I'm in NetKing, and I have a tennis mini-game

Chapter 122 The battle for the No. 1 doubles team in Tokyo

Chapter 122 The battle for the best doubles team in Tokyo (2nd update)
  Remove weight.

The two third-year players, Seigaku and Hyotei, began a fierce battle to win the game.

Shishido is very explosive, and his knowledge of volleyball is far beyond that of the original work.


Qian has thoroughly studied his style of play.

Shido, who is good at volleying the ball, was controlled by Haitang in the backcourt with a snake ball. Later, through precise calculations, Miki deduced the probability of Shido's counterattack.

Then, pressing forward step by step and interlocking with each other, the Ice Emperor's volley master was suppressed.

In a two-on-one situation.

Shishido himself was also very difficult to parry, and the score kept losing. The gap is being narrowed by opponents visibly.

When the game reached 5-5, Hiyoshi finally recovered.

He joins the duel in an attempt to take the pressure off Shido. But at this time, Qian suddenly took action, using Riji as a breakthrough point.

Faced with the opponent's sudden attack, Hiyoshi, who had thoroughly studied the data, was completely unable to parry, and instead became a burden to Shido.


Qingxue relied on his latecomer advantage and more physical fitness to defeat Ice King 7-5 and win Doubles 2.

"Qing Xue!"

"Qing Xue!"

"Qing Xue!"

The first battle was won, and the morale of Qingxue was greatly boosted.

The trio and other members of the support team excitedly shouted Qingxue's slogan.

On the other hand, look at the Ice Emperor.

Shishido and Hiyoshi were not in high spirits. After losing the game, they walked to Sakaki Taro dejectedly.

"Go down and rest."

Sakaki Taro did not blame the two of them, but just waved his hand and let them go down.

"I know."

Shishido and Hiyoshi still didn't dare to raise their heads.

At this time, they felt that they had not been severely criticized by Sakaki Taro, and they felt very uncomfortable.

"Physical fitness!"

Both Shido and Hiyoshi clenched their fists.

The reason why they lost the game, in addition to their own mentality problems, the most important thing is their physical fitness that has always been ignored.

The second half of the game.

If Shishido had sufficient physical strength, he would not be in a hurry when faced with Miki and Haitang's attacks, and would be beaten to the point where he was unable to parry.


The two of them made up their minds and prepared to train their physical fitness vigorously after this game.


On the other side of Qingxue, seeing Miki and Haitang retreat, Horio from the trio laughed and said: "What's the use of Hyotei's second-year student who learned the unique skills of Haitang-senpai and Momojo-senpai. In the end, it's not like losing to Kill us!"


Katsuro and Katsuro next to him felt that his tone was too crazy, so they quickly gave him a hand.

"What's the matter? I'm not wrong."

Horio said nonchalantly: "What's more, if their deputy minister is really powerful, there is no way he wouldn't have noticed the tactics of his senior."

"You are wrong."

At this time, Gan, who entered the rest area, shook his head seriously and said: "It's not that he didn't see my plan, he just didn't point out my tactics."

Very clear.

The old man in Hexagon can see through things. Ishikawa, who knows so much about data tennis, cannot possibly not know it.


Momojo frowned when he heard this and said, "Since he saw it, why didn't he remind Shishito and Hiyoshi?"

"Well, I probably think it's unnecessary."

Gan glanced at Ishikawa who looked calm, shook his head and said: "In his eyes, the outcome of Doubles 2 cannot affect the outcome of this semi-final."



The faces of everyone in Qingxue darkened.

But they all felt that Gan was right. Hyotei, who defeated Seigaku 3-1 in the Tokyo Metropolitan Competition, does have such confidence.

"Perhaps so."

At this time, a figure stepped forward. In his right hand, the racket kept turning like a windmill, but it never fell down.

no one else.

It was Seigaku's strong doubles player, Eiji Kikumaru who was best at attacking the net.

Seeing the solemn expressions on everyone's faces, he smiled and said: "No matter how strong the Ice King is, we are determined to win the two doubles matches!"

