I'm in NetKing, and I have a tennis mini-game

Chapter 124 The transformation between Yin and Yang, the terrible endurance

Chapter 124 The transformation between Yin and Yang, the terrible endurance (1st update)
  on the field.

After Oishi sorted out the situation and accurately judged his opponent's movements, he lured Mugahi forward with a short ball. Then, the moment the opponent hit a lob, a figure suddenly flew up behind him, it was Kikumaru!

"Kikumaru. Bazooka!"

  Accompanied by a tyrannical smash.

The tennis ball hit the ground quickly and urgently. Faced with the ball, Xiang Ri was completely powerless and could only watch the tennis ball bounce out.


"Qingxue, 4-3, exchange venues!"

  The voice fell.

Kikumaru stood firmly on the ground.


Seeing this situation, Shishido looked solemnly on Hyotei's side and said: "Not only Oishi, but also Kikumaru has become much stronger. This smash is even more powerful than before!"


Sakaki Taro nodded and said: "When people are in an excellent state of excitement, they can often break their usual limits and do things that they could not do before."

This is the golden combination at this time.

The cooperation between the two has never been so tacit. Along with this, Oishi's observation ability and Kikumaru's smash have been greatly improved.

As such.

The Ice King's doubles seemed even more passive.

"Have the opportunity!"

In the Qingxue lineup, the trio were in a happy mood and had smiles on their faces. Horio even smiled and said: "Looking at it this way, the Golden Team is the strongest doubles team in Tokyo!"


His brows wrinkled unnaturally. Although at this stage, he really couldn't imagine how the Ice Emperor could make a comeback.

But after hearing Horio's voice, the uneasy feeling in his heart became stronger.

"In the eighth game, Ice King serves to the sun, the game is over!"

After the exchange of venues, the referee spoke.


The audience's eyes were all looking at Xiangri at the bottom line.

It’s different from the fourth game. At this time, Xiangri's face was obviously very ugly. Losing four games in a row made him feel very irritable.

Oishi's domain reactivated Kikumaru.

In the duel at the net, although Xiangri tried his best to attack, he was completely at a disadvantage.

As a result, he, who was supposed to serve at this time, fell into hesitation and indecision.

"do not care."

Feeling the increase in the strange gazes around him, Xiang Ri, who felt uncomfortable all over, threw up the tennis ball and then quickly smashed it over.


The ball actually hit the blocking net.

Fortunately, after the tennis ball bounced, it still landed in the service area, so it was not counted as a goal or error.


Xiangri breathed a sigh of relief and took out a tennis ball again. After this sudden change, the gloomy look on his face disappeared a lot, but he became obviously more nervous.

"Hyotei's Mugahi, his mentality is out of balance."

Dashi, who was at the bottom line and was responsible for receiving the serve, nodded secretly: "Qian said that the key to the game is the change of the player's mentality. If there is insufficient confidence, even [-]% of the strength cannot be used."

After experiencing the baptism of hard battle, Dashi appears more mature. The strength of the golden combination has also reached a higher level.

At this time, his mentality was calmer. All I think about is how to consolidate the advantage and then slowly defeat the opponent bit by bit.

  At this time.

The serve comes towards the sun.

Perhaps because he was too nervous, the tennis ball almost flew out of the service line. Dashi, whose inner thoughts were confirmed, nodded secretly: "Just follow this rhythm and conquer the opponent bit by bit!"

  Hit the tennis ball back.

He and Kikumaru moved back and forth in tacit agreement, exchanging positions.


Seeing this, Qing Xue's trio said in surprise: "It's Senior Dashi's domain state!"

Everyone in Qingxue was very excited.

On the other hand, the Ice Emperor's support team has long been silent.

The contrast between the two sides seems to indicate the final outcome of this game.

  Hit back at the baseline.

And Dashi, who has a wide field of vision, has already captured the ball's trajectory. After catching up with the tennis ball, he raised his racket and looked at the two Ice Emperors.

At the bottom line, Xiangri was very impatient, his feet kept shaking from side to side, and his face was very hesitant.

In front of the net, Renzu lowered his head, looking gloomy.

"First open the gap between them and destroy their mutual connection and understanding. Then, find an opportunity to create the possibility for Eiji to attack!"

