The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 942: Two famous temples in the world, two dynasties destroying the Buddha are beginning

Chapter 942: Two famous temples in the world, the two dynasties’ destruction of Buddhism is the beginning

"Your Majesty, I have something to go to Yongzhou, so I will go ahead without sending him off."

In the study room of Prince Jing'an's Mansion, Xu Xin stood up as he spoke and disappeared into a flying rainbow in front of Prince Zhao Heng and Crown Prince Zhao Xun, leaving only the two people who were still in shock.

After a long time, Zhao Xun, the eldest son of Prince Jingan, said in a low voice: "Dad, it seems that he is really gone?"

"I know."

Zhao Heng remained silent for a long time before replying with three words. He carefully took out an envelope, put the piece of paper with the word "order" written on it inside, and kept it close to his body.

"Dad, are we really helping Beiliang raise food and grass? They said they are going to attack Beimang, but they are probably going to attack Tai'an City. That is to rebel!"

When Zhao Xun mentioned the word rebellion, his voice subconsciously became softer. He looked around carefully and saw that there was no movement for a long time, so he finished his words.

Zhao Heng said nonchalantly: "So what if Beiliang rebels! Over the years, haven't there been talks about them rebelling?"

Zhao Xun said quickly: "But this time is different. The one who comes forward now is Xu Longxiang. He can wipe out the Guangling Prince's Palace. He really dares to rebel."

Learning from the past, of course Zhao Heng can only understand current affairs and only preserve a bloodline for the Zhao family. I believe his ancestors will understand.

"Our surname is Zhao? It's true that our surname is Zhao, but I have no soldiers and no power, and I don't have as many vassal states as that good-for-nothing Zhao Yi. What can I do to compete with Beiliang and risk the lives of our father and son? Is the mantis a car?"

"Listen to me, we can raise food and grass, and we need to send news to Tai'an City. This is the last thing we can do."

Zhao Heng has always been worried about this matter, and Zhao Dun also deliberately suppressed and guarded against him, and sent him to the side of Beiliang to serve as a vassal. Once Beiliang really rebelled, Qingzhou would be the first to bear the brunt. This is the reason for this pair What a vicious plan from his Zhao Heng lineage!
Over the years, Beiliang has not rebelled, and everyone is living in peace.

After listening to Zhao Heng's words, Zhao Xun sobered up a little and said quickly: "Dad, let's raise food and grass as soon as possible and block the news from Qingzhou to prevent the imperial court..."

It happened that some time ago, the imperial court and Beiliang had another game. They promised to give Xu Xiao a hereditary replacement, and gave him Zhao Heng's secret order to kill Xu Fengnian. At that time, in order to pave the way for future generations, he agreed to act, and thus offended the Xu family. .

But in the current situation, Xu Xin came to the door in person, what could Zhao Heng do? If you really dare to refuse Beiliang, then you will comply with the plan of the old man and the Prince of Jing'an will follow in the footsteps of the Prince of Guangling.

"Zhao Xun, you are still not a descendant of the Zhao family."

At that time, he had great hope for the position of supreme leader. It was because Zhao Dun hooked up with Yuan Benxi and even said that he was willing to be a puppet on a string. It was a disgrace to the royal family, but it happened to be this string puppet. The puppet won, and was quite skilled in martial arts and martial arts.

Zhao Heng said and pulled Zhao Xun's collar. He didn't betray his ancestors, but he was simply unable to compete. He was also resentful towards the court and Tai'an City.

"Dad, our surname is Zhao!"

Zhao Heng's voice suddenly became sharp again, and he said sternly: "We, Qingzhou, have no choice but to cooperate with Beiliang. If we block the news, wouldn't it be a traitor? If you want to do such a thing, what else can you do if you go under Jiuquan?" Go and meet your ancestors with dignity.”

Zhao Heng finished speaking in one breath, waved his hand for Zhao Xun to go out, and slumped down on the chair, as if all his strength had been drained away.

