The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 913: No bones left, both sides injured?

Chapter 913: No bones left, both sides suffer?

A sky thunder crashed to the ground, but it was not caused by the power of land gods or Confucian and Taoist saints as Xuanyuan Jingcheng had expected. Instead, his promotion was forcibly interrupted, and the remaining power of heaven and earth descended on the snow flat and struck the battlefield. It was on the two warriors who were fighting to the death in the center.

"Father, are you okay!"

Xuanyuan Qingfeng cried and held up the embarrassed Xuanyuan Jingcheng with both hands. At this moment, his future father-in-law was not as gentle and elegant as usual, and there were injuries all over his body.

He and Xuanyuan Dapan fought in close quarters, relying solely on his understanding of the latter's tricks and the absolute power brought about by constantly squeezing and breaking through the realm to barely gain the upper hand.

In fact, just now, he was forced to break through the situation step by step by Xuanyuan Dapan, so that he could finally fight back.

"Xuanyuan Jingcheng, what's going on? Didn't I say you were going to fight Xuanyuan Dapan! Why is Huang Man'er gone?"

At this time, Xu Fengnian's voice came, menacing and extremely unkind.

Although he has always complained about Xu Xin coveting the little clay figurine, the Xu family brothers have always been "brothers, friends, brothers respectful" and so on. Anyway, he has never thought of hurting his brother, so he is naturally the closest to Xu Xin. Safety.

"Originally it was me, but the young prince rushed in."

Xuanyuan Jingcheng smiled bitterly and shook his head without saying much.

Because no matter how many explanations there are, they are useless at this moment.

"It's okay. That silly boy is very capable. Xuanyuan Dapan may not be his opponent."

"Besides, there is also me."

The old sword god Li Chungang spoke at this time, his eyes fixed on the battlefield, and he couldn't help but take a second look at his old rival Xuanyuan Dapan. The old guy was really getting more and more ridiculous as he lived, and he deserved to be repaired by the younger generation.

"I have made a mistake. You are not a Confucian scholar, but a Confucian sage!"

Li Chungang looked at Xuanyuan Jingcheng with emotion. The latter's determination and foundation shocked him. For the sake of his daughter, he worked hard to become a land immortal. This kind of courage was stronger than him before. He admired this kind of person.

While Li Chungang was speaking, in the center of the battlefield over there, among the ruins of thundering thunder, the battle between Xu Xin and Xuanyuan Dapan became more and more intense.

The old guy Xuanyuan Dapan was too arrogant before, and he was so arrogant that he did not hide from the power of the celestial phenomena triggered by Xuanyuan Jingcheng. He was so miserable when he was struck by the sky thunder.

The earth shook and the mountains shook, and there was a burst of chaotic lightning flashes on the snowy plains. Xuanyuan Pan still stood tall, but his body was charred and black and in a very miserable state.

Amidst the rolling thunder, Xu Xin and Xuanyuan Dapan were fighting fiercely, and the collision between the two caused the sky to stir.

Xuanyuan Dapan jumped up and hit his knee, but Xu Xin held him down with one hand, and stepped on the old thing in the puddle, causing countless splashes of water.

Xuanyuan Dapan's burly body was still in the air, Xu Xin leaned forward, smashed his elbow, and slammed the old thing to the ground of the snow flat.

He kicked again, causing Xuanyuan Pan to fly out sideways, and followed closely behind him, beating the old bastard violently along the way.

After Xuanyuan Dapan was kicked away, his five-finger hook claws pierced the ground. Suppressing the trend of defeat, he clapped his hands and finally stood up. When Xu Xin came towards him, he punched out with both fists.

Xu Xin just used his hands to fight the opponent's fists, holding them firmly, standing erect, and swinging the Xuanyuan Pan was a move of "Rocky Throw".

Xuanyuan Pan's body soared into the sky, and he slammed down in the air violently. There was a loud explosion, and then there were continuous explosions.

