I'm in NetKing, and I have a tennis mini-game

Chapter 175 National competition draw, Ishikawa’s strength changes

Chapter 175 National competition draw, Ishikawa’s strength changes (1st update)

“Look beyond appearances and see the essence of things!”

The rain fell in torrents.

In a dilapidated tennis court halfway up the mountain.

Ishikawa looked at the stone wall in the distance and nodded solemnly.

this moment.

His realm finally crossed that boundary and touched a new world.


He leaves here.

Go to the foot of the mountain to meet up with Atobe and others.

After the rain stopped, everyone took the ferry back to the main island of Okinawa. However, the weather was not very good and no one went out in the afternoon. There were no people on the beach either.

Have a night's rest.

Hyotei and the others took Atobe's private plane and returned to Tokyo.




And Higa Junior High School in Naha City.

Inside the Tennis Club.

It was a scene of intense training.

Losing to Ishikawa made Taira Furuba, Kai and others very unwilling. They were all working hard and preparing to surprise the teams of those three people during the national competition!

"Is this a person who masters Shuchi method just by looking at him?"

On the edge of the field.

The young man wearing glasses and wearing hair wax raised his eyebrows slightly. In his impression, there are no such players in Kyushu, Kansai, or even the further Kanto region.

"However, if you dare to provoke me, Hikachu, you are dead!"


Mu Shu was clearly eyeing the mysterious man who disrupted his business and defeated his team members.

Back to Hyokui.

No one had any training that day.

Only Ishikawa, who stayed in the hotel, started training in the afternoon. Jogging, push-ups, and pull-ups ensure physical fitness and core muscle training.

Then there’s the racket swing and hitting the wall.

until evening.

Ishikawa, who was sweating all over, just left.

that's it.

The boring training passed day by day.

With one week left before the national competition, Ishikawa and Atobe took a helicopter and flew to Tatekai University in Kanagawa.

It’s the same as the Kanto lottery.

The draw rules for the national competition are simple, that is, the school where the winner of the previous year was located.

and this.

It is also considered a high honor.

This represents the status of the defending champion, and to a certain extent, it also feels like a pilgrimage.

At least the team members of Rikkai University, who lost the Kanto finals, were in a good mood at this time.

of course.

The reason why everyone is happy is not just that, because their minister, the son of God Yukimura, the strongest junior high school student in the country, has recovered!

This news came out just in time for the nationwide lottery, which greatly inspired Li Hai's people.


Li Hai University and Tennis Club.

A quick and precise shot passed through Kirihara's side, and under his shocked eyes, he accurately hit the baseline.

"competition is over."

On the high chair, Jackal, who served as the referee, loudly said: "Yukimura wins, the score is 6-0!"

"Boss Yukimura. So strong!"

In less than ten minutes, Kirihara lost the game. And this is Yukimura who has just returned to the team and is doing general post-rehabilitation training. It's hard to imagine how terrifying the opponent's true strength is.


After the shock.

Including Kirihara, everyone in Tatekai Dai became excited.

The Son of God returns.

Li Hai's last shortcoming has been fixed. This is the true king of the world without any blind spots.

"Welcome back to the team."

Outside the stadium, Liu and others smiled and nodded.

Sanada, who had always been serious and indifferent, also had a faint smile on his face. The pressure on his shoulders has also been reduced a lot.

"It's okay. The recovery effect is better than I expected."

Yukimura walked out of the court with a smile. He was wearing a coat at the moment, and the breeze blew by as he walked, causing the coat to sway slightly. His otherworldly temperament attracted the attention of representatives from various places who came to draw lots.

"This is the Son of God, Seiichi Yukimura!"

far away.

A handsome young man wearing a white shirt and silver-gray hair said with emotion.

Kuranosuke Shiraishi.

The minister of Shitenhoji Temple and one of the strongest players in Kansai.

The broom-headed young man standing next to him is the deputy minister of Shitenhoji Temple, Koishikawa Kenjiro.


The latter said with a solemn expression: "Yukimura recovered before the start of the national competition. I'm afraid there won't be any blind spots in this year's Rikkai University!"

Rikkai's defeat in the Kanto Tournament made other teams think that their former hegemon had fallen.

And Yukimura's comeback was like a heavy hammer falling on these people's chests.

"Yukimura. He is indeed extraordinary."

not far away.

Also wearing a white shirt, with hair wax on his head and his hair styled, Higa Nagabuki said solemnly: "His appearance has made it more difficult for us to win this year."

"It's not that exaggerated, Eishiro."

