I'm in NetKing, and I have a tennis mini-game

Chapter 129 A fierce battle at the national level, Ishikawa’s amazing goal!

Chapter 129 A fierce battle at the national level, Ishikawa’s amazing goal! (3rd update)
  "The game begins, and one set determines the outcome."

After a while.

After confirming the status of both sides, the referee looked to the side of the court and said: "Aigaku Tezuka serves, the game is over!"

  As the referee's voice fell.

The surroundings of the court gradually became quiet, except for the sound of Tezuka gently hitting the tennis ball.

"Tezuka Kunimitsu."

On the steps, the eyes of representatives from each school and passers-by were all fixed on Tezuka.

At this time, St. Rudolf's Kanyue said: "I joined the youth school two years ago and became the main representative of the tennis club in the same year. In my second grade, I was recommended to the National Youth Trials, but due to special reasons, I gave up my spot to Thousands of stones blown by mountains.”


At this time, Yoshiro Akazawa, the minister of St. Rudolf, asked curiously: "You were still in Seigaku at that time. Do you know why?"

"How do I know."

Fuji Yuta shook his head repeatedly: "At that time, all I was thinking about was how to leave Seigaku. I didn't know much about the situation in the tennis club. I only knew that Tezuka-senpai was very powerful and a better player than my brother! "


Kanyue also nodded and said: "Yes, Tezuka was recognized as a professional player when he was in second grade."

"A professional player?!"

Yanagisawa Shinya on the side widened his eyes exaggeratedly, as if he had seen a ghost.


Kanyue nodded, then looked at the figure on the court holding the tennis ball in his hand: "It is also because of this that although Seigaku did not enter the national competition, when Tezuka is mentioned, he will be listed among the national masters. of the ranks!”

  And this time.

On the court, Tezuka threw the tennis ball high.

Then, he stood on tiptoe on his left side and quickly turned to one side. With this strength, his upper body naturally stretched out, and the racket in his hand fell straight towards the tennis racket.

  A crisp sound.

The tennis ball shot out at an astonishing speed, and in an instant, it had crossed the blocking net, and then drew a beautiful semi-parabola, heading towards the outside corner on the right front of Ishikawa.

  Tennis lands.

Accurately press on the intersection of the two lines.

Whoa! ! !
  And this super-speed serve, which was like a textbook, instantly attracted the admiration of the spectators around the stadium.

"What a strong serve."

Taki, Xiangri and others' expressions darkened.

Even Shishido, who reacted extremely quickly, and Shinobu, who had amazing insight, felt extremely heavy pressure when they saw this serve.

If an expert takes action, he will know the depth.

After Tezuka's serve, not many of Hyotei's main players were sure they could hit back. This extremely oppressive serve alone is enough to scare away most people.

  But this time.

There was just a crisp sound, and Tezuka's ultra-high-speed serve was enveloped by a silver arc of light. Then, it shot back at an astonishing speed.

"Hit back?!"

Many spectators who were immersed in Tezuka's strong serve couldn't help but be surprised.


When they realized that Tezuka's opponent was the powerful Ice King, the national-level Ishikawa, they were relieved again.

Although Tezuka's serve is strong, Ishikawa himself is also a player who is extremely good at hitting ultra-fast serves.

This serve is very difficult for others, but for Ishikawa, it is probably just easy to catch.


Then everyone noticed again.

Ishikawa's counterattack accurately hit Tezuka's left hand side where the bottom and sideline intersected.

"This Ishikawa!"

Seeing this situation, Qingxue's Oishi, Kikumaru and others couldn't help but raise their brows: "You are indeed a person who is not willing to suffer at all!"

Tread! !
  Faced with such a strong counterattack from Ishikawa, Tezuka quickly moved towards the tennis ball, but without even looking at the tennis ball, he raised his hand and swiped it over.

"Draw the ball diagonally!"

The eyelids of Shishido, Xiangri and others twitched.

The opponent's volley was too subtle. The speed is extremely fast and the landing point is extremely accurate, completely pressing on the bottom line.

Just one goal.

Shishido and others knew that they were definitely no match for the Minister of Seigaku.


While everyone was thinking, Ishikawa's counterattack was shot back in an instant.


