I'm in NetKing, and I have a tennis mini-game

Chapter 126 The desperate situation breaks out, the state of selflessness

Chapter 126 The desperate situation breaks out, the state of selflessness (3rd update)
  "Change to your left hand?"

Seeing Echizen's small movements in Hyotei's direction, Shishido said in surprise: "Is this kid serious so soon?"

Echizen was left-handed, they already knew that.

The reason why I was surprised was that I didn't expect that the boy who completely suppressed Akutagawa would be forced to use his left hand so quickly.


After thinking about it, Akutagawa was also defeated by Akutsu, and everyone was relieved again.

"That guy Cilang"

Thinking of this, everyone glanced at the figure lying on the steps, sleeping happily, and couldn't help but shake their heads.

I don't know what's wrong with the other party, because even if I give up on myself, it's impossible to maintain such a good sleep state. If it were anyone else, facing a duel between two players who had defeated him before, he wouldn't be able to sleep, right?
  "Akutagawa-senpai, have you seen through it all?"

Looking back at Akutagawa, who was sleeping soundly, Ishikawa sighed secretly. However, even he was not sure whether the opponent was the same type of player as Rikkai's Tousaburo Mori.

If so, it might not be a bad thing if the other person is sleeping now.

  on the field.

Standing in front of Echizen on the baseline, tap the tennis ball gently.

Lose one point first. Normally, he wouldn't take it to heart. However, the opponent in front of him gave him a completely different feeling.

Very strong!

And it’s all-around strong!

Whether it is strength, speed or explosive power, they are far beyond the opponents Echizen has ever encountered. Even Tezuka may not be able to catch up with his opponent in these aspects.


He took a breath, adjusted his posture, threw the tennis ball up, and hit it quickly.

  Tennis lands.

It's the part pressing against the outer corner of the left side.

For Echizen, who serves with his left hand, the tennis ball clearly has an arc that bounces outward. The left-hand serve from this position is also more difficult to deal with.

Tread! !

Even Akutsu was forced to move further to the left. After hitting the tennis ball back, his position was obviously out of the court.

"good chance!"

Seeing this situation, Qingxue's Tao Cheng and others secretly clenched their fists.


Echizen also seized this opportunity to score. He quickly stepped forward, caught up with the tennis ball, and then switched the racket to his right hand.

"Two swords?"

In the direction of the Ice Emperor, everyone's eyes moved slightly.

Echizen changed his racket in a very smooth rhythm, holding the racket with his right hand and using strong external spin to hit the tennis ball to the right corner of Akutsu.

  Tennis lands.

Then it ejected to the right with a strong spin.


Seeing such a powerful goal, many people couldn't help but take a breath. Continuous blows from the left and right corners, and in the form of two swords, the effect is really amazing.

Many people put themselves in the shoes of Echizen's opponents, only to find sadly that they could not catch up with the goal.

Tread! !
  But right now.

A figure came running as fast as a cheetah. It was none other than Akutsu.

Running fast, driven by the strong wind, his hair kept rising and flying. Coupled with the muscular limbs, it gives people a wild beauty.

  Catch up on tennis.

Akutsu braked quickly.

Driven by the strong inertia, he was not only decelerating at a constant speed, but his lower body also remained absolutely stable.


He raised his racket, as if he were bowing an arrow, and blasted the tennis ball towards the front corner.

  A bang.

Light yellow light exploded behind Echizen.


The referee spoke, and the stadium fell into silence again.

Especially the Qingxue players, none of them expected to have the first advantage in serving. And Echizen, who was skilled in the use of two-sword style, was actually killed by his opponent with one ball?

"Akutsu's physical fitness is terrifying!"

Qian said with a solemn expression: "Strong strength, excellent explosive power, amazing speed and muscle flexibility. He was simply born for tennis!"

"A tennis prodigy that comes once in ten years!"

In the coaching position, Ryuzaki also looked very solemn. She raised her head and glanced in the direction on the steps, and found Bantian among the Yamabuki players: "Banlao. Is this the player you found?"

Ryuzaki felt even more depressed.

She originally thought that after Seigaku joined Echizen, the son of the samurai Nanjiro, the overall strength of the team would be greatly enhanced. Unexpectedly, the Ice Emperor also joined the top combat force, and there were two of them!

Especially the addition of Akutsu completely disrupted her plan.

