The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 975 The loyal Gu Jiantang sells a bowl of dumplings in Liyang

Chapter 975 The loyal Gu Jiantang sells a bowl of dumplings to Liyang
"Meet His Highness the King of Beiliang!"

Outside Tai'an City, Han Shengxuan died and Zhao Kai died, but the envoy team sent by the Zhao family in Liyang was not dead yet, so they wanted to continue their mission.

Only this time, the envoy turned into Zhao Siku, the great eunuch of Zhao Diao Temple. However, other people in the envoy team did not know that this eunuch Zhao was from Beiliang.

Xu Xiao glanced at Zhao Siku. Their eyes did not change at all. The former sat on the horse and asked, "Excuse me, what else did Zhao Dun ask you to bring?"

"Your Majesty, your Majesty said, please forgive me for three days out of consideration for the late emperor."

"Three days later, Your Majesty will confer the titles of kings on the throne. Prince, please go and watch the ceremony and make decisions on how to assist the government after Your Majesty's death."

Zhao Siku completed his mission meticulously and said another thing that Emperor Liyang Zhao Dun said before leaving.

In response to the menacing Beiliang, Zhao Dun and others prepared two plans. If Gao Shulu could seriously injure Xu Xin, then the solution for Beiliang would be to encircle and exterminate them.

And if Gao Shulu failed to cause Xu Xin to be seriously injured, they would choose the low profile of retreating instead of advancing and try to deceive Xu Xin and others into entering the city. Even if the Beiliang army did not fall for the trick and insisted on attacking the city directly, then the Zhao family He will also fight to the death in Tai'an City.

"Okay, I agree to this."

Before Xu Xiao could speak, Xu Xin answered.

He could naturally think of the Zhao family leaving Yang in three days, or that the current Tai'an City would be a dragon's pond and a tiger's den, but Xu Xin was not afraid of that. He even wished that the Zhao family would gather all the forces that opposed him in the world into one, so as to catch them all in one fell swoop.

Zhao Diaosi and his party returned to Tai'an City, while one hundred thousand Beiliang cavalry camped less than ten miles outside Yangcheng. They could see Tai'an City, the imperial capital, from a distance.

In the afternoon of that day, many carriages were pulled from Tai'an City, which contained baggage, food, wine and meat. It is said that the emperor of the Zhao family gave it to the Northern Liang Army.

Xu Xin accepted the order and confirmed with the messenger again that he would enter Tai'an City in three days.

However, on that night, Xu Xin called Xu Xiao and Xu Fengnian and quietly entered Tai'an City.

Tai'an City was in turmoil at this time, and a tense atmosphere enveloped the entire imperial capital.

The legendary murderous 100,000 Northern Liang cavalry were less than ten miles away from them, and Tai'an City did not seem to have many soldiers and horses to defend themselves. This was a very dangerous thing no matter how you looked at it.

On an uninhabited street in Tai'an City, Xu Fengnian beside Xu Xin asked curiously: "Huang Man'er, didn't you mean to give the Zhao family some face? Three days later... Why did you enter the city today? Who are you here to meet?"

Xu Xin smiled mysteriously and said, "That's right! We haven't made an appointment before, but if I call that person, he should come. Moreover, we might even see some interesting things."

Xu Xiao and Xu Fengnian were confused, but they still followed Xu Xin to a teahouse at the west gate of the capital. After arriving at the private room on the second floor, they saw a few familiar people.

In addition to Huang Longshi, Hehe girl Jia Jiajia, and Wen Hua wearing a wooden sword, there was also a middle-aged man who looked rather bookish.

"My young prince, this guy is Zhang Yide. If you want to be angry, just throw it at him. You can kill him or chop him into pieces."

Huang Longshi, who was in the top three in Spring and Autumn, looked like a loser, and his goddaughter Jia Jiajia next to him rolled his eyes.

