The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 965: Daodelin in Shangyin Academy, Zhang Fuyao, the first Confucian sage

Chapter 965: Daodelin in Shangyin Academy, Zhang Fuyao, the first Confucian sage

"Hey! Boy Xu, you are finally here!"

In a small town near Shangyin Academy, when a hundred thousand Northern Liang cavalry were approaching, a person familiar to Xu Xin jumped out from the top of the city, the careless and foot-picking old swordsman Li Chungang.

He did not come alone. Xu Xin then saw Jiang Ni, Cao Changqing, and Deng Tai'a. In addition, in this city, he saw Huishan Xuanyuan Jingcheng who was supposed to be waiting in Jianzhou, and two members of the Xuanyuan family. The first rank is enshrined, Huang Fangfo and Hong Piao.

"You kid suddenly turned in the direction of Shangyin Academy. Cao Changqing said he sensed a change in the sky, so we came here. We didn't expect to meet people from the Xuanyuan family in the city. Your father-in-law seems to have sensed it too. some situations.”

Li Chungang said with a smile. He jumped slightly and sat cross-legged on the head of Xu Fengnian's horse next to him. This old scoundrel-like behavior made Xu Fengnian helpless and could only turn over and change horses.

When the hundreds of thousands of cavalrymen from Beiliang went south, they basically rode one person, two horses or even three horses, so there was no need to worry about the mounts.

"A change in the celestial phenomena? A whim?"

After Xu Xin listened to Li Chungang's words, he was just thoughtful. After nodding and greeting the three masters Xuanyuan Jingcheng, Cao Changqing and Deng Tai'a, he looked in the direction of Shangyin Academy with some changes in his eyes.

"Apprentice, come quickly, Xu Fengnian's horse must be a fine BMW!"

The school that has lasted for thousands of years has always been a private school, and has never been truly mastered by any one dynasty.

Li Chungang greeted Jiang Ni, who stroked his head helplessly. He had always felt that this master was unreliable, but at the time he saw the old man as pitiful and still could not refuse to become his master. Now it is too late to regret it!
The sudden addition of Xi Chu and his entourage and the Huishan Xuanyuan family was just a small episode in the process of the team's march. About that afternoon, one hundred thousand Beiliang cavalry arrived at the street market close to Shangyin Academy.

But on the surface, the Liyang court still gave many special favors to Shangyin Academy. At that time, the price of wine for the academy was half an imperial master. Even if the imperial examination was held to obtain scholars and the Imperial Academy diverted a lot of study seeds, Shangyin Xuegong is still the undisputed leader in the literary world.

The kings who have controlled the territory of Shangyin Academy in the past dynasties, whether they are brilliant masters with great talents or ignorant monarchs who are not enterprising, have never tried to interfere with Shangyin Academy. They may have made some small moves, but in the end they have not succeeded.

This palace has always been outside the temple and is known as the Academy. As long as there is still one person on the first floor, it means that the cultural heritage of the Central Plains continues.

If Wudang Mountain and Longhu Mountain are the capitals of immortals, then Shangyin Academy is the city of saints.

The Shangyin Academy received the news early. There were teachers from the academy, including wine worshipers and teachers, as well as some students who took the initiative to form a huge team to greet them in the open space outside the academy.

Perhaps because of the proximity to Shangyin Academy, the teahouses and restaurants in the city are all very elegantly named. It is said that on the walls of any old inn, fragments of poems written by literary giants from various dynasties and dynasties can be left on the walls.

Xu Xin and 100,000 Northern Liang cavalry rode through the streets. Although it was noisy along the way, there was not much commotion, and there were no scenes of horses riding through the streets to cause wanton destruction. The Northern Liang troops all had excellent riding skills, and Xu Since Xin issued military orders, naturally no one dared to cause trouble.

Even in the Liyang Dynasty, they treated Shangyin Academy with courtesy. However, in the face of this disobedient private school, the imperial court also supported the Imperial Academy and Yao Jia Neo-Confucianism, hoping to create a three-legged scholarly structure.

With continuous development in the past thousand years, especially in the era of the first Confucian sage Zhang Fuyao, the academy became more and more prosperous, with chess, calligraphy, and painting, hundreds of scholars, and what they learned and taught was extensive and exquisite.

