The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 918: Being old and not dying is just a shameless thief

Chapter 918: Being too old to die is a thief... shameless...

On the west side of the Jade Emperor Hall, the main hall of the Tianshi Mansion, there is a long corridor of ancient steles. Among them is a large sapphire monument, which is three feet high. It was moved here by the fourth generation Longhushan Patriarch to erect it in a letter to Zixiao. Four words for blessed land.

At this time, a Taoist priest wearing a noble yellow Taoist robe looked at the snow plains of Huishan Mountain in the distance. Surrounding the foot of the monument were three Taoist priests, all of whom were aged, each with their own distinctive attire.

The eldest man has beard and hair like snow, wears sandals and socks, and wears just an ordinary Taoist robe made of fish-belly white Suzhou gauze. It is not very impressive, but at least he is wearing an alchemist's crane cloak that has been unearthed from the dust, and he has a hint of the longevity sect who has attained the Tao. .

The next oldest Taoist is far more slovenly. He wears a thick green cotton robe with stains on it, as if he is afraid of the cold. He wears a pair of thick-soled warm shoes with cotton leg wraps. He is naturally Zhao Xituan.

The remaining one was terrifying. Not only was his inner robe yellow, but he also wore a purple coat. He was extremely gorgeous and noble.

The direct lineage of the Tianshi Mansion in Longhu Mountain can wear yellow, and only a few noble real people can wear purple. As for the Taoist priest who can combine yellow and purple, there is no doubt that the only contemporary Taoist master Zhao Danxia is one.

Among the four great contemporary Celestial Masters in Longhu Mountain, Zhao Xiyi and Zhao Xituan are brothers, Zhao Danxia and Zhao Danping are also brothers, and the latter two are the nephews of the first two.

Zhao Xiyi spent most of his life in seclusion, trying to build the "Jade Emperor Tower" as famous as the "Dahuang Court".

Zhao Xituan is extremely talented, but has a lackluster nature.

Taoist leader Zhao Danxia.

Zhao Danping is good at writing heroic prose.

These four heavenly masters gathered together, naturally, for Beiliang and his party on Guniu Dagang.

Zhao Danxia, ​​who was dressed in purple and yellow, stared at Huishan for a long time, then turned to Zhao Xituan and asked: "Second uncle, is Li Chungang really going to fight Wang Xianzhi again?"

"Old man Li must have this intention to return to the top."

Zhao Xituan said with certainty: "The prince of Beiliang came out of Liangdi for the sake of Jian Jiuhuang, who died in Emperor Wu City. Jian Jiuhuang's relics are in Emperor Wu City. If Xu Fengnian wants to take them, there will inevitably be a conflict with Emperor Wu City. War is inevitable.”

"Is this so!"

Zhao Danxia nodded and remained silent for a long time, but her ears moved as if she was receiving some order. After a long time, she spoke again: "Second uncle, our ancestor has ordered you to practice in seclusion and seize the opportunity to gain enlightenment." "Profound realm."

As soon as Zhao Danxia finished speaking, Zhao Xituan frowned, but in the end he could only nod.

He is senior enough in the Tianshi Mansion, so he can do anything he wants, but his ancestor is a land god with a seniority higher than him. He can't disobey the master's orders when he asks them personally.

At this time, Zhao Xituan's eldest brother Zhao Xiyi waved his hand and said: "Danping, you can go talk to Danxia about important things, and I'll have a little time with your uncle."

After Zhao Danxia and Zhao Danping left, Zhao Xiyi looked at his younger brother and said sadly: "We meet each other again, Xi Tuan, I don't know how many times I will see you again in this life."

Zhao Xituan said angrily: "Hypocritical, if you don't go into seclusion, I'll see you every day. I'll feel like vomiting when I see you."

Zhao Xiyi shook his head and said: "Wang Chong Tower was built into the Great Huangting, but I have never been able to climb the Jade Emperor Tower that my ancestors pointed out. I am so ashamed of my ancestors!"

Hearing this, Zhao Xituan said angrily: "If you don't log into the Jade Emperor Tower and become a heavenly being, you won't have the face to meet your ancestors? Then I can't make my ancestors so angry that they ascend to immortality and then descend to earth!"

