I'm in NetKing, and I have a tennis mini-game

Chapter 235 A deep mystery, incredible new skills

Chapter 235: Deep mystery, unique new skills

"Senior Fuji, he is actually"

Seeing Fuji losing two consecutive rounds of points, the expressions of everyone in Qingxue were very solemn.

As a genius of Qingxue.

Fuji has always been Seigaku's number two figure, second only to Tezuka in singles strength.

In the eyes of everyone, including coach Ryuzaki, Fuji is the player most likely to win a victory after Tezuka.

But the current situation makes people worry about whether Qingxue will suffer a second consecutive defeat!




Bottom line.

Fuji patted the tennis ball gently.

After losing two games, his mentality was indeed affected. But thinking about the disastrous defeat in the Capital Competition, he regained his composure.


Akutsu is very strong.

Feng Ze frowned and said: "If I remember correctly, this skill was developed during the duel between Fuji and Ishikawa. The fourth type of return shot?"

"This is."

Whoops! !

As if by coincidence, a strong wind blew by, causing the blocking net to sway from side to side. The tennis ball flying above it fell straight towards the service line.

Impossible to cross the network?

Upon hearing Fuji's announcement, the audience showed surprised expressions.


Think of this.

Tap! !

On the opposite side, Fuji also caught up with Tennis.


Fuji's counterattack was easily knocked out by Akutsu.

When the tennis ball reaches the edge of the other side, Fuji quickly rotates the racket. Let it roll up from the edge. At the same time, change your grip so that the tennis ball can continue to rub against the racket surface.

Xiangri shook his head and laughed: "At this level, the so-called youth genius is a bit exaggerated."

"Huh, what a boring trick!"

Akutsu ran over again. After catching up with the tennis ball, he raised his racket, aimed at the tennis ball, and hit it without hesitation.

The phoenix flashes back, the unicorn lands, and the white dragon.

No matter how Fuji's unique skills evolve, for the physically strong Akutsu. It is completely possible to defeat cleverness with strength and ignore many changes.

The tennis ball hit the blocking net head-on.

But isn't that what he wants?

He tilts the racquet so that the edge of the racquet face is the point of contact, bringing the tennis ball into it. Then lay the racket flat again, causing friction with the racket surface at an accelerated rate.

Isn't this Qingxue player too crazy?


Chi Chi

The tennis ball landed on the ground, then spun fiercely, and then suddenly accelerated and flew to one side.


There was a loud bang.

"That's it?"

"The fourth type of counterattack. The guardian of the giant with a hundred arms!"

During this period of time, he had worked very hard on strengthening his speed. After all, if you can't even catch up with the tennis ball, you can't even talk about hitting back.

A top expert like Akutsu is just that touchstone!

Xiangri shook his head and said: "Returning the ball in the general sense has no effect on Akutsu!"



Tap! !


"it's useless!"

The moment he returned the ball, Akutsu's eyes flashed coldly: "Fuer, if you only have this ability, you will be so disappointed!"

He threw the tennis ball, stood on tiptoes, and then swung the racket towards the tennis ball.

Fuji swings.

Seeing the flying tennis ball, Ice King's team members seemed to have thought of something, and hesitation flashed in their eyes.

This shot was crisp and clean. It fully reflects the advantages of Akutsu's strong physical fitness.

Akutsu glanced coldly, quickly swung the racket, and blasted the tennis ball to the corner of Fuji's backhand.


But he had just finished speaking.



There was a crisp sound.

The tennis ball shot out.

The referee announced the score, and the stadium was completely silent at this moment.

When the tennis ball came into contact with the edge for the second time, Fuji's wrist exerted force. Taking advantage of the situation, he cut and hit the tennis ball.

Fuji held the racket with one hand, and while maintaining his swinging posture, his slightly opened eyes were locked on Akutsu with great fierceness: "Your return shot will never pass the net!"

Use a powerful opponent to test his improvement during this period. Ordinary national-level players can't even arouse the fighting spirit.

On Hyotei's side, Atobe raised his brows slightly and said rather unexpectedly: "Using the friction on both sides of the racket at the same time, plus the special spin given by myself, did it create a double spin effect?"

Others also looked curious.

They remembered very clearly that Fuji had used this move during the Du Competition. However, it was instantly broken by Ishikawa, so it was not considered very powerful.

Now it seems that it is not that this return shot is not strong, but that Ishikawa was too strong back then!


Akutsu, who also thought of this, couldn't help but snorted.


