I'm in NetKing, and I have a tennis mini-game

Chapter 102 Singles 2, Ishikawa vs Kamishiro

Chapter 102 Singles 2, Ishikawa vs Kamishiro (3rd update)
"If, if someone."

The members of Shōnō Shonan looked at the figure hanging on the barbed wire fence. Everyone, including Kamijo, who had always had a very cold expression before, also looked over in shock.


On the other side of the court, Akutsu, who used a straight hit to hit Wakatohiro, snorted disdainfully and turned around to leave.

"and many more!!"

When Kajimoto saw this, he immediately said, "Do you want to run away like this?"

Akutsu turned around sharply.

A pair of eyes stared at each other: "Oh? Are you going to tell me what to do?"

"Pointing fingers?"

When Kajimoto heard this, his heart beat faster instinctively.

Looking at Akutsu's cold, emotionless eyes, he suddenly felt an indescribable fear.

"It's difficult. Could it be that the reason Ruoren is like this is because he just pointed fingers at this person?"

this moment.

He seemed to suddenly understand why his team members were treated so cruelly.

By the time he reacted, Akutsu had already turned around and left.

"Kiriyama, Ohta."

At this time.

Hua Cun, who was sitting in the coach's seat, spoke.

She glanced at Ruo Renhong who was hanging on the barbed wire. As a graduate student in kinesiology, she had an in-depth understanding of human body structure. After estimating that the other person was not in critical condition, she said in a deep voice: "Take Ruo Ren to a nearby medical clinic." Let’s go check it out.”


The two nodded in succession.


The tall Kiriyama Daichi put Wakatohiro down and after confirming that the opponent had no fractures, he carried him off the court.

"Coach Sakaki."

After finishing, Hanacun turned to look at Sakaki Taro and said, "I would like to ask, shouldn't you say something when your student does such a thing?"

She was indeed angry.

But think about it, Ruo Renhong just imitated the tennis superstar and pretended to be cool, and didn't do anything extraordinary at all.As a result, he ended up with such a miserable end.


Sakaki Taro was also speechless for a moment.

He also didn't expect that Akutsu's behavior would be so rough.However, the other party usually goes his own way and is the kind of person who doesn't listen to propaganda.

In the entire Hyokui, if anyone can barely control Akutsu, Ishikawa is probably the only one.

Think of this.

He turned his head and looked at the black-haired boy.

"Sorry, teacher."

Ishikawa nodded, then looked at Hanamura, and said: "I'm very sorry for the behavior of our team members. But, having said that, as long as you don't directly attack your opponent with a tennis ball, it doesn't seem to have violated the rules of the game. ?”


These words made Hanacun and other members of Jojo Shonan stunned.

They didn't expect it.

This first year Hyokui would actually say that.

But if you think about it carefully, the one named Akutsu just now has indeed never once directly attacked Wakatohiro with a tennis ball.

The reason why it was blown away.

The more important reason is that Ruo Renhong was too crazy in the end.In order to win, he lost his mind and forced himself to catch Akutsu's violent swing.


The ball was not caught and the man was kicked out.


At this time, a cold voice sounded from the Chengcheng Shonan camp: "Are you saying that as long as it does not violate the rules of the game, anything you do is acceptable?"

The voice fell.

A young man with a tall and straight body and short hair cut into a shape similar to a gear walked out with a racket in his hand.

no one else.

It's none other than Jojo Shonan's ace player Kamijo Reiji!

"Next, the singles 2 match is about to begin."

"Player Kamishiro Reiji of Jojosei Shonan Middle School, vs. Shin Ishikawa of Hyotei Academy."

"Please be prepared for both parties."

The radio sounded.

It aroused the surprise of many passers-by and spectators.

"Strange, isn't the game over?"

"Yes, Hyokui has won three games in a row. According to the rules, shouldn't he be directly promoted to the second round?"

Passers-by talked a lot.


Inoue smiled and looked at the girl next to him: "Do you know why?"

"of course I know."

Shiba Saori nodded repeatedly. Now she is no longer a novice. She smiled and said: "Because this is the first round of the Kanto Competition, even if the game is over, both teams have to play all five games." Finished."


Inoue nodded happily.