However, as the Nine Kingdoms Spring and Autumn Period war came to an end, the scene of a hundred schools of thought contending was no longer the case. However, the awe-inspiring atmosphere of equality among scholars and no distinction in academics has been passed down.

The scholars of Shangyin Academy come from all over the world, regardless of region, status, wealth or poverty. As long as they pass the academy's triennial assessment, they can enter the academy and become Shangyin scholars. These students who jumped over the dragon gate are also called He is known as the student of Jixia. Nowadays, the Shangyin Academy is offering wine to Qi Yanglong, who is listed as the imperial advisor of the dynasty along with Longhushan Zhao Danxia. His status is aloof. The dragon never sees its end, and spends most of its time in the capital.

Today, the person who came out of the palace with a group of students to greet him was Mr. Wang, one of the three priests in the academy after the Grand Priest Liquor. These three people were respected as Mr. Jishang, and they did not teach ordinary classics, but It is the avenue of saints.

At the same time, Mr. Wang is also Xu Weixiong's master. He specializes in teaching Zonghengshu and Wangbalue at Shangyin Academy. He once won first and then lost in two famous debates. He won the debate between name and reality, but lost. After the dispute between heaven and man, he rarely showed up.

He was very strict in accepting disciples. In the past ten years, he had only accepted Xu Weixiong as his student. He also said that this would be his disciple in seclusion, and his legacy would be passed on, and this life would be enough.

During the Spring and Autumn Period and the National War, the Shangyin Academy was spectacular. It was said to have three thousand sages from a hundred schools of thought, and the nine schools of Taoism, Confucianism, Law and Soldiers, including Yin and Yang, were the most powerful.

In the past, people slaughtered Xu Xiao and swept through the Spring and Autumn Period. He destroyed the country several times and caused a stir in the world. He was accused of being the big devil of the Spring and Autumn Period. He had a very bad relationship with Shangyin Academy. Only Mr. Wang in front of him helped Xu Xiao. There are many words that are outrageous in the world.

At that time, Mr. Wang had just won the debate between name and reality, and was in the limelight. If nothing unexpected happened, if he won the debate between heaven and man, he would become the next high priest and go to the moral forest to plant a moral tree.

But in the end, he won first and then lost. It’s unclear whether there was a reason why he spoke for Xu Xiao, but later Xu Xiao took the initiative to send Xu Weixiong to Shangyin Academy to become his teacher, which seemed to prove something. Anyway, the Xu family has a relationship with him.

"Shangyin Academy is really impressive!"

Outside the Shangyin Academy, Xu Xin reined in his horse and stood without looking at Mr. Wang. He was here to cause trouble, but he was not looking for trouble with the current Shangyin Academy offering wine and students. This group of The scholar didn't deserve to be troubled by him.

"Mr. Wang, you're welcome, you're welcome, come on, come on, don't be too polite..."

The voice of Northern Liang King Xu Xiao rang out. He personally dismounted from his horse and helped Wang Jijiu, who was bowing to salute. His enthusiastic greeting also made the teachers and students of Shangyin Academy heave a sigh of relief.

The whole world was paying attention to the fact that one hundred thousand Northern Liang cavalry went south. They suddenly turned to Shangyin Academy, which confused everyone in the academy. They had no idea how the academy had offended Beiliang? Looking at the attitude of the Northern Liang King now, it doesn't seem like it. Could it be that he came here specifically to recruit talented students?
Some students were very imaginative and thought that Beiliang was preparing to rule the world in the future and wanted to recruit talents in advance. Some people were actually a little ready to make a move.

"Let's go to Dowling!"

Xu Xin said something, then rode forward and entered Shangyin Academy.

The moral forest of Shangyin Academy, which means trees that last for ten years and cultivate virtue for thousands of years, is a holy place where students all over the world believe. Only Mr. Jishang and Dajijiu can enter.

However, Xu Xin rode past without anyone stopping him. From a distance, you can see the big trees and the stone tablets erected one after another, with history and merits written on them. Near the woods and the forest of tablets, there is a small thatched cottage.

A blind harpist was sitting outside the thatched cottage playing the harp. Hearing the sound of Xu Xin's horse hooves approaching, he raised his head and "looked" over.

"Zhang Fuyao, how long are you going to keep pretending?"

Xu Xin's voice sounded, earth-shaking.

(End of this chapter)

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