He assumed a serious stance. But after Fuji served, he did not launch a fierce attack like before, but directly hit the tennis ball towards Fuji.

"This ball?!"

Some of the youth players were a little puzzled, but Qian reacted immediately. He said in a deep voice: "Is this a return shot that is intended to be cracked head-on?"


next moment.

Fuji once again used [Guardian of the Hundred-Armed Giant], and Akutsu, who had been waiting for a long time, immediately took action, tilted it at a certain angle, and knocked the tennis ball away.


In an instant.

A trace of light yellow flew out.

But under the shocked eyes of everyone, the angle of the tennis ball tilted visibly to the naked eye. Finally, he plunged into the blocking net.


The tennis ball was like a fly falling into a spider's web, completely trapped!



The return ball missed the net, and Akutsu curled his lips in displeasure. But then, he squared off again and hit Fuji's serve.

After the opponent used the fourth type of counterattack, he tried to crack it again, but still failed.


The tennis ball hit the blocking net.


"I don't believe it anymore!"

Akutsu was filled with anger, and a sharp glint flashed in his eyes.


After Fuji used [Guardian of the Hundred-Armed Giant] again, he hit the tennis ball into the air.

"This shot."

Seeing the tennis ball shooting straight into the air like a cannonball, everyone couldn't help but widen their eyes.

Xiang Ri snorted: "It will fly over this time, right?"



He just finished speaking.

The tennis ball that was flying straight into the air suddenly changed direction. Like a plane that had lost power, it tilted and crashed down towards the blocking net.

There was a snap.

Under the unbelievable eyes of others, he fell into the net again.


"Qingxue Fujier, 1-2, exchange venues!"

"What the hell!"

Seeing such a strange scene, Xiangri couldn't help but shudder.

The Renzu next to him shook his head and said: "It seems that this trick will not be effective with ordinary return shots."

"Absolutely average defensive skills?"

Shido nodded thoughtfully and said, "This genius of Qingxue is indeed not an ordinary character."

In the metropolitan competition, Fuji suffered a disastrous defeat.

It's not because he's not strong enough, it's because Ishikawa is too strong. After all, everyone who fought against Ishikawa, including the Son of God, suffered a disastrous defeat without exception!


Akutsu is no ordinary player either.

Even he was in trouble when facing this return shot, which further highlighted the strength of Ishikawa!


The fourth game.

Akutsu serves.

When he heard the comments from others, his expression was very cold. However, he calmed down at this time.

The opponent's trick is obviously to restrain non-skilled players. It's as if he is really like a wild bull. He will rush towards him blankly, but he will become the laughing stock of others.

not to mention.

Akutsu has never been a simple-minded person.

"If it's a double spin."

With a thought in his heart, after Akutsu touched the ball with his racket, his wrist began to shake slightly at the same time.


This ball lacked the previous strong power. But in the direction of Qingxue, the expressions of Tezuka, Miki and others suddenly changed. Whoosh!

next moment.

Then he saw the tennis ball flying over the blocking net at a very low altitude.

There was a bang.

Before Fuji could react, he landed and scored.


"Did you only maintain an advantage for one round?"


Seeing that the other party had cracked his own trick, Fuji's eyes darkened slightly.

He never thought that this unique trick of his could truly maintain his advantage. After all, the other party has not yet entered the first stage of that posture!


It was cracked in just one round, and the speed made Fuji feel a little anxious.

After all, the opponent was also a top master who defeated Rikkai Ohsanada. He said it is simply impossible without pressure!


Akutsu serves again.

Not to be outdone, Fuji once again used the fourth type of counterattack.


This time he played the spin more seriously.

The double friction causes strong rotation, making the tennis ball look like it is coated with a layer of white light.


And on the opposite side.

Akutsu snorted coldly, twitched the racket suddenly, and blasted out the tennis ball again.



Under the solemn gazes of everyone in Qingxue, the tennis ball once again leaped over the blocking net.

Momoshiro clenched his fists subconsciously and said with a complicated expression: "Senior Fuji's fourth counterattack was completely defeated."

Tap! !


This time Fuji was prepared, but he reacted in advance. He ran toward the spot where the tennis ball landed, then swung the racket to catch the ball, trying to display his skills again.



When the ball and racket collided, a look of shock appeared on his face.

"This power."

Feeling the heavy feeling coming from the racket, Fuji didn't hesitate at all and immediately put his left hand on it. He held the racket with both hands and exerted force at the same time to hit the tennis ball.


