The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 967 Your principles and bottom line of Sage Zhang are very flexible!

Chapter 967 Your principles and bottom line of Sage Zhang are very flexible!

"What a terrible smell!"

"What a strange magical power!"

The moment when the first-generation Confucian sage Zhang Fuyao moved his mouth, the old sword god Li Chungang and the new sword god Deng Tai'a looked solemn at the same time. The latter even said two sentences in a row and used two good words to describe it, which also reflected his inner heart. of fear.

The moment Zhang Fuyao's identity was revealed by Xu Xindao, and he transformed from a blind old piano master to an old Confucian scholar, the aura that erupted made all first-level experts feel an inexplicable sense of irritation.

Practitioners above the first level, especially those sensitive top masters, all have the ability to sense something unpredictable, just like Cao Changqing and Xuanyuan Jingcheng sensed something in advance.

When Deng Tai'a sensed Zhang Fuyao's aura, he could only describe it as terrifying. And then the first-generation Confucian sage stopped his equally famous Cao Changqing with just one word. This magical power was even more bizarre.

Mrs. Deng asked himself, he was afraid that he would not be able to resolve this move, and would most likely be immobilized by someone's words, or even sent thousands of miles away.

"Zhang Fuyao, you, the Zhang family, attacked me first. You said I had to deal with you."

Outside the Daodelin thatched cottage, Xu Xin was riding on a tall white horse from Beiliang. He looked down at the first-generation Confucian sage. His calm and indifferent voice spread throughout the Shangyin Academy. Everyone could sense that his arrival was not good. It's coming menacingly.

When Zhang Fuyao said this, he shook his head and sighed, and then said: "Young man, it is not good to be too greedy, and it is not a good thing to be wary. Originally, I should not interfere. But now, you should go back to Beiliang! "

He holds the Heavenly Constitution in his mouth, follows the law when he speaks it, and one word becomes a prophecy.

"The Northern Liang Iron Cavalry is the best in the world. It's not just your Xu family that is boasting, right?"

However, real masters only find it incredible. If Xu Xin really went to Beiliang and came back all at once, was it the legendary morning of Cangwu and evening of Beihai?

Xu Xin actually disappeared in this world just now. He disappeared in a flash. He might have been sent back to Beiliang, but he happened to be back the next moment.

"Xu Longxiang!!!"

But it seems to be even more terrifying than this magical power, and it only lasts for a moment!
"This is?"

Most of the students in Shangyin Academy just thought that their eyes were dazzled, but only the truly top masters realized what had just happened.

At the same time, Xu Xin's figure on Beiliang's white horse flashed, and the void rippled.

But the next moment, Xu Xin's figure went from blurry to solid, and appeared in front of the world again.

"Gui Beiliang!!!"

The old Confucian scholar in front of the thatched cottage shouted twice in succession, and a strange force swept out from the sky and the earth, similar to the situation that had previously restrained Huang Longshi and Cao Changqing.

All this happened so fast that ordinary people couldn't react, so they thought nothing happened.

The old Confucian scholar stood there, looking up at the young man on horseback, and said with a smile: "What are you still hesitating about when we face a powerful enemy? Are you Beiliang's frontier army so afraid when they met Beimang's cavalry outside Liangzhou Pass?" Cowering?"

"You are not here because of the descendants of my Zhang family, but you have already set your sights on me."

Zhang Fuyao in front of Xu Xin frowned slightly. As his voice sounded again, a strong wind suddenly swayed around Xu Xin, and his sleeves and robes rustled.

The old Confucian scholar's sarcastic provocation did not disturb Xu Xin's mood.

"Your provoking skills are really low-level. As an ancestor, you should learn to curse with those filial sons and grandsons of your Zhang family. Those guys are much better at talking with each other than your ancestors. They can kill people with their mouths without showing blood. There are so many things!”

Xu Xin smiled coldly and said, he was not in a hurry to take action, but tried to find ways to deal with it. The Zhang Fuyao in this life is probably a "heterotopic body" similar to the master in the previous life. This old guy has been hiding in the world for eight hundred years. , his ability is absolutely powerful, so you should be careful. "Roar!"