Xuanyuan Dapan was patted on the ground like a plaything by Xu Xin, and the patting was so fierce that the sound of bang bang bang bang was endless, not giving the old man a chance to breathe at all. Xu Xin threw Xuanyuan Pan out of his hand again, and then moved on tiptoe, soaring into the air, and quickly caught up.

As soon as he was sent to the west, since he had the upper hand, how could he give this old guy a chance to fight back? He would definitely kill him in one go.

Xuanyuan Dapan's body suddenly fell and he was barely able to settle down. The rain could not wash away the blood on his face. He no longer regained his original calm demeanor.

Xuanyuan Dapan's celestial realm was obtained step by step, and he already had the strength to be promoted to the great celestial realm of martial arts. However, in order to better prove the immortal immortality, Xuanyuan Jingcheng was too quick to give it to him. Opportunities for advancement.

But now, he finally had a chance to breathe.

Xuanyuan Dapan took a quick breath, his chest and abdomen were burning like a fire, and the pain penetrated into his bones. This kind of horrific injury that hurt his heart had not been encountered for many years. It lasted so long that he almost forgot about the pain.

The last time he was so seriously injured was on the Demon Slaying Platform, competing with Qi Xuan frame for internal strength. As for losing to Gu Jiantang and the like, he only lost in one and a half moves, and did not fight to the death. Naturally, the loss was not tragic. .

Xuanyuan Dapan was about to seize the time to adjust his breath, but Xu Xin came to him again, punching him one after another, not giving him the slightest chance.

"You madman, you really think I'm afraid of you."

Xuanyuan Dapan was particularly angry in today's battle. First, he was beaten by Xuanyuan Jingcheng and was as embarrassed as a dog. Unexpectedly, this silly boy in front of him actually joined in the fun.

Originally, he only needed to wait until Xuanyuan Jingcheng passed his peak and was destroyed by the backlash, but with Xu Xin's intervention, Xuanyuan Jingcheng had a chance to lower his level. However, after being beaten like this, he could no longer suppress his level.


Xuanyuan Dapan suddenly shouted, and one of his arms was torn apart by Xu Xin. Then the barbarian in front of him seemed to be trying to attack his other four limbs and even his fifth limb. Was he going to tear him apart?

Xuanyuan Dapan, who was facing a life and death crisis, was naturally unwilling to sit still and wait for death. He no longer suppressed himself and burst out with extremely strong power. He fought with Xu Xin in a life-and-death fight. Their bodies were flying everywhere, and it looked extremely tragic.

"Is Huang Man'er really okay?"

Xu Fengnian felt the hair on her back stand on end as she looked at Chanye's battle in front of her. She couldn't stand this kind of bloody battle, it was too terrifying.

Even if Li Chungang and Xuanyuan Jingcheng repeatedly assured that Xu Xin had the upper hand, he was still worried.

Flesh and blood flew everywhere, and Xu Xin was knocked down by Xuanyuan Pan again. The old bastard opened his mouth and bit Xu Xin's body, as if even if he was going to die, he would have to tear off a piece of Xu Xin's flesh and make him pay the price.

"it's time."

Xu Xinyu's heart moved at this moment, and he just grabbed Xuanyuan Dapan's head with one hand. When no one was paying attention, a faint purple light appeared in his palm.


Dark clouds boiled in the sky, and a terrifying purple thunder fell from the sky, covering Xu Xin and Xuanyuan Pan. The dazzling purple light was stronger than the midsummer sun. For a moment, even Li Chungang, Cao Changqing, Xuanyuan Jingcheng and others couldn't help but turn their heads. Open your eyes.


When they looked up again, they heard a roar of strong wind and fell to Xuanyuan Qingfeng's side. She caught her and carefully held her in her arms. It turned out to be a charred Xu Xin. His injuries were extremely serious at first glance, and the previous lightning strike At that place, Xuanyuan Great Pan has no corpse left.

Xu Xin was seriously injured, and there was no body left in Xuanyuan Great Pan. Could it be that today's battle meant both sides were injured?

(End of this chapter)

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