Xu Fengnian looked at Zhang Yide, the contemporary Yan Shenggong, who helped Qi Jiajie with that sword, and then caused Xu Xin to change his way to the Yin Academy and send his ancestors away from the world.

"Are you ready to revise the surrender form again, Yanshenggong?"

Xu Xin's words almost made Zhang Yide furious.

"Young prince, forgive Zhang for speaking frankly, your Xu family has not conquered the country yet. And in Zhang's opinion, your chances of winning are not good."

"The young prince may have invincible martial arts, but to win the world is not to rely on personal force, but to gather the support of the people in the world." "Liyang unified the Central Plains and ended the troubled times, with the support of the people. Although the vassal kings have their own ideas, but They are all surnamed Zhao. They have already sent troops to the capital and are now in the capital. Also in the capital is General Gu Jiantang, who is as famous as the King of Beiliang. He is loyal to the imperial court..."

"Loyal General Gu, is that the one you're talking about!"

Xu Xin suddenly interrupted and pointed to the street outside Yajian's window. You could see someone riding alone and stopping in front of a stall on the street.

"General Gu?"

Zhang Yide looked from the air. Although the distance was far away, he could see clearly for some reason. He immediately recognized that the man riding alone was Gu Jiantang, Liyang's general second only to Xu Xiao.

"Do you want to see it more clearly?"

Xu Xin said again, reaching out and pointing at the basin for washing hands in the elegant room next to him, and saw the water flying up, forming a hazy water curtain, and the scene on the street outside the window was actually reflected in it.

Everyone saw that General Gu Jiantang went to a dumpling stall on the roadside and sat down opposite a man and woman.

"Little Clay Man and Cao Qingyi? Why did they meet Gu Jiantang?"

Xu Fengnian recognized the man and the woman. The man was elegant but already middle-aged, while the woman was still a young girl. She was Jiang Ni who he had always wanted to "love".

"Her Majesty the Queen of Xichu, as long as you treat me to a bowl of dumplings, I will help you restore your country and establish your country. This deal is a good deal!"

A voice suddenly sounded in Xu Xin's private room. Xu Xiao and Zhang Yide immediately recognized it as Gu Jiantang's voice, and what he said shocked everyone in the room.

"A large bowl only contains more than twenty dumplings. The entire Liyang territory is only thirty states, and one dumpling is worth one state? General Gu doesn't think this transaction is a big loss?"

This is the sound of Jiang Ni.

"There's no point in losing money. It's not all about working hard for others."

"I don't understand, the general is a very popular minister in Liyang, why would he still..."

"I've done so much for the Zhao family in the past few decades, but in the end I couldn't be crowned king. I had no choice but to support the bandits and respect themselves."

"There is Xu Xiao in the northwest and Zhang Julu in the middle of the court. This is why I, Gu Jiantang, am stable. The feudal towns are divided. In addition to the feudal kings who are too big to lose, there are also military towns in various places, including those under my command, Gu Jiantang."

"I think you all know how the Zhao family treats its heroes. They cook the dogs before the rabbits are dead. The white-clothed case in the capital in the past chilled not only Beiliang and Xu Xiao, but I, Gu Jiantang, was also afraid!"

"Then why didn't the general choose the Xu family of Beiliang?"

"Cao Changqing found me, but Her Majesty the Queen asked me why I didn't choose the Xu family? How interesting!"

"But this issue is not unquestionable."

"Xu Xiao and I have been competing for a lifetime. When we go to work for the Xu family, I can't get over the hurdle in my heart."

"As for why I chose Western Chu, it's because Cao Changqing promised me that once Western Chu is accomplished and the Jiang family becomes the leader of the Central Plains, all the war achievements in Beimang will be attributed to me. I will naturally not refuse such an invitation."

"The loyal Gu Jiantang sells a bowl of dumplings to Liyang. Xiao Zhang, you are a good judge of people!"

After Gu Jiantang finished speaking, there seemed to be silence for a while, but in the elegant room of the teahouse, Huang Longshi was adding insult to injury again.

(End of this chapter)

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