The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 931: One instant away, slaying the evil dragon with ease

Chapter 931: The distance is thousands of miles away in an instant, slaying the evil dragon in an understatement
"Huang Man'er, what are you going to do!"

Outside Emperor Wu's City, Xu Fengnian listened to what Xu Xin and Cao Changqing were saying, which meant that they were going to Tai'an City to bring trouble to the Zhao family. Naturally, he was not trying to help the Zhao family, but was worried that Xu Xin would act too unscrupulously and cause unpredictable consequences. as a result of.

Persimmon feels that after three years of traveling, he has a deeper understanding and grasp of the "overall situation". Even if he wants to retaliate against the Zhao family, he should take the lead and do it according to Xu Fengnian's ideas, rather than acting recklessly and destroying the overall situation. .

"I have my own sense of discretion. It's a big deal in the world. You're not that good. It's better not to care."

Xu Xin stabbed his heart calmly. Xu Fengnian was indeed not the type to take care of world affairs. From the fact that he finally retired to seclusion, it can be seen that he was not a person to do big things and did not have the responsibility and sense of responsibility.

"No, Huang Man'er, I am your fault..."

Xu Fengnian immediately wanted to use his identity to suppress Xu Xin, but Xu Xin just glanced at him and let him enjoy the treatment given to Xu Weixiong before, and was forced to keep his mouth shut.

"Cao Changqing, you can continue to think about it for a while, think about it carefully, and discuss it with Jiang Ni."

Xu Xin then said this to Cao Changqing, then he looked at his group of female relatives, walked to Xuanyuan Qingfeng's side, and gently hugged the waist of the girl in purple.

"I still have something to do with Qingfeng. I'll talk to you when I get back."

If you take a closer look, you will find that the thousand-year-old dragon salamander previously obtained from Yunjin Mountain was also taken away by Xu Xin. The thousand-year-old dragon salamander is about to transform into a dragon. Xu Xin will give it a chance this time. If it successfully transforms, There is a dragon as a mount, and riding on the dragon and riding the wind is very impressive.

"What are you doing……"

"This is not good, if Sister Hongmusk and the others find out..."

As for bringing Xuanyuan Qingfeng with him, he was really going to do something important. She was the most suitable for that opportunity, and if he brought her with him, there would be a "witness" to prove that he was really going to do something important.

Women are all emotional and impulsive. Sometimes they don’t really want any explanation, they just want to make a fuss impulsively. At this time, nothing can help. The best way is to block her. Mouth.


There was a biting wind in the void, but there was a man and woman embracing each other in the arms of each other, with lips and teeth attached to each other. Xu Xin naturally knew that Xuanyuan Qingfeng had a lot of questions. He knew that she was in a hurry, so he used this method to tell her not to be anxious. , listen to him Xu first.

Xu Xin hugged her and chuckled. Hearing this explanation, Xuanyuan Qingfeng naturally felt sweet in his heart, and there was no thought of settling old scores with him again.

"My husband took you alone, so of course he favored you and gave you a chance."

Xu Xin pretended to be stupid before but deceived all the girls. They had normal emotions in their hearts, so Xu Xin made a decisive change and waited for a period of time to pass before going back.

Xu Xin's method was naturally effective. When the purple-clothed girl, whose limbs were weak due to poor breathing, lay limply in Xu Xin's arms and was caressed many times, her face was like a peach blossom, and her eyes were like spring water. There were no doubts left. and emotions.

After Xu Xin finished speaking, he and Red Musk, Blue Bird and Pei Nanwei took a breath and felt the familiar bad boy's breath passing over their faces. When they blinked again, two figures were missing from their eyes.

Although Xuanyuan Qingfeng felt very happy, he also felt that something was not good.

Xu Xin said softly: "Only you have that opportunity, just listen to your husband..."

