The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 987: Heavenly beings live forever? It’s just the materials to become stronger

Chapter 987: Heavenly beings live forever? It's just the materials to become stronger...

"Wang Xianzhi, spare me, spare my life..."

In a corner of the ruins of the palace in Tai'an City, the young eunuch lost the blessing of dragon energy at the moment when the Liyang True Dragon was slaughtered and the Zhao family's ancestral hall was blown up. He was swept to the ground by Wang Xianzhi's punch, groaning and wanting to beg for mercy.

"Didn't that boy from the Xu family say it before? If you can reach one hundred, why stop at ninety-nine?"

Wang Xianzhi's words fell with his fist, and the young eunuch of the same age as the country died. The death of this old man who relied on Zhao Jialong to survive seemed to have kicked off a prelude. A series of fairy lights exploded in the world, and they were one after another. The fallen immortal.

Xu Xin on the other side is devouring massive amounts of immortal light, while Tuoba Bodhisattva on the other side is still transforming and becoming stronger under the initiation of the immortals in the heaven.

As soon as Xu Xing moved, his movements immediately aroused the vigilance of Tuoba Bodhisattva, who was afraid that the former would sneak up on him.

"Tuoba Bodhisattva, don't worry, you can still stabilize your realm slowly."

"I also want to see how powerful the great immortals who have been initiated by immortals from the heavens can be."

Xu Xin glanced at the sky disdainfully. He had never regarded Tuoba Bodhisattva as a threat. Even if the latter could break through the immortality of gods and humans, he would still be a loser who would be defeated by Xu Fengnian, who was in the same realm. Such a guy would, at best, give Xu Xin As food material.

"Xu Longxiang, you will definitely regret your arrogance."

Tuoba Bodhisattva clearly felt Xu Xin's contempt and contempt, and he was naturally humiliated in his heart. However, he did not rush to take action. Instead, after saying harsh words, he continued to stabilize his realm.

In a matter of seconds, Tuoba Bodhisattva's figure had disappeared.

The immortality of gods and humans is the ultimate in the human world.

Very few people have reached this level throughout the ages. The last person to break through this level, Lu Dongxuan, decisively reincarnated after being promoted to this level.

Therefore, in the past thousand years, no one has ever seen a strong man of this level take action with all his strength.

The battle between Xu Xin and Tuoba Bodhisattva is definitely the pinnacle that has not been seen in thousands of years.


A golden light exploded in the sky, and then a cannon-like figure was seen shooting into the original Hall of Supreme Harmony, and the Liyang Dynasty's great court meeting place became a ruin.

Xu Xin fell slowly from the sky.

Although the Beimang Military God in the ruins was kicked out by Xu Xin, he was not seriously injured and slowly walked out of the smoke.
Xu Xin did not go all out to pursue the victory. After falling to the ground, he made fists with both hands and walked over step by step.

After the dust settled, Tuoba Bodhisattva stood there. Although he was knocked back by Xu Xin's blow, he did not look embarrassed.

I saw the Beimang Military God, who had always been crowned with the title of Prairie King Xianzhi, raising his arms, and golden qi lingering all over his body that was almost condensed into substance, floating around his body.

Under the rays of the rising sun, Tuoba Bodhisattva's figure is like a vajra cast, shining brightly, like a heavenly war god. His majestic momentum is unparalleled in the world, capable of destroying mountains and cities, and defeating thousands of armies.

Tuoba Bodhisattva did not look at Xu Xin who was approaching. Instead, he closed his eyes on the spot and raised his chin slightly. His whole body was bathed in the sunshine, and he seemed to be intoxicated by the vitality of heaven and earth.

Xu Xin's pace remained unchanged and he still walked towards him slowly.

Tuoba Bodhisattva took a deep breath. The moment he opened his eyes again, his sleeves swelled, and he was instantly filled with immeasurable breath.

He stepped out with his left foot, and there was a loud bang under his feet, and cracks appeared that spread to all sides, as if forming a huge spider web.

The next moment, the figure of Tuoba Bodhisattva leaped high and appeared above Xu Xin's head for a moment. He raised his fist, stretched out a large arc, and quickly hit Xu Xin's forehead. Xu Xin kept walking and kept his original posture. When Tuoba Bodhisattva's punch came down, Xu Xin just turned his palm over and took it.

A storm suddenly rose between heaven and earth. Xu Xin and Tuoba Bodhisattva looked at each other. The former looked back and twitched the corner of his mouth, full of sarcasm and disdain.

Xu Xin seems to be asking Tuoba Bodhisattva why he is so "courteous" and doesn't he have more powerful abilities? Is this kind of painless blow the true ability of your Tuoba Bodhisattva?
Tuoba Bodhisattva disappeared in a flash, probably because his speed was too fast, and a cloud of mist exploded from where he was originally standing.

Xu Xin's footsteps lifted up, and the moment he landed, he appeared in front of Tuoba Bodhisattva.

Shrunk to an inch, so close to the end of the world, and in an instant, countless people watching the battle could only vaguely see Tuoba Bodhisattva, covered in golden light, being knocked down by Bai Hong.

His whole body flew backwards for tens of feet again, with the white rainbow following him like a shadow, like the Tuoba Bodhisattva shrouded in golden dragons, but his figure was knocked backwards again and again.

Their fight was all about fists and fists, without any flashy moves or any magnificent and stunning skills. Just like the brutal fights between husbands in the countryside, you come and I go, straight back and forth.

This fight was about physical close combat, that is, Vajra Realm versus Vajra Realm.

Xu Xin had the upper hand. Every time he charged forward to kill Tuoba Bodhisattva, he would take a step that seemed redundant but actually was extremely mysterious.

The battle between masters is based on the smallest detail.

This seemingly slow step is actually the essence of Xu Xin's ability to take the initiative and take the lead.

From the beginning to the end, Tuoba Bodhisattva was beaten hard by Xu Xin. He could only parry but not fight back. It was as if the two of them were not on the same level at all.


Tuoba Bodhisattva suddenly roared again, and a strong Qi burst out from his body. The golden Qi that was as thick as an arm wandered freely like a tailed dragon, like a king of heaven with his eyes open and his treasures solemn.

Eighteen strands of Qi linger around, just like eighteen dragons twisting and twisting.

He stood on the spot after resisting another attack from Xu Xin. The golden dragon rolled away faster and dazzlingly, making the already burly Tuoba Bodhisattva even more majestic.

Return to basics and breathe as usual.

This is the "qi state" that can only be possessed by martial artists in the realm of celestial phenomena or Xuan Zhenren, the great Taoist master. It is the dream of all martial arts practitioners in the world.


Tuoba Bodhisattva flew out again, but this time he could no longer remain calm. Because his head hurt, like being hit by a bell, it vibrated violently, and then the whole person flew away.

Tuoba Bodhisattva staggered and moved sideways, stomping heavily on the ground before forcibly stopping his body.

The Beimang Military God raised his arm and gently wiped away the blood seeping from his nose with his thumb. It was golden blood.

The former leader of Buddhism in the world, Xu Xin invited the holy monk Nagarjuna of Liangchan Temple in Beimang. With his supreme cultivation, he forged an invincible body of Vajra, and the blood in his body was sublimated into golden liquid.

Tuoba Bodhisattva can now be regarded as possessing the physical body of Vajra, but he did not break through completely on his own, so his state may seem flawless, but in fact it is full of internal problems.

At this moment in the fight, the gap was very obvious.

(End of this chapter)

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