The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 944: How long can the dragon energy be hidden?

Chapter 944: How long can the dragon energy be hidden?


"Block! Block these Nanbarbarians!"

"We are wolves in the prairie, how can we be defeated on horseback?"

"Go back, go back!"

"Run! Run away!"


The chaotic Beimang grassland was a chaotic battlefield. Two cavalry armies of nearly 100,000 were engaged in a bloody battle. The two cavalry armies began to collide without any fancy, but one of the cavalry armies was already in decline.

The terrain of the grassland is flat and wide, which is conducive for the cavalry to launch a front line charge. Since it is an excellent place for cavalry battles, it also means that it will be a place where people can easily die, and the speed of death should be very fast.

Since that day Xu Xin decided to conquer Beimang first, and the entire Liangdi area quickly prepared for war and mobilized troops and generals.

For example, the Qiang cavalry that Xu Xin and the others encountered now were still plundering small tribes during the march, and they happened to be hit by the iron cavalry led by Xu Xin. Naturally, it was a big battle.

This is what Xu Xin thought and did. He personally led tens of thousands of cavalry to go first, while Chen Zhibao mobilized an army and walked behind him. An army of more than 200,000 went straight into Beimang, stirring up the situation.

Qingzhou, Yongzhou and other states near Beiliang were provided with food by Xu Xin. He visited Liangchan Temple and returned to Beiliang. It was agreed that on the third day of the expedition to the north, tens of thousands of cavalry came out of Liang and went straight into the grassland.

"Turn back, turn around, follow me and charge!"

Qiang cavalry is the light cavalry among light cavalry. On the one hand, the Qiang cavalry tribe generally belongs to the poor Dingdangxiang type. They have no money to equip armor, so naturally they cannot be "heavy".

As for food and grass, Beiliang's original storage is enough for tens of thousands of cavalry to be used in the early stage. If they enter the Beimang grassland, they can completely follow Huo Qubing's example and provide food on the ground.

Beimang is a country in name. In fact, except for Beimang and the Southern Dynasties, the rest are inhabited by tribes of various sizes. The big tribes and tribes live a good life. They naturally have belonging and affection for Beimang. Those who have been at the bottom of the exploitation The weak tribe has an average sense of belonging to Beimang.

Normally, there would not be enough time to mobilize troops and generals so quickly, but Beiliang is a border area, and the friction and large-scale wars with Beimang have never stopped, so naturally they are always ready for war.

It is obvious what the outcome will be when archers on horseback fight a cavalry charge, and the Qiang cavalry tribe is still an old rival of Beiliang. In every invasion in the past, they always hid behind the other cavalrymen of Beimang and fired cold arrows. This is Once caught in close combat, the Beiliang cavalry would naturally not be polite.

The food resources and soldiers and horses to provide 300,000 cavalry for the expedition were not ready so quickly, but just to mobilize the ready-made cavalry and send troops, three days was enough.

On the other hand, they are very talented. All of them have long arms like apes and extraordinary physical strength. This makes them almost perfect archers on horseback every time they ride.

Tens of thousands of Beiliang cavalry entered Beimang, killing many Beimang cavalry along the way, and coerced the grassland tribes to drive north.

Some of the Qiang cavalry tried to save the situation. They gathered some elite soldiers in armor, covered the eyes of the horses with a black scarf, and used superb equestrian skills to drive these horses around the chaotic battlefield, trying to intercept Beiliang from the flank. Iron cavalry.

Xu Xin's figure has been overlooking the earth from a high altitude, acting as a humanoid radar to prevent his cavalry from being surrounded by the large troops mobilized by Beimang.

At this moment, he was looking down from a high position, and he had to admit that the equestrian skills of these prairie cavalry were indeed amazing. The muscles of the blindfolded war horses showing off their heads while running were indeed amazing. Due to the complex terrain of the Central Plains, it is impossible to form the habit of blindfolding horses during charges.

In the grasslands, blindfolding horses is an old custom that has been passed down for hundreds of years. On the one hand, it ensures that the war horses are fearless when facing the enemy, and on the other hand, it can deliberately "frighten" the war horses.

