The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 921: The clouds of the nine heavens droop, and the waters of the four seas stand.

Chapter 921 The clouds of the nine heavens droop, and the water of the four seas stands.

By the side of Emperor Wu's city, everyone got off the boat and changed their horses. Xu Fengnian did not ride in the carriage, but rode on horseback.

Although Emperor Wu City of the East China Sea is within the territory of the Liyang Dynasty, it is an isolated city independent of the rule of the Liyang Dynasty. It is similar to a large sect, but the residence of this sect is a bit ridiculously large.

The gate guards of Emperor Wu City are just decorations. There is no need for any way to enter the city. Only some warriors who have violated the prohibition of Emperor Wu City and are not allowed to enter will be blocked.

Whether they are traders, footmen, princes, ministers or ministers, everyone is treated equally. It doesn't matter whether they enter the city on horseback or by jumping or crawling.

Of course, Emperor Wu City has never opened its doors to welcome guests since Wang Xianzhi became the city lord. Even when Zhao Li, the emperor of Liyang who unified the Spring and Autumn Period, entered the city, the second best emperor in the world never came out of the inner city to welcome him.

As everyone crossed the city gate and walked out of the shadows, they felt complicated in their hearts.

There are countless cities in the world, and in recent decades, this city has been home to almost all the top ten masters. They all passed through the outer city gate and followed the main road on the central axis to the head of the inner city just like Beiliang and his party did today.

There is a monster named Wang, who claims to be the second best in the world and has stood firm for decades.

The last challenger was a Xishu swordsman named Jian Jiuhuang, who came with a sword box on his back. He came twice and left behind six famous swords. In the end, he also left his life at the top of the city, but took away the king. A piece of the old monster's sleeve.

At the gate of the inner city of Emperor Wu, Xu Fengnian sat on the wine beach where Lao Huang had been before. He ordered a pot of rice wine and two wine bowls, and poured it himself in memory, feeling sad for spring and sad for autumn.

Li Chungang, an old man with sheepskin fur who had been dozing on the carriage, woke up, got out of the carriage and glanced at Xu Fengnian. He didn't say anything, but just glanced at the inner city wall, which was covered with weapons from the world's masters.

"Wang Xianzhi!"

"Li Chungang came to visit Donghai. I will lend you this city-wide sword to fight with you!"

Xu Fengnian wanted to go to the top of the city, so Li Chungang simply decided to fight Wang Xianzhi again.

On this day, countless swordsmen's swords were unsheathed and soared into the sky at the same time inside and outside the East China Sea Emperor Wu City, all hanging in the sky.

The one-armed old man in sheepskin fur had been retired from the world for too long. When he revealed his name, many of the hundreds of thousands of people in Emperor Wu's city didn't even know about this personage.

The world is really too big, even if it was once the best in the world, after ten years of silence, there will be no ripples. Most of the people in the world are relatively forgetful.

Ordinary mortals are no more than a hundred years old, and seventy is a rare thing from ancient times.

Li Chungang became famous too early. He became the best at a young age and became invincible at the age of thirty. Looking up, who could compete with him?

The old sword god became famous early and disappeared from the world. Except for some old antiques, how many people in the world remember him?
Most of the people in the world are lay people, and these people prefer to discuss some famous people. Just talking about swordsmanship in the world, among the Taoist sects, Longhushan Qixianxia and Wudang Wang Xiaoping complement each other. The most famous one is naturally the only recognized swordsman in the world today, Deng Tai'a.

When the sword light was flying all over the city of Emperor Wu, a tired old donkey trampled its hooves outside the city gate and slowly entered the city. A young man dressed as a book boy rode the donkey backwards, with a scabbard hanging on his waist. The sword was gone, and he Next to him was a middle-aged man leading a donkey.

This seems to be the combination of an old servant and a young master, but in fact it is a master and a scholar. The master is leading the donkey, and the scholar is sitting on the donkey.