"Go ahead."

Thinking of this, Ryuzaki looked at the young man wearing a white tennis cap on the court: "You certainly don't know how to just sit back and wait for death, right?"

  Echizen serves.

As the winner of four consecutive championships in the National Youth Championship, he is a talented boy who has been training with the samurai Nanjiro since he was a child. The failures he has experienced are far beyond ordinary people's imagination.


Despite being in an unfavorable situation, Echizen was still able to remain calm enough and use his play and tactical planning as much as possible to try to score from his opponents.


Akutsu is too strong.

His physical fitness completely exceeded Echizen's imagination. No matter where Echizen hit the tennis ball, Akutsu would hit him back.

This guy is as fast as a cheetah, as strong as a bear, and as agile as an ape. He has no chance of winning.

And Akutsu.

Although on the surface, he never showed any ill will toward Echizen. But in action, apart from not using violent means to attack the opponent, he did not hold back at all when fighting back.

a time.

Echizen was beaten so hard that he was unable to fight back.

  A blast.

The pale yellow light exploded on the far side of Echizen again.


"Hyotei Akutsu, 1-0, exchange venues!"

"Akutsu is so strong!"

Shido, Hiyoshi and others looked shocked.

Especially Shishido, his offensive ability in front of the net is already quite powerful. But if it were him to face the fierce offensive of Echizen Nitōryu, I'm afraid it would be difficult to get any benefits.


However, Akutsu suppressed his opponent forcefully.

The first grader of Qingxue was beaten until he was left in a state of disarray.

"It's not good."

Qingxue side.

When looking at the exchange venue, Echizen lowered his head and said nothing, everyone's hearts tightened.

Since Echizen’s debut.

They had never seen the other party suppressed so severely. Regardless of whether it was Miki and Haitang in the team, or Iwu, Akutagawa, Sengoku and others outside the team, Echizen always won in a calm and unhurried manner. (As mentioned earlier, Echizen’s eyes were not injured)
  but now.

Facing Akutsu, Echizen was beaten without any breathing space.

"Akutsu is even more powerful than before."

off the field.

Qianshi couldn't help but sigh.

In the morning match, he fought against Echizen. Not only was the Tiger Cannon easily cracked, but even in a head-on battle, he was completely suppressed by the opponent tactically.


Here comes the game.

Akutsu has firmly gained the upper hand based on his physical fitness alone.


As if thinking of something, Qianshi raised his eyebrows slightly: "When I competed with this first-year Qingxue, I always felt that he had an aura of depression. I'm afraid this person's strength is not that simple."

"is it?"

Hearing Sengoku talking to himself, Bantian next to him smiled. He looked at Akutsu, then at Echizen, and said meaningfully: "This young man's potential is probably greater than everyone imagined."


Yamabuki's team members all looked over in astonishment.

Even for Akutsu, the other party's evaluation is nothing more than this, right? Unimaginable potential? Does this first-year Qingxue student really have such a terrifying talent?
  With strong curiosity, everyone looked towards the stadium.

  Second round.

Akutsu serves.

He showed no courtesy at all and attacked fiercely. With great strength and amazing speed, he is simply a ruthless scoring machine.     As expected.

The second game ended quickly. Echizen, on the other hand, didn't get a single point.

The same goes for the third game.

Echizen's one-legged steps could not keep up with Akutsu's violent attack, and he was beaten back steadily.


"Hyotei Akutsu, 3-0, exchange venues!"

Only 4 minutes passed in the game, and Akutsu won three games. Such a strong style of play made the surrounding audience so excited that they did not dare to take a breath.


On the other hand, Echizen.

Although it was only a three-game match, he was as tired as if he had played for half an hour, and his breathing became obviously rapid.

In this regard.

The youth team members were worried.

Especially the first-year students, seeing Echizen's embarrassed appearance, no longer dared to speak easily.

After a while.

The two parties exchange positions.

Akutsu, who had won the right to serve, glanced at Echizen on the opposite side, and a coldness flashed between his eyebrows: "Kid, you must be more than this, right?"


He hit the tennis ball over.

Echizen, on the other hand, hit the tennis ball back without saying a word.

  The two clashed.

Akutsu was still strong, but Echizen was at a disadvantage, and his movements were obviously unable to keep up.

  A crucial goal.

