Chapter 410 Sonic Fist

Return to Zhoushan.

Li Mochou immediately threw herself into her busy schedule. She not only has to raise resources for Yan Yan, but also keeps an eye on the general trend of the world in order to provide him with necessary assistance at critical moments.

Yu Liang, on the other hand, threw his hands away to practice.

What is different from the past is that Yu Liang's current cultivation method is very different from before.

Before, he would dive into the deep sea and use the strong water pressure to exercise his physical body.

However, the current normal water pressure can no longer meet his cultivation needs, and the too deep seabed is too dangerous.

Therefore, Yu Liang began to try a new practice method.

Whenever he explodes with power and speeds up to break the sound barrier, he will enter a unique "solid gas world."

In this world, the air seems to become as solid as substance, and every airflow is as heavy as metallic mercury.

Based on these experiences and skills, Yu Liang created a brand new martial arts - "Sonic Fist".

Because Yu Liang often breaks the sound barrier, he gradually masters the technique of using the impact generated by this high-speed movement to attack, which can release huge destructive power in an instant.

The air here is no longer invisible, but as solid as metallic mercury.

He constantly adjusts his power output and speed to find the best conditions for producing sonic blasts. After countless attempts and modifications, Yu Liang finally found the combination of strength and speed that suited him best, allowing him to release sonic shock stably and powerfully.

During this period, the influence of the Yu family gradually penetrated into every corner, and finally succeeded in becoming the world leader in the Song Dynasty.

His strength has grown by leaps and bounds in the past few years.

Embers naturally ascended to the throne and started a new generation of dynasty: Dayu!
However, Yu Liang was indifferent to all this.

After deeply understanding this principle, Yu Liang began to try to use sonic impact.

When his movement speed approaches or even exceeds the speed of sound, a powerful shock wave can be generated. This shock wave contains extremely high energy, enough to cause a devastating blow to the target.

In this unique environment, Yu Liang also learned to control the surrounding airflow more delicately. He can subtly adjust the flow direction and intensity of the airflow to build a strong protective shield or send out a fierce attack wave.

For sonic impact, keen awareness and precise control of airflow are crucial. Therefore, Yu Liang worked hard to improve his perception ability so that he could capture every subtle change in the air flow. At the same time, he also learned how to adjust his body posture and movements to better control the airflow and maximize the power of the sonic impact.

The situation was turned upside down.

Ember has gained a firm foothold in the support of everyone and has begun to gradually implement the Yu family's grand blueprint.

It was this kind of tempering that made him feel that his strength was growing rapidly.

Therefore, Yu Liang used this heavy air to temper his body. Every movement required huge strength to overcome the heavy air resistance.

Although the road was bumpy, the world was like a complicated chess game, and various forces were intertwined, Ember relied on his leadership and profound wisdom to not only successfully resolve a series of crises, but also win widespread public support.

Time flies, and several years have passed in the blink of an eye.

For him, worldly glory, wealth, power and status are far less important than his pursuit of martial arts.


In this strange "solid gas world", Yu Liang was under unprecedented pressure.

Today, Yu Liang's training scene is like a small modern battle.

Over the vast ocean archipelago, every time he punched out, it was like launching a rocket missile, which would either explode waves or destroy an island in an instant, sending rubble flying everywhere.

"Bolide!" With Yu Liang's low roar, his figure quickly shuttled through the air, and the rapid friction with the air formed a blazing flame barrier around him, making him look like a bolide. Like falling into the sea.

Thick steam and mist suddenly rose from the sea, followed by a deafening explosion, and the roaring waves showed Yu Liang's amazing power.

Then, there was another dull explosion from the bottom of the sea, and Yu Liang sprang out of the sea like a swimming dragon and rushed straight into the sky.

His movements were flexible and versatile, and he kept punching and kicking at the sea and rocks below. Every attack seemed to have the power to destroy the world.

"Meteor shower!"

Yu Liang shouted loudly, and his figure flashed rapidly in the air, and every flash was accompanied by a blazing light.

These rays of light streaked across the sky like meteors and hit the sea surface intensively, as if there was really a spectacular meteor shower.

Under this intensive bombardment, the sea surface boiled and the waves surged into the sky.

"First gear!"

This low roar was like thunder.

At this moment, Yu Liang not only activated his "Sonic Fist", but also activated the power of physical liberation.

In an instant, his body changed.

The muscles seemed to be injected with powerful vitality, and they swelled instantly. The skin seemed to be dyed red with red blood, exuding a frightening and violent aura.

His eyes shone with a breathtaking red light, like two burning flames, revealing endless strength and determination.

With the completion of the transformation, Yu Liang's speed and strength soared to new heights.

His figure shuttles through the air like the wind, and its movement is difficult to capture with the naked eye.

And his iron fist has condensed the power of destroying the world, as if it can destroy all obstacles that dare to stand in front of him.

Yu Liang waved his hand, and a sonic fist burst out instantly, like a red meteor, hitting the distance with lightning speed.

Wherever the punch passed, the air seemed to be evacuated instantly, forming a terrifying vacuum zone.

Immediately afterwards, a deafening explosion sounded, and the fist hit a mountain peak on an island. The entire mountain peak was blown to pieces in an instant, and countless gravel splashed out like raindrops.

The surrounding environment has also undergone earth-shaking changes due to Yu Liang's existence. The air was filled with a mixture of chilling and violent atmosphere, as if the whole world was shaken.

A series of whistling red whirlwinds formed around Yu Liang. These whirlwinds were like sharp blades, cutting everything around them into pieces. Mountain peaks, trees, rocks... no one was spared, and they were all turned into powder under this powerful force.

At this moment, Yu Liang is really like a blood-red demon god descending into the world. Every move he makes is enough to cause devastating damage to the surrounding environment.

Call ~
Yu Liang put away his strength and breathed a long sigh of relief. His body gradually recovered from the fighting state, and the violent power slowly subsided.

Calm down for a while.


A figure flew over quickly like a bird and landed steadily beside Yu Liang. The person who came was none other than Ember who had ascended the throne.

Yu Liang looked back at him and said, "I told you not to call me Emperor Father. I have never been an emperor."

Hearing this, Ember just smiled.

Although Yu Liang had never been an emperor, after Yu Jin ascended the throne, he ordered to honor Yu Liang as the Supreme Emperor.


(End of this chapter)

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