I'm in NetKing, and I have a tennis mini-game

Chapter 178 The Ice Emperor’s first battle attracts everyone’s attention

Chapter 178 The Ice Emperor’s first battle attracts everyone’s attention (1st update)

"How, how is it possible?"

Mu Shu wanted to deny this extremely ridiculous idea, but his body went against his will and his eyes moved away uncontrollably to avoid continuing to look at the other person.

"Everyone in Higa."

Seeing Mu Shu's actions, a smile appeared on Ishikawa's calm face: "Tennis is not used to attack others. Of course, if you just want to fight, I can accompany you. What do you think, Higa's Kute-senpai?"


As soon as these words came out.

The Higa squad members all looked at their own minister.



Their minister, who usually has a fierce personality and ruthless methods, seemed not to hear at this moment. He turned to look at Kai on the court and said in a deep voice: "Kai-kun, what are you dragging your feet about? End this quickly. A game!”

"I I know."

Kai nodded quickly.

He glanced at Mu Te secretly, and then looked at Ishikawa outside the stadium, and a strange thought came to his mind.

"Eishiro, this guy... he must be scared, right?"

Kai subconsciously swallowed.


He cheered up.

He looked at Saeki across from him with sharp eyes: "Defeat you in one go!"

If you can't afford to offend the Hyokui, why can't I solve your hexagonal situation?





Next game.

However, Saeki adopted tactics of attacking from left to right, hitting each ball deep, limiting Kai to the baseline.


Kai was very unhappy with the fight.

But Saeki on the other side couldn't gain an advantage. Gradually, Higa's physical superiority became apparent.



Following Kai's strong hitting, the referee's voice sounded: "The game is over, Higa won by Kai with a score of 7-5!"

"This is the end of the first round of this national competition. Okinawa Higa Middle School has won five games and advanced to the second round."

"Okay, so strong!"

Off the field.

Shiba said with a shocked face: "Rokugaku didn't even win a single game. Isn't Higa's strength too strong?"


Inoue nodded with the same solemn expression.

Although he missed the duel between Qingxue and Liuliqiu, this game allowed him to see a super dark horse from the far south.

You know, even in the second round of the Kanto Competition, Hyokui's record was only like this.

More importantly.

Inoue keenly noticed that although the game lasted five games, Higa's chief, the most powerful ace player - Eishiro Kite did not appear.

and this.

It also highlights the strong potential of this team.

This also made him look forward to the second round starting in the afternoon, when Hyokui will face off against Higa.

"Let's go."

After the game, Ishikawa took Mugahi and Hiyoshi with him and prepared to leave.

Part of his purpose for coming to watch the game this time was to observe the strength data of Higa's players.


More importantly, it prevents the old coach in the original work from being injured. Ishikawa also thought about telling the secret of Shuchifa himself, but he was an outsider after all.


Judging from the bad qualities of these people in Higa, as long as Dad can see the opponent's weaknesses and speak out. Mu Hand will definitely give similar instructions to the team members to attack the old man.

Instead of thinking about these problems, why not use tennis to directly make these guys in Higa realize the reality!

"Wait, Ishikawa-kun."


Just when Ishikawa and the others were leaving.

However, Saeki, Aoi and other members of the Rokkaku team all ran over. After catching up with the three people from Ishikawa, everyone bowed in unison.

"Thank you so much!"

This comes from their hearts.

If it weren't for Ishikawa, their grandfather would definitely have been injured by Higa's team members. Moreover, with the Hyokui trio present, those guys in Higa did not dare to be too arrogant.

"It doesn't matter, it's easy."

Ishikawa shook his head.

In contrast, he received more care from the old man.


Several people left.

"Eishiro, what should I do?"

not far away.

Several people in Higa looked at the backs of Ishikawa and others leaving with extremely ugly expressions.

There were so many of them, and if a few of the Ice Emperor's people were really able to escape unscathed, they would definitely be laughed out of their minds if word spread.

"What else can be done?"

But Kute said coldly: "This is not Higa, things must be done according to the rules. Besides..."

As he spoke, he walked near the barbed wire fence, looked at the hole, and narrowed his eyes: "That guy is worthy of defeating Tatekai Ohsanada. Such a powerful serve cannot be easily resisted."