Having made up his mind, Oishi raised his racket and was about to fight back.

  But at this time.

The Renzu on the other side suddenly raised his head.

Those cold eyes met Dashi's gaze. Suddenly, an indescribable coldness suddenly spread in Dashi's heart.

"This feeling. Ugh!"

this moment.

Deep in Dashi's heart, a strange idea suddenly occurred. The other party has completely seen through his thoughts.

"No, we can't attack there."

Dashi, whose thoughts were spinning rapidly, raised his racket and hit the tennis ball in another direction.

  But never thought.

Renzu's actions actually went in the direction of his tennis ball. Facing the flying tennis ball, Renzu took decisive action and caught Oishi off guard with a superb high-speed slice.



No one expected that Qingxue, who was originally so powerful and in control of the situation, would suddenly be scored by the Ice Emperor.

"Did you make a mistake?"

Horio looked at Oishi who was bowing his head in thought and spoke subconsciously.

"I don't know."

Fuji shook his head: "Scoring and losing points in the game are normal. After all, no one can guarantee an efficient scoring pattern."

In that case, the golden combination will not be as simple as an ordinary national-level doubles team!

"That ball just now."

Qian frowned.

This high-speed slice was indeed played very cleverly, completely following the gap between Oishi and Kikumaru. Just like a cook trying to untie an ox, he penetrated the defense line easily.

"But is it really a coincidence?"

Qian didn't jump to any conclusion, he looked at Hyokui's team member wearing glasses. The other party's information has not been updated since the Tokyo Competition.

More than twenty days passed.

The golden combination has completed its transformation, and the other party will never stay where they are!

"Big stone."

on the field.

After losing the score, Kikumaru's attention fell on his partner. Just now he saw that Dashi's back trembled obviously the moment he hit the ball.

His intuition told him that the situation on the court was probably developing in a direction that was unfavorable to Qingxue.

  At this time.

Serve to the sun again.

Kikumaru fought back and then wandered to the baseline. His eyes were locked on Dashi. Through the opponent's actions and hints, Kikumaru will constantly adjust his position and status, attacking or defending.

  At this time.

Oishi hit a ball and quickly pulled his body to the left. Seeing this situation, Kikumaru quickly moved to the right, with a glint in his eyes: "Is this an attack on the right side?"

Immediately, Kikumaru cheered up, his muscles tensed up, and he was ready for an attack.

  Who knows.

Ninzu's counterattack was at a small diagonal angle, passing through the gap between him and the big stone from right to left, just passing by Kikumaru.

"Huh, do you think there's nothing I can do about it?" In an instant.

Kikumaru suddenly turned back and flew towards the tennis ball with great leaps. He used dance-style tennis play to knock back the opponent's shot.


After receiving the tennis ball and resolving the crisis, Kikumaru couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief.

But the next moment.

From the corner of his eye, he saw Ninzu on the other side suddenly approaching the tennis ball he was playing, and Kikumaru's pupils shrank instantly.

"Impossible, how could he be so fast?!"

If it was Mukahi, Kikumaru would still understand. After all, the opponent's flexibility is not inferior to his at all.

But if you hold back enough, can you move in front of the net so fast?

  Kikumaru responded with a powerful blow.

This ball, like a needle threading through a thread, flew past the position where Kikumaru was originally blocked. Moreover, it accurately pressed on the second sideline, which was the boundary of the doubles.


  Tennis lands.

Kikumaru also used his body's flexibility to jump while supporting the ground with one hand.


His expression at this time was mixed with shock and fear.

"What a quick response!"

off the field.

Qingxue's Qian, Fuji and others looked extremely shocked.

Just now, they saw with their own eyes Renzu, who was originally in the middle. Almost instantly, he moved near the tennis ball played by Kikumaru.

Behind him, there were obvious traces of afterimages.

"Senior Renzu, finally took action."

Looking at the calm-looking Renzu on the court, Ishikawa on Hyotei's side couldn't help but smile: "The transformation between Yin state and Yang state has been seamlessly connected."

"yin and yang?"

Feng Que next to him said with a surprised look on his face: "Ishikawa-kun, what are you talking about?"

Not just him.

Others, such as Shido, Taki and others, also looked over curiously.

"Yin is the shadow of the moon, and yang is the daylight."