Before the fleeting and fierce collision between the cavalry and the cavalry, the cavalry whipped fiercely, which can induce the war horse to explode with greater foot power, and use the speed of the war horse to drive the penetration of the cavalry charge.

On the battlefield, only nearly 10,000 Qiang cavalry circled the flanks, making loud roars that shook the sky. They tried to disperse Beiliang's flanks, but were quickly lost in the torrent of steel that followed, unable to make any waves.

On the other side, the cavalry who continued to charge did not make any commotion, nor did they turn around. The front row just changed its direction slightly and continued to charge, chasing them to the end.

High in the sky, Xu Xin looked down at the earth. He was very satisfied with today's battle. Chen Zhibao was indeed a man who was good at using troops. The cavalry assigned to him was very suitable and he was very easy to use.

Xu Xin has learned from Huo Qubing in his military training for several generations. He uses his troops quickly and uses various advantages to seize opportunities on the battlefield, and then decides in one battle.

This kind of tactics is very effective in the grassland. Let him use cavalry to deal with the light cavalry on the grassland. That's like being familiar with the road.

Since the group of cavalry he brought into the Beimang grassland this time, under the command of Xu Xin, the number of Beimang cavalry defeated by them has been close to one hundred thousand.

In nearly twenty years of constant combat with Beimang, the Beiliang Cavalry also developed a set of highly targeted and mature tactics.

Under the influence of Chen Zhibao, the Beiliang cavalry simply abandoned the process of shooting with bows and crossbows, forged elite armor, and allowed the Beimang cavalry to throw out the shot while they just focused on charging.

Chen Zhibao of Beiliang once made an arrogant conclusion that was unbelievable to the outside world: on the premise that the forces were roughly equal or even slightly inferior, the Beimang cavalry could only survive forty steps.

This means that if the Beiliang Iron Cavalry and the Beimang Iron Cavalry encounter each other in the wild, as long as they do not run into the two heavily armored cavalry carefully built by Beimang, the remaining ones will count as one, as long as the Beiliang Cavalry breaks into forty Within one step, Beimang's cavalry would surely die.

Today's battle explains this point of view very well. When the enemy and we were eighty steps away, the Qiang cavalry skillfully positioned their bows and shot arrows.

However, the violent bumps on the horse's back during the rapid charge, the armor of the enemy cavalry, and the insufficient time to change shots in the rapid contact battle are all important reasons that determine that mounted shooting can only be the icing on the cake. Close collision and fighting are the key.

The spears and spears of Beimang's regular frontier troops are pretty good, but most of the tribal light cavalry, including the Qiang cavalry in front of them, are very poor. It's not that Beimang is stingy about refined spears and spears, but that the Qiang cavalry has its own set of familiar tactics. Qiang cavalry, equipped with spears and spears will only add insult to injury.

The training of cavalry into an integrated system is a systematic issue. What is the relationship between the weight, length, and length of swords, spears, and cavalry arms, and the physical strength of the cavalry's arms? The precise area where the spear stabbed the enemy cavalry? What's the optimal angle for slashing with a sword? What is the appropriate weight for armor? These all vary from person to person and are all university questions.

The survivors of the Spring and Autumn Period who left their hometown in Hongjia and fled north brought many secret and superb casting skills to Beimang. However, the massive iron shortage in Beimang turned many Southern Dynasty craftsmen into hardworking women without rice to make a living.

The Beiliang cavalry have been fighting Beimang all year round and are familiar with Beimang's roads. As long as they do not collide with the fully equipped Beimang cavalry, they can complete a crushing pursuit of Beimang tribe cavalry that is twice or even three times their size.

"Including this wave, almost 100,000 cavalry were defeated. Even if Beimang had a million troops, this is close to 10%."

"Come to think of it, some people can't sit still anymore. And how long can the dragon energy be hidden?"

Xu Xin, who was in the sky, looked down at the earth. He was looking for the dragon energy in Beimang and was preparing to make a big wave.

(End of this chapter)

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