Seigaku team members like Gan and Kikumaru could see clearly that Hyotei's deputy director also hit the tennis ball back without even looking at it.

Oishi said solemnly: "In terms of ball control, Ishikawa is not inferior to Tezuka at all."


Qian nodded.

As a data collector, he also keenly noticed that Ishikawa's skills were even more sophisticated than when he played against him on the street tennis court.

At least.

His eyes, which have seen the playing styles of hundreds of players, can't find a single flaw at all.

  on the field.

The two men clashed fiercely.

Tezuka's ball control is extremely exquisite, and the tennis ball seems to be very obedient in his hands. It depends entirely on where to hit, almost every ball is hit on the baseline or sideline.

Ishikawa is no less impressive.

The racket seemed to be integrated with his arm. With every swing, he could not only accurately receive Tezuka's sharp shots, but also counterattack the tennis ball to the same tricky position.

And off the field.

The passers-by and spectators, watching the two people's exaggerated fight, instinctively opened their mouths.

Someone even blurted out: "These two people. Are they really just like us, junior high school students?"

  In response to him, Tezuka gave an extremely sharp counterattack. Not only is the tennis ball extremely fast, but it is also very low in height, almost flying against the blocking net.

"That's how this showdown started."

On the steps, Inoue said excitedly and nervously: "How amazing will it be next?"


Zhi couldn't help but speak.

Tezuka and Ishikawa responded with such precision, leaving absolutely no room for mistakes. If the two's rackets deviate even slightly, they will cause fatal mistakes.


As the duel between the two continued, there was not even a single mistake. This is even more amazing at the two men's terrible ball control and strong mentality.

"As expected of Minister Tezuka!"

Seeing the deadlock between Tezuka and Ishikawa, Horio, a first-year Seigaku student, couldn't help but said: "Maybe we can really win this game!"


Others raised their eyebrows subconsciously.

They all heard Horio's tone, which was clearly on the side of the Hyokui. But they didn't react much. After all, during the Tokyo competition, Fuji was defeated by Ishikawa without any ability to fight back.

In contrast.

To be able to have such a fierce duel with his opponent and still be in an invincible position, Tezuka's skills are obviously superior.


But unlike others, Deputy Minister Oishi couldn't help but feel tight in his heart when he saw the two of them competing in such a fierce spin: "If this game becomes a protracted battle, I'm afraid it will be too much for Tsukasa."

No one, including coach Ryuzaki, knows Tezuka's recent situation. Only Oishi, who accompanied him to the hospital for examination, knew that although Tezuka's injury had healed, the doctor had warned him not to play such exaggerated slices for a long time. but now.

The situation on the court is obviously developing in a direction that is unfavorable to Tsukasa.


Thinking of this, Dashi clenched his fists subconsciously and said to himself: "Don't be in a stalemate with your opponent, end this serve game quickly!"

  At this time.

Tezuka once again hit the tennis ball across the sideline.


On the opposite side, Ishikawa quickly moved over after understanding the landing point of the tennis ball.

"What a horrible person."

Looking at Ishikawa who was approaching the landing point of the tennis ball, Qianshi said solemnly: "In such a fierce duel, his reaction and insight should have changed after such a long confrontation, but in the end... there was nothing." Downtrend."


Bantian nodded and said with emotion: "Whether it is the ability of these two to control the ball, their mental will, or their own state, it may be difficult to determine the winner in a short period of time."


After a pause, he shook his head and said: "Everyone's physical and mental abilities are limited, and no one can maintain such a high level of batting all the time. And once a mistake occurs, even if it is only a slight error, for this kind of competition between masters, Every duel is fatal!"

Tread! !
  when speaking.

Ishikawa caught up with the tennis ball again, looked up at Tezuka's position opposite him, tilted his racket, and unexpectedly hit a high-speed slice.


Seeing this, everyone in the Ice Emperor cheered up.

This is the key point to break the game, the showdown between these two masters. The change of tactics means that the rhythm will change and the balance of the situation will be broken.

Look in the direction of Tezuka.

Facing this sharp, high-speed slice, the opponent seemed not to have expected that Ishikawa would suddenly change his moves. He actually stood there without any sign of action.