At this time, Atobe said: "These are two modes developed by Shinobu through duels with Ishikawa and me."

"Shadow Moon? Daylight?"

Feng and others were still confused.

But judging from the reactions of Ishikawa and Atobe, these two modes of Renzu are definitely not that simple.

"Ninzu-senpai, did you ever challenge Mr. Ishikawa and Minister Atobe in private?"

Feng said a little surprised.


Sakaki Taro, who was sitting in the coach's seat, smiled and said: "Between the regional qualifiers and the Tokyo Grand Final, Ninzu will choose a specific time every day to challenge Atobe and Ishikawa."

30 days, 60 games in total.

Ninzu had never won a game. Whether it was Ishikawa or Atobe, he felt indescribable pressure like a mountain.

But Renzu did not feel sorry for himself.

in contrast.

He took advantage of the pressure brought by the two masters and through hard training, finally achieved his own breakthrough.

At this time, if he breaks out with all his strength, even an ordinary national-level singles master can compete with him!


In order to ensure that Hyokui would win in doubles, he took the initiative and requested to play doubles.

And now.

When encountering a powerful golden combination, the genius of the Ice Emperor finally showed his true abilities.

"Shadow Moon and Daylight?"

In the direction of Qingxue, Qian said with a solemn expression: "In other words, Ninzu will compete by switching between two different modes? Shadow Moon, the absolutely calm analytical state that was displayed in the last Tokyo competition."


Thinking of this, he said in a deep voice: "The strange behavior of Dashi just now was because Renzu saw through his actions?"

As a master of data flow, Qian knows very well how terrifying it is to have your opponent see through your actions.

As such.

Oishi's domain was almost sealed off by Renzu.

"As for the pattern of daylight"

  Just as his thoughts turned around, Renzu's figure appeared in front of Kikumaru's return shot.


A high-speed slice broke through the defense, but because his weakness was seen, Kikumaru couldn't even react.


"I understand."

Seeing this situation, Qian said in a deep voice: "The daylight mode of Renzu is to increase the burst and speed, and fully activate the body's ability in an instant. Is it so-called being as quiet as a virgin and moving like a stripped rabbit?"

Think of this.

Qian looked at Renzu and couldn't help but become afraid.

Such a master, someone who can withstand the pressure of Qingxue's golden combination on his own, actually chooses to play in doubles. This mentality alone surpasses that of most players.


Renzu took action again, using Yin's calmness to gain insight into the weaknesses of the two opponents. Then, he immediately transformed into his Yang state, instantly activated his physical abilities, and used his exquisite ball skills to penetrate the opponent's defense.


"Hye Emperor, 4-4!"

With Renzu's personal strength, Qingxue recovered the score.

Naturally, the golden combination was unwilling to give up just like that. Then, the two adjusted their tactics and prepared to besiege Renzu.


Aogaku's marking tactics were of no use to Ninzu, who had extraordinary insight and was second only to Ishikawa and Atobe among Hyotei.

On the contrary, the two people who gave up on a safe approach were quickly discovered and attacked by Renzu.

At this time, Xiangri also recovered. He actively cooperated with his partner, defended the bottom line, and gave Qingxue a fatal blow when he found an opportunity.


The situation of the game was completely controlled by the Ice Emperor.


When the game progressed to the 37th minute.

Following Xiangri's winning goal with [Moon Return], the referee loudly said: "The game is over, Hyotei Ninzu and Xianghi's combination won, the score is 6-4!"

Whoa whoa! ! !
  The referee's voice fell.

The entire Ice Emperor's support group instantly burst into extremely enthusiastic cheers.

This victory in doubles 1 completely made them feel proud, and it also wiped away the shame of the previous doubles, where the Ice King won first and then lost!

The two doubles ended with both sides having a winner.

As a result, the atmosphere on the court became solemn again. The audience's eyes fell on both camps, secretly observing the players who might be sent.

Everyone knows it.

The outcome of this first singles match will have a crucial impact on the subsequent matches.

"Next, the singles 3 match is about to begin."


The radio sounded.

The audience also pricked up their ears.

"Sehun Academy Echizen Ryoma versus Hyotei Academy Akutsujin."

"Contestants on both sides, please get ready!"

(End of this chapter)

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