Ping Guba, Kai and others next to him nodded heavily.

Especially Kai, the ball Ishikawa hit just now was really amazing. If he hadn't been lucky, the ball would have hit his head.


Although he screamed fiercely, he would never have the guts to deal with that person.


Seeing everyone's reaction, Mu Shou said solemnly: "Let's go eat first, have a good rest, and prepare for the afternoon game."


Everyone responded in unison.

the other side.

The three people from Ishikawa met with Sakaki Taro, Atobe and others.

Had lunch.

Ishikawa, Sakaki Taro and Atobe discussed and decided on the lineup for the second round of the competition.

2 p.m.

Second round venue.

School representatives from all over the country gathered here.

The venue here is similar to the zigzag stadium of the Kanto finals. However, the two sides of the stadium are separated by walls. The venue is very wide, with four areas inside, capable of playing four games at the same time.

Including the matches between Qingxue and Shishile, Hyokui and Gaizhong, all were held here.




The game hasn't started yet.

The Higa players shouted their slogans loudly. Although there were not many of them, their voices were loud, their slogans were neat, and they sounded very powerful.

"Now, the second round of the national competition is about to begin. Hyotei Academy will compete against Higa Middle School."

"Invite members from both sides to enter."

As the referee's voice sounded.

The two teams, one gray and one black, slowly entered the stadium from the two entrances on the steps, led by their coaches and ministers respectively.

"Haha, Hyokui's guy is here."

"Isn't this a member of the family-losing dog team this morning?"

"Hehe, I killed Rokkachu in the morning, and then I killed Hyokui in the afternoon. It's so awesome!"

Seeing Hyokui's team members enter, the people in Higa began to discuss loudly, without any hesitation.

"These guys!!"

Being given the title of 'lost dog', Xiangri, Hiji and others looked very unhappy.

"calm down."

Sakaki Taro said solemnly: "Don't let the other party's provocation disturb your mentality."


The two nodded quickly.

Feng Ze was a little surprised and said: "That's not the case. This is a national competition after all. Would the opponent do such a small trick?"

"If it's someone else's it could be a coincidence."

At this time, Ishikawa smiled and shook his head and said: "But if it is Higa, no matter how you speculate about them, it is not an exaggeration."

In the original work.

If we had to pick a team that was the meanest, it would have to be Higa. This team, from the coach to the minister, to the main selection and ordinary players. In order to win, everyone will interpret these four words to the fullest.

Especially Buchou Mute.

Hitting people, using small tricks to plot against opponents, whatever he can think of, he will use them.

If Ishikawa guessed correctly.

I'm afraid Mu Shou also came up with this slogan.

The purpose is just like Sakaki Taro said, to completely anger Hyotei's team members.


Such small actions are destined to be ineffective.

Players from both sides take the field.

After the greeting ceremony on the court, everyone retreated to the baseline. The referee's voice then sounded:

"Now, the singles 3 match is about to begin."

"Hyotei Academy Kakarachi Takahiro, Higa Middle School Tian Hitoshihui."

"Please prepare both players."

"Huachi? Is he playing in singles 3?"

above the wall.

Tennis Monthly's Zhi was a little surprised and said: "Hyokui's arrangement is really unexpected."


Inoue nodded.

After all, this is the first game of the national competition, and Ice Emperor is also one of the many nationally powerful teams.

In the Kanto Tournament, he even defeated Rikkai Dai and became famous. This game probably received as much attention as teams like Rikkai University and Shitenhoji.

"Looking at it this way, it's possible that the Ice Emperor is hiding his clumsiness."

Inoue thought thoughtfully.

After all, the thickness of Ice Emperor's bench has reached a certain exaggerated level. For Sakaki Taro, it is enough to ensure that the team can win.


Hua Di's strength and talent are extraordinary.

Arranged in singles 3, it may not mean that you are preparing to give your opponent a blow.



At this time.

There was a sound like an earthquake on the court.

"That man is so fat and strong!"

Shiba Saori spoke instinctively, then realized that he had made a mistake and quickly changed his words.