Kai next to him said puzzledly: "What about Shishile in the Kyushu competition? Weren't they also the top four teams last year? We didn't kill them."

Dominating Kyushu made Kai confident in the national competition.

During this period of time, through continuous intensive training, the changes in his strength were visible to the naked eye, which also made him more confident when speaking.

"not that simple."

Unexpectedly, Mu Shu was different from his usual confident and calm look. He frowned and said: "Yukimura is different from others. In the past three years, he has never lost a game. Even Emperor Sanada is not his opponent at all."

deep in the heart.

Mutte undoubtedly regards Yukimura as the biggest obstacle on his way to dominate the country.

of course.

He is also confident in his own strength.

If necessary, Mu Hand will use all means to defeat this person and become his junior high school tennis legend.

other areas.

Saeki and Aoi from Rokkaku, Minami and Sengoku from Yamabuki, Tachibana and Kamio from Fudomine, Tezuka and Oishi from Aogaku.

Everyone was paying attention to the purple-haired boy with an aloof temperament on the court.

The opponent is undoubtedly the focus of the audience at this time.

Hoo ho ho! ! !

But that's it.

Suddenly there was a harsh noise in the sky.

"Is that a helicopter?"

Everyone looked up and saw a helicopter landing quickly and steadily on Lihai University's playground.

"who is this?"

Kai was a little surprised and said: "Is it a staff member who came by helicopter to draw lots? It's too exaggerated."

"Do not."

Kute shook his head and said in a deep voice: "If nothing else happens, it should be the Hyokui who dominates the Kanto Competition this year. I heard that their minister Keigo Atobe is very rich."

When he mentioned 'money', there was an obvious glint in Mu Shou's eyes.

"ice King?"

Jia Fei raised his eyebrows slightly when he heard this.

He has also heard the name of this team, the perennial Kanto runner-up. In national competitions, he is also a frequent visitor to the quarterfinals.

In terms of strength, it is not as good as the top four Shishi Le Middle School.

As for winning the Kanto championship this year, in Kai's eyes, it was just taking advantage of Yukimura's absence to defeat Tatekai Dai, who had lost his core main force. There was nothing to be proud of.



The cabin door opens.

Atobe, a handsome boy with purple-grey hair, walked down first. Suddenly, everyone's eyes fell on him.

"Keigo Atobe, a top player at the national level."

Mudou squinted his eyes and looked at Atobe. The other party was actually on his 'assassination' list.

of course.

The premise is that in the drawing of lots later, Higa Chu can meet Hyouti. "cut."

Kai curled his lips disdainfully: "It's just a few bad guys, nothing special."

Probably out of hatred for the rich, he disliked Atobe. Of course, if Higa Naka and Hyokui met, he would definitely be confident that he could defeat each other.

"Better be careful."

As a 'killer' on the court, Mu Shou prefers to hide and reduce his sense of presence at times like this.

"I know, I know."

Kai smiled nonchalantly, but as soon as he finished speaking, he seemed to have seen something, and his pupils shrank instinctively: "Then, that person! Why is he here too!"


Mudou frowned.

"That's right, the guy with black hair behind Atobe"

While speaking, Kai felt an instinctive reaction of fear in his heart when he thought of the last time he was severely punished by the other party, especially the feeling after drinking that horrible drink.

"It's him?"

Mudou reacted immediately and locked his eyes on the black-haired boy behind Atobe.

"So, the people who ruined my situation were the Ice Emperor's people?"

There was a dangerous glint in Mu Shu's narrowed eyes.

these days.

His anger was always building.

This was the first time in so many years that he had suffered such a big loss.


Mu Shou just wanted to walk over and 'say hello' to the other party.

In his opinion, as the top genius in Okinawan martial arts, his talent in fighting is no weaker than that of tennis. He can teach this little brat of the Ice King a lesson without others noticing.


But suddenly, the wooden hand moved.

I saw Yukimura, who was originally on the court below, walking towards his direction with Tachikai's team members.

"what's the situation?"

Mu Shou's face changed slightly.

Higa Naka did dominate the Kyushu region, but he has maintained a relatively low profile during this period. It was impossible no matter what, it would be better if he was targeted by Li Hai.


Seeing Yukimura, who was getting closer and closer to him with Sanada, Yanagi and others, Kishou gathered his emotions and prepared to talk to the current number one junior high school student in the most natural state.


But never thought about it.

Just when Mu Shu was about to reach out, the three giants from Li Hai passed him by.

The other Marui, Jackal, Kirihara and others didn't even look at him and just passed by him.

"Damn Li Hai Da."

The veins on Mu Shou's forehead couldn't stop beating.

