Chapter 378 Membrane Shock


"Master Huang, have you seen this thing?"

Yu Liang brought a snow-white and attractive cream cake to Huang Yaoshi. Huang Yaoshi looked at it curiously, then shook his head slightly.

"Please taste it!"

Yu Liang handed over a wooden spoon and placed it respectfully in front of Huang Yaoshi.

Huang Yaoshi picked up the spoon, gently scooped out a spoonful, put it into his mouth, and savored it carefully.

"This taste melts in your mouth. It's fresh, sweet and delicate. It's really unprecedented. What is it made of?"

Huang Yaoshi believed that he had tasted all kinds of delicacies from all over the world and was a master in cooking, but he had never heard of the deliciousness of this cream cake.

"Actually, the production is not complicated. It is mainly made by mixing egg whites and sugar..."

Yu Liang immediately took out a jar of sugar and showed it to Huang Yaoshi.

As the saying goes, there is a sequence of learning, and there is a specialization in skills. The teacher does not have to be better than the disciple, and the disciple does not have to be inferior to the teacher.

Huang Yaoshi stayed in Yuliang for two months.

Yu Liang nodded and began to share his sugar-making skills with Huang Yaoshi.

Huang Yaoshi was truly a scholar. He was proficient in astronomy, geography, Five Elements and Bagua, Qi Men Dun Jia, chess, calligraphy and painting.

In addition to his sugar-making skills, Yu Liang also showed Huang Yaoshi many strange techniques that had never been seen in this era, as well as some amazing scientific experiments.

Hearing Yu Liang's question, Huang Yaoshi burst out laughing: "Hahaha, good boy, you finally spoke!"

As expected, the relationship between the two quickly heated up.

"Such exquisite icing, and the quantity is so impressive, could it be that you made it yourself?"

Huang Yaoshi took a closer look, dipped a little with his finger and put it on the tip of his tongue to taste.

After listening to Yu Liang's brief introduction, Huang Yaoshi nodded thoughtfully, and then asked curiously: "What is white sugar?"

"This is sugar."

Now that he heard that Yu Liang offered to become a disciple, Huang Yaoshi was very satisfied.

When Yu Liang invited him to this residence, he had already seen Yu Liang's intention, but he never revealed it.

During these two months, Yu Liang learned a lot from Huang Yaoshi.

Unfortunately, Huang Yaoshi always stopped talking every time he communicated with Yu Liang. Although he taught a lot of content, and it was all practical and essence, this reserved attitude always made Yu Liang feel itchy.

Finally, Yu Liang made up his mind and said to Huang Yaoshi: "Island Master Huang, do you still accept disciples?"

Huang Yaoshi showed great interest in this, and the two had a great conversation.

Huang Yaoshi also admired Yu Liang very much.

He specially invited Huang Yaoshi to come here, and through the sharing of food and skills, it was precisely to get closer to Huang Yaoshi and to have more in-depth exchanges.

Yu Liang was secretly happy about this.

He has long seen that Yu Liang is talented, diligent and studious, and is a rare talent.

But when a master accepts a disciple, he cannot speak first, otherwise he will lose face.

After waiting for so long, Yu Liang finally spoke first.

"As long as you are willing, I will accept you as my close disciple and teach you everything I have learned in my life."

Upon hearing this, Yu Liang immediately stood up and worshiped the master.

"Disciple Yu Liang, meet the master!"

"Good good!"

Huang Yaoshi accepted Yu Liang's apprenticeship ceremony, which was regarded as officially accepting him as a disciple. Looking at Yu Liang in front of him, Huang Yaoshi couldn't help but recall the past. Although he had accepted a few disciples, they were all ill-fated, and now there is indeed no true successor.

Now that he has accepted Yu Liang, he can be entrusted with what he has learned throughout his life.

The last obstacle was broken.

In the following time, Huang Yaoshi taught Yu Liang without reservation.

The shadows of peach blossoms fall from the divine sword, and the dark jade flutes grow from the tide of the blue sea!
Yu Liang was like a dried sponge. In less than a year, he learned everything Huang Yaoshi had learned in his life.

Huang Yaoshi was deeply shocked by this, and at the same time he was also filled with relief. He felt that his apprentice was indeed gifted and that all his lifelong learning had not been in vain.

However, one quiet night, Huang Yaoshi left without saying goodbye.

"Brother Yu, Senior Huang is gone!"

window opening.

Yu Liang and Li Mochou stood side by side. Through the gap in the window, they saw Huang Yaoshi's figure under the moonlight getting further and further away, and finally disappeared into the night.

"Since Master Huang has chosen to leave in this way, we will respect his decision and not disturb his old man."

Yu Liang sighed. He only had two masters in total, but the ending was the same. He left without saying goodbye. What kind of logic is this?

"have a rest!"



Time flies, the years are like a shuttle.

Three years passed in a blink of an eye.

After such a long period of accumulation, Yu Liang's qi and blood cultivation is finally complete.

His figure was finally no longer that rich and rounded image, but looked very powerful, with blood and energy in his body like a rainbow. Although his body became thinner, his weight did not change at all, but became heavier.

After studying the inheritance of Huang Yaoshi, especially his unique skill Bihaichao Shengqu, Yu Liang combined with his Qi and blood training and once again updated "Bibo Gong" to create version 3.0.

The core of this version lies in the cultivation of Qi and blood "membrane".

Through the transportation of Qi and blood and the vibration of fascia, Yu Liang is able to form an invisible barrier around the body, like a protective film.

As long as this "membrane" of energy and blood is not broken, Yu Liang can be protected from any external harm, as if he is wearing an indestructible armor.

The function of the Qi and blood 'membrane' is not only defense, but also powerful attack.

The attack method is just one word: shock!

A punch not only affects the outside, but also directly transmits the force to the inside of the object, destroying it from the outside to the inside.

Whether it is the force of the water flow or the penetration of the sonic attack, the core is one word: shock!

Use the concussive force generated by the blood 'membrane' to attack the enemy.

When Yu Liang punches, he will first mobilize all the energy and blood in his body to form a thick film of energy and blood wrapped around his fist.

This 'membrane' not only enhances the defense of the fist, but more importantly, it can generate a strong shock wave the moment it comes into contact with the enemy.

By then, his fist seemed to have turned into a concussive bomb.

Once it hits an enemy, a powerful shock wave will rage wildly in the enemy's body, not only causing severe internal injuries, but even directly shaking the enemy's body to pieces.

The only drawback is that the effects of force are reciprocal. When attacking others, Yu Liang also has to withstand the shock attack.

But Yu Liang, who cultivates Qi and blood, is strongest in defense and recovery!
This is equivalent to having an indestructible double-edged sword that can both attack and withstand the reaction force.

Whenever you fight against Yu Liang, you are fighting against him for defense and recovery.

You are a weakling, not even qualified to fight against Yu Liang!

(End of this chapter)

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