I'm in NetKing, and I have a tennis mini-game

Chapter 120 The powerful Ice King, strong pressure from outside the stadium

Chapter 120 The powerful Ice King, strong pressure from outside the stadium (3rd update)
  “Finally it’s time for this game.”

Still in his original position, Inoue looked down at the two teams filing into the stadium, and said with emotion: "More than 20 days have passed since the Tokyo Metropolitan Competition. I didn't expect that these two teams would meet again so soon. On!"

Ice Emperor, Qing Xue.

The 1st and 2nd seeds in the Tokyo Metropolitan Competition.

When it comes to the Kanto Tournament, they are still each other's fierce rivals. Moreover, after losing the last game, Qingxue, who tasted the taste of defeat, began high-intensity intensive training.

In Inoue's view, this Kanto semifinals is still full of infinite possibilities.


"The Department of Traces."

on the field.

Ministers from both sides went to the Internet and shook hands with each other.

It has always been Atobe's regret that he was unable to compete with Tezuka in the last Tokyo competition. Observing this closely, Atobe could clearly feel that the pressure on the opponent's body was getting stronger.

Thinking of this, Atobe smiled and said: "In this competition, you Qingxue must persist until singles 1!"

"Do not worry."

Tezuka nodded heavily and said: "The winner in this competition will definitely be our youth academy."

His expression was expressionless when he spoke, and he still had that iceberg-paralyzed face. Even with Atobe's insight, he couldn't observe any detailed changes on the other person's face.

After sighing in his heart that the other party was indeed a junior high school student who could be recognized by professional players, Atobe turned and left.

"Now, the Doubles 2 match is about to begin."

"The combination of Ini Sadaharu and Kagonia Kaoru of Seishou Academy versus the combination of Ryo Shishido and Hiyoshi Waka of Hyotei Academy."

"Please prepare for the contestants on both sides."

The radio sounded.

In the direction of Qingxue, Gan walked out wearing glasses and Qingxue's jacket. He glanced in the direction of the Ice Emperor, nodded and said: "It seems that Feng's wrist will be difficult to recover for a while."


He sighed softly and said: "I originally wanted to collect data on that kind of ultra-high-speed serve during the game."

Hearing his words, Ryuzaki, who was sitting in the coach's seat, said solemnly: "Although the opponent is not a fixed doubles combination, we still cannot take it lightly."

"I know."

Qian nodded slightly.

As a master of data flow, he is a very calm and rational player. Before the start of the game, Miki made predictions, and the combination of Shido and Hiyoshi was among them.

"Let's go, Haitang."

He turned his head and glanced at the young man wearing a green turban behind him: "Let's go meet the Ice Emperor's pair for a while."


Haitang nodded and followed Qian.

Unlike when she was partnered with Taocheng, Haitang at this time showed a considerable degree of respect for the senior in front of him who had been defeated by him.

"In this game, dryness is the biggest obstacle."

Shishido and Hiyoshi, who are about to appear on the stage, are also receiving guidance from supervisor Sakaki Taro: "So, your goal is very simple. Follow the plan you made before and execute it meticulously!"


The two nodded heavily.


The two sides met in front of the net.

Shishido and Miki greeted each other, both of them were old rivals. Both sides know that the other is not a simple character.

As for Riji and Haitang, they looked at each other with fighting intent in their eyes.

After guessing the right to serve.

The two sides retreated to the baseline, and after the referee determined who would serve first, he nodded and said: "The game begins, and the outcome is determined by one set. Hyotei Hiyoshi serves, and the set ends!"

The voice fell.

The eyes of the audience fell on Riji.


Seeing Hiyoshi playing tennis, Inoue said with emotion: "If it is Feng, Hyokui's serve in this game will definitely guarantee a certain score."


Zhiye said with emotion: "With that kind of super-speed serve, players below the national level may not be able to hit back."

Yifeng's current first-serve success rate is definitely enough to beat his opponent even if he is in a singles position.

The success rate of the first serve is over 90%, and the success rate of the second serve is close to 100%. Such a heavy-handed player can completely guarantee that he will remain undefeated on serve, no matter how strong his opponent is.


Feng is unlucky.

Injured my wrist during practice.

The temporary replacement of Hiyoshi and Shishido's doubles cooperation may not be considered a tacit understanding. Therefore, in the eyes of many people, there was probably something wrong with Ice King's double match.