But opposite.

Akutsu, who had already moved to the net, smashed the tennis ball over without mercy.


The tennis ball hit the ground like a cannonball.



Seeing this, Qingxue said with a solemn expression on his side: "If I guess correctly, what Akutsu is playing now is not an ordinary shot. It is the so-called deep tennis!"

"Tennis balls on the second floor outside and inside?"

Oishi also reacted. He naturally knew about Ishikawa's theory on tennis.

In his eyes, that kind of tennis is already on another level. He, who was still at the surface level, couldn't understand it at all.

Kikumaru said thoughtfully: "Tezuka's highest realm is deep tennis, right?"


Qian nodded heavily.

The highest realm is to make the two kinds of rotations the same on the outside and inside. Among youth students, only Tezuka, whose chipping skills have reached an extremely high level, can do this.

At this time, Kawamura said: "I have heard that Akutsu's deep tennis combines power and spin to produce an effect."


Gan nodded and said: "In the national semifinals, Akutsu used this move to defeat Sanada's Xu Ru [Lin]!"

"Tennis with restrained technique?"

The faces of the other Qingxue team members could not help but darken.

There is no doubt that Fuji is a typical representative of technical players. His reputation as a genius is due to his magnificent skills.

Lost skill.

Non-duality is undoubtedly equivalent to cutting off one's arms.

"Deep tennis?"

on the field.

Fuji was also lost in thought.


But soon.

He raised his head and looked deeply at Akutsu.

The duel with Ishikawa made him understand that no matter how strong his opponent is, he cannot be timid. When facing a strong person, you must fight bravely to find a chance to win.





The game continues.

Akutsu attacks hard, but Fuji turns to defense.

Facing Akutsu, who hit deep shots, Fuji was at an absolute disadvantage.



"Hyotei Akutsu, 3-1!"

In the blink of an eye, Akutsu got the game.

On the other hand, Fuji was completely unable to withstand the opponent's attack.

"This is not a level opponent at all."

Looking in the general direction of Tatehai, Sanada, who was holding his hands, shook his head and said: "That genius of Seigaku is, at best, only a player who has just entered the national level."

"Fu Er?"

Yukimura raised his brows slightly, looked at the handsome brown-haired boy, and smiled slightly: "I do think his potential may be more than that."





The next game seemed like a slap in the face to Yukimura.

Facing Akutsu's attack, Fuji still couldn't find a way to break it. As time went on, he was on the verge of losing his serve.

"If, at a deeper level, tennis refers to the internal rotation or power of the tennis ball."

After continuous fighting, Fuji gradually figured out something.

Looking at the tennis ball flying towards him, his squinted eyes suddenly opened, and he swung the racket extremely seriously.


Accompanied by a crisp sound.

Akutsu's tennis ball hit the surface of Fuji's racket, and the racket sank as if it was about to be crushed.

But what is surprising is that this time Fuji blocked Akutsu's tennis ball with one hand.



With Fuji's wrist exerting force, the tennis ball flew backwards and flew out.

Tap! !


On the opposite side, Akutsu suddenly hit the net, raised his racket and made a spiking motion.


There was a loud bang.

The tennis ball fell to the ground and hit Fuji's backhand position.


Horio kept scratching his head, as anxious as an ant on a hot pot: "That Akutsu is too strong, Fuji-senpai can't stop him at all!"



Under the surprised eyes of everyone.

The tennis ball that landed on the ground suddenly turned around and flew towards Fuji's direction. And he also chased after it, knocking it away on the way.

"This, this is Tezuka territory?"

Everyone in Qingxue showed surprised expressions.

The spin of tennis is so similar to Tezuka's field. However, Tezuka, Echizen, Miki and others all showed thoughtful expressions.





And on the court.

Fuji, who had been beaten back and forth, now bit his opponent and was locked in a stalemate with him.

"Isn't it?"

Seeing this, Hiyoshi said in disbelief: "Can the field alone break Akutsu-senpai's deep hitting attack?"

"not that simple."

Atobe next to him shook his head and looked at Fuji who knocked the tennis ball away again. He said: "This genius of Seigaku cleverly applied a special rotation inside the tennis ball to neutralize Akutsu's hit. The power of the ball.”


Ishikawa smiled and said: "This move of his is indeed very clever. He can adapt to the enemy's conditions and create special skills. He is indeed a tennis genius!"

(End of this chapter)

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