The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 915 Li Chungang re-enters the Sword Immortal Way, Zhao Huangchao is defeated and flees Difei

Chapter 915 Li Chungang re-enters the Sword Immortal Way, Zhao Huangchao is defeated and flees Difeishan

"Immortal Chief, my father once said in private that you are the number one in the mystical realm on Longhu Mountain, not Master Qi who ascended to immortality fifty years ago."

In the Spring and Autumn Dream, Xu Fengnian looked up at Zhao Huangchao who seemed to be an immortal, and behaved very politely.

At this time, Zhao Huangchao finally woke up from the memory of wearing purple clothes and looked down at Xu Fengnian and the three of them with an indifferent expression.

"Pindao's surname is Zhao, and his family name is Zhao from Liyang."

Zhao Huangchao's few eight characters are enough to explain many things.

"The immortal is already an outsider."

Xu Fengnian's hands trembled slightly, he raised his head and said, according to the legends in the world, as well as what Li Chungang, Cao Changqing and others said, people like land gods will not take action easily and can easily cause big consequences.

Zhao Huangchao just smiled and said: "Have you ever heard of a person who has attained Taoism and ascended to heaven? What's more, if a poor Taoist has not yet ascended to immortality, what's the harm in protecting future generations?"

He said and pointed behind Xu Fengnian and the others.

"Although I cannot be called a moral saint, I will not argue with the younger generation. I am taking action today just for the sake of peace in the world, and I want to kill the evil dragon."

Xu Fengnian suddenly turned around and saw two dragon auras behind the three of them.

To be precise, it was a snow-white dragon python and an incomplete dragon.

This is naturally the result of the dragon energy from Northern Liang and Western Chu.

Now that Liyang's unification of the Central Plains has become the orthodoxy, for them, all the outsiders who are expected to turn into dragons are evil dragons and must be killed.

Behind Xu Xin and Xu Fengnian, there was a giant snow-white python that revealed a red letter, confronting the heavenly dragon that Zhao Huangchao was riding.

Behind Jiang Ni, there was a broken dragon, which kept roaring at Zhao Huangchao and the dragon under him, as if it had a life-and-death hatred.

In the past, Zhao Huangchao killed the purple-clothed woman and Liu Songtao, causing the latter to go on a killing spree. After that, he escaped to Longhu Mountain to cultivate favorable geographical conditions, and raised a black dragon in Difei Mountain that stole the luck of Western Chu.

This black dragon was made by stealing luck and was raised in Difei Mountain. It naturally became an evil dragon. Even if it reaches the level of a heavenly dragon, it is still an evil dragon. If an opportunity is found, it can easily be made to survive the disaster.

The snow-white python came to Xu Xin and Xu Fengnian's side. When Xu Xin stretched out his hand, he lowered his head as big as a basket and rubbed his palm.

Tianlong seemed to be angry at the big python, and the purple gas from his mouth became more and more intense. He raised his body again, exposed half of his body, opened his teeth and claws, and roared at several people. The purple gas was like substance, condensing into a purple pillar, like a dragon The breath came straight towards him.

The snow-white python on the top of Panqiu Mountain raised its head, straightened up, and bit into the purple pillar of dragon energy, biting it into pieces and devouring it in an instant.

Zhao Huangchao, who seemed to be standing above all living beings, just watched with cold eyes.

The clouds rolled and surged like angry waves, gathering above Tianlong's head, layer upon layer, becoming harder and denser.

"Feng Nian!"

"Dragon Elephant!"

Suddenly, a familiar voice came to Xu Fengnian's ears. He suddenly turned his head and burst into tears when he saw that person.

A woman in white clothes with swaying sleeves.

She once wielded a sword from the sword tomb, she once beat the fish-dragon drum in white clothes, she once wore cloth shoes sewn by Xu Xiao himself, and entered the palace alone while pregnant.

The woman in white is naturally Wu Su, Princess of Northern Liang.

During the White Clothes Case in Beijing, Wu Suqiang broke into the land of immortals and broke out. Although she eventually fell ill and died early, no matter what, she cultivated the land of immortals and became a soul.

After Wu Su's death, the remnant soul of his soul was tied to his children, especially the eldest son Xu Fengnian, the reincarnation of the lucky man.