  The voice fell.

Dashi, who was holding a racket in his hand, also stepped forward.

His face was serious, but there was no trace of nervousness or panic in his eyes. Instead, he was full of strong fighting spirit.

"Now, the Doubles 1 match is about to begin."

"The combination of Shuichiro Oishi and Eiji Kikumaru of Youth Academy, and the combination of Yushi Ninzu and Gakuto Mukahi of Hyotei Academy."

"Please be prepared for both parties."

The radio sounded.

Everyone's eyes fell on Qingxue and Hyokui's team members respectively.

On Qingxue's side, the golden combination of Oishi and Kikumaru appeared. On Hyokui's side, Renzu and Xiangri also walked into the court calmly.

"It's Renzu and Mugahi."

Outside the stadium, when Inoue saw the two people, he nodded secretly and said: "This time, Hyokui finally sent out the strongest doubles team!"


At this time, Shiba on the side asked curiously: "They are all national-level doubles. Do you think Oishi and Kikumaru are better, or Renzu and Mugahi are more powerful?"


Inoue was asked.

He thought for a while, shook his head and said: "These two groups have not played against each other many times, and they have won and lost each other. It's hard to say who is stronger."

This year's Hyokui, with the addition of Ishikawa, this troublemaker who is comparable to a deep-sea shark, not only killed Hiyoshi and Shido, but even defeated Ninzu.

Faced with Ishikawa's pressure, Renzu himself also underwent extraordinary changes.

As for Seigaku, due to the addition of Echizen, a series of changes were also caused.

In addition, in the metropolitan competition, the golden combination lost to Renzu and Kachi, and they wanted to change after losing. They have definitely become stronger after undergoing intensive training in the past twenty days.


After a pause, Inoue looked at the four players on the field and said thoughtfully: "This game will determine the status of Tokyo's No. [-] doubles team!"

before the net.

The four of them chatted for a while.

We are all old rivals and have played against each other several times, so we know each other well. After a simple exchange, it turned into a game.

"The game begins, and one set determines the outcome."

After confirming the situation of both sides, the referee looked at Qingxue's side: "Qingxue Oishi serves, the game is over!"

The voice fell.

Everyone's eyes turned towards Dashi.

  The deputy director of Qingxue, who had a calm personality, was playing a tennis ball gently while his eyes were quickly observing Renzu and Xiangri. "Huh?"

At this time.

As if seeing something.

Ice Emperor's Feng said in surprise: "The positions of the opponent's two players are not going to use that formation?"

"Australian formation?"

Taki raised his brows slightly, then shook his head and said: "Probably not. This trick has been broken by Ninzu in the Tokyo Metropolitan Competition. If the people of Seigaku are not stupid, they will definitely not use it again."

For Ninzu, there is a high probability that the trick that he cracked will be cracked even if it evolves again.


This kind of tricky tactic has no meaning for the Ice Emperor's first doubles team.

  Oishi, who seemed to think so, hit a powerful serve.

The ball's landing point was quite tricky, and the ball hit the sideline close to the outside corner. It can be seen that Dashi's ability to control the ball has improved during this period.


However, such a ball does not pose much threat to Renzu. After catching up with the tennis ball, he raised his hand and swung the racket, and with a bang, he hit it straight to the opposite corner.

"D·F·D·R (Draw back)."

off the field.

Qian raised his brows and said, "Is this ice emperor's master of basketball skills ready to declare war on Dashi?"

  As if confirming Gan's words, this straight stroke hit the baseline accurately.

Tread! !
  The big stone came running quickly.

Feeling the sharp arc of the tennis ball, he looked down slightly: "If it's a baseline attack, I may not be a forbearing opponent. This is doubles, and you can't act on emotion."

Figure it out here.

He raised his hand and swung the racket, hitting the tennis ball towards the ice emperor's front court.


Seeing Oishi's cowardly behavior, the Hyokui players booed immediately from around the stadium.