"Zhi Hui Tian in Higa does look very powerful."

Looking at Tian Hitoshi who was as fat as a ball, Inoue nodded and said: "This person must be very strong. Arranging Huaji to play is indeed a good choice."

"Hey, Hyokui's guy."

In front of the net.

Tian Renzhi shouted, he wanted to try to provoke the other party. As a result, Hua Di didn't even look at him.

"Looks like a fool."

Tian Renzhi shook his head and swallowed all the rubbish he had prepared.

"It's boring."

He shook his head, and then guessed the right to serve with his opponent. He was lucky enough to get first choice.

"very good."

Tian Renzhi said with a smile: "Silly man, don't worry, I will end the game in an instant."


Turn around and retreat to the bottom line.

Hua Di retreated with a straight face and an expressionless expression. He does look like an emotionless machine.

In the eyes of Higa's teammates, Kavachi seemed stupid and without any strength.

"The game begins, and one set determines the outcome."

After confirming the status of both sides, the referee nodded and said: "Hitoshi Higa Nakata serves, the game is over!"

"Silly big guy."

Tian Renzhi, who was holding the tennis ball, showed a sinister smile on his plump face: "Let me show you how powerful Higa is!"


The words fell.

Tian Renzhi threw the tennis ball high.


Under everyone's disbelief, he actually jumped up with his feet off the ground. At the same time, he held the racket and slammed it towards the tennis ball.


There was a loud bang.

The light in the stadium seemed to have collapsed to one point. The tennis ball that was hit by the force flew out like a cannonball.


See this serve.

Those watching the battle, both inside and outside Higa, had their eyes widened.


The tennis ball hits the ground.

Hua Di, on the other hand, failed to react.



Seeing Hitoshi Hitoshi scoring a goal, the Higa players said in surprise: "It's Hitoshi Hitoshi's [Big Bang]!"

"What a terrible serve."

Zhi was shocked.

Inoue nodded solemnly and said: "Well, the power and speed of this serve are very scary. In the game with Rokkaku in the morning, the Higa players did not use this move. It seems that they are indeed hiding their strength. .”

Different from other ordinary dark horses.

Higa's team has outstanding players, strong leaders, and a rigorous tactical plan.

If placed in an era when Rikkai University had not yet risen, such a team would definitely be a strong contender for the championship.

of course.

At this time, Higa Naka finally showed off his strength when facing the powerful enemy Hyokui.




As Hitoshi Hitoshi scored three more [Big Bang] serves, the referee's voice rang out: "Game! Hitoshi Higa Nakata, 1-0, change venues!"


Seeing that the opponent won the serve so easily, Inoue's face darkened.

"It seems that Higa Chu has indeed made plans to defeat the Hyokui in one go!"

The showdown with Hexagon in the morning was just a small test.

Now the showdown with the Ice Emperor is full of firepower. The ambition of this team from Okinawa was clearly displayed.




Tian Hitoshi's score boosted the morale of Higa's players.

The ordinary team members chanted slogans. Although the number was not at the same level as Hyokui's cheerleading team, the momentum they gathered was like a sharp blade, faintly threatening to pierce everything.

"In the second game, Hyokui Huachi serves."


After swapping pitches.

The right to serve was transferred to Huaji.

He took out the tennis ball and stood there stunned.


Kai outside the stadium saw this and couldn't help but laugh: "Is this guy scared to death?"


Ping Guba also grinned and said: "I thought the Ice Emperor was very strong, but now it seems that it is nothing special."



at this time.

Hua Chi threw the tennis ball high.

Kai couldn't help but shake his head when he saw this: "This big stupid guy can throw the ball so high, can he jump?"


But I didn't expect it.

Huadi actually stepped on the ground with both feet and jumped up suddenly.

Then, he raised his racket high, gathered momentum, swung the racket and slammed it towards the tennis ball.


There was a loud bang.

The tennis ball blasted away like a cannon.

"This is."

Seeing the tennis ball falling violently in front of him, Tian Renzhi, who was originally indifferent, his pupils suddenly shrank: "Big explosion?!"


The tennis ball hits the ground.

Under his shocked gaze, he bounced past him.

(End of this chapter)

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