I'm in NetKing, and I have a tennis mini-game

Chapter 115 Dad’s advice, Ice Emperor vs Six Horns

Chapter 115 Dad’s advice, Ice Emperor vs. Rokkaku (1st update)

"Rao, spare us."

"Please, please. We don't dare anymore."

In the tennis park.

After Akutsu communicated, Koda and others lay on the ground with bruises and swollen faces, constantly begging for mercy.

But Ishikawa did not let them go.

Because he learned about the despicable behavior of these people from the mouths of passers-by. Dang even called in the park's security personnel and handed the gang of delinquent teenagers to the police.

"A bunch of scum."

Looking at the backs of these people, Akutsu showed a look of disgust on his face.

He'd heard of these guys.

They are a group of shameless stinky hooligans who often take advantage of girls in the name of striking up conversations. Sometimes, they force others to associate with them.

For a true delinquent like Akutsu, who has been in fights and seen blood, these guys are simply ruining their reputation.

"Well done, senior."

After these people were taken away, Ishikawa smiled and said: "However, I didn't expect that you are also a person full of social responsibility!"


Hearing the other party's teasing, Yajiujin said unhappily: "If you hadn't promised me that you would give me an extra chance to challenge you, I wouldn't have meddle in such nosy matters."


He clasped his hands on his chest and tilted his head to one side, looking arrogant.

"You are a good boy."

At this time, sitting on the bench, the gray-bearded father nodded towards Akutsu.

"This old man"

Akutsu's expression was a little strange due to the other party's words. But he wouldn't scold such an elderly person.

After all, he tolerated Bantian as long as he could.

The old man in front of him looked many years older than Bantian. Akutsu's arrogant self-esteem would not allow him to be compared to an old guy of his age.

"young people."

Unexpectedly, the father shook his head and said: "Although your talent is good, you lack patience. It doesn't matter whether it's tennis or everything else. Without enough patience, you will never be able to see through the essence!"

"You old fellow!"

Akutsu was a little angry.

If he doesn't get angry, this is the maximum tolerance he can have for this old guy. But the other party is still pushing the envelope. Do you really think he won't get angry?
"This old man."

Before Akutsu could get angry, Ishikawa took a step forward and said with a smile: "If I remember correctly, you should be the coach of Rokkaku, right? The game is about to start, do you need us to take you there with us?"


Dad turned around to look, and when he saw Ishikawa, his eyes that were lightly closed suddenly opened.

"You are very good."

Different from looking at Akutsu, when dad saw Ishikawa, his eyes gradually changed from surprise and surprise to appreciation and approval: "I didn't expect that besides that person, I would meet a second young man like this. .”

"Why is this old guy so nagging?"

Akutsu frowned.

He always felt that something was very wrong with the old guy in front of him. The other party was obviously sitting there, but if Akutsu didn't pay attention deliberately, he would have the illusion that there was no one there.

"young people."

At this time, the old man suddenly said: "If you are willing, I can teach you a way to calm down your mood and cultivate your moral character."

"It does not make sense."

Akujin shook his head, looked at Ishikawa and said: "You continue to accompany this old guy to go crazy, I won't accompany you anymore."

"and many more."

Ishikawa stopped him, shook his head and said: "Don't be so anxious. I think this old man really wants to teach us something. Of course, you don't have to learn, but if you want to catch up with me, I'm afraid it will be even harder." It’s difficult!”

Ok? !

Hearing Ishikawa's words, Akutsu's eyes changed slightly. He was about to leave, but suddenly he looked at the old man sitting in his seat in surprise.

The other party slowly stood up, and after landing, he said to the two of them: "Follow me."


The dad in the hexagon leads the way.

Ishikawa followed him with a smile. Akutsu hesitated for a long time, but finally chose to follow.

On this point, he believed Ishikawa. With the other party's character and strength, he wouldn't even bother to lie to him on such an issue.


Dad took the two of them to a secluded corner.

Walking to the grass where passers-by could rest, the old man sat down cross-legged and said, "Follow me and learn."

Ishikawa nodded and followed suit.

Akutsu narrowed his eyes, but he didn't resist too much. He imitated Ishikawa's movements and sat down cross-legged.

"Close your eyes and relax."

"Feel everything around you with your heart, calm down your emotions, and not be disturbed by the outside world."

"Relax your body and mind, relax your spirit, and let go of all your worries."

The old man said, opening his eyes and looking at the two people in front of him.

Ishikawa and Akutsu had closed their eyes, and the former's expression was obviously more relaxed and natural. Akujin frowned, as if he was troubled by something.


Over time.

Akujin's frown slowly relaxed.


Seeing this, Dad nodded with satisfaction.

Although this wild and flamboyant boy's spiritual cultivation talent is not as good as the other one. But at this time, he was able to suppress his own mental changes.

This alone is very rare.

of course.

What satisfied the old man even more was this black-haired boy. The temperament of the other party is gradually becoming duller.

The trace of sharpness that was still there was completely restrained. Sitting there, he looked like an ordinary person, with no distinguishing features at all.

And this is the first step to calm down your emotions and let yourself feel nature.

"It took that guy several hours to achieve this point."

Thinking of that disciple who had a flamboyant personality but possessed great wisdom, a smile appeared on the old man's face.


Although the opponent later became a world-class player, he chose to retire at the peak of his career. Otherwise, the current Japanese tennis world will definitely be more dazzling!
"In comparison, this child looks more like another person!"

