I'm in NetKing, and I have a tennis mini-game

Chapter 159 Decisive battle, Ishikawa vs Sanada

Chapter 159 Decisive battle, Ishikawa vs Sanada (3rd update)


Liu actually has a trick that he hasn't used yet.

For example, the amazingly powerful Kamaitachi can bring great lethality when necessary.


He knew very well that at this time, his blind spot had been completely seen through by Atobe. In this case, his possibility of winning has been infinitely close to zero.


The direction of youth studies.

Qian looked at Liu who looked depressed and sighed in his heart.

As he said before, even national-level players are divided into strong and weak ones. Compared to Atobe, Liu is undoubtedly a level below.

Li Hai's team members were very anxious.

Especially Kirihara, he couldn't accept that the three giants of Rikkai, whom he regarded as monsters, actually lost with such a disparity.


The real game does not depend on the will of others outside the stadium.



When Atobe unfolded the world of ice and hit one of the icicles beside Yanagi, the referee's voice sounded:

"competition is over."

"Hyotei Akabe wins, score 6-1."

"The winner is Hyokui, and the winner is Atobe!"

"The winner is Hyokui, and the winner is Atobe!"

"The winner is Hyokui, and the winner is Atobe!"

Atobe won a great victory.

The members of the Ice Emperor's support team suddenly burst into cheers like a mountain roaring and a tsunami.

The entire stadium was drowned out by their voices.

"Is this the Ice Emperor's true strength?"

around the stadium.

Representatives from Green Mountain, Dakou Nan, Jiaoyang and other schools in the Kanto region had an idea in their minds after feeling the fierce momentum.

What if they faced such a terrifying and powerful Ice Emperor Hiss during the competition?

Just think about it.

It made people shiver uncontrollably.

"Sanada, everyone is sorry."

Exit the court.

Liu said with a gloomy face to everyone in Li Hai.

When he spoke, he raised his head and closed his eyes. He had already realized that after his failure, he was punished by Sanada's iron fist.


As a result, the tennis emperor, who always acted vigorously and never showed mercy to the players who lost the game, actually just nodded slightly.


Liu opened his eyes, shook his head and said: "Fight, this is a rule and cannot be broken."

"I know."

Sanada stood up, but did not take action. Instead, he looked at the other Tatekai Grandmasters and said, "It's getting late. You guys go over first. Just leave it to me here."


Nioh, Yagyu and others looked at each other and nodded.

Even Niou, who always had a casual attitude and didn't take Sanada's orders to heart, showed a serious expression.


Turning his head, Sanada looked at Yanagi and said: "Take them away and remember to tell Yukimura so that he can perform the operation with peace of mind."

"I see."

Liu didn't dwell on other issues.


Then he took Kirihara and others out of the stadium.

"what's the situation?"

"Why are all the members of Li Hai University gone?"

"Isn't the game over yet? Don't they think there is no hope of winning?"

"Idiot, that's Sanada, the emperor of tennis!"

"That's right, I don't know why Tachikai is leaving in such a hurry. But with Sanada's strength, no one who can beat him on the court has appeared yet!"

around the stadium.

Everyone became very curious about the behavior of the people in Lihai who left in a hurry.


Most people still believe that with Sanada's strength, the final championship will definitely belong to Rikkai.

"Finally, it's the finals!"

At the steps.

Ino glanced at the retreating figures of Liu and others, then turned his head and looked at Sanada, who was taking off his coat in the coach's position. Then, he looked in the direction of the Ice Emperor.

"I didn't expect that it would be a duel between these two people in the end!"

while speaking.

Inoue's eyes were fixed on Ishikawa.

It was different from the first time I saw Ishikawa at the Tokyo Competition more than a month ago. Because of his amazing record, Inoue had already classified his opponent into the ranks of third-year players like Tezuka and Atobe.

Ishikawa Shin.

A first-year student at Hyotei Academy, deputy director of the tennis club.

While he has amazing tennis talent, he is also calmer than anyone else. From the beginning of the metropolitan competition, he defeated the masters from each school, and even the top players like Tezuka were defeated by him!

It can be said that Inoue Kazushiba almost witnessed the birth of a junior high school tennis legend.

And this game.

Ishikawa, who had a decisive battle with the country's No. 1 Tatekai and served as No. singles, undoubtedly continued this legend when he faced Rachikai's great tennis emperor Sanada.

"If he even defeats Sanada"

Looking at Ishikawa who tied his shoelaces, picked up his racket and walked into the court, Inoue's hand holding the camera couldn't help but tremble.

He seemed to see the invincible figure from the past reappear!

"Next, the singles match 1 is about to begin."

"Genichiro Sanada of Rikkai University Affiliated High School, and Shin Ishikawa of Hyotei Academy."

"Players on both sides please be prepared."

The broadcast ends.

The eyes of the audience turned towards the two of them.

In front of the net.

Wearing a black peaked cap, Sanada looked calm and exuded a suppressed aura and said: "I've heard of you, even Tezuka was defeated by you. It's their luck that Hyokui can have a newcomer like you! "

For Ishikawa, Sanada always maintained enough respect.

He didn't regard the other party as a first-year newcomer at all. After all, this person had eliminated Tezuka, whom he listed as his old enemy.


From Sanada's point of view, given Atobe's character, he would never take the initiative to give up his singles No. 1 position. Therefore, there is only one possibility left for this status, which symbolizes the core player of the team, that the boy in front of him snatched it from Atobe with a real sword!