He clenched his fists, trying not to burst out. To avoid being even more embarrassed in front of so many people.

"Long time no see, Atobe."

And this time.

Yukimura, who was wearing a coat, led everyone from Tatekai University to Atobe. He smiled and said, "Congratulations, you won the Kanto Competition."

"Have you recovered?"

Seeing Yukimura's state, Atobe nodded and said, "In this case, this year's national competition will be much more interesting."

Dual conversation.

The surrounding audience looked over curiously.

When they saw Atobe and Yukimura chatting, people from other schools nodded. I sighed in my heart, among the junior high school students nowadays, I am afraid that this minister of the Ice Emperor is the only one who can talk and talk on an equal footing with this son of God.

"You are Ishikawa-kun, right?"

But soon.


Yukimura looked at the black-haired boy behind Atobe: "You have such strength in the first grade. I'm looking forward to facing you in the national competition."

what? !

Hear the words.

Some people who didn't know Ishikawa, including Shishi Raku, Makinofuji, and Kute from Higa, also looked at Ishikawa in surprise.

"That Yukimura actually proposed a decisive battle agreement with this person?"


Shiraishi Kuranosuke, the head of the Tentenhoji Temple, said in surprise: "I heard from Chitose that Hyotei joined a top player this year and defeated Tatekai University's Sanada in the Kanto Tournament."

Deep down, Shiraishi is also very afraid of Ishikawa. But he didn't expect that Yukimura directly stepped over Atobe and started talking to the newcomer to the Hyōtei.

"Is this recognition of your opponent?"

Recalling Chitose's unnatural expression after returning, when Shiraishi looked at Ishikawa again, his eyes were a little more solemn.

"no problem."

As for Yukimura's challenge, Ishikawa was very calm. He nodded and said, "I'm also looking forward to a good match with you, the top junior high school student in the country."

The words came out.

Representatives from other teams had a somewhat arrogant impression of Ishikawa.


No one in Li Hai Da felt that the other party was talking big words. Especially Sanada, he knew very well that in the Kanto finals, he was completely beaten by the opponent and had no ability to fight back.

In the entire Japanese junior high school tennis world, if anyone can threaten Yukimura's status, it is probably the person in front of him.


The two parties chatted briefly and then went to the auditorium of Rikkai University to prepare for the draw of the national competition.

About half an hour later.

The results of the lottery came out, and Kute and Kai in Higa left early.


Kai took a deep breath, squinted his eyes and said, "The first round is with Chiba, and the second round is with Hyokui."


Mu Shu nodded heavily.

There is only one week left before the national competition begins. He wants to improve the team's strength and defeat the Ice Emperor on the opening day of the national competition.

The day.

After the draw is over.

Ishikawa and Atobe return to Hyotei.

The team trained as usual, while Ishikawa sorted out his skills and playing style.

day to day.

In a blink of an eye.

Six days passed.

That night, after completing training, Ishikawa was finalizing the lineup and tactics of the team that might face the national competition.

Before going to bed, he opened his character panel and invested the experience points accumulated during this period into the character.

【Ding! 】

[Player level increases, current level: Lv53]

[Name: Shin Ishikawa]

【Age: 12】

[Identity: First grader of Hyōtei Middle School, Tennis Club main candidate, training consultant, Tennis Department deputy director, street tennis legend, Hyōtei’s Demon King (experience gain +15%)]

[Main occupation: Tennis Lv53 (0/26000)]

[Sub-professional: Kendo Lv9, Chess Lv9, Ancient Martial Arts Lv9, Yoga Lv3]

[Five dimensions: speed 4, strength 4, physical strength 4, technology 6, mental strength 5, total: 23]

[Basic skills: Serve Lv7, Slam Lv7, Topspin Lv7, Sidespin Lv7, Smash Lv7 (upgraded by 1 level)]

[Advanced skills: Lv7 (star mark, outspin serve, crack, sting, zero chip, giant bear counterattack, heart spin, dawn, super volley ball)

Lv6 (Ron dance towards destruction, ball blasting dance)

Level 5 (Four Gods Performing Martial Arts: Qinglong, Suzaku, Xuanwu, and White Tiger)]

[Special abilities: The true meaning of swordsmanship Lv3, the truth of chess Lv2, the power of martial arts Lv2, the eye of truth]

[Sub-professional points: 2]

[Skill Points: 78]

[Props: Recipe for dry juice]

[Evaluation: An elite high school player who is determined to move forward on his own path and has unparalleled potential]

National competition away.

Only 1 day left.

(End of this chapter)

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