I'm in NetKing, and I have a tennis mini-game

Chapter 184 Singles 1, Ishikawa vs. Mutsu

Chapter 184 Singles 1, Ishikawa vs. Mutsu (1st update)

"It is indeed Ishikawa!"

When he saw the boy walking out of the Hyokui lineup, Inoue smiled: "It seems that the meaning of Supervisor Hyokui is indeed to prepare for the new season next year."

of course.

With Ishikawa's strength, even if he does not participate in such a national actual battle, there will be no impact in the future.

After all, the other party was already at the top level in the country at this time. The only one who can compete with him is Yukimura Tachikai.

"However, the minister in Higa doesn't look like a simple character."

Inoue's eyes then fell on Mudou: "If Ishikawa is used as a standard, I don't know how many minutes he can last."

In front of the net.

Both sides looked at each other.

The wooden hand has a cold temperament, as if it is a poisonous snake lurking in the jungle, spitting out its seeds, very scary.

Maybe it was because of his four-game losing streak, or maybe he was shocked by Ishikawa's gaze during the morning match. At this time, Kute looked at Ishikawa with clearly malicious intent.


Faced with Kite's suppressed momentum, Ishikawa seemed to feel like a spring breeze, and said with a calm smile: "You said, Higa has finally entered the national competition from Okinawa. What inspiration can your style of play bring to those who come after you? Woolen cloth?"

"Are you preaching to me?"

Mu Shou's eyes became colder: "I know you are very strong, but I don't need you to tell me what to do. If you really think you can beat me, let me see what you are capable of!"

Change to normal times.

The wooden hand may have already pressed forward, using small movements of the body or the racket to threaten the opponent.

After all, he grew up practicing Okinawan martial arts. His talent and ability in fighting are not something that ordinary people can compete with.


Confront this person.

But Mu Shu's intuition told him that if he dared to do anything excessive, he would surely suffer an unimaginable price.

Therefore, Mu Shusheng endured it.

"Eishiro him."

Off the field.

Kai, Ping Furuba and others were also stunned.

This lustful and lustful look was nothing like the fierce and vicious Higa Minister they knew.


Saotome, who was lying on the bench with a faint pain in her abdomen, sneered: "You said it so powerfully, but I was fooled by this first grader."

In fact, Higa's fierce, sinister, and all-out tennis style was trained by this bald middle-aged man.

In his opinion, the reason why Hiraguba, Kai and others failed in the previous four games was because they were not ruthless enough.

Tennis, winner takes all!

What others see is only the result. When you are finally crowned king, all others care about is where you sit and the scepter in your hand. Who cares, how did you get to the top?

Play according to Saotome's style.

Just now, Hira Furuba, Kai and Tian Hitoshi were more vicious and vicious, hitting the tennis balls towards the vulnerable parts of their opponents. As long as they did it a few times, those guys would definitely lose their fighting power.

"So, in the end, it's just a bunch of idiots."

on the field.

As the wooden hand gains the right to serve.

After the two of them both retreated to near the baseline, the atmosphere around the stadium suddenly became quiet.

"The game begins, and one set will determine the outcome!"

On the high chair, the referee glanced left and right, and after confirming the status of both sides, he nodded and said: "Higa's nakamu serve, the game is over!"




Bottom line.

The wooden hand bends down and gently hits the tennis ball.

At this time, the anger in him completely subsided. It's just that his face was illuminated by the sun, making it difficult to see his expression clearly, and the light reflected off his glasses with a dazzling light.


Seeing Bokute in this state, the expressions of Hyotei's Ninzu, Shishido and others changed slightly.

"A ferocious jackal is not as dangerous as a hidden snake."

Renzu squinted his eyes and said, "I'm afraid this wooden hand is not that simple."


The words fell.

Then he saw the wooden hand throwing the tennis ball high.

Then, he jumped hard with both feet and lifted off the ground. At the same time, the racket held in his left hand suddenly turned over his head and hit the tennis ball hard.

"This is."

Seeing Mu Shou's familiar movements, Feng, Riji and others' eyes suddenly changed.


All of a sudden.

Then an explosion was heard.

The tennis ball was blasted out like a cannonball.