Connect various information about Ishikawa.

Sanada knew that the opponent was definitely not a simple-minded player.

Have strength.    Have means.

Have courage.

It's not like Sanada has never seen similar characters before.

Two years ago, Yukimura joined Rikkai University with him, took away the leadership from those arrogant seniors, and led Rikkai University to win the national championship. This is the kind of person he is!

To some extent.

Ishikawa is the Yukimura of that year, even scarier than Yukimura!

and so.

As the deputy minister of Rikkai University, Sanada believed that it was necessary for him to personally cut off the possibility of the rise of the Ice Emperor!

"I can tell."

Facing Sanada's sharp, razor-sharp gaze, Ishikawa smiled and said, "Otherwise, senior, you wouldn't have said that to the Atobe Minister when you left the park last week."


Hear the words.

Sanada's eyes changed slightly.

He reacted quickly, and immediately connected the situation with Atobe's adjustment of the order of appearance, and his heart sank involuntarily.


His and Liu's plan was seen through by the person in front of him.

As a result, in the end, the situation turned out to be worse than the original situation.

"you're good."

Thinking of this, Sanada nodded and said: "Hyouti and Atobe are indeed very lucky. However, your luck ends here."

"is it?"

Ishikawa laughed naturally: "Compared to this, I am more interested in preventing your Kanto winning streak and your third consecutive national hegemony!"

As soon as these words came out.

Sanada, who originally had a strong attitude, suddenly flashed a cold light in his eyes.


But before he could speak, Ishikawa smiled and said: "Please give me some advice for the game later. Next, guess which side it will be?"


He took out his racket and started spinning.


The veins on Sanada's forehead throbbed, but there was nothing he could do.

"As expected of him."

Atobe couldn't help but laugh when he saw Ishikawa communicating with Sanada and not being affected by his name as "Tennis Emperor" at all.


Renzu also nodded and said, "I'm afraid Sanada is also very afraid of Ishikawa in his heart, right?"

after all.

The court is not a place where age matters.

And Ishikawa's record is indeed amazing.

"Everything is following his script."

From the coach's position, Sakaki Taro also said with emotion: "I'm afraid he is the only one who can count a school like Rikkai University!"

other teams.

Qingxue, Rokkachu, Yamabuki, etc. also looked at the scene in front of them quietly.

"I didn't expect that it would be a competition between these two people in the end."

Fixed peak direction.

A voice suddenly sounded behind everyone.


Kamio, Iwu and others instinctively turned their heads, only to find a strange boy wearing a loose floral shirt and wearing wooden clogs.

The team members at Fudo Peak immediately became alert.


But at this time, their minister changed from his usual calm state and spoke with surprise on his face.

"Long time no see, Juping!"

The visitor was none other than Chitose, who came from Kansai to investigate information. In fact, he was already nearby when he was playing singles 3.

After watching two games in a row and noticing Tachibana's figure, he just walked over this way.

"Is this person...?"

Seeing Tachibana's reaction, Kamio and others reacted immediately.

A thousand years and a thousand miles!

The former ace player of Kyushu Shiraku Middle School, and together with Tachibana, they are known as the two national-level players of Kyushu.

Isn't the other party in Kumamoto?

Why did you suddenly come to Tokyo?

Don't you care about the Lion Le's match in the Kyushu Competition?

"haven't seen you for a long time."

Tachibana nodded towards Chitose.

Seeing the arrival of his old friend, he, who had always been calm, felt really excited.

After calming down, he asked: "Are you here specifically to investigate Li Hai's intelligence?"


Chitose didn't hide it. He smiled and said: "After all, it is the number one team in the country. I heard that Yukimura was hospitalized. I also want to know how much combat power Tachikami can exert without Yukimura."

"Li Hai is very strong."

Hearing this, Tachibana said seriously: "Even without Yukimura, their lineup is very scary. However, this year's Ice Emperor is also extremely powerful."

"Hye Emperor?"

Chitose raised his eyebrows slightly when he heard this. Then, he turned his eyes and locked his eyes on the figure on the court who was guessing the right to serve with Sanada: "It is indeed very strong!"

Everyone present.

Apart from Tachibana, he is probably the only one who can understand the meaning of this sentence best.

The game just now.

He was completely suppressed by Ishikawa. Even if he displayed the state of selflessness, and even finally opened the door to the secret of selflessness that he understood, he was still no match for this person.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he wouldn't have believed that there was such a monster-like newcomer in Kanto this year!

"It's such a pity Li Hai."

Speaking of this, Chitose said with emotion: "With Liu's statistical tennis ability, if the order of the game is arranged correctly, this game may have ended early."

"Not necessarily."

Unexpectedly, Tachibana shook his head and said: "When it comes to data tennis, even Liu's level is probably no match for the Ice Emperor."


Hearing this, Chitose said in surprise: "He also knows data tennis? And it's still above Liu's level?"

This information reminded him of the game just now.

No wonder.

The other party actually knew his identity very well.

"and many more!!"

Suddenly, as if he realized something, Chitose's pupils shrank quietly: "In the game just now, that guy... hiss!"

This moment.

The top expert in the Kansai region suddenly felt an uncontrollable surprise in his heart.

Because he suddenly thought that in the match between the two just now, Ishikawa didn't hit a ball within the blind spot of his right eye? !

(End of this chapter)

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