The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 951 The water of the Yellow River comes up from the sky, Beimang Imperial Master Yuan Qingsh

Chapter 951 The water of the Yellow River comes up from the sky, Beimang Imperial Master Yuan Qingshan

Beimang Daode Sect was built at the beginning of the Yellow River on earth. It is said that there is a floating mountain behind Tianmen, six hundred feet above the ground. There are thousands of palaces on the mountain. Yuan Qingshan, the national master who has become a saint, cultivates immortality there, regardless of worldly affairs. Half a dozen.

Yuan Qingshan, the master of Qilin, has six disciples. Except for two masters who are stationed at Tianmen and the foot of the mountain, the others are scattered throughout Beimang.

On this day, Daodezong was summoned by the empress of Beimang. They were supposed to gather real people to go to the grassland to crack the national chess game and resolve the crisis in Beimang. However, due to the arrival of an old monk, no one from Beimang's Daodesect could come out.

An old monk who came from the Liang Zen Temple in the south was sitting in the mist outside the Tianmen of the Taoism Sect. The old monk, with a kind face and kind eyes, said nothing and took root on the ground outside the Tianmen.

The Daodezong Tianmen is a natural cave surrounded by two towering peaks facing each other. It is filled with clouds and mist inside. There are 999 jade steps outside the door. Even if you climb up the steps and take a closer look outside the door, you will not be able to see clearly the mystery inside.

There are eighteen Taoist temples outside Tianmen, nine on each side. There is an endless stream of pilgrims. The incense that stretches all year round blends into the mist, making Tao Te Sect look more and more like a fairyland on earth.

A main road leads to the Tianmen, and the old monk meditates peacefully on the flat ground in front of the first step.

First, the real man in purple robes with a sword came out of the Tianmen, flew his sword down the mountain, and the sword whirled and the dragon roared for three days, but he could not get in three feet in front of the old monk.

Another person holding a jade, Ruyi, swept from the foot of Fushan Mountain to outside Tianmen.

After reading the Diamond Sutra once, the old monk, who knew little about words and Dharma, began to talk about the Dharma he had learned and felt.

The holy monk Nagarjuna of Liangchan Temple proclaimed a Buddhist name and then said: "The poor monk heard that the national master and Emperor Beimang wanted to destroy our Buddhism. The old monk thought this was wrong, so he went north."

"Amitabha! Good! Good!"

Originally, in order to resolve the national chess game, Tao Te Sect summoned countless devout believers. Thousands of people gathered at the foot of the mountain, at least ten thousand people, and the number was still growing.

Deep in the Taoist Sect, a pattern of yin and yang fish curled up from the clouds and mist, reaching into the sky. Dozens of giant white storks that were different from their own kind circled into the sky. The white storks fanned the mist in the sky, and a towering floating tower could be vaguely seen. Empty mountains.

Recite the Diamond Sutra word for word.

The young Taoist priest looked at the old monk from a distance, drew his sword out of its sheath with a clang, and said in a clear voice: "Longshu, our Taoist sect and your two Zen temples, one in Beimang and the other in Liyang, have always been like water in a well but not in the river. Why did you come to my Taoist Sect to cause trouble and block my way?"

"Three hundred poems of Confucian saints can be summed up in one sentence, and their thoughts are innocent. The old gentleman rides a green bull and three thousand Tao Te Ching, seeking purity. The Buddha did not establish words, so the old monk took it upon himself to talk about what I have learned. Buddhism…”

The Taoist priest revealed his true appearance after landing, but he looked like a young man, with a masculine and feminine appearance, and he looked a bit flattering.

Three more immortal immortals arrived.

"It's a pity that the old monk is not very capable. He thinks that he has no ability to influence the Beimang Emperor who is arrogant and determined to destroy the Buddha. He can only talk about the Diamond Sutra with the people of the world and talk about the truth with the Taoist Sect."

At this time, a negative sword Taoist floated gently down from Fushan. He stepped on the black and white intersection of yin and yang fish in the black and white Tai Chi diagram, as if he was a banished immortal from heaven.

