Dreaming about the world, embarking on the path of spiritual practice.

Chapter 372 Dance with the wind and swim with the water

Chapter 372 Dance with the wind and swim with the water


Looking at each other
Yu Liang saw that the few people in front of him were silent, so he would be a quiet and beautiful man.

In the end, it was Li Mochou's master who broke the deadlock.

"Long'er, take this Yu Shaoxia to visit the ancient tomb!"

After hearing this, how could Yu Liang not know that the other party was deliberately trying to get away from him.

"Okay, Master!"

The young dragon girl replied crisply, and then took Yu Liang to visit around the ancient tomb.

Although Yu Liang didn't know much about the "Burial Sutra", it can be seen that the location and structure of the ancient tomb were definitely carefully set up.

The so-called dryness lasts for a thousand years, the wetness lasts for ten thousand years, and neither dryness nor wetness lasts only half a year.

There are so many war tools stored in ancient tombs. If the environment is not good, the weapons will all rust and become useless within a year.

The environment of the ancient tomb is dark but not humid because it hides the wind and gathers energy. Therefore, there are no snakes, insects, rats, or ants to worry about, which also allows several people from the ancient tomb sect to live here safely.

The two came to a stone room with five stone coffins.

"What is this place?" Yu Liang asked knowingly.

"This is the tomb."

Xiao Longnu explained softly, her voice echoing in the stone chamber:
"This coffin belongs to Grandma Sun, this coffin belongs to Master, this coffin belongs to Grandma Sun, and these two belong to me and Senior Sister."

Seeing Xiao Longnu calmly saying that the coffin in front of her was prepared for herself, Yu Liang couldn't help but sigh, the ancient tomb sect's martial arts were really weird.

He stepped forward and pushed open the lid of Xiao Longnu's coffin, and sure enough he saw writings engraved on the lid.

Jade Girl's Heart Sutra, its skills are superior to those of Quan Zhen, and during the Double Ninth Festival, it will not be inferior to anyone else's life.

After reading these words, Yu Liang secretly complained about Wang Chongyang in his heart.

After searching the sarcophagus, Yu Liang found a mechanism.

Open the mechanism, and a secret stone chamber is revealed under the coffin.

When Xiao Longnu took a look, she immediately stepped forward and looked at it carefully with doubts. She had lived in the ancient tomb for so long, but she had never discovered that there was such a place.

"Let's go in and take a look!"

Yu Liang took the lead, and the two of them walked down the steps and entered the room.

There are many pictures on the roof of the stone chamber. From the introduction on the side, we can know that the stone carvings on the roof were left by Wang Chongyang, the founder of Quanzhen Sect.

Chapters on easing tendons and forging bones, secrets of acupoint relief, secrets of breath-holding, soul-moving techniques, great demon-suppressing fists, strong-destroying divine claws...

After Yu Liang read it once and wrote down everything, he took Xiao Longnu back to the ancient tomb.


After leaving the tomb, Xiao Longnu ran to the master and told him what she had just experienced.

"Huh?" After hearing this, her master immediately came to the tomb.

"Okay, you Wang Chongyang!" After reading the content, her face was full of resentment.

Then, she was seen venting her anger against the monuments all over the wall, destroying them completely within a short time.

Before she could read the content, Li Mochou asked Yu Liang in a low voice: "What is carved on the wall?"

"Wang Chongyang cracked the secret book of your ancient tomb sect's martial arts!"

After hearing this, Li Mochou's eyes lit up, and she immediately understood why the master was so angry.

Yu Liang asked again: "What did Master You say when I wasn't here?"

Hearing this question, Li Mochou blushed slightly.

Then he asked Yu Liang with a serious face: "If you are in danger, are you willing to die for me?"

"What is the problem?"

Yu Liang responded with a smile: "I always avoid putting myself in danger."

He raised his fist and continued: "Even if we do encounter you, I can solve it with one punch!"

After hearing this, Li Mochou immediately laughed: "So, you are willing!"

Um? Yu Liang was startled and stared at her, wondering in his heart: Is this what he meant?

He didn't refute, which was considered a disguised admission.

Seeing that Li Mochou's master was still emotionally unstable after venting his anger, Yu Liang left the tomb first. In the nearby woods, a simple shed was built as a temporary shelter.

"It's getting late, you should go back!"

On the branches under the moon, Yu Liang sat cross-legged on the wooden bed in the shed, letting Li Mochou go back to the ancient tomb to rest.

Li Mochou nodded and immediately returned to the ancient tomb.

After she left, Yu Liang looked up at the bright moonlight in the sky, feeling peaceful in his heart.

Sitting cross-legged on the wooden bed in the shed, I began to meditate on the inscriptions left on the Double Ninth Festival.

The content inside was very helpful to Yu Liang, especially the exquisite martial arts moves.

Before this, he had basically learned nothing. He relied on speed and strength to fight against enemies, so this was his shortcoming.

Now, this shortcoming of his has been made up for.

On the second day, it was just dawn.

Yu Liang has already started practicing boxing in the woods.

Every punch was thrown with the roar of the wind, and the power was astonishing.

Soon, Li Mochou walked out of the ancient tomb and saw Yu Liang practicing boxing, so he stood aside and watched quietly.

After a while, Yu Liang stood up with his fist closed and exhaled a breath of turbid air.

"What boxing technique do you practice?" Li Mochou asked curiously.

"Big Demon-Suppressing Fist!"

"Want to learn? I'll teach you."

Hearing this, Li Mochou shook her head. The ancient tomb sect's martial arts she learned emphasized lightness, dexterity, and elegant body movements.

However, the boxing techniques used by Yu Liang were wide open and wide, unparalleled in strength, and were obviously not in line with the ancient tomb sect's martial arts methods.

Although this boxing technique is amazingly powerful, it is not suitable for her to practice.

"Take you somewhere!"

"follow me!"

Li Mochou waved to Yu Liang, gesturing for him to follow.

Jumping forward on the mountain path with a light body. Yu Liang followed closely behind, and the two of them walked through the dense woods one after the other.

Soon after, under her leadership, Yu Liang came to the top of a mountain peak.

It is the time of sunrise at this moment, the morning light is shining, and thousands of rays of light interweave into an exquisite picture.

Li Mochou stood on the top of the mountain, the morning breeze gently blowing her hair and dress.

"This is my favorite place. The life in the ancient tomb is deserted and boring. I often sneak out of the ancient tomb to enjoy the scenery here."

Yu Liang walked to her side and stood side by side with her, admiring this rare beauty together.

Call ~
As the sun rises, the warm sunshine dispels the darkness of the silent night.

The airflow began to rotate slowly, blowing waves of light twisting wind around Yu Liang.

This is!

An inexplicable touch suddenly surged in Yu Liang's heart.

He closed his eyes and quietly felt everything around him.

In his mind, these winds were no longer just winds, they seemed to have turned into gurgling streams, meandering around him.

The continuous feeling made him feel as if he was in a vast expanse of water, swaying, rising and falling with the rhythm of the water.

wind! water!
water! wind!

Standing on the top of the mountain, you can feel the warm sunshine and light twisting wind.

The hairs on his skin trembled slightly in the wind. In this way, he was able to more keenly capture the subtle changes contained in the wind.

Yu Liang didn't just stop at the superficial feelings.

Instead, he closed his eyes, calmed down, and deeply experienced and perceived everything around him.


(End of this chapter)

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