I'm in NetKing, and I have a tennis mini-game

Chapter 140 Awakening, Kirihara’s selfless state

Chapter 140 Awakening, Kirihara’s selfless state (3rd update)

"It's you?"

Hearing Echizen's words, Kirihara turned around. The two people's eyes met in mid-air.

Kirihara said in surprise: "If I remember correctly, you are the strongest newcomer in Seigakus, Echizen Ryoma, right?"

Kirihara had also heard of Echizen's name.

The opponent performed quite well in the Tokyo Tournament and the Kanto Tournament, defeating Hyotei's Akutagawa and Yamabuki's Sengoku.

Especially Akutagawa.

The other party is known as a genius in Ice Emperor.

Because of the loss to Ishikawa, Akutagawa was very concerned about Hyotei's players. Kirihara was even more impressed by Echizen who defeated Akutagawa and was a first-year student like Ishikawa.

"Kirihara, right?"

At this time, Dashi stepped forward, shook his head and said, "I'm sorry, we don't accept private games from our team members."

It wasn't that he was afraid of Kirihara, but that he was worried about unnecessary accidents.

after all.

If he remembered correctly, the man in front of him had fought Fudomine's Tachibana in the Kanto semi-finals a few days ago and was covered in blood. It was terrifying.

It would be fine if nothing unexpected happened.

But if something terrible happens to Kirihara or Echizen in the upcoming game, Seigaku, as the host, will definitely be held responsible.

and so.

As the deputy minister of youth studies, Oishi believed that it was necessary to stop this meaningless confrontation.

"Let them fight."

At this time, a steady and deep voice sounded.

"Tezuka (buchou!)"

The Seigaku team members turned around to look, and when they saw it was Tezuka, they all showed expressions of respect.

Although Tezuka lost in the Kanto semifinals.

But the other party's unwavering willpower for Qingxue infected everyone. Let everyone admire him even more.

at this time.

Tezuka, who came forward, glanced at Echihara who was standing behind Kirihara, turned to the former and said: "It's rare for you to come from Tatekai University so far away. But let me declare in advance that no matter what the outcome, you can only Have a fight at Qingxue!"


Kirihara was stunned for a moment: "One session is fine!"

He nodded.

Since he couldn't face off against Tezuka, the newbie in front of him seemed to be a good training target.


With Tezuka's permission.

The two entered one of the courts. After guessing the right to serve, they each retreated to the bottom line.

"Game start."

Oishi, who served as the referee, nodded and said: "Echizen serves, the game is over!"





The audience's eyes fell on Echizen playing tennis.

"Did Ryoma-kun switch his racket to his right hand?"

"That is to say."

"Outspin serve?!"

The first-year trio suddenly became excited.



Then he saw Echizen quickly hit the tennis ball.

After a beautiful parabola passed by, the tennis ball landed near the service line in front of Kirihara.

"Outspin serve?"

He raised his eyebrows slightly, simulated the possible direction of the tennis ball's ejection angle in his mind, and then made a motion to hit the ball.



The tennis ball bounced around more sharply than Kirihara imagined. A look of astonishment flashed in his eyes, but fortunately he reacted quickly enough, and immediately moved his head away, swung his racket to cover it, and barely managed to hit the tennis ball.


Echizen then took action and hit a powerful whip shot.

Tennis lands.

Score directly.


"this boy"

He felt depressed when he came up, and Kirihara looked a little unhappy. After taking a deep look at the opponent, he assumed a posture of receiving the serve.



Another ball came flying.

After landing, the tennis ball fiercely bounced towards Kirihara's head again.

"Hmph, do you think I will suffer twice on the same issue?"

Kirihara sneered.

He swung the racket in his hand quickly and whipped the tennis ball out the moment it bounced, without giving the tennis time to hit his face.

"Half volley?"

Taocheng raised his eyebrows lightly.

"It's not really a half-volley."

Gan next to him shook his head and said: "However, his movements are indeed very fast. His judgment is also very accurate. He is worthy of being the second-year ace of Lihai University."

Regarding Kirihara, Gan had a very in-depth understanding of some information.

As the only second-year regular candidate at Rikkai University, Kirihara's talent is undoubtedly very strong.


Echizen is not bad at all.