Xu Xin coaxed Xuanyuan Qingfeng into confusion in just a few moments, and just vaguely cooperated with his wantonness in the void. No one saw it anyway, how exciting!
Xu Xin possesses the "no distance" realm in "Jiang Ye". Even if the laws between worlds are not universal, he understands the principles of the realm. In the world of "Snow", he can also use the laws of space to teleport, but there is no "no distance". "Distance" is so convenient and versatile, but there are limitations in various aspects such as the distance of transmission and the time of use.

However, this kind of skill is absolutely useless for traveling long distances. With such a "no distance", Xu Xin could have traveled thousands of miles in an instant, and soon he could come to Difei Mountain and fight in front of Zhao Huangchao, the ancestor of Liyang.

But because they brought the girl in purple with them, it took a little trouble with their hands and mouth. When they arrived, Xuanyuan Qingfeng's purple dress and purple skirt had many wrinkles, her bright jade face was as bright as a peach blossom, and her rosy lips were too full. After hundreds of millions of points, there are still roses looming among the snow-white goose necks...


Difei Mountain is known as the crown of heaven and earth. Even Daoting Longhu Mountain is inferior to Difei Mountain by countless rankings. It has been a treasure place for condensing luck since ancient times.

It's just that for hundreds of years, Difei Mountain has been an incurable place without a great master to practice Taoism. In addition, the mountain has been strictly closed by the imperial court. Therefore, although the mountain is famous, there are no famous masters or major sects.

On this day in Difei Mountain, a seemingly middle-aged Taoist was fishing by a deep pool somewhere. His purple bamboo fishing rod had no hook or bait, and a piece of green leaf was floating in front of him.

Taoist Zhao Huangchao occasionally stared at the uncertain veins in the leaves, and occasionally raised his hands to calculate the secrets. Suddenly, his expression suddenly lost control, and he saw that the leaves withered and turned yellow in less than a breath, and finally exploded into pieces.

Zhao Huangchao was speechless, looking at the bits and pieces floating on the deep green water, and said with a pale face and a trembling voice: "Zhao Xuansu is dead. Not only was his body cut off by the soldiers, but he was not able to escape even the slightest bit of his soul. , who is it?”

He sat by the deep pool and stirred up the storm, constantly calculating and deducing, trying to get a clearer context and sort out the causes and consequences.


With a pop, he vomited blood, a look of horror on his face.


Zhao Huangchao felt uneasy, so he quickly dropped his fishing rod and hurried towards the depths of Difei Mountain where the evil dragons were kept. He climbed the mountain and plundered it, running for his life.

A long time after he left, a beam of light fell from the sky, causing the deep pool to sway endlessly. Two figures appeared in Difei Mountain, following the aura and chasing Zhao Huangchao.

By the side of a deep and bottomless pool, Zhao Huangchao kept arranging formations. He sensed that something was wrong. He thought about escaping, but on a whim, if he walked far away from Tai'an City, he would probably be intercepted halfway. The only way is to try to set up a formation to fight against this wave. Maybe after surviving this disaster, we can usher in a turning point.

Suddenly, Zhao Huangchao felt a cold murderous intent shrouding his back. Knowing that something was wrong, he made a hand gesture with his fingers. Just as he was about to pronounce the prophetic word "formation", the man behind him grabbed him. leg.

"Setting up a formation? You want to be beautiful."

As this sound rang out, Zhao Huangchao's body was lifted high, and then he hit the deep pool with turbulent waves.

The Taoist had no time to release his strength, and his back suddenly fell into the water. Then he saw the man holding his leg perform a "Rocky Throw", and casually waved Zhao Huangchao like a whip and threw him to the ground.

Zhao Huangchao's head and back hit the bluestone and the pool again and again. The bluestones shattered immediately after close contact with him. Finally, Xu Xin waved his hand and Zhao Huangchao slammed into the stone wall on the side of the deep pool. , like being driven into a stone wall by nails.


At this time, an angry dragon roar came from the turbulent deep pool, and a dragon shadow rushed out of the water.

Xu Xin stood on the spot and beheaded him with a casual wave of his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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