The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 997: Killing one person is a crime, killing ten thousand people is a hero. If you encounter

Chapter 997: Killing one is a crime, killing ten thousand is a hero. If there is any injustice, kill, kill, kill, kill...

The roar was earth-shaking, and the strong explosion even frightened the two horses that came to greet the bride in Tengjiazhuang. Even Teng Qingshan, the best hero in Tengjiazhuang and the second reincarnation of Teng Qingshan, was shocked by this situation.

"Li Luoxiang's brother Li Xu, how can he be so scary?"

Teng Qingshan was greatly surprised. He originally thought that his cousin Teng Qinghu's natural power was amazing enough, but he didn't expect that there was such a monster.

If such a person is not a "village guardian", he can still make a name for himself even if he does not have the secrets of internal strength.


The ground suddenly collapsed into a large crater, and the "villager guard" flew into the air and chased directly towards the dense horse hoof prints.

"Axu, don't go!"

"Now that it's over, what will happen to the third family?"

"Both my daughter and my son, hey, God is not open to me!"

The clansmen in Dali Village sighed and sighed, but they were unable to stop it. Everyone in Tengjiazhuang looked at each other, and even if they wanted to help, they had no strength.

"Qinghu, let's go."

Teng Qingshan watched the figure go away, and quickly called the groom's officer, Teng Qinghu, and chased him away on a fast horse. Unfortunately, their horse was not good enough, and the figure disappeared after only two steps. Fortunately, they knew the Tieshan Gang. Lao Lao, followed all the way.


The Baima Gang's home base is Baima Lake in Yicheng, which is dozens of miles in radius. It is a famous large lake in Jiangning County, and there is a small island in the center.

The White Horse Gang has placed its base on this island. It is in the middle of the lake and is easy to defend but difficult to attack. This is one of the reasons why the White Horse Gang has stood firm for so many years.

The Tieshan Gang's old nest is on the southeastern edge of Dayan Mountain.

The north-south border of Yicheng is nearly two hundred miles away. To get from Baima Lake to the Tieshan Gang, one needs to go around the entire Dayan Mountain, a full three hundred miles away. Even if there are horses that can travel hundreds of miles a day, the people from the Baima Gang will not Maybe you can get there in no time.

Of course, Teng Qingshan and Teng Qinghu were slower because their mounts were weak.

The journey from Dali Village to Tieshan Gang is more than a hundred miles. For the two people behind, it will take more than two hours. By the time they arrive, all the tragedies have happened and the day lilies will be cold.

What's more, even Teng Qingshan, who has lived for two generations, cannot solve the Baima Gang and Tieshan Gang at this moment. He can only intimidate and save Tengjiazhuang.

In an empty wasteland, a large number of horse thieves camped out. After they arrived here, they were ready to rest, eat meat and drink wine, release their desires, and then wipe out the Tieshan Gang in one go.

"Brothers, drink up, drink up, wait until you have enough rest, and destroy the Tieshan Gang in one breath."

"Everyone should have fun today, not only with wine, meat and women."

"The young gang leader is righteous!"

"Destroy the Tieshan Gang!"

A group of horse thieves gorged themselves on food and drink, and each of them had a fierce and ruthless look in their eyes. During their trip, they were going to destroy the Tieshan Gang, which had three thousand core disciples, and many people from the White Horse Gang would die as well.

It is very possible that this is the last time in their lives that they will drink wine, eat meat and enjoy women.

Drink a lot of wine, eat a lot of meat, a lot of money, a lot of women.

Such happy days are the accumulation of endless blood.

"Young Gang Leader, the bride of Dali Village has been reserved for you."

Hong Zhenjie, the young gang leader of the White Horse Gang, was alone in a tent. Naturally, there were scoundrels who provided him with food and wine and arranged for women.

"Very good. When this young gang leader is finished and still alive, he will reward it to the brothers."

Hong Zhenjie raised his glass contentedly, but before he could drink, he felt the world spinning, and their nightmare was coming.

"Boom!" The temporary camp exploded just after it was set up. Centered around the women who had not yet been fully allocated, all the horse thieves flew out. The earth trembled, smoke and dust flew everywhere, and the scene was in chaos.

"what is going on?"

"What happened?"

"Someone! Someone!"

"Young Master, look!"

It was a chaotic scene. As the smoke and dust dispersed, the people from the White Horse Gang finally saw clearly what was going on inside. They saw that all the women they had kidnapped were lying on the ground not knowing whether they were alive or dead, and there were also a large number of people on the ground in that circle. Some of the thieves who ganged up with others were basically wiped out and died.

The bursts of wailing and screaming were frightening, but there was a strange figure inside. The only person standing looked like a Zhuang Han. But how could Zhuang Han have such terrifying power?

He has also practiced internal energy secrets, but he has never heard of people being able to create such a terrifying scene, and even the legendary innate masters can't do it!

Where are the people here?

It's almost enough to say they are gods and demons.

"Brother, our White Horse Gang has no intention of offending..."

Hong Zhenjie shouted boldly and secretly signaled to his men to prepare to retreat. Suddenly such a strange man appeared. The battle should not be fought today.

Although the White Horse Gang has lost a lot of men, if you continue to stay, you may lose more. It is better to leave this place quickly!
However, if he wants to leave now, it is naturally too late.

I saw the young man who looked like Zhuang Han raised his head, his eyes shot out with cold light, staring at the thousands of horse thieves in front of him, and said in a cold voice: "If there is any injustice, kill, kill, kill..."

The earth-shattering murderous aura shocked thousands of horses into chaos. All the mounts of the White Horse Gang did not obey the command, and then they saw a figure rushing into the group of horse thieves who did all kinds of evil. They, who have been killing people, robbing money and women all year round, finally came to meet them. Come the retribution they deserve.


Hong Zhenjie, the young leader of the White Horse Gang, saw a burst of lightning pass by, and several people around him burst out with blood. When the blood-red liquid splashed on him, his eyes widened, and his lower body lost control and the stench filled the sky. Maybe it was because This allowed him to live a little longer.


A strong wind came, and Hong Zhenjie subconsciously swung his knife, but he felt the sharp pain coming from his body, and his whole life was passing away.

"My father is..."

Before he finished speaking, his head was rolling all over the floor.


In the distance, an old man watched his son being killed. He roared with grief and anger and rode forward with his "Leng Yue Sword". Then there was a headless horseman on the road.

"Brothers, follow me to destroy the White Horse Gang!"

In the Tieshan Gang's camp, the three Wang brothers from the Tieshan Gang thought they had encountered a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, so they rushed out with their troops.

Then... the Tieshan Gang and the White Horse Gang were destroyed on the same day. It was supposed to be a huge scene involving tens of thousands of people, but this time the result was even more shocking.

As the sun set, Teng Qingshan and Teng Qinghu finally arrived belatedly.

Of course they were not here to wash the floor, but they were shocked by the scene in front of them.

The battlefield that was originally supposed to belong to the Baima Gang and the Tieshan Gang has now become a ruin, including the Tieshan Gang's camp, all of which were destroyed. Countless corpses piled up into mountains, and the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood became a reality at this moment.

Teng Qingshan watched this scene from a distance, a sentence from his previous life echoing in his head.

"Killing one is a crime, killing ten thousand is a hero."

(End of this chapter)

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