  Facing everyone's questioning looks, Riji decisively hit the tennis ball over.

"Is this... a bullet serve?!"

Seeing the speed of the tennis ball and the signs that it was almost burning, Qingxue's trio were really surprised.

The expressions of other people also changed.

At least from the point of view of serving, the strength of this second-year ice emperor may not be that simple.


For Gan, who is responsible for receiving the serve, although Hiyoshi's serve is fast, there is no pressure at all to return it.


The tennis ball was whipped back by him.

"Fight back!"

"As expected of Senior Qian!"

"This kind of serve is definitely nothing in the senior's database!"

The other Qingxue team members started talking about it.


The faces of the main players were not so relaxed. Their eyes were all fixed on the position in front of the net.


Just as the counterattack passed above the blocking net, a figure suddenly appeared, it was Shishido who had been prepared for it.

Faced with the ball, he swung the bat without hesitation. Using his skillful volley skills, he easily hit the tennis ball to the inside of the doubles sideline.

  Tennis lands.

Haitang, who was also in the frontcourt, couldn't keep up with the opponent's movements at all and could only watch the tennis ball land and score.



Shishido's sudden attack caused Qingxue's non-official team members to change their expressions.

"So fast."

In front of the net, Haitang raised his head and looked at his opponent with a fearful expression: "He shoots too fast. With this speed, no one can be his opponent at the position in front of the net, right?"

this moment.

Haitang suddenly woke up.

Why did this former ice king singles player immediately become a troublesome figure in the eyes of various teams after switching to doubles.

If it's a singles match, it will take a certain amount of time for Shishito to get online.

But this is doubles.

Shishido himself was very close to the net when his teammates were serving. With his explosive power, there is no difficulty at all in getting online.

this time.

It would be better if he was a player like Kikumaru who was agile and could keep up with Shishido in terms of explosive power.

But Haitang is not such a player.

off the field.

Seeing his skill, Fuji also said in a deep voice: "With Shishido here, the power of Hyokui's double team will not be much weaker than the original fixed combination."


Ryuzaki nodded.

This is what doubles matches are like. As long as one side is strong enough and can dominate the situation in a certain area, it can make up for the shortcomings in other places.

As for Shishido's explosive power, he couldn't even keep up with it.


For the second goal, Bingdi scored instantly after Haitang counterattacked.


that's it.

Hiyoshi at the back kept serving, while Shishido at the front struck decisively. With strong explosive power and excellent volley ability, he won the serve in less than 1 minute.

1-0, Ice King takes the lead!
  "In this way, it can be considered as making up for Chotaro's inability to play."

From the coach's position, Sakaki Taro nodded secretly.


His expectations for this combination were more than that. Otherwise, he doesn't have to arrange Hiyoshi to play at all. It is completely feasible to send out Kachi, or even arrange for Shinohara, Kurokawa and others from the second team to play.

Turned. He looked in the direction of Qingxue and saw the eager second-year students, and his heart moved slightly: "As Ishikawa predicted, Qingxue's team members may not sit still and wait for death. It's a pity that your reaction has been completely seen through."

  Youth education.

Gan hit the tennis ball over.

His serve is very fast and has good technical ability. The placement of the tennis ball was quite tricky, preventing Shishito from hitting a half-volley at the first opportunity.

  And Qingxue's frontcourt.

After Haitang caught the tennis ball, he quickly took action and hit a curveball with a huge arc.


Seeing this, Qing Xue's trio excitedly said: "Senior Haitang's snake ball!"


In response, Shishido smiled lightly.

He had seen this trick before in the Tokyo Metropolitan Competition. Although it seems a bit exaggerated, as long as you deal with it calmly, you can easily see through the changes in the snake ball.

  Mastering the rules, Shishido stepped forward and hit the tennis ball with his racket.


At the same time, Shishido said: "Keep the bottom line and leave it to me at the net!"

"no problem."

Hiji nodded.


The two alternated back and forth and quickly completed the defense change. When Haitang saw Shido coming forward, his expression changed slightly, and he quickly hit the tennis ball to the backcourt.

  The tennis ball goes around a wide arc and hits near the baseline.

"It's a snake ball!"

The three Horios became excited again.

In their view, it is indeed terrible for Shishito to take the initiative to surf the Internet. But his actions were obviously behind Qingxue. Haitang, who gained the first-hand advantage, took advantage of Ice Emperor's opportunity to switch defenses and hit a snake ball into the backcourt.