Xu Fengnian's voice was hoarse, and she looked at the white-clothed figure coming in front of her. Her body was transparent, and she was floating slowly, like a flying sky in Dunhuang. Wu Su was suspended in the air and stretched out his hands, as if he wanted to caress his son's head.

Zhao Huangchao finally spoke and snorted coldly: "The lingering ghost is against the law of heaven!"

"Wu Su, hurry up and go to hell!"

The remnant soul of the woman's soul raised her head and sneered: "Zhao Huangchao, then why don't you enter the Tianmen!"

Zhao Huangchao's awe-inspiring Taoist energy poured down from the sky and the earth. He raised his palm and said angrily: "The way of heaven is majestic and the evil spirits have retreated!"

Thunder rolls from the sky, and murderous intent comes from the sky.

Just when Zhao Huangchao was about to act for heaven, suddenly a black hole appeared in the dreamy void, quickly tearing apart everything in the dream and swallowing it up.

Xu Fengnian reached out to touch Wu Su, but Wu Su looked at Xu Xin in surprise.

Zhao Huangchao's dream soul and the heavenly dragon destiny that came from the dream were completely obliterated and swallowed up by the black hole, but Xu Xin and Wu Su were not affected. Xu Fengnian and Jiang Ni couldn't see it, but Wu Su could see it clearly. The black hole was clearly...

"A heavenly being has left his body and entered the evil realm of dreaming to harm people. Do you really think I can't kill you?"

"Sword! Come!"

There was a shout in the long night, and it was Li Chungang's voice. He sensed something was wrong with Jiang Ni and Xu Fengnian, discovered that heaven and humans were leaving their bodies and entering dreams, so he took action decisively and ordered the swordsmen.

With Li Chungang's "sword coming", all the swordsmen from inside and outside Huishan were seen unsheathing their swords and flying towards Daxueping.

Far away at the other end of the Shejiang River, the Longhu Mountain Taoist priests all unsheathed their various thousand-hand peach wood swords with yellow and purple Taoist crowns and flew towards Guniu Dagang.

Two flying swords rose into the sky at the same time.

Watching the battle at Daxueping during the day, Li Chungang felt something in his heart, and he entered the realm of land swordsman again.

In the original timeline, all the masters of the Xuanyuan family were lost. Because Li Chungang regained his Taoism in Huishan, he looked at the purple robe and read the green robe, so the sound of "Sword Coming" shocked Longhu Mountain.

In this life, Xuanyuan Jingcheng is not dead, so Li Chungang naturally does not need to do such shocking things.

Therefore, except for Xu Xin, no one knows that the Sword God has returned to the top.

Zhao Huangchao's out-of-body experience was very hidden, but he was suddenly noticed by Li Chungang. He summoned the sword rain to fly to the sky and followed the breath to Yunjin Mountain.

"Old guy Zhao Huangchao is so ruined!"

Deep in the Tianshi Mansion in Longhu Mountain, a short figure spoke an old figure. Looking at the rain of swords entering Yunjin Mountain from a distance, he was just using the formations of the Tianshi Mansion to protect himself.

Zhao Huangchao, who was in the deep pool of Yunjin Mountain, decisively abandoned his fishing rod when he failed to fall asleep, climbed the mountain, climbed over the mountain, and ran northward, rushing to be raised by him in the first cave of Taoism. An evil dragon's Difei Mountain.

"Rumble, rumble..."

Li Chungang noticed that the man was about to run away, so he decisively covered it with sword rain. Yunjin Mountain stirred up continuous smoke and dust into the sky, and the area where the Bibo Pond was located was completely destroyed.

"The smelly Taoist priest can't run very fast!"

When Li Chungang came to Bibo Pond, he only saw the blood-stained Taoist robe, half of a bamboo pole, and the half-destroyed Bibo Pond.

After staying for a moment, he suddenly waved his sword. In the depths of the bottomless blue wave pool, a bloody dragon shadow rose into the sky, and was photographed by Li Chungang and held in his hand.

The old sword god glanced at the direction in which Zhao Huangchao was going, then stretched out his hand and blasted all the remaining Longhu Mountain swords towards that place. Whether he would live or die would depend on his luck.

Then he grabbed the thousand-year-old giant salamander that was about to transform into a dragon and returned to Guniu Dagang with his sword.

(End of this chapter)

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