowly.

Xu Fengnian couldn't help but ask: "Can you fight to the death with Xuanyuan Dapan? That old monster is very powerful."

Xu Fengnian thought of Li Chungang's evaluation of Xuanyuan Dapan, which can be regarded as half Wang Xianzhi.

Who is Wang Xianzhi? The fierce man who can only rank eleventh among the top ten masters in the world, the invincible man who suppressed the world for so many years after Li Chungang.

Although half Wang Xianzhi's evaluation is somewhat watery, it is true that Xuanyuan Great Pan is far superior to the ordinary celestial realm. Can Xuanyuan Jingcheng really be defeated?

Xuanyuan Jingcheng held a book behind his back and said with a calm smile: "He has pursued the path of immortality all his life, so I will let him see it. It is just a death. But what will happen to my wife and daughter after I die?" I have been thinking about this issue, and I am finally waiting for you, His Royal Highness."

"The Xuanyuan family in Huishan is quite powerful and can provide some support to Beiliang. I intend to betroth Qingfeng to the young prince. With His Highness' ability and Qingfeng's name, he should be able to control Guniu Dagang."

Xu Fengnian was stunned by what Xuanyuan Jingcheng said. He felt that the man in front of him was really crazy. He was trying his best to cleanse the Xuanyuan family, even if it cost his own life and even weakened the Xuanyuan family.

"My young prince, I hope you can treat Qingfeng well."

Xuanyuan Jingcheng looked at Xu Xin and said.

Xu Xin nodded, and the smile on Xuanyuan Jingcheng's face became gentler. He looked at the navy blue Guniu Hill in the distance and murmured: "I'm here."

As he spoke, he soared into the air and flew away, as if an immortal had ascended to the upper realm.

People who live in mountains are like immortals. This mountain man went up the mountain to kill people. Li Chungang looked at Xuanyuan Jingcheng's retreating back, and suddenly smiled and said: "I really don't understand the world anymore. At first, I didn't talk about celestial phenomena, and my Zhixuan realm was ranked among the top ten in the world. But now it's's all Huang Longshi. This is the evil done by the devil!”

Li Chungang sighed for a while. Huang Longshi led the spirits of the Spring and Autumn Kingdoms into the rivers and lakes to create a prosperous age of martial arts. This was the result, and that process was the unjust war of the Spring and Autumn Period that he single-handedly instigated and guided. There were more than tens of millions of lives lost and killed. This is what Huang Sanjia was killed by. The reason why he is called the Big Devil.

"Old Sword God, you can also read this book..."

Xu Fengnian asked curiously.

"This is the path of Confucianism and Taoism. You must study and understand your own principles clearly, and you must have the seeds of true study. Your master Li Yishan is not good at it, so don't even think about it. You are not the material."

Li Chungang has no scruples in belittling Xu Fengnian, but this is also a fact. The threshold for reading a first-grade celestial realm is the highest, much higher than Buddhism and Taoism. Those who can read knowledge are rare, and those who cannot read knowledge are rare. No amount of time is useless.

"If this kid wasn't so eager for success, it would be a pity. The old guy Xuanyuan Dapan has done something wrong. For the sake of his daughter, he can only trade his life for his realm."


On the patio of Xuanyuan's long house, next to the big fish tank, Xuanyuan Jingcheng's brother Xuanyuan Jingxuan wounded Xuanyuan Qingfeng three or two times, and then forcibly killed his sister-in-law in front of his niece.

At this moment, he also thought about the past. He recalled the heartwarming scene of the three brothers standing on the platform of Qingding Pavilion looking at the river when they were children, standing on tiptoes and lying on the railing together.

He clearly remembered that his eldest brother Xuanyuan Jingcheng said that he wanted to be a civil servant who would be famous throughout the ages. His second brother Xuanyuan Qingzong said that he wanted to restore the family's prestige and surpass the Wu Family Sword Tomb, while Xuanyuan Jingxuan threatened to be a martial artist like Wang Xianzhi.

The three brothers were still as close as brothers at that time, but when they grew up, the futures of the three of them went in completely different directions. He and Xuanyuan respected each other, and one after another chose to lean towards Xuanyuan.

"Jingxuan, you should have waited. Unfortunately, you have been impatient since you were a child. This is not good."

"Huishan is cleaner when it snows heavily in winter. Our home is really dirty."

"You mean Zhixuan, I will use Zhixuan to kill you."

Xuanyuan Jingcheng spoke in a leisurely manner, and the sleeves of Kuan Bo's green shirt were flowing elegantly. The mother and daughter only saw this man who had lived indifferent to the world all his life, and walked straight towards Xuanyuan Jingxuan. He seemed to be walking slowly, but in the blink of an eye he was in front of Xuanyuan Jingxuan.


The fish tank in the patio exploded, scattering lotus flowers and koi carp all over the floor. Xuanyuan Jingxuan was dead, with no power to resist at all.

"Qingfeng, you will take care of your mother from now on."

"The sage said that if you don't sweep one house, how can you sweep the world. Unfortunately, Xuanyuan Jingcheng can only do this one step in his life."

"Xuanyuan Jingcheng does not regret marrying you."

Xuanyuan Jingcheng dropped three more sentences, the last one was to his wife.

There is no question of whether it is worth it or not, only whether he does not regret it and whether he is willing to do it.

When Xu Xin's figure appeared, Xuanyuan Qingfeng seemed to have a backbone, and rushed up to hug him, saying: "Little fool, I will marry you, take me to Daxueping!"

Xu Xin nodded and flew up with Xuanyuan Qingfeng in his arms, heading towards the Huishan Daxueping.

Before leaving, he glanced at Xuanyuan Jingxuan's body and spat. He thought that his sister-in-law didn't even know what he was, and she dared to have the same hobby as Xu.

(End of this chapter)

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