I'm in NetKing, and I have a tennis mini-game

Chapter 113 The unfinished showdown, the more intelligent changes

Chapter 113 The unfinished showdown, the more intelligent changes (2nd update)
"Here, what happened?"

The sudden change left everyone confused. But the reality seems to indicate that Yuezhi's defense line has indeed been breached.

Fifth game.

Ishikawa's serve.

He patted the tennis ball gently, feeling the different feel from before. When he raised his head again and looked at Yuezhi, the mental power that originally surrounded him and covered his emotions like a mist suddenly disappeared.

"Is this the real world?"

Mind a move.

The world in front of Ishikawa turned into black and white. As for Yuezhi, colorful fluctuations appeared on his body.

From top to bottom, each part of the body changes from red to yellow, and then from yellow to red again. The edge area is more bluish-purple in color.

Just like the temperature changes caused by infrared light!
Along with Ochi's physical and emotional changes, the colors Ishikawa saw also fluctuated accordingly.

This is the new ability he awakened.

The true meaning of swordsmanship and the truth of chess, under the pressure of Yuezhi's powerful spirit, create a new ability [Eye of Truth] that resonates!
[Eye of Truth: The sharp sword will cut through the essence of things, and the eyes of wisdom will see the root of all problems. Able to see through the changes in power, speed and spin of the tennis ball, as well as the opponent's actions, personality and mood swings

(Note: The strength of this ability is determined by the holder’s mental strength)]

"So. Is this his mood change?"

Seeing the blue-purple part of Ochi's body that was gradually replaced by light yellow and orange, Ishikawa's eyes flashed.

Emotions can be controlled or disguised.

But this time.

Ochi, who looks cold on the outside, has no secrets about his emotional changes in Ishikawa's eyes.


Ishikawa hit the tennis ball over.

The serve was delivered at such a high speed that the people around him had no time to react. When they saw clearly, the dust stirred up from the ground had already covered Yue Zhi's figure.


It is different from the confidence others imagine.

When the smoke dispersed, Yue Zhi instinctively breathed a sigh of relief. The feeling of being seen through made him very uncomfortable.

Only at this time can he get a little chance to breathe.


What Yue Zhi doesn’t know is.

At this time, in Ishikawa's eyes, his emotional changes were clearly revealed. The series of changes derived from this were also seen by Ishikawa.

"Senior, the space on your left is too obvious!"

When Ishikawa fought back again.

The sudden explosion of sound completely stunned Yue Zhi.

"how is this possible?!"

Covered by smoke and dust, his originally indifferent eyes were now filled with incredible fluctuations.

In Ishikawa's black and white eyes, regarding Ochi, one can clearly see that the orange color on Ochi's body, which represents the shock reaction, is rapidly increasing and even turning red!

"Again, scored again?!"

off the field.

Everyone was stunned again.

Once is an accident, but twice in a row means that the situation must have changed. They probably underestimated the black-haired boy.



"Ishikawa, 2-3!"

Soon, Ishikawa turned the situation around and narrowed the score gap.


Sensing the change in the situation, several high school students from Hyokui took a deep breath, and one of them said: "Ochi still has the advantage in the score. As long as he keeps his serve undefeated, this game will still have the original result!"

at this time.

Their mentality has changed from being smarter and invincible, to just trying to maintain an advantage as much as possible.

"Will it really go so smoothly?"

Mao Li narrowed his eyes.

His intuition told him that the changes on the court at this time could not be solved by a more intelligent serve.


After Yuezhi served, the two faced off for several rounds. Ishikawa caught the slight flaw exposed by Ochi, and like threading a needle through thread, he hit the tennis ball at the flaw.


Ishikawa spoke.

While speaking, he looked at Yue Zhi across from him. Although the smoke and dust obscured the other party's appearance, the changes in details could not be seen clearly with the naked eye.

But the new ability triggered by the resonance of the two special abilities allows Ishikawa to break through this limitation and fully control all changes in the game.

"Those eyes of his."

Yuezhi's hand holding the tennis ball started to tremble slightly.

At this time, he could feel the visible changes in the game situation better than anyone else.


Even so.

The No. 17 representative of the U4 First Army could not do anything. In fact, this means that Yue Zhi's mental power is strong enough. If it were anyone else, he might have been shaken internally due to the strange changes.

"His insight suddenly improved significantly."

Holding the tennis ball in his hand, various thoughts quickly flashed through Yuezhi's mind: "There are only two ways to curb his scoring rhythm. Either block his insight, or use absolute power to suppress him!"

The former. Yuezhi cannot do it for the time being.

He couldn't even understand why his actions and intentions were grasped by his opponents.

And the second kind of transcendence can actually be done.

Mach serves!

This is his last trump card and his biggest killer move. If you use this move, you will be a professional-level player, and you will be able to compete with your opponent more intelligently.

What's more, Ishikawa has just entered the elite high school level!
but. Yue Zhi is unwilling to choose the latter option.