This time, the other party didn't ask any lower-level questions, which made him finally feel that the other party had made a lot of progress.


After a pause, Zhi looked at Kamishiro who entered the stadium aggressively and said in a deep voice: "Looking at this guy, it seems like he doesn't intend to end it so easily."


Inoue nodded heavily.

When Kamishiro asked those words, it didn't look like he meant anything good.If someone else had appeared as Hyokui, Inoue would probably be a little worried.

But this is Ishikawa.

In the Tokyo Metropolitan Competition, he defeated Tachibana, Akutsu and Fuji one after another. He was the strongest newcomer of Hyōtei who was extremely powerful.

Even Akutsu, a fierce player just now, clearly felt inferior when facing Ishikawa.

Anyone in Hyotei may suffer in this position, but Ishikawa will definitely not!

Then I saw this Ice King player walking into the court with a racket in his hand and a smile on his face.

"this boy"

Looking at him, Brother Tanaka frowned slightly.Brother Tanaka Yohei said: "Why do I feel that he completely ignored Kamishiro?"

"It's more than just ignoring."

His younger brother, Tanaka Kohei, shook his head and said, "It's the Ice Emperor who has never taken us seriously."

But after the two of them finished speaking, they felt quite helpless.

Because if it were them, if the opponent came up, they would slide and kneel three times in a row, losing to them 0-3.The two of them themselves probably wouldn't even look at each other.


After a pause, Tanaka Kohei's face showed a playful expression: "This kid doesn't know yet, but he has been targeted by Kamishiro. There will be a lot of fun to watch in the next game!"


Tanaka Yohei also smiled slightly.

Both of them were looking forward to the next game, the scene of the first year Hyokui being severely punished by Kamishiro.

"Hey, Ishikawa, right?"

before the net.

Kamishiro, who was 1.8 meters tall, looked down at the young man in front of him: "I heard that you are the strongest newcomer to the Ice Emperor, but I just don't know how long you can last in my hand."

when speaking.

His eyes were carved into Ishikawa's body like knives.

"You won't know until you try."

Ishikawa didn't have time to use the honorific, and asked directly with a smile: "In addition, I also really want to know how outstanding the 'perfect work' trained by your coach is."

"You know a lot."

Kamijo glanced at him coldly, and then said in a deep voice: "I'll give you a piece of advice, don't get hurt in the next game!"


He actually turned around and left.



The members of Hyokui looked at each other and saw the surprise in each other's eyes.

"Interesting." Outside the court, Miki said in surprise: "This is the first time I saw someone give up the right to serve to Ishikawa in an official match."

"Kamijo Reiji, Jojo Shonan's ace player."

Liu next to him explained: "He is very strong and was already the main force of Josei Shonan last year. However, this year's prefectural competition ended without him playing."

"I see."

After hearing his friend's explanation, Qian nodded secretly: "No wonder he is so confident in his own strength."


Deep down in his heart, Qian didn't think that this city called Kamijo could defeat Ishikawa.After all, the latter can tame even a rebellious character like Akutsu!

"The game begins, and one set determines the outcome."

After confirming the right to serve, the referee nodded and said: "Hyotei Ishikawa serves, the game is over!"

The voice fell.

Ishikawa was not polite and hit the tennis ball over.

The impact point of Shen Cheng's counterattack is relatively shallow, and there is no threat.Another ball from Ishikawa hit the opponent's backhand directly and scored with one hit!


Seeing this, the faces of Ice King's team members all showed expressions of astonishment: "I thought it was so powerful, but the result...is this?"

Renzu, Shishido and others also frowned secretly.

Because the performance of Shen Cheng cannot be said to be amazing.The reaction was not fast, the return was not strong, and most importantly, Ishikawa scored without a stalemate for a few rounds.You know, even Hiyoshi can at least fight with Ishikawa in this state.


Ishikawa continues to serve.

But the performance of Shencheng was still the same as before, mediocre.In the blink of an eye, Ishikawa won the serve.


Even Kamishiro's serve was easily broken by him.

"That's too much bullshit!"

Xiangri couldn't help but shake his head: "Josei Shonan's level is at most the top eight of the Tokyo Metropolitan Competition."

"Eight strong?"