Seeing this, the faces of everyone in Qingxue darkened.

In their opinion, Tezuka may be losing points at this pace.


Ishikawa's high-speed chipping has no possibility of mistakes. When the tennis ball hit the ground, it was still accurately pressed on the baseline. Such terrible control of the ball made others feel suffocated.



Just when everyone thought that Tezuka would definitely lose this point, the tennis ball bounced off the ground and changed its flight trajectory strangely.

Under the shocked eyes of others, the tennis ball made an exaggerated arc and appeared next to Tezuka.

"This, this is."

The trio of first-year Qingxue students instinctively widened their eyes.

"Tezuka Domain."

Gan said with a smile on his face: "It seems that the winner of this one-goal duel is Tezuka."

  The voice fell.

After Tezuka turned sideways to get a suitable hitting space, he swung the racket without hesitation, and with a bang, he hit the tennis ball to the bottom corner on the far side of Ishikawa.

Tread! !

What Ranggan and others didn't expect was that Tezuka was caught up by Ishikawa even though Tezuka was waiting for his attack.

"how is this possible?"

Horio and others looked surprised.

“This man’s insight is horrific.”

Gan's face darkened, he looked at Ishikawa who returned the tennis ball with his backhand, and said solemnly: "I'm afraid the opponent thought of the possibility of subsequent changes the moment the trajectory of the tennis ball changed."


Ryuzaki's face darkened.

Players like this are simply terrifying. Even though Tezuka displayed his skills in the field, he still couldn't score.

Tread! !
  Tread! !
  Seeing Ishikawa running wildly on the court as Tezuka continued to attack left and right, her mood suddenly became heavy.

This game may really be dragged into a protracted battle.

And Ishikawa is a data tennis master even more powerful than Gan. As time goes by, the other party will definitely collect more information about Tezuka.

At that time, the situation of the game will only be more unfavorable to Tezuka.


And seeing Ishikawa running back and forth on the baseline like an immortal iron man, never losing a point, Oishi looked at Tezuka anxiously: "Don't hesitate anymore, end this game quickly."

  It was as if I heard Dashi’s heartfelt voice.

Tezuka, who once again turned sideways to make room for the ball, lowered his racket head, aimed at the flying tennis ball, and lightly sliced ​​it out.

"The height of this racket head?"

After Qian saw the subtle changes in Tezuka's movements when he made his moves, his pupils under the white lenses couldn't help but shrink: "Could this be..."

  At this time.

The tennis ball jumped over the blocking net and quickly fell to the ground.

  Then, I saw that the tennis ball did not bounce like normal, but seemed to want to roll back.

"This is."

Seeing this, Kikumaru, Momoro and others seemed to realize something, and they all blurted out: "Tezuka (the director)'s Zero Slice!!!"

Type Zero? !
  As for Hyokui, Atobe and others' pupils shrank.

Although they didn't know what it was, judging from the reactions of Qing Xue and others, it was definitely a very powerful trick. And Ishikawa finally lost the victory in this battle.

other people.

People like Inoue were sighing in their hearts.

This is Ishikawa, who can only score one point if he can let Tezuka use Domain and Zero continuously.



Before everyone in Qingxue could be happy, the tennis ball that was about to roll back suddenly shot up from the ground as if it was pulled by some kind of force.


The tennis ball made an exaggerated arc and flew to Ishikawa, who was standing in the middle.

"wait wait wait!!"

Seemingly realizing something, everyone in Qingxue subconsciously blurted out: "Tezuka Domain?!!"

  The voice fell.

Ishikawa swings quickly.

The tennis ball flew away at an astonishing speed. Under the astonished eyes of everyone in Qingxue, it accurately hit the baseline and ejected.

As for Tezuka.

It is because the zero serve is played without applying the corresponding field rotation on the tennis ball. The tennis ball was gone and hit the wall behind him.


  After the referee finished speaking, everyone opened their mouths wide as they looked at the tennis ball rolling gently behind Tezuka after hitting the wall.

Even Ice Emperor's team members felt inexplicably shocked.

Huge stadium.

Suddenly fell into absolute silence!

 Please recommend tickets, monthly tickets! ! !
  (End of this chapter)

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