Zhao Xiyi smiled and said: "Let's not talk about this anymore. By the way, that young prince of Beiliang, how is your apprentice?"

"This one……"

Zhao Xituan scratched his head in embarrassment. Xu Xin's ability was naturally one of the best in the world, but he was still unable to decide on the title of master and apprentice. I just took it with me.


Zhao Xiyi burst out laughing and said, "I've heard all about it, but you still have high vision! That kid can fight Cao Changqing back and forth at a young age. I'm afraid even Wang Xianzhi won't be his opponent in the future."

"It's a good thing that our Longhu Mountain can use this to form a good relationship with Beiliang." Zhao Xituan was no longer so embarrassed. The two brothers hadn't seen each other for a long time and chatted a lot.

On the other side, the two brothers Zhao Danping and Zhao Danxia discussed for a long time about the Taoist general affairs and the Liyang Dynasty's upcoming establishment of the "Seng Zheng" position. After Zhao Danping left, Zhao Danxia came to a heavy pavilion deep in the Tianshi Mansion in Longhu Mountain, across the Pray with gauze curtains.


Zhao Danxia bowed.

"Li Chungang and Wang Xianzhi fight again. It will be the ultimate confrontation in the world. It may be the key for me to knock on the door of heaven and ascend."

Behind the curtain of the heavy pavilion, a voice sounded, and a young figure slowly walked out.

Zhao Danxia bowed her body to pay homage to a child in front of her. He was a cute boy with red lips and white teeth. He was wearing a yellow and purple Taoist robe. His face was very majestic and his voice was old and hoarse.

He is the ancestor of Longhu Mountain, Zhao Xuansu, a land immortal who has cultivated immortality. He has successfully rejuvenated his youth, but his body is almost exhausted. In order to continue to live, he wants to fly to the heaven.

"That old guy Zhao Huangchao was injured by Li Chungang's sword and hid back in Difei Mountain. Fortunately, Li Chungang didn't force his way into the Tianshi Mansion in the end."

"This old guy plotted against our Longhu Mountain in the past, and made a bet with me. One seal for another, with Liyang's help, we, Longhu, will become the ancestral family of Taoism in the world. There are some things that we can't escape."

"After all, you can't write two characters of Zhao in one stroke."

Zhao Xuansu sighed. He and Zhao Huangchao were of the same generation. Although the relationship between Longhushan and the Zhao family was relatively close in the past, it was not as close as it is now.

However, as Zhao Huangchao plotted against Liu Songtao and later fled to build a favorable location, Longhu Mountain failed to cut off the cause and effect with the Zhao family in Liyang at first. Later, it naturally got deeper and deeper. Fortunately, the unjust war in the Spring and Autumn Period was Li Yang won, and Longhu Mountain also enjoyed a hundred years of prosperity.

But now, there is a hidden danger of Beiliang in Liyang. Even Zhao Huangchao, the ancestor of Liyang, has suffered a loss, so he has to think about it.

Whether it was following him to Emperor Wu City, borrowing the help of Li Chungang and Wang Xianzhi to open the Tianmen, or killing Xu Fengnian and those people who had different luck, he had to plan ahead.

"Are you going to follow me, old man?"

Zhao Danxia already knew Zhao Xuansu's plan.

"No need, just blend in with their people."

Zhao Xuansu shook his head, his voice changed from hoarse to childish.

"Sneak in? How to get in?"

Zhao Danxia didn't know why.


Zhao Xuansu said calmly.

Zhao Danxia still didn't understand the meaning of these words at this time. When he set off to Beiliang, he finally saw what the shamelessness of his ancestors was.

The big boat on the second floor was sailing on the Shejiang River. At a high point along the Shejiang River, a cute little boy in white, carved in pink and jade, held high a white flag with words written on it and kept greeting the boat of Xu Fengnian and his party.

"Hello, big brother! Xu Xiao is my biological father!"

When everyone on the ship on the second floor saw these two sentences clearly, they all felt shocked. This thing was really... so explosive!

Everyone looked at each other, but Xu Xin was so happy that he almost clapped. He who is too old to die is a thief. The play of old guy Zhao Xuansu is really a skill!
This old turtle finally came out of Longhu Mountain, and it was worth all the thought he put into it.

(End of this chapter)

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