In the games they have lost so far, except for the Akutsu game, the strength gap between the two sides is really too big. So far, the results are still very impressive.



Facing Kirihara's counterattack, Echizen unceremoniously hit the tennis ball towards Kirihara's backhand.

While the opponent was moving over, Echizen decisively went online.

"This kid."

When Kirihara ran to the spot where the tennis ball landed, he found that his opponent was already close to the middle of the court. His expression couldn't help but change: "Are you going to compress my space so that I have no place to fight back?"


Kirihara raised his racket and made a slicing motion.

with a snap.

The tennis ball flew out quickly with a rather sharp spin.

"High-speed slice?"

Seeing this, the faces of everyone in Qingxue changed slightly.

This kind of skill cannot be achieved by people who are generally not skilled enough. Unexpectedly, Kirihara not only performed it, but also aimed at the position of Echizen's left backhand. (At this time, the right hand is holding the racket)


Seeing the reactions of everyone in Seigaku, Kirihara sneered.

High speed chipping.

This was a trick he learned from Liu. Compared with the opponent's superb skills, the imitation was certainly not a good one. But it is completely enough to cope with the current situation.



When he looked at Echizen in action, his expression suddenly changed: "How can this kid be so fast?"

Compared to the previous position.

At this time, Echizen was actually close to the landing point of his high-speed slice.


After catching up with the tennis ball, Echizen raised the racket, aimed at the flying tennis ball and quickly sliced ​​it out.

with a snap.

The tennis ball spun fiercely and flew towards the far side of Kirihara at the same sharp angle.

"High-speed slice?!"

Seeing his opponent's counterattack clearly, Kirihara's expression turned ugly.

It is clear.

This was the other party's response to him.




Same as Echizen.

Kirihara also mastered the skill of one-legged small steps. After seeing the path of the ball clearly, he immediately ran towards the landing point of the tennis ball. After catching up, fight back quickly.


But don't want to.

Echizen, who was well prepared, hit a short ball.


Kirihara was stunned.

Looking at the tennis ball slowly falling in front of the net, his expression became extremely wonderful.


Oishi spoke, Kirihara raised his eyebrows and his eyes became serious: "Very good, Echizen Ryoma, you have successfully aroused my interest."


In response, Echizen just chuckled.



He attacks again.

Make full use of the advantage of the first move in the service game, press step by step, and suppress Kirihara.


Echizen got the third ball.

Leading the opponent 40-0. Boom!

Fourth ball.

Kirihara reacted quickly, but Echizen did not choose a change of pace this time. Instead, he directly used a strong baseline attack to attack Kirihara.


After the opponent became familiar with this rhythm, Echizen suddenly changed his tactics and released a relatively gentle short ball.

Tread! !

When Kirihara stepped forward to strike, Echizen also stepped forward quickly. After accelerating to a certain level, he crouched and slid out, and under Kirihara's stunned eyes, he hit a continuously beating volley ball B!


"Echizen, 1-0!"

"As expected of Ryoma-kun."

"That's right, just move forward and finish off the opponent in one go."

"Well played, what a nice whip shot!"

The surrounding Seigaku players applauded Echizen.

"Good boy."

Kirihara took a deep look at his opponent. Under the surprised looks of others, he took off the wristband on his hand, then opened his socks and took out the weight inside.


Seeing this, Horio and others couldn't help but exclaimed: "This guy, was he wearing weights while competing just now?"

This is too exaggerated!

You know, the level Kirihara showed just now. Whether it's his adaptability or his one-legged steps, he's quite impressive.


The opponent actually still wears weights to compete?

"Echizen Ryoma."

Kirihara looked at the opponent and said confidently: "Now, the game really begins."

"That's right, Kirihara-senpai."

On the opposite side, Echizen, under Kirihara's surprised gaze, actually changed his racket from his right hand to his left hand. He smiled and said: "The game has just begun!"

"Left hand?"

Kirihara's expression changed: "Are you left-handed? So you were good just now, very good!"

Speaking of the end.

He almost made a sound from between his teeth.



The game continues.

In the second game, Kirihara served.

After taking off the weights, his strength really improved. Although Echizen is equally strong, the opponent clearly had the initiative in Kirihara's serve.