Dad thought and looked at Akutsu next to him.

The other person is very similar to the blond boy who came to Chiba two years ago to find him for further training. The same confidence.

The same extraordinary talent.

The old man had a premonition that the path this man would take in the future would most likely be a path full of twists and turns and pain, as well as the risk of death and nirvana.

chirp chirp chirp
at this time.

A surprising scene happened.

When Ishikawa relaxed his whole body, a white-feathered bird flew from nowhere.


Two, three, four.
On both sides of Ishikawa's shoulders, six birds with different feathers and colors stopped.

But he seemed to be integrated with the surrounding environment, and his expression and movements remained relaxed and natural.

【Ding! 】

[Players have learned a new sub-career through practice: Yoga]

The sound of the system sounded.

But Ishikawa, who had relaxed his mind and body, was still not affected.


At this time, Akutsu, who felt that the surrounding environment was getting noisier, finally couldn't bear it and opened his eyes.

Whoa! ! !
Feeling the evil aura on his body, the bird that was resting on Ishikawa's shoulder immediately flew up in fright.


Opening his eyes, Ishikawa said helplessly: "Senior Akutsu, your state of mind still needs to be tempered."


Akutsu snorted in dissatisfaction, but did not refute. He looked around and frowned: "Where is that old guy?"

"It should be gone."

Ishikawa looked at the time, and 20 minutes had passed during the short spiritual practice between the two. He shook his head and said: "Senior, it's best to maintain the necessary respect for this old man. In addition, the practice method he taught us , if you train consistently, you will definitely be able to bring unexpected benefits in the future!”

"Tch, it's so verbose."

Akutsu said something unhappily, stood up and headed towards the court.

Looking at his back, Ishikawa couldn't help but laugh.

Ever since he entered the Ice Emperor, his irritability has been worn away a lot. And if the other party can study hard and practice the [yoga] practice method taught by the father in the hexagon every day, his future strength will definitely be stronger than the original!
Ishikawa stood up.

While walking towards the court, he was also observing the new sub-professional he had just learned.


Additional ability 1: unknown

Additional ability 2: unknown

Current level: Lv0]

It is different from the secondary career he obtained through competition.

This sub-profession that he learned on his own was only at the lowest level of level 0, which meant that he had only learned this sub-profession initially.


It has the effect of developing the brain at full level [Chess].

Ishikawa's own talent is no less than anyone in the original work. Plus full level [Swordsmanship] and [Ancient Martial Arts].

Ishikawa believes that it won't be long before he can improve this ability to level 3 through practice.

By the time.

Ishikawa's last shortcoming, physical strength, will be completely made up for, leaving no dead ends!
After a while.

The two of them came to the zigzag competition court together.

at this time.

The members of Hyokui and Rokkaku are all here.

The appearance of Ishikawa and Akutsu immediately attracted countless eyes.

"Is that person Ishikawa Shin?"

Inside the Hexagon, the broom-headed Kuroyu Harufeng said in surprise: "I heard that he is only 12 years old this year and he has continuously defeated all the masters?"


Next to him, the light blue haired and handsome deputy director of Rokkaku, Saeki Torajiro, nodded and said: "Last time Kentaro and I went to Rikkai University to draw lots, we heard that the other party gave a severe lesson to Rikkai University's second-year ace Akira Kirihara. also!"

"It's so fierce!"

Tian Genguang said with emotion: "In a school that has won two consecutive championships in the country, you actually dare to repair their second-year players. This person's courage is really boundless."

"A first-year super rookie?"

The brown hair next to him was parted in the middle and spread down to the sides. Shu Xiyan, whose nose was as thick as a cow, smiled and said: "What a coincidence, we also have one here."

"That's right."

Kisarazu Ryo, a long-haired boy wearing a hat, joked: "He is just the deputy minister. Our super first-year here is actually the minister!"

"Shin Ishikawa?"

Among them, Kentaro Aoi, a bald boy with a serious hairline and the head of the Rokkaku Center, squinted his eyes and said, "Competing with a guy like this will definitely put a lot of pressure on me, right?"


Just then, an old voice sounded.

The people who were joking and joking suddenly turned around with either serious or serious expressions. I saw the old grandfather from before walking towards them with his hands behind his back.

"Dad (grandpa), where have you been?"

"Take a rest over there."

The old man said, hammering his shoulders, and then looked at everyone and said: "Don't be careless. What you encounter this time is probably the strongest opponent in history. Especially the newcomer of Ice Emperor, his strength is probably more than It’s as simple as national level.”

what? !

Hearing what their coach said, everyone in the Hexagon suddenly changed their expressions.

“More than just the national level?”

Saeki, Aoi and others looked at each other and saw the seriousness in each other's eyes.

If others say it, they may still be suspicious.

But the person who said this was the grandfather who taught them how to play tennis since they were young. The opponent's position in their hearts is not just as simple as a coach.

Since the other party said this, it means that he is the most dangerous person in the entire Ice Emperor. It's probably not Atobe, but this first-year deputy minister!

"Next, the second round of the Kanto Competition will begin."

"Chiba Rokkaku Middle School, versus Tokyo Hyotei Academy."

"Please get ready, both sides!"

The voice fell.

The originally noisy stadium suddenly became quiet.

(End of this chapter)

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