The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 949: Take the image from the sky, and take the law from the earth

Chapter 949: Take the image from the sky, and take the law from the earth

Outside Beimang Xijing City, Xu Xin was riding a dragon when suddenly two elite heavy-armored cavalry came with Yanchen, looking as if they were trying to encircle them.

The leader of the first iron cavalry, next to the giant bronze man with a dull expression but as tall as a heavenly immortal, was a man who was even more sharp than the ancestor of the bronze man. He looked in his early thirties, and in terms of temperament and power, he had She looks a bit like Wang Xianzhi when she was young.

This man can be regarded as born with strange appearance. His eyes have no pupils at all, leaving only a strange silvery white color. He stared at Xu Xin from a distance and said in a loud voice: "In Xiabeimanqi Jianyue Mansion, Gengluzi Hong Jingyan has seen... …”

"Go away!"

Xu Xin was not interested in listening to this guy's babbling self-introduction.

"Hahahaha...Hong Jingyan, a blind and arrogant guy like you, will still end up today!"

There was a burst of clear and heroic laughter in the distance. It was obvious that this Hong Jingyan was very familiar with him and was not on good terms with him.

Hong Jingyan of Chess and Sword Yuefu was said to have "eyes without eyes" because of his natural abnormality in his eyes. He once pointed to his eyes while playing chess and said that he only saw two people in the world, one was Wang Xianzhi and the other It is Tuoba Bodhisattva.

Naturally, not many people like this arrogant behavior, and there is still competition between the man who came here and Hong Jingyan.

Hong Jingyan gave an order, and his subordinate Rouran Iron Cavalry immediately formed a steel city wall, with Hong Jingyan and Tongren Patriarch, two top masters of the Chess, Sword and Yuefu, standing in front of them.

Hong Jingyan, who was born in the Chess, Sword, and Yue Mansion, and was both civil and military, was the one who worried Empress Beimang the most.

"Give Way!"

According to the laws of the Beimang Kingdom, even if the officials of the Southern Dynasties and the officials of the Imperial Court of the Northern Dynasty have the same title, their rank will still have to be lowered by one rank. Only those nobles of the Southern Dynasties who have been specially awarded by the Empress of Beimang can be promoted by half a rank.

"Line up to meet the enemy!"

Two groups of cavalry surrounded Xu Xin. What stood in front of Xu Xin was an endless torrent of cavalry. However, he had no intention of slowing down and continued to charge forward, trying to force a breakthrough.

However, for the sake of future generations, she arranged for both of them to be in charge of military affairs in the Northern and Southern Dynasties. Of these two ambitious people, only one was destined to emerge in the end. And when they decide the winner, the royal family has other methods.

Dong Zhuo's father was a scholar from the Spring and Autumn Period, and his mother was a girl from a small family in Beimang. After joining the army for more than ten years, he transformed all 200 kilograms of fat into muscles, and he also became an unknown soldier. He became the most dazzling military hero in the Northern and Southern Dynasties.

Dong Zhuo has a strong build and skin as black as coal. His mount is also a heavy black horse. The cavalry behind him gallops in a straight line.

This Fatty Dong is the only powerful person in the Beimang Dynasty who has won three special honors. He should have been a fourth-grade military general, but he holds military power directly to the second-grade, even if he is the Nanyuan King of the Beimang Southern Dynasty. , and he dared to scold her in person.

However, Empress Beimang was confident that she could control these two men and had no fear that they would cause trouble while she was still alive, so she rewarded Hong Jingyan with Rouran's iron cavalry and also gave Dong Zhuo's extremely elite cavalry.

Dong Zhuo was so domineering, but he was not the thorn in the side that Empress Beimang was most worried about.

Another group of heavy armored cavalry appeared in Xu Xin's sight. The fat general weighed at least two hundred kilograms, but he did not feel cumbersome at all. He was the person who had previously ridiculed Hong Jingyan, and he was also the focus of Xu Xin's name. The great general of the Northern Dynasty and the Southern Dynasty, the fat general Dong Zhuo, who is as famous as Chu Lushan.

"Ha ha……"

Dong Zhuo burst into laughter, and immediately ordered the cavalry to spread out to form a better encirclement, and at the same time shouted: "Although I really like you scolding this blind guy, who made you offend the emperor's sister..."

In the entire Beimang Dynasty, Dong Zhuo was the only one who would call Empress Murong the emperor's sister, which meant that he was very courteous and could talk, so he was even more popular with the empress.

"Bang!" Xu Xin, surrounded by a blood rainbow, directly hit the Rouran cavalry that was blocking the way. Hong Jingyan of Chess, Sword and Yuefu, a great master who had fought against Chen Zhibao, was kicked out by Xu Xin, and those Rouran cavalry were even more shocked. Like a goddess scattering flowers, they fly everywhere.

"This guy is so powerful, I can't stop him, I can't stop him..."

Dong Zhuo originally wanted to show his loyalty, but when he saw the situation in front of him, he decisively dispersed a little and did not let his cavalry block him with his life. He just led his masters to cooperate with the siege of Xu Xin.

Xu Xin and the Blood True Dragon slowed down a bit. The Rouran cavalry were swept away by him, but more came around.

It has to be said that the quality of the soldiers in the world of "Snow" is the best in all the worlds he has seen. The top-level military can be said to have all members practicing martial arts, such as captains and generals, and all of them can be called masters of the world.

Of course, not the kind of grandmaster above the first rank, but the little grandmaster of the second rank.

In particular, Beimang introduced all the luck of the rivers and lakes into the court, which made the court produce many masters. The generals in the army were basically better than Liyang in terms of quality.

A large number of martial arts generals and soldiers fought with their lives to stop them and refused to retreat. Among them were Beimang's masters who secretly carried out sneak attacks to delay you, just to prevent you from safely breaking through. It's no wonder that many masters were surrounded and killed by the army.


A golden and bronze figure, as majestic as a heavenly god, strode forward, and the dust splashed under his feet was even greater than the galloping force of a thousand-man cavalry army.

Xu Xin will be surrounded this time, the main reason is because of the entanglement of this bronze man. The golden giant is worthy of being a banished immortal to the earth. His body is indestructible. Even Xu Xin's attack, he can withstand Xu Xin's attack.

Every time Xu Xin wanted to leave, the bronze master opened his mouth to speak but was silent. But at the same time, his abdomen swelled like the roar of a big bell, and he pushed out with a palm. It seemed like an understatement, but it could break rivers and create mountains.

The banished immortal, who was as tall as the Kunlun Immortal in the wild history legend, just took a deep breath, opened his mouth wide, swallowed the vitality of the world, and spread out circles of invisible ripples of energy with the majestic body as the center.

The ground shook violently and cracked, tearing out a pattern that looked like a spider web.

"Want to go?"

The golden giant sneered, and shot it with a palm in the air, and a turbulent vortex suddenly appeared in the sky.

At the same time, he held up his other hand, and a tornado rushed up from the land.

The image above is taken from the sky, and the law from the bottom is taken from the earth.

The two collided, attacking Xu Xin and the real dragon between heaven and earth.

However, Xu Xin just turned lightly and turned into petals flying in the sky, wrapping the real dragon and flying into the sky.

A beam of light suddenly shot down in the void, and the bloody dragon that swallowed the Beimang True Dragon disappeared without a trace, and a great battle came to an end.

"Void teleportation? Who is this guy's reincarnation?"

The Bronze Patriarch slowly fell down and stared at the position where the petals disappeared, his eyes particularly deep.

(End of this chapter)

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