After a confrontation, both sides were victorious, but Kirihara clearly widened the gap.


Kirihara successfully held serve and tied the score 1-1.


He pursued the victory and accelerated his attack during Echizen's serve. Trying to break serve and gain an early advantage in the game.

But it's a pity.

Echizen's golf intelligence, strength and mental strength are not comparable to ordinary players. Therefore, Kirihara is almost visible to the naked eye, being pulled apart by the score.


He didn't give up.

Faced with Echizen's continuous whipping balls, Kirihara also tried to break this move.

But never succeeded.

Chi Chi

on the field.

Echizen once again glided out in a half-crouched position. Just like before, he accurately judged the elapsed time, jumped up quickly, and swung the bat to hit the ball.


The tennis ball landed quickly.

Then it shot up high again.


Seeing the tennis ball bouncing high, Kirihara knew that this was the key to cracking this trick. He jumped up hard and swung the racket high in an attempt to intercept the tennis ball.


After all, his talent is not as good as Akutsu's.

Even though he stretched out his racket vigorously, it was still a short distance away from the tennis ball.



Kirihara Tsuki was unable to fall from the air, but fell to the ground because of his unstable stance.


"Echizen, 2-1!"

"Does this guy think he is Akutsu?"

"It's just that it's not so easy to hit back the forward volley ball B."

"Hey, I'm fine now. I've suffered a lot."

The Qingxue players complained one after another.

"It's not good."

But Qian, who knew the raw material well, suddenly became extremely solemn: "If he becomes too manic, he will awaken to another state."


Fuji also nodded and said: "Once Kirihara's mood becomes too manic, his eyes will be bloodshot and his fighting style will become more violent."


When everyone heard this, their expressions couldn't help but change.

Horio and the others also consciously made a mistake and kept their mouths shut, for fear of angering this Tachikai team member.


At this time.

Kirihara got up from the ground, turned around, glanced at everyone, and sneered: "You guys, stop looking down on others!"


Everyone was stunned when they saw this.

Because Kirihara's state at this time has not changed at all.

"Is the information wrong?"

Qian frowned in confusion.

He remembered clearly that Kirihara was indeed prone to drastic changes.


As the game continues.

Kirihara actually never entered that Akame state.

It's not that Kirihara has become kind, but after he lost to Tachibana, Sanada and Yanagi once said that he should not be dominated by his emotions.

Away from home.

Kirihara knew that he represented Tatekai Dai, and with the instructions of Sanada and Yanagi, he always suppressed his emotions.


Echizen's strength was indeed stronger than he imagined.



Kirihara gasped for air.

Echizen is about the same.

The former always suppresses his emotions and does not awaken Akame's state. And Echizen is also suppressing himself and not using the state of selflessness.

After losing to Akutsu, Echizen had done some self-examination. He believes that the state of selflessness dominates his own consciousness and reduces his judgment of the situation.

and so.

He always suppresses himself and has no use for selflessness.



on the field.

The two are still trying their best to play ball.

In the end, Echizen's racing experience was indeed superior. He caught Kirihara's flaw and skillfully hit a lob during his serve.

When Kirihara chased the tennis ball hard and lost his balance after returning the ball, he hit the tennis ball to the opponent's backhand position.

"nice shot!"

Taocheng and others couldn't help but cheer.

this ball.

It is the dividing line between victory and defeat.


But right now.

Kirihara should have lost his balance, but his pupils quietly shrank. The movement of his hand suddenly accelerated, and he blasted out the tennis ball at an unimaginable speed.


A flash of light yellow light, in turn, exploded beside Echizen.

"6-5, Kirihara leads!" (6-5 in the tie-break)

"Then, what is that?"

off the field.

Everyone in Qingxue looked at the traces on Echizen's side in astonishment.

The speed of the ball just now was too fast, right?

"wait wait wait."

At this time, as if he saw something, Kikumaru looked in the direction of Kirihara in surprise: "Look, Kirihara's condition!"


Everyone turned to look.

After seeing clearly Kirihara's current state, their expressions changed.


There was a milky white cyclonic wave surrounding the opponent's body.

"This is the state of selflessness?!"

 The third update, there will be another update later, and the fourth update is finished. Book friends who can't wait, go to bed early.



(End of this chapter)

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