Echizen suddenly changed his tactics.

Under the surprised eyes of everyone, he hit a short ball.

Akutsu went online, and Echizen also ran towards the net.

"This kid is really determined to give up."

Seeing Echizen's movements clearly, Shishido shook his head on the Hyokui side and said: "Unfortunately, this move has no effect on Akutsu."


After Echizen used [Swing Ball B] again, Akutsu's body once again bounced upward like a bullet.


He raised his hand and swung the racket, aimed at the tennis ball and slammed it down.

"It's over."

Seeing Akutsu easily cracking the ball B, Horio said with a sad face: "Now, Echizen is really finished!"

Even the most powerful trick was easily broken by his opponent. No one could think of any hope of Echizen's comeback.


Others in Seigaku were still a little dissatisfied with Horio's pessimism.


Before they could open their mouths to scold them, the situation on the court suddenly changed.


Facing Akutsu's smash, Echizen decisively turned his back. Then he quickly squatted down, and at the same time, the racket in his hand moved forward very quickly to intercept the ball.


Akutsu's smash was actually blocked by him!


The tennis ball bounced high into the air.

Under the surprised eyes of everyone, it landed on the inside of the baseline with a snap.


"The giant bear fights back?!"

In the direction of Hyokui, many team members showed shocked expressions.

Even the main candidates looked at Echizen in surprise. Xiangri was surprised: "This first-year Qingxue student can actually do this trick?"

Ever since Ishikawa easily imitated the giant bear's counterattack, the status of this move was no longer so high in everyone's minds.

after that.

Fuji is also easily displayed.

They were not surprised by the giant bear's retaliation. But it was Ishikawa, Fuji and Ninzu after all.

Among them, Fuji and Renzu mastered this technique very early.

And even though Ishikawa is a first-year student, in the minds of everyone, he is not comparable to other first-year students.

and so.

Although the status of Giant Bear Counterattack is not that high, not everyone can play it.

But now, the first grader of Qingxue actually used this trick at such a critical time.

"Could it be said that he actually knows this trick?"

Shido frowned and said, "Then this first-year Qingxue student must have hidden it too deeply, right?"


Just after Echizen stood up, a milky white cyclone was released and spread around his body.

"This is."

Everyone was surprised when they felt the changes in Echizen.

"You still have lots more to work on!"

Speaking a piece of English indifferently, Echizen raised his racket and pointed it at Akutsu on the opposite side.


The latter sneered and then launched another offensive.


Surprisingly, when Echizen caught the ball, he actually used Haitang's Snake Ball.

Taking advantage of Akutsu being caught off guard, he lifted the tennis ball high into the air. Echizen suddenly jumped up and leaned forward to hit a powerful smash.

  Tennis lands.

Ejected from Akutsu's side.


"Senior Hai Haitang's snake ball and senior Taocheng's smash?"

In the direction of Qingxue, the trio of first-year students looked shocked.

Although they didn't know what happened, they could clearly see that the situation on the court had also changed along with the changes in Echizen!


Echizen continuously performed Fuji's Tsubame Flashback, Fudomine Ibu Shinji's instant paralysis, and Tachibana's Exploding Ball.

And through constant changes in the style of the game and endless skills, Echizen also continued to score from Akutsu.


"Aogakusho Echizen, 3-3!"

in a blink.

He actually recovered three consecutive games to equalize the score.

"Too, too awesome!"

Faced with the strong state shown by Echizen, everyone in Seigaku was extremely surprised.

"This kid is so strong!"

On the Ice King side.

The faces of Shishido, Hiyoshi, Mukahi and others became serious. They didn't expect that Qing Xue, a first-year student, could actually hide such strength.

Taki Oginosuke also said with a worried face: "In this case, the situation of the game may be..."

"Do not."

But Renzu next to him shook his head. He looked at the tall figure on the court and said, "Look at Akutsu's state."

  When everyone heard the words, they all looked up.


Facing the situation of being defeated for three consecutive games, Akutsu didn't show any signs of anger on his face.

"It's not like being disrupted by an opponent."

Renzu continued, "On the contrary, those eyes are just like the reaction of a falcon after it has locked onto its prey."

"That man was right."

At this time, Akutsu on the court looked at Echizen with a smile on his face: "You are indeed an excellent stepping stone!"

(End of this chapter)

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