The scholar's sword flew away, and he complained that the master didn't help to stop it, and he was feeling unhappy. But what he didn't know was that if Deng Tai'a hadn't suppressed it with all his strength, the flying sword he had painstakingly cultivated in his sword box would have flown into the sky along with the swords all over the city.

The light of the sword illuminated Emperor Wu's city, and from the attic in the inner city, a voice sounded like a bell, "Please Li Chungang come out of the city and fight Wang in the sea!"

Countless people in Emperor Wu City raised their heads in unison, and a burly white shadow was like a comet, blasting from the roof of the attic towards the East China Sea. The swords of flying swords all over the sky pointed directly at the East China Sea. A man jumped up and struck the sword, and headed towards the East China Sea with his sword.

When two figures crossed the sky, exited the city and entered the sea, Emperor Wu City experienced a brief period of dead silence, and then instantly erupted into a noise like waves.

Whether they were the people in the city or the heroes from outside, they all poured out of the city. Four torrents converged from the four gates in the southeast, northwest, and southeast, and then three of them turned around, heading towards the East China Sea in a mighty manner.

In just half a cup of tea, the alleyways of Emperor Wu's city, where over a hundred thousand people were crammed, were deserted and deserted, surprisingly deserted and quiet.

Wang Xianzhi had been stationed in Emperor Wu's City for decades, and neither the Sword God Deng Tai'a nor Cao Guanzi had ever allowed him to leave the city to fight. But facing Li Chungang, Wang Xianzhi chose to take the initiative to leave the city. This is such respect.

On the empty main road of Emperor Wu City, Xu Fengnian was still walking forward with a drink. Under the wall of the inner city, six world-famous martial slaves from Emperor Wu City stood side by side.

There are a total of twelve martial slaves in Emperor Wu City. They are all top masters in the world who have been slaves for life after losing to Wang Xianzhi. Four swordsmen, three swordsmen, one spear master, two boxing masters, and one piano master. A chess player.

Before Xu Fengnian could say anything, Xu Xin flew out. There were only six martial slaves who couldn't stop him from touching his sleeves, so six martial slaves came. Who are you looking down on?

"Born in the Vajra realm, my nephew is amazing!"

On the quiet main road of Emperor Wudi City, a middle-aged man leading a donkey and a bookboy looked up at Xu Xin who quickly climbed into the inner city, and couldn't help but sigh.

The scholar on the donkey's back was confused, but he had never heard that his master had a nephew?

These words and this person naturally attracted the attention of several top powerhouses present.

Cao Changqing, who was dressed in Tsing Yi, saw him nodding slightly. The "little bug" who was following Xu Xin and was forced to be a follower looked back at him with a serious look in his eyes.

Xu Xin didn't look back, just rolled his eyes.

Xu Fengnian walked to the top of the city, approached the familiar red sandalwood sword box, sat down cross-legged, put the bowl of wine in front of his eyes, and looked towards the East China Sea.

Xu Xin's eyes were not on the red sandalwood sword box, but on the walls of the inner city that were covered with weapons. These were weapons left by Wang Xianzhi's defeated generals. Among them was a sword that no one had used for many years, and its The last owner died not long ago.

"Huang Lu", which ranks fourth among the top ten famous swords, was left at the top of the city by Old Huang many years ago. It was barely qualified for Xu Xin to use.

Just when Xu Xin and his party climbed to the top of the city, a sword curtain stood vertically in the sky over the East China Sea in the distance, and dark clouds pressed down on the top, like clouds drooping from the sky.

On the other side, there are countless seaspouts rising into the sky, like pillars supporting the sky, standing for the water in the four seas.

"Grandma, this is really a fight between gods!"

Xu Fengnian held the red sandalwood sword box in his hand and looked into the distance, murmuring with shock in his eyes.

Xu Xin did not pay too much attention to the battle over the East China Sea, but stared at Zhao Xuansu who had begun to stop pretending, with a hidden meaning in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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