"big Bang?!"

Xiangri exclaimed subconsciously.


On Higa's side, a team member sneered: "Hui's [Big Bang] serve was taught to him by the minister. Moreover, the power of the original Big Bang cannot be compared to the weakened version."


The tennis ball hits the ground.

The powerful impact caused the dust on the ground to rise instantly.


Seeing this serve, Renzu squinted his eyes and said: "Gather all the strength of the whole body into one point. With super jumping power, can you hit a serve like a smash?"

Intuitively speaking.

The speed of this big bang serve is far inferior to Feng's new heavy artillery serve. However, in terms of power, it is more powerful than what Tian Renzhi hit just now.



at this time.

A crisp sound came immediately.

I saw Ishikawa at the baseline, and he was already close to the tennis ball at some point. He swung his racket back and easily knocked back the wooden hand's explosive serve.


Seeing this, Higa's team members were shocked: "You can break the minister's serve so easily?"

"Forget about explosive power and speed."

Off the field.

Even before the game started, Rokkaku player Saeki, who was watching on the sidelines, exclaimed: "Has his power reached this level?"

"It's normal."

Kuroba Harukaze with the black broom head next to him shook his head and said: "After all, he defeated Sanada's [Moving Like Thunder] head-on!"


Everyone in the Six Corners was stunned for a moment, and then reacted suddenly.


Minister Aoi nodded repeatedly and said: "Ishikawa, he even defeated Sanada. This wooden hand is definitely not his opponent."

"That boy."

Next to a few people, the old man with a gray beard looked at Ishikawa with deep meaning in his eyes.

Others didn't know it, but he could feel the infinite potential contained in this young man.

To some extent.

The talents and abilities currently displayed by the other party are far superior to that of his closed disciple more than twenty years ago.


At this time.

Ishikawa fired back again.

The tennis ball landed accurately and quickly on the edge of the baseline on the right side of the wooden hand.

"What a terrible ball control!"

The expressions of Higa's team members suddenly changed.

"This guy is quite good at it."

Coach Saotome also frowned. Ishikawa's strength was so strong that he didn't even look like a newcomer.

Tap! !

But this time.

The wooden hand moved over quickly, then turned around and retaliated, hitting the tennis ball to the side of Ishikawa's backhand.


Seeing the tennis ball landing on the ground and pressing on the line with the same precision, the Higa players were immediately inspired and shouted slogans:





But this time.

Ishikawa suddenly released a short ball.

The ball came suddenly and was played very delicately, slowing down the fast-paced game. Everyone in Higa was stunned and even forgot to shout slogans. "Innocent!"

But at this time, Kai sneered: "Does he think that this kind of ball can be scored from Eishiro?"



The next moment, Mu Shu appeared in a sliding manner using the [Shokuchi Technique] method. Aiming at the tennis ball, he twitched it fiercely.



At the baseline, Ishikawa hit a lob with a smile when he hit back.


Seeing this goal, Kai and Ping Furuba's expressions changed.

Kai said in a deep voice: "Could it be that the ball just now was just a bait? His purpose was to lure Eishiro to the net?"

Shiranui next to him frowned: "But at this height, the tennis ball might go out of bounds, right?"


Ping Guba looked at the tennis ball that fell rapidly and landed on the backhand position on the right side of his wooden hand, and his position was diagonal at this time. He shook his head and said: "His ball must have been aimed at the baseline! "

No one knows this man's terrifying ability to control the ball better than him. As long as that racket is swung, it will definitely hit the tennis ball to the position the opponent wants to hit.

"But it's a pity."

After a pause, a smile appeared on Hiraguba's face: "Eishiro's Shuchi method is all-round and has no blind spots!"


next moment.

Then I saw the figure of Mu Tate, sliding quickly towards the position where the tennis ball landed, which was clearly the use of Shuchi technique.


One of the players in the Hexagonal Center said in confusion: "Isn't that kind of shrinkage method unable to take into account the left and right directions?"

"It's very simple."

The old man replied calmly: "This young man in Higa has extraordinary balance ability. Therefore, he can perform Shuchi method no matter what position he uses at any time."

"Super balancing ability?"