Thinking that as a former minister of Hyokui, he had to rely on Mach's serve to maintain his advantage over his juniors, Ochi couldn't convince himself.

"That's it."

At this moment, Ishikawa on the opposite side suddenly spoke.


Not only the people outside the field, but also Yuezhi were stunned. After the smoke cleared, he regained his indifferent expression and locked his eyes on his opponent: "Why?"


Ishikawa looked at him with a smile and said: "With your current mentality, it is difficult to show your true strength. Moreover, this is just a practice match. I believe that we will have the opportunity to play again in the future!"


Regardless of everyone's surprised reactions.

Ishikawa put away his racket, walked to the edge of the court, put the racket and lead plate back into his backpack, nodded to Ochi, and left.


Seeing Ishikawa's leaving figure, everyone looked at each other in shock.

No one knows why Ishikawa, who started to have the advantage, took the initiative to end the game.

"Are you confused?"

Yuezhi, on the other hand, suppressed his emotional fluctuations and put the tennis ball back in his pocket. Looking at the other person's back, he narrowed his eyes and thought to himself: "He really saw through it. How did he do it?"

Yuezhi still can't figure out why the opponent's strength has improved so much in such a short period of time.


He also became curious about Ishikawa's last words.

"See you again?"

"Does he know anything?"

this moment.

This powerful player who had his calmness engraved into his bones, like an iceman, began to undergo subtle changes in his personality.

no one knows.

The fighting spirit that had fallen silent and had not been ignited in competition for many years was ignited again because of the sudden appearance of this Ice Emperor junior!
the other side.

When Ishikawa returned to the junior high school student competition area.

Hyokui's game is over.

Without any surprise, Atobe, the Minister of Hyotei, used his absolute strength to defeat Kajimoto, the Minister of Josei Shonan, 6-0.

The opponent was proud of his high-speed serve, but for Atobe, he didn't even get a single point!
"Ishikawa (Deputy Minister/Kun)!"

Seeing Ishikawa's return, Hyokui and the others suddenly gathered around him out of curiosity. Shishido joked: "Did you imitate Yamabuki's Sengoku and go to the women's tennis court?"

It is said that Yamabuki Sengoku chats with an average of about 7 girls every day.


Hearing Shizuku's words, Xiangri smiled and said: "With Ishikawa's conditions, there is probably no need to be so dedicated to chatting up girls."

Not talking about tennis level, just in terms of appearance, Ishikawa is not comparable to Qian Shi. Besides, the reason why the other party can guarantee 7 chats a day can only be because they have never been successful.

of course.

Everyone also believed that it was impossible for Ishikawa to go to the women's tennis court. The reason why Shido and Xiangri said this was just to find out where the other party had gone.

"Seniors, there is no need to guess."

Seeing the curiosity in everyone's eyes, even Akutsu's, Ishikawa shook his head and said, "I went to meet a former senior."



Others who had misunderstood showed surprised expressions. They all thought that Ishikawa went to meet the players who introduced him to the path of tennis as an enlightener.

Even a shy person like Feng couldn't help but become curious about the other party's identity.


At this time, Shonan Shonan's coach Hanamura came over with Kamishiro who had changed his coat.

"Thank you for your help just now."

Huacun bowed deeply, and Kamishiro also bowed to Ishikawa with a serious expression under the surprised eyes of everyone: "Thank you very much!"


see this scene.

The gossip souls in the Ice Emperor team members awakened one after another.

Even Sakaki Taro and Atobe saw a hint of curiosity in each other's eyes after looking at each other.

Where did Ishikawa go?

Why did the attitude of the two people from Chengcheng Shonan suddenly change so drastically?
What exactly happened? !

The day.

The first round of Kanto is over.

Including Hyotei, Rikkai University, and Seigaku, the top eight schools were born one after another. Among them, among the five teams from Tokyo, except for Yinhua who was unlucky to meet Rikkai University, other schools have advanced one after another.

After going back.

Every team has begun intense preparations.

Even Tatekai Dai, at the request of military advisor Liu Renji, began more intensive training than before.

As the two teams that are most likely to meet in the third round, Qingxue and Hexagonal Middle School actually dedicated three days to start a joint training between the two sides.

blink of an eye.

Another week has passed.

Weekends, Green Forest Tennis Park.

Facing the first ray of sunshine in the morning, the tennis court, which had been quiet for a week, became lively again.

The second stage of the Kanto Competition has begun!

 I have been busy for two days. I am sorting out the plot today. It is still the 3rd update. I will try to resume the 4th update tomorrow. If your grades are neither good nor bad, the first order of this book is okay, but the average order has not increased much so far. One of the keys to getting recommendations from Qidian is to subscribe evenly. Others update twice a day, or even once a day, and only maintain a minimum update volume of 4000 words. The VIP word count of this book is almost over 20, and it will be on the battle list soon. The author will try to add more, and please support me!

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(End of this chapter)

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