A dragon roar shocked the world, and a blood rainbow shot through the sky. The blood dragon that swallowed the Liyang Evil Dragon and the Beimang True Dragon appeared. It already had the appearance of a thousand-foot-long heavenly dragon. As soon as it appeared, it flew behind Xu Xin and headed towards Zhang Fuyao roared majestically.

Outside the thatched cottage, Zhang Fuyao, who was sitting cross-legged, clicked his tongue and said, "It's interesting."

The neatly dressed first-generation Confucian sage folded his hands on his abdomen and said calmly: "A gentleman does not talk about strange powers and confuses gods! Dragons are also gods!"

The bloody dragon roared and fell down. Just when its claws were about to grab Zhang Fuyao's head, it suddenly stopped and stopped in the air.

At this moment, Xu Xin finally moved. Without any delay, he just pressed down with his palm.

The torrent is rolling in the void, as if there is a Milky Way wandering by, quite similar to the way Xu Xin fought with Wang Xianzhi on that day when the sword of the river came up from the sky.

Facing Xu Xin's palm, Zhang Fuyao just smiled and said: "A gentleman walks the straight path!"

When he raised his foot and took a step upward, the originally motionless bloody dragon instantly broke free from its restraints. Just when it was about to fall down to show off its power, it was stopped by Xu Xin's raised palm, and Xu Xin's hand also fell. Going down, Zhang Fuyao lightly raised his left hand to catch him.

The old man's movements are very beautiful, the kind of leisurely strolling in the courtyard, like a scholar who has studied hard for many years in a cold window and writes casually with a pen when he feels like it. It is natural, without any stagnation, and has a proper saintly atmosphere.

His originally stooped figure had straightened up without knowing it, and he stepped up the invisible steps in the void step by step. He held Xu Xin's palm with his left hand and looked at Xu Xin on the horse with a smile.

"Zhang Fuyao, how long can your anger last?"

Xu Xin smiled.

Zhang Fuyao still had some energy left and said, "I also want to see how long your breath can be."

The blue and purple energy between heaven and earth was turbulent, and the void was like a crystal clear glass. Cracks visible to the naked eye began to appear, and countless dazzling rays of light bloomed from between those gaps.

The old Confucian scholar's vicissitudes of life shone brightly under the purple aura. He continued to stride forward and said loudly: "Xu Xiao marched his horse across the Six Kingdoms, breaking the backbone of the Spring and Autumn Period, so that there were new graves all over the Central Plains. You Shouldn't the Xu family repay their debts for this? Why would they restart the war for their own personal revenge and bring disaster to the country and the people..."

"Xu Longxiang, do you really think that no one in the world can kill you? Will he let you do whatever you want? You can return to Beiliang quickly and have a good death!"

"Ha ha……"

"Spring and Autumn Backbone, what a piece of rubbish, I don't know what it is called."

"A cat or a dog can tell the truth with his words."

"The wars in the Spring and Autumn Period continued, and the unification of the Central Plains is the general trend. Even if there are blood debts from various countries, and those who want to kill the nobles and horse-traveling rivers and lakes, they should go to the Liyang Zhao family, it is his family's imperial edict."

"Also, what kind of bullshit gentleman walks straight? What kind of bullshit gentleman is there inside and outside the temple!"

"The true gentleman is at the border, in Beiliang. The Beiliang Iron Cavalry Wu guards the border, Hutou City, Wogong City, Luanhe City, Qingcang City...the only ones who die are those who turn their backs from south to north!"

"In addition, if I remember correctly, Huang Longshi is your apprentice! In other words, he provoked the Spring and Autumn War. As a master, you know better than anyone else. If you really think that the Spring and Autumn War should not be fought, why don't you clean up the matter? Portal?"

"By the way, there is also the Zhang family who surrendered to me in that generation. How embarrassing! Why don't you destroy this group of unscrupulous descendants? Or do you think these are all right?"

"In that case, your principles and bottom line of Sage Zhang are very flexible!"

(End of this chapter)

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