The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 935: So what about the Dragon Son and the Grandson? He can be killed even if he should be ki

Chapter 935: So what about the Dragon Son and the Grandson? He can be killed even if he should be killed.
On the bank of the Guangling River, on the viewing platform of Dayanji, a large bamboo stick with the character Zhao was rustling in the river wind. The middle-aged man whose figure was more bloated than Zhao Piao, the crown prince of Guangling, was Guangling Prince Zhao Yi.

The jade belt of the python robe, the nine-python golden Sichuan brocade satin, the water foot Jiangya sea water, complement the Guangling tide.

The seat under Zhao Yi's butt is three times the normal size. He has a fat body and is much taller than many civil and military officials and staff around him just sitting down.

Dynasty python robes cannot be worn except by members of the royal family. This python robe, which symbolizes the pinnacle of glory and wealth, is divided into nine levels. Except for the crown prince, the python robes of vassal kings and ordinary princes should be in light yellow, blue or azure, at most. The edge of the python robe is embroidered with gold.

However, the King of Guangling, Zhao Yi, was specially gifted with a golden python robe of the highest quality. It can be said that God’s grace was extremely great. This was because this powerful vassal king and the current emperor were born from the same mother. They had a deep brotherly love and were the only ones in the world. Someone who can sleep on the same bed as Emperor Zhao Dun.

He used Yu Ruyi to kill the fourth-grade county governor, but the result was nothing more than Qian Diaosi, the eunuch of the capital, rushing to Guangling to deliver a mild verbal reproach to the emperor.

Standing next to the feudal lord Zhao Yi was a thin, monkey-like old man with two moustaches. He was wearing a first-class robe made by Su Zaogong, but his appearance was really ugly.

The middle-aged general on the right side of Zhao Yi has a dignified appearance, with a jade tree facing the wind and standing with a sword. This man is Lu Shengxiang, a famous general in the world. He uses tactics cunningly and is especially good at using a small number of elite cavalry to attack thousands of miles and win by surprise.

When East Vietnam fell, half of the credit should be attributed to Lu Shengxiang.

Lu Shengxiang, who was born in the Han tribe, had an excellent reputation both in the military and among scholars.

Lu Shengxiang did not go to talk to the rat-bearded counselor, but just looked at Guangling King Zhao Yi, and then said: "I heard that he seemed to have left for something before and did not follow Xu Fengnian. But most of the female relatives in Beiliang are his women."

When Gu Jiantang entered the capital with twelve horses, there should have been one more Lu Shengxiang. But for some reason, he ended up staying in Guangling and has been there ever since.

Even if Li Chungang, the old sword god who has reappeared in the world, is escorting him, even if not a single one of these thousand Kuei troops is left alive, he can still deploy three thousand more cavalry.

"If such people are not eliminated, they will be a real thorn in their side."

The old staff member of the Guangling Prince's Mansion with a sinister look stretched out his orchid finger and twirled his beard, and said in a weird voice: "Sheng Xiang, you think too highly of this Prince of Northern Liang. If you had known this, you could have caught the mouse and swallowed it slowly."

Killing a young man who will inherit the title of King of Northern Liang hereditary in the future, and killing a famous kendo leader in the world, no matter how many times he dies, is worth it, because it can solve a big problem for the court.

"No matter how strong the warriors in the world are, how many people can they kill with one breath? In addition to the 8,000 Kuai army, we in Guangling also have 100,000 navy troops. It depends on you, the prince, if you are willing to sacrifice."

Most of the Guangling shadow dignitaries in Chunxue Tower are young and strong men who have only found a place in the building in the past twenty years. They don't have much respect for Wang Xuxiao with a different surname. Several radical staff members have spared no effort in advocating to capture the North in recent years. Liang Tieqi served as a stepping stone for Guangling's army.

When the news came that Zhao Piao led his troops to clash with Beiliang and his party and were defeated, someone immediately proposed to send troops before the prince of Beiliang revealed his identity.

Guangling General Lu Shengxiang arranged for more than a thousand Kuei Army cavalry to rush over with a thunderous offensive.

But these are only temporary gains and losses. As long as the serious trouble caused by Beiliang is solved and the emperor's worries are relieved, King Guangling will still be as stable as Mount Tai, and the prince may be hereditary, and he himself has no idea that he can go further.

As soon as Beiliang and his party entered Guangling, the secret agent spread the news to Chunxue Tower, the center of the palace.

King Guangling has a close relationship with Emperor Zhao Dun. Lu Shengxiang, a famous general who is well versed in military affairs and government affairs, has naturally thought about the thoughts of these two people. If something big happens today, perhaps Xu Laizi of Beiliang will be furious, and the capital will also be furious. He will pass on the edict, and may even ask King Guangling to reduce his rank to a higher rank.