As such.

Instead, he was able to use Ice King's tactics to score points.

"Who do you look down on?"

But at this time, Hiyoshi at Hyokui's baseline quickly captured the landing point of the snake ball.

He quickly moved over and used his side spin skills to hit the tennis ball out.


Under the surprised gazes of everyone in Qingxue, the tennis ball turned around a familiar arc and hit the other side of Haitang.

"Snake ball?!"

The Qingxue trio were immediately dumbfounded.

No one expected that this little-known second-year ice emperor could hit the snake ball so easily.


Spotting the landing spot of the tennis ball, he quickly moved over, and after hitting the tennis ball back, he said: "Calm down, Haitang. The opponent is obviously well prepared."

"Well, I see."

Haitang in front nodded.

But judging from the look on his face, it seemed that he still hadn't gotten over the shadow of his opponent using his unique skills.

"good chance!"

Seeing his opponent's flaw, Shishido made a decisive move and hit Haitang's backhand side with a ball, scoring directly.



Shishito's volley score boosted Hyotei's morale.

The support group chanted Ice Emperor's slogan, but looking at Qingxue, everyone's mood was a little low.

"That Hiji actually knows how to play snake balls?"

Taocheng frowned. Although he and Haitang didn't deal with each other, he still felt a little uncomfortable when he saw the other party being shadowed.

"Do not."

At this time, Fuji said: "His snake ball is obviously not as skilled as Haitang's. It should be a temporary practice."


The Horio trio looked puzzled.

"its not right!"

Kikumaru shook his head and said: "If it was a temporary training, then how did they know that Haitang would appear in Doubles 2?"

Similar to Ice King.

Qingxue has a total of 9 main players, and the thickness of the bench is completely sufficient. Haitang may not appear in the doubles 2 position.

"Is it strange?"

At this time, Echizen, who was wearing a white tennis cap, raised his head and looked in the direction of Hyotei. His eyes were locked on the black-haired boy: "With that person's data capabilities, it shouldn't be difficult to deduce this, right?"

"That person Ishikawa Shin!"

The expressions of Oishi, Kikumaru and others suddenly darkened.

Ryuzaki's face also looked very ugly.

Last year, Qingxue still had a certain advantage in data tennis. It was only because his overall strength was not as good as the Ice Emperor that he was defeated.

And now.

They don't even have this advantage anymore.

In terms of data tennis, it is no exaggeration to say that Ishikawa was completely suppressed.

"This game is difficult!"

  The game continues.

Hyokui completely suppressed Qingxue and scored consecutively.

Haitang, who was forced to panic, finally found an opportunity and hit a spinning snake ball with an even more exaggerated arc!

"Have you finally taken action?"

Seeing this, Riji couldn't help but smile.


Under the shocked eyes of everyone in Qingxue, Riji quickly struck out, and after the spinning snake ball landed on the ground, he directly hit the tennis ball.

  The tennis ball passed by Haitang who was stunned.


"Hye Emperor, 2-0!"


Seeing this situation, everyone in Qingxue couldn't help but take a breath.

Not only the snake ball, but now even the spinning snake ball has been cracked by the opponent?
  "This Ice Emperor's second year."

Ryuzaki and others looked at Hiji with serious eyes.

Just like what Echizen said, this person is most likely the opponent who deliberately arranged for Doubles 1 to suppress Haitang.

  But then.

During the game.

Faced with Qingxue's lob, Hiyoshi jumped high.

"Wait. Is this?!"

As if they thought of something, Qingxue's team members' expressions instantly changed.


A powerful smash hit the ground and scored directly.


"Hye Emperor, 3-0!"


When he landed, Riji stretched out a finger and pointed at the landing point of the smash with a smile on his face: "It's not enough, it's not crazy enough!"



The faces of everyone in Qingxue, especially Taocheng, suddenly became ugly.

“Have you learned not only Haitang’s snake ball, but also Taocheng’s pin smash?”

on the field.

He pushed up his glasses dryly, and a solemn look flashed in his eyes.


He turned to look at the black-haired boy in the Ice King camp outside the court: "So, whether it's Taocheng or Haitang who appears, will it have no impact on your arrangements?"

this moment.

Even though they didn't fight each other.

But Qian still felt the strong pressure from the first-year deputy minister of Ice Emperor, Mr.

(End of this chapter)

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