After the old monk finished speaking, he began to read the scriptures.

When the old monk sat down to recite sutras, countless people seemed to be "enlightened" and felt "completely convinced". They also sat cross-legged and began to listen to the sutras.

"What a great Nagarjuna, I think you are either here to teach scriptures or seek truth, or you are specifically helping Beiliang deal with me, Beimang. Do you think you can stop our master in this way?"

"Come here, follow me and kill Nagarjuna." A long rainbow passed through the sky, higher than the Tianmen. The young Master Qilin decisively drew his sword. Several of his disciples and other Daode Sect masters also showed their magical powers and attacked in various ways. He used all his weapons to attack the old monk sitting cross-legged on the ground.

There was a tremor between heaven and earth, and the three-foot Vajra Domain in front of the old monk was also broken, and the cassock on his body was damaged and became sloppy due to various attack methods.

Waves of golden light flashed, and the Holy Monk Nagarjuna, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground, withdrew all attacks with his powerful Vajra body. He chanted sutras and taught the Dharma without retreating, and suppressed everyone in the Taoist Sect by himself.


Suddenly a touch of golden light appeared, and an imperceptible wound appeared on the body surface of the holy monk Nagarjuna. A drop of golden light, like flowing golden liquid blood, did not flow out after rolling for a moment. Nagarjuna's tiny wound was very small. Get back to how you were soon.


Holy Monk Nagarjuna raised his head and glanced at Beimang's Imperial Master, Master Qilin of the Taoist Sect. It was this person whose flying sword just caused slight damage to him. He was indeed a powerful character.


Master Qilin gave another order, and more Daode Sect disciples immediately took action, and the vitality inside and outside the entire Daode Sect Mountain Gate fluctuated violently. It was obvious that they were preparing to use formation methods.

"The Tao Te Sect doesn't respect morality, so don't blame me, Li, for returning the favor."

In the midst of the rolling Yellow River, a white-robed monk fell down. The energy in his body flowed like a river flowing into the sea. One orifice rushed into the other, one pulse connected to the other. His two palms struck with a bang, and he put his hands together in a salute. Following this, The magnificent Yellow River suddenly stopped.

The water of the Yellow River, which has flowed to the sea for thousands of years and will never return, is flowing upstream at this time of day. The water surface folds backwards and the water is particularly fierce.

The monk in white clothes grabbed the water of the Yellow River and went upstream. Soaring into the sky, a white rainbow went straight into the mountain gate of Taoism, and a big yellow river rushed in the sky.

Bai Hong paused and appeared, and the monk in white said loudly: "The poor monk is here to return the favor!"

It is disrespectful to come back but not to reciprocate. Daodezong first prepared to destroy the Buddha, then launched an immoral siege, and even prepared to use formations. So don't blame him, Li Dangxin, for returning the courtesy.

The Yellow River hung in the sky, and the monk in white pulled up a whole Yellow River.

This scene is shocking, like a fight between gods. This is the magical power of the most powerful of the three religions. One person can defeat an army.


On a street corner north of Liyang, an old Taoist priest was sitting in front of a stall eating steamed buns. His appearance changed erratically, sometimes he was old, sometimes he was young, and sometimes he looked like a child.

Suddenly a flower petal floated in front of the stall. After eating a meat bun, the old Taoist priest suddenly sighed and raised his head, looked at the young man who suddenly appeared in front of him, and said, "Master, why don't you let me, an old Taoist priest, go."

"Yuan Qingshan, you are the Imperial Master of Beimang, and Zhao Zhu is a son of the Zhao family in Liyang. You have done things that are against me, and you even ask me why I don't want to let you go."

Xu Xin's voice sounded calmly, but the people passing by on the street were completely unaware of it, as if he and the old Taoist priest were the only ones in the world who were "awake".

Yuan Qingshan shook his head and said: "Hey! Everything the old Taoist has done is just to get luck and ascend. Why can't you let me go..."

(End of this chapter)

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