The faces of the team members in the Rokkaku changed slightly, and Hiyoshi, Xiangri and others from Hyōtei also frowned subconsciously.

"Doesn't that mean this guy is invincible on the court?"


And this time.

Mu Shu's figure was already chasing the tennis ball before it hit the ground.


Looking at the tennis ball in front of him, he was preparing to fight back after it bounced, with a confident smile on his face: "Although your tactics are very good, it's a pity that I don't have any blind spots!"


Think of this.

He just wants to hit the racket out.

Chi Chi

But never thought about it.

After the tennis ball landed on the ground, it did not bounce directly, but rotated fiercely at the baseline. And, there was never any sign of taking off.


The power on the tennis ball was exhausted by friction with the ground during rotation, and it completely stopped in place.


The racket swung by the wooden hand just froze midway. The smile on his face was completely frozen.


The referee spoke.

The entire audience couldn't help but exclaimed.

On the Ice Emperor's side, Xiangri said in surprise: "Is that the Four Gods Yanwu Suzaku?"

"Do not."

Atobe shook his head: "That's not Suzaku, it's just a lob that spins a little sharply."

He has seen the real Suzaku.

That kind of terrible spin will cause the tennis ball to overlap with the sun when it flies into the air, making the landing point impossible to capture.

Atobe guessed that Ishikawa's spin just now did not even reach 30%!

"damn it!"

Mu Shou came back to his senses, his expression extremely ugly. He didn't expect that he would be fooled in front of so many people.

"very good."

He clenched his fists and said coldly through his teeth: "You guy... succeeded in irritating me!"



The wooden hand throws the tennis ball up.

Under the astonished gazes of everyone, the tennis ball was spun out in a terrifying and sharp snake shape with a bang.


Seeing the arc trajectory that was all over the sky, Xiang Ri's expression changed: "Can you also hit this trick on the serve?"

"No, not a cobra?"

Renzu, who was more insightful, immediately shook his head and said: "It's [Big Cobra]!!!"


The sharpness of the spin of this ball was even greater than that of the ball hit by Ping Gujian.

"Eishiro is angry."

Kai narrowed his eyes and said: "He is undoubtedly the most terrifying when he is angry."


Ping Guba also nodded and said: "Everyone who has angered him will eventually end up miserable."

As teammates, they know Mushou's character and strength very well. His character, as cold as a poisonous snake and vengeful, will make everyone who provokes him pay the price.


The first year Hyokui in front of me is going to be in trouble!



What is unexpected is.

Kute's sharply rotating [Big Cobra] serve bounced off the ground and flew towards Ishikawa's face, but was stopped by the racket in the opponent's hand.

"The spin is really sharp."

Ishikawa replied calmly: "But senior, your malice should not be too obvious."


Tennis ball inverted.

Mu Shou's expression became even more gloomy.

"Has this kid seen through my intentions?"

He frowned secretly, reflecting on whether his intention was really too obvious.


But soon, Mu Shou realized: "He saw through the spin of the tennis ball and was deliberately mocking me!"



He violently swiped the ball, and at the same time he was sliding with his feet, shaking his body from side to side, like an evil spirit on the court, full of oppression.

"Shokuchi method with no blind spots in all directions?"

Seeing Mu Shu's posture, Ishikawa couldn't help but smile and said: "The blind spots are actually relative. For example, now, senior, your tennis balls are full of blind spots in my eyes."


Mu Shou immediately shouted coldly: "Since you are so confident, then attack here and try!!"



He just finished speaking.

A touch of light yellow luster bloomed at his feet. Mu Shou looked down, and when he saw traces of the tennis ball flying off the ground, he subconsciously swung his racket to catch it.


The expression on his face became a little stiffer.

"Can't move?!"


The tennis ball flew out, hit the wall, and stuck on it like a rivet. It kept spinning and never stopped for a long time.


See this.

The team members in Higa all showed expressions of disbelief.

"Ei, Ei Shiro."

Pingguba, Kai and others looked at each other.

They never expected that Mu Shou, who has all-round shrinking skills and can easily reach any corner of the court, can't even touch a tennis ball!


They looked at Ishikawa in shock: "That guy... is too strong?!"

(End of this chapter)

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