The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 955: One is cool and the other is reckless, the first battle is the decisive battle, one bat

Chapter 955: One Liang is as powerful as the other five. The first battle is the decisive battle. One battle will determine the world.
In a battle between two countries, the spy must die first. In the battle between two places, the scouts will die first.

In the battle of Liangmang, all the spies and scouts died.

In the Beimang grassland outside the Pass, although the war has not really reached its peak, Beimang mobilized all the soldiers and horses from the eight states of the Northern and Southern Dynasties, and even mobilized most of the more than 200,000 soldiers and horses on the two Liao defense lines. The soldiers alone were enough There are millions, and it is truly a battle that will overwhelm the country.

Liyang and Beiliang are naturally aware of Beimang's big move. If Liyang doesn't have any trouble with Beiliang, sending troops from the two Liao defense lines at this time will definitely affect Beimang's energy, and even take advantage of the Liangmang war. A great victory in the north.

However, Liyang has always been timid. The soldiers and horses set up in the two Liaos have always been for defense. Even if they knew that Liangmang was about to fight, they did not dare to send troops. Tai'an City repeatedly issued orders to stick to the two Liaos.

In the Beimang grassland outside the Northwest Pass, as millions of troops gradually encircled it, an atmosphere of imminent rain was permeating the air.

Unlike the previous spies from both sides of the border who wandered around and watched each other, after the furious Beimang Empress issued the order, groups of Beiliang crossbowmen and Beimang horsemen began to exchange lives with each other, almost fighting to the death on sight. .

From the time when Xu Xin slaughtered Zhenlong and set up a plan to wipe out the national destiny of Beimang, and when a million troops were mobilized to encircle them, more than 40 encounters of various sizes had broken out between the troops from Beiliang that broke into the grasslands and the scouts from various departments in Beimang.

Beiliang's white horse crossbowmen suffered nearly a thousand casualties, while Beimang's main scouts such as Crow Lanzi and Heihu Lanzi suffered losses of more than 2,000 cavalry. As for the miscellaneous Malanzi from the Longguan border army of the Southern Dynasties, there are countless.

The vast expanse of green grassland has long been stained with blood, and large-scale scouts from both sides are fighting each other. As time goes by, the battle becomes more and more fierce, but neither side stops, because everyone knows that a battle involving more than a million people will take place. The decisive battle is about to break out.

This fierce scout battle ultimately failed due to improper command and cooperation among Beimang scouts. Several groups of horses belonging to different factions in Beimang were led into an ambush trap and were eventually destroyed, while Beiliang On the other hand, they also paid the price of the death of the crossbowman captain.

At this moment, the wailing sounds of horns sounded from different places, majestic and tragic. It seems that they are paying homage to the dead, to those robes whose heads are missing from every corpse.

"People from Tibing Mountain, follow me and kill them!"

Once this happens, it is a very urgent situation.

In a bloody battlefield near the north of the grassland, another close-range cavalry battle was about to break out. Liang Mang's cavalrymen all drew their swords and faced each other in tacit agreement.

The elite cavalry collided fiercely, and then the line of life and death passed by.

But before they could finish cleaning the battlefield, more Beimang cavalry rushed over, and their own army followed the trend to encircle them, and a more intense battle broke out.

As expected, in today's battle, one of the border scouts will definitely die at the border.

The remaining white horse crossbowmen chased them all the way, with great momentum and very few casualties. Occasionally, some of the horsemen were injured by arrows and could no longer fight. They dismounted and went nearby to look for the headless corpses of those who died during the retreat, and put them on the back of the horse.

They meet on a narrow road and fight endlessly.

With one move, the whole body was affected. Liang Mang each used his own scouts as bait, and a larger-scale encounter broke out.

In the Battle of Scouts, the horn should not have appeared on the battlefield.

Another cavalry army came through the wind and sand. They were the elites of Tibingshan, one of the five major sects in Beimang. Their joining the battlefield also meant that the intensity of the war was escalating.

Beimang Ma Lanzi waved the sword in his hand, and Beiliang's crossbow hand held the sword tightly at the same time.

Yuan Nanting of Beiliang led 10,000 white feather guards, and Qi Dangguo led 6,000 iron pagodas. According to Chen Zhibao's established strategy, they entered the grassland battlefield one after another.

Eight thousand Dong Zhuo's elite private cavalry from the Northern Mang and Southern Dynasties, and six thousand Rouran cavalry under Hong Jingyan's command, also rushed to the battlefield one after another.