"Xu Fengnian is nothing, but his younger brother is said to have defeated Emperor Wu's King Xianzhi and is the new number one in the world."

As soon as Lu Shengxiang finished speaking, the fat on Guangling King Zhao Yi's face trembled, and his eyes were extremely sharp.

Guangling King Zhao Yi rested his elbows on the arm of the chair, held his chin and cheeks, and said with a smile: "Walking around the world with so many stunning beauties is like a three-year-old kid holding gold in the city. How can he not attract bees and butterflies?"

"What does it mean to be the best in the world? If Wang Xianzhi had not made an agreement with my father, I would have led my army to destroy such lawless places as Emperor Wu City."

"It cost me a lot of money to carry the Kui Army, so I broke it off, which is a bit of a pity. However, Guangling has been quiet and boring these years. I can exchange a thousand or thousands of lives for some fun without losing everything. ""Sheng Xiang, Zhupo, watch this show carefully, don't waste my money."

When Lu Shengxiang listened to the words of Guangling King Zhao Yi and the sound of the ups and downs, his mind was not as calm as his face and tone. This is power.

A few words and a few laughs will determine the direction of the dynasty in the next twenty years.

No matter how strong a martial artist is, how can he compare to being the independent leader in the splendid country?
The Guangling King's decisiveness was beyond his imagination. He not only asked Zhang Erbao to lead his army, but also asked someone to lead the Tiger Talisman to the Shanwei camp, and ordered the rest of the Kuai army to mobilize.

On the reviewing stand, the senior officials of the Guangling Palace watched the elite cavalry pouring down like a torrent. How dare those weak Beiliang people go against the trend? Is this a mantis blocking a car? Northern Manzi was really spoiled by Xu Laizi.

Lu Shengxiang's face was expressionless, and the counselor who was called Zhupo smiled and said: "Zhang doesn't have much dealings with the world. I must open my eyes and take a good look today to see how capable the so-called swordsman is."

"The Sword Immortal flew his sword to take his head. I don't dare to take it too seriously. If Li Chungang accidentally jumped over the wall and cut off his head with a sword, it would be a big joke."

Zhao Yi snapped his fingers and laughed at himself. Then an old swordsman with a haggard face and a powerful sword slowly climbed onto the reviewing stand, folded his hands on the hilt of his sword, faced the cavalry and Li Chungang, and closed his eyes in concentration.

The old man is none other than Chai Qingshan, the only remaining great swordsman from the previous generation of the Dongyue Sword Pool. His swordsmanship was the best in the southeastern part of the empire, and he had resisted numerous assassinations by Zhao Yi, the king of Guangling.


Just when a thousand Kuai-back troops were about to overwhelm Beiliang and his party, and Li Chungang was about to kill a thousand troops at once, a beam of light blasted into the Guangling River. The raging Guangling tide rose instantly, rushing straight to the shore like a river, overwhelming the sea, and killing the more than a thousand Kuai-back troops. Most of the army was instantly dispersed.

"Your family is stupid... now that the young prince is here, I don't need to take action."

Li Chungang looked at the figure that stood proudly in the river tide, like a god and demon, and he sheathed his sword with waning spirits. He had gained something new recently, and wanted to see if he could match or even surpass Lu Zu, breaking through two thousand or even three armors in one go. thousand.

"Zhao Yi, you, Prince Guangling, are so brave. You dare to attack my woman. Don't you, father and son, want to live?"

Xu Xin's voice echoed on the banks of the Guangling River. In one step, he crossed a hundred feet and fell into the midst of the more than a thousand defeated troops. In the blink of an eye, he raised his hand and caught Zhao Piao, the fat and pig-like son of Prince Guangling. On hand.

"Quickly put down the prince."

"The prince is the grandson of the Dragon Son and the Emperor, a noble man from Tianhuang. If you dare to hurt him, all nine clans will be destroyed."

"The bold and rebellious people, let my prince go quickly..."

On the Yanziji review stage, a group of senior officials from the Guangling Palace looked at Zhao Piao, the Crown Prince of Guangling, who was being stepped on by Xu Xin. They all cursed and yelled. In their eyes, the Crown Prince of Guangling was just a mere grandson of the Dragon Son. How dare the son of a king with a different surname be so bold, Beiliang should be destroyed!

"Back the Kuai army, save the prince quickly!"

Lu Shengxiang, who was beside Zhao Yi, gave the order again, and another army carrying Kuai rushed in from a distance, a dark torrent of iron cavalry, at least three thousand people.

"Since you are looking for death, I will help you!"

Xu Xin's eyes became sharp in an instant, and he kicked Zhao Piao out. The fat Zhao Piao expanded and exploded in the sky, leaving no trace of his body.

So what about the grandson of the Dragon Son and the Emperor? He, Xu, can kill someone when he should.

(End of this chapter)

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