Someone even sneered: "The deputy minister of Qingxue doesn't even dare to fight with a real sword or a real gun. He is as cowardly as a mouse!"

Such mocking words did not cause any disturbance in Dashi's heart. The player of the golden combination was still calmly walking around the baseline, ready to hit the ball missed by his partner at any time.

"As expected of Dashi."

Seeing this, Shido nodded appreciatively.

In the eyes of him and other Ice Emperor main candidates, Oishi's behavior is not only not worthy of ridicule, but also requires vigilance.

He is so steady.

In a doubles match, it is very important to remain calm enough.

In the previous duel, Riji couldn't help but want to kill his opponent, and thus fell into Haitang's trap.

On the other hand, Oishi seemed to have completely erased his presence in the doubles. A dedicated service partner who works as an assistant to Kikumaru.

"So it seems."

Sakaki Taro, who was sitting in the coach's seat, couldn't help but said: "Aishue is preparing to start the attack with Kikumaru as the core, right?"

  At this time.

Then Kikumaru fired a volley, clearly aimed at his opponent's backhand.


Seeing this, Xiang Ri sneered.

He swooped out and retaliated with force, hitting Kikumaru's backhand with a ball.


Supporting Xiangri with one hand, he turned very lightly and stood still.

"Dance shot?"

The faces of everyone in Qingxue darkened.

This is the style of play that Kikumaru is best at, and it is precisely because of this that he can become the core of the golden combination doubles.

And now.

When Hyokui's doubles team also had this unique move, the situation was not good at all for Qingxue.


Facing Mugahi's attack, Kikumaru also fought back not to be outdone. He also used a dance-like shot to knock the tennis ball back.


Mukahi also hit him with a dance-like hit.

  a time.

The two people in front of the net started a fierce attack in front of the net as if they were performing acrobatics.

"This guy!!!"

After failing to break through Kikumaru's defense several times in a row, Mugahi's mentality became a little impatient.

"Yue Ren!"

But at this time, Renzu, who was at the bottom line, said: "Don't be impulsive. Don't forget the tactics we set before."


If you endure it enough, Xiang Ri will come back to his senses.

After calming down, he did not choose to fight back strongly when facing Kikumaru's fast attack. Instead, he hit the tennis ball towards the big rock at the baseline.

"Did you escape?"

Seeing this, Horio couldn't help but mocked: "I thought he was so powerful, but it turns out he is no match for Kikumaru-senpai."


Hearing this, Fuji shook his head and said: "That's not the case. Hyokui's Xiangri did not escape the duel in front of the net, but chose other tactics."


Gan Qian on the side pushed up his glasses with a solemn expression on his face: "This is obviously the Ice Emperor's man-marking tactic!"


Then I saw Hyokui's Renzu in the backcourt, also hitting the tennis ball in the direction of the boulder in Qingxue's backcourt.

Mukahi in front abandoned Kikumaru as his opponent and took advantage of the frontcourt to continuously attack Oishi.

  The two of them worked together.

Dashi was beaten so hard that his movements began to become chaotic.

  Take your chance.

Xiangri jumped decisively and flew into the air as if performing acrobatics. Then he fell headfirst, and at the moment when the tennis ball passed by, he could clearly see the flaws of Qingxue and Qingxue from high to low, and swung the racket to hit the ball.

  A crisp sound.

The tennis ball accurately passed through the defense line of Qingxue and Xue and landed to score.


  And this time.

After hitting the ball, Xiangri turned lightly in the air and stood firmly on the ground.


Seeing this, Hyokui's team members excitedly said: "It's Xiangri (senior)'s return to the moon!"


Xiang Ri looked at the court with a confident smile.

On Qingxue's side, the faces of the golden combination of Oishi and Kikumaru, the other main candidates, and Ryuzaki sitting in the coach's seat became serious.

Compared with last year, Qingxue encountered Yamabuki's man-marking tactics. The Ice King combination we encountered this year was obviously more dangerous!

(End of this chapter)

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