Hiyoshi also sneered and said: "I think highly of them, they are a team inferior to St. Rudolph."


Naturally, the members of Shouchi Shonan also heard the Hyotei team member's taunt.However, no one refuted.

It was just a sneer between the twin brothers.

from their perspective.

Hyokui's first grader has actually fallen completely into the trap of the Divine City, but he doesn't even know it.

At this time.

The third round.

Ishikawa serves again.


On the opposite side, Kamijo moved to the vicinity of the tennis ball landing point.He raised the racket again and made a hitting motion.

There was a soft bang.

The tennis ball flew out just like that.


Seeing this, Shishido shook his head and said: "When you are lagging behind, forget it if you don't choose to attack. You don't even want to strengthen your attack?"


Combined with the opponent's poor performance in the first two games, he had reason to believe that this was the opponent's true level.

And this time.

Ishikawa hit the tennis ball with his racket, but the situation where the tennis ball flew away as soon as he swung it did not happen.Instead, there was a tyrannical impact.

That is to say, Ishikawa has a strong hand and top tennis skills.

When he felt the change in the tennis ball, he flicked his wrist and used the secret of unloading force to resolve this invisible crisis.


The perspective shifts to the side of the divine city.

The moment he saw Ishikawa catching the ball, the corner of his mouth curled up: "I'm sorry, you were fooled!"


This is his special move, the phantom style of play.

In the previous two games, I first instilled my own playing habits and posture into the opponent's subconscious through the game.

And now.

When he hits the ball, he uses his super high balance ability.With the action of hitting the ball lightly, the power of hitting the ball hard is achieved.

Kamishiro believes it.

The next moment, Ishikawa's racket will be unable to withstand the force of the tennis ball he hits, causing a hit error.


To his astonishment.

The opponent's return ball landed so forcefully at his feet.Looking at the pale yellow light that suddenly bloomed, Shen Cheng suddenly felt an extremely ridiculous feeling.

"Fight back?!"

"What's going on? Did Shen Cheng fail to take action?"

Brother Tanaka's expression changed.

They subconsciously believed that Shencheng had not taken any action.But seeing each other's shocked and slightly confused expression, the two of them were also confused.

"Come again!"

Gritting his teeth, Kamishiro once again made a gesture of catching the ball.

Ishikawa serves.

But this time, Kamishiro chose to hit the ball with the power of the ball in the same posture as before.

I was thinking in my mind that Ishikawa's shot this time would fly out of the court because of too much force.


Ishikawa not only hit the tennis ball, but he also hit it extremely delicately. The tennis ball circled an inclined arc and fell towards the right corner of Kamishiro.

"Why, how could this be?"

Kamishiro was shocked, but he could only quickly chase after Tennis.

"Are you surprised?"

At this time, a faint smile appeared on Ishikawa's face: "You must be confused as to why the tennis balls you played with different weights didn't work. Right?"

This statement came out.

Shonan's players, coach Hanamura, and Kamishiro, who had caught up with Tennis, all looked over in shock.

Especially the city of God.

He didn't know where he was exposed, let alone how the opponent could see through his almost identical posture for light and heavy balls.

"This guy huh?!"

And right now.

Kamishiro hit the tennis ball with his racket, but his expression suddenly changed: "This, this force."

Chi Chi
The tennis ball was spinning rapidly on his racket.

However, this is a tennis ball that can be returned with very little force.At this moment, Shencheng felt an indescribable heaviness.

It was as if what he caught was not a tennis ball, but a lead bullet.



Under the shocked and incomprehensible looks of others, Kamishiro just let go of the racket in his hand and fell to the ground.


"Ah this."

The members of Chengcheng Shonan all looked at this scene in shock.

"You, how could you."

When Kamishiro, who was covering his wrist, looked at Ishikawa, his eyes were filled with strong shock and deep fear.

"Are you talking about how to use the same posture to hit two balls with different powers?"

Seeing the opponent's complicated expression, Ishikawa smiled and said: "It's very simple, just use vision to deceive the opponent. Just like the ball just now!"


He said it easily.

Kecheng Shonan's players, coach Hanamun, and Kamishiro, who mastered the phantom style of play, all looked at him like monsters.

That kind of fighting style is actually very simple? !

(End of this chapter)

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