This encounter, which both the enemy and ourselves had planned early and was full of variables, happened suddenly. Neither side expected that the war would break out so suddenly. However, the commander Chen Zhibao on the Beiliang side was more capable and responded in time. However, Murong Baoding's army, which held the festival order, could not reach reinforcements. Beiliang surrounded them with all their strength, intending to eat tens of thousands of Beimang's elite cavalry.

Beimang, who was not willing to fail, naturally continued to invest troops and surrounded them with soldiers and horses, hoping to create a central flower.

Beimang's center blossomed, and Beiliang also tried to encircle reversely. The situation between the enemy and ourselves was intertwined. There were various encirclements and counter-encirclements, decisive battles and counterattacks. The battle became more and more intense and gradually lost control.

On the Beimang grassland, a heavy rain fell, and the clumps of summer grasses that had spent the spring were still green. There were constant shouts and roars in the distance. Below the terrain, a patch of blood-yellow silt was still gathering, and more blood was still dyeing the grassland red.

Tiefutu is a Liangzhou elite cavalry that is between heavy cavalry and light cavalry. The leading general is Qi Dangguo, one of Xu Xiao's adopted sons.

Since ancient times, when a general goes on an expedition, he must put up a big flag behind him. The people who carry the flag are all fierce generals in the army. Therefore, they are praised by military strategists as the ones with the strongest physical strength to carry the flag. Qi Dangguo is the fourth flag bearer in Beiliang.

Before him, there were Wang Jian, who was known as the enemy of ten thousand people, Chen Qiong, the father of Chen Zhibao after Xu Xiaoduan, and Wang Linquan, the richest man in Qingzhou.

The former two died in the battle before Xu Xiao joined Beiliang, and the latter disbanded his troops and returned home.

Today, it is his turn to rule the country.

Six Thousand Iron Buddha Tu comes from Manjia Camp, one of the old camps in Beiliang. As the name suggests, the people of this battalion have always been looking forward to Manjia. But now, in the midst of a deadly battle, the Manjia Battalion was equipped with rare men and horses, and its equipment was as sophisticated as Beiliang's most elite 10,000-strong Snow Dragon Cavalry.

The armor is clanging, the armored battalions are full, it’s time to fight to the death.

The six thousand iron pagodas and the six thousand Rouran iron cavalry troops under Hong Jingyan's command from the Northern Mang Dynasty and the Southern Dynasty met unexpectedly and rushed to the battlefield almost at the same time. The two torrents of iron armor collided head-on, and the war broke out immediately.

Light cavalry versus light cavalry, iron cavalry versus iron cavalry.

Qi Dangguo, the leader of the Six Thousand Iron Buddhas, was in the center of the front line, appearing at the forefront. One person, one horse and one iron spear, leading the way.

On the Beimang side, Hong Jingyan, the commander of the Rouran Cavalry, deliberately kept two thousand cavalry troops, waiting for the opportunity to kill him with one strike. He wanted to use the head of Xu Xiao's adopted son as a stepping stone for the title of marquis. stone.

Xu Xiao's adopted son Qi was in charge of the country, and Beimang was facing Hong Jingyan in the south. The two high-level leaders of Beiliang and Beimang met head-on on the battlefield, which also meant that the decisive battle was about to break out. The mighty Beimang army of one million troops marched from the north, northeast, and southeast Two hundred thousand cavalry were "submerged" in the north, south, northwest and other five directions at the same time.

The million-strong army is divided into five divisions, and each division is no less inferior to the more than 200,000 troops that came out of Beiliang this time. There are more support troops behind them, which can be said to be a steady stream.

At the Central Army Headquarters in Beiliang, Xu Xin, who was sitting cross-legged in the void, looked down at Chen Zhibao, who was dispatching troops, and said: "Beimang's million-strong army is divided into five groups. How are you going to win and defeat them one by one?"

"There is no need to divide the troops. One Liang can serve as the five Mang. Why should Beiliang be afraid of bloody battles?"

"In this Liangmang battle, the time and place are all mine, and I am not afraid of people or people."

“Beimang’s move in full force is the opportunity to catch them all in one fell swoop.

"The first battle is the decisive battle, and one battle will determine the world."

Chen Zhibao said confidently, and then issued military orders one after another. They were meticulous, precise, and organized. He was by no means a micromanaging master.

(End of this chapter)

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