He did hate Zhao Dun and Yuan Benxi, but as a member of the Zhao family, he naturally did not want to change the dynasty. However, he was unable to compete with either party and could only passively obey. You can imagine the complexity in his heart.

Xu Xin didn't know Zhao Heng's complicated thoughts, and even if he knew, he wouldn't care. Too An is too far, Beiliang is too close.

Xu Xin acted quickly enough. It was not even the third day since the battle on the Guangling River.

In just three days, Tai'an City had just received news from Guangling. When they were in a state of panic, they had no right to interfere with the Yongqing states. By the time they thought of making arrangements, the food and grass from these states and counties had already been mobilized. Beiliang is equivalent to a kind of comic alternative Jianbi Qingye.

With Qingzhou, Yongzhou and other states adjacent to Beiliang as a barrier, it can also better hinder Liyang's arrangements and achieve numerous goals with one stone.

After leaving Qingzhou, Xu Xin went to Qingcheng Mountain in Yongzhou again. The arrangement Xu Xiao left here can also be started accordingly. Then he went to Jianzhou and some other counties. In just one day, it was He ran all around Liangdi.

In the end, Xu Xin did not return to Beiliang, but went to a temple.

There is a temple that has kept its front door closed for thousands of years since it was built. No matter whether emperors, generals, or ordinary people came to burn incense, the front door was never opened.

This mountain temple has produced countless eminent monks. The most famous one recently, whose common name is Yang Taisui, is the current imperial master of the two dynasties, or may be the emperor's master of the third dynasty.

There are more than 3,000 eminent monks from all dynasties and dynasties who have passed away in the temple, and more than 200 of them have been granted the title of National Master.

Starting from Hinayana Zen to Samatha and Vipassana Zen, then to the Northern Wei Dynasty when thirty-six physical Bodhisattvas opened a translation field on the mountain at the same time, and the Buddha's light shone everywhere. Then eight hundred years ago, the founder of Zen Buddhism crossed the sea and achieved supreme Buddhahood. Come, teach the Mahayana wall view, and eventually become the ancestral home of Buddhism.

In the past hundreds of years, Buddhism and Taoism have been at odds with each other. Every ten years, Buddhism and Taoism have debated. The monks in this temple go to Longhu Mountain to discuss Taoism.

But unlike the strict hierarchy of the Taoist ancestral court, there are not many rules here. Anyone can go up the mountain and go anywhere on the mountain. The mountains here are high, the temples are high, the monuments are high, the pagodas are high, the Dharma is high, and the mountains are high, but the name of the temple is as careless as Liangchan, and it never has a name.

This is the Liangchan Temple, the most famous temple in the world.

Some people say that the reason why this temple is called "Two Zen" is because of practicing self-Zen and other-Zen, that is, Zen for oneself and Zen for others. However, for more than a thousand years, there seems to be no unified explanation, and Liangzen Temple has never given an explanation.

On this day, Xu Xin came to Liangchan Temple and saw two powerful kings, a monk in white who married a wife, and his master, the holy monk Nagarjuna who was good at lion roaring.

Xu Xin came to Liangchan Temple, naturally looking for allies.

The external environment of Beiliang is not good, but the situation of Buddhism in this world is even worse.

There are many temple monks in Buddhism who are not engaged in production and have accumulated considerable wealth. It would have been fine at other times, but now that the Taoist sect has gained power, the court is still short of money.

Ever since, whether in Beimang or Liyang, there have been calls to control Buddhism or even destroy Buddhism. Even later, the two dynasties of Liyang and Beimang made a tacit agreement to destroy Buddhism. The originally prosperous Buddhism was forced to cut off a lot of wealth. Monk Nagarjuna died, and Buddhism suffered heavy losses.

Although Xu Xin couldn't stand Buddhism, he did go too far in destroying Buddhism in two dynasties.

The key is that the Buddhist sect being targeted in this way can become an ally with Beiliang, so of course he has to come personally.

(End of this chapter)

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