I'm in NetKing, and I have a tennis mini-game

Chapter 287 The last game, Ishikawa vs Byodoin

Chapter 287 The last scene, Ishikawa vs Byodoin

Ishimaru on court 1 lost.

The unfavorable start of the mission cast a haze over the minds of many members of the Second Army.


The shuffle continues.

I saw a young man with a thin appearance and cold eyes walking out.

"Representative of the First Army, No.19 Gujimusin!"

The visitor said calmly.

Hear the words.

The representatives of the two armies began to whisper to each other.


The members of the Second Army, who were still eager to try, felt as if a basin of cold water had been poured on their heads. Many people had a look of fear in their eyes.

"It's Guji, who is called an insight expert!"

"It's my turn."

Although he is only a sophomore in high school, Ping Shanzhi feels like he is not easy to mess with. Because he left Tiantianbao Temple, he did not continue to joke about tennis. In the U17, he gave people the impression of being an unsmiling and cold-faced sniper.

The direction in which the representatives of the first army are located.


Now his character has become cautious.

One person stood out from the ranks of the Second Army, and it was Matsudaira. During this period of hibernation, he secretly carried out intensive training and improved his strength.

At this time, someone from the Second Army finally stood up. However, after three rackets were penetrated by Taira Zenzuki's powerful [gun bullets], he chose to abstain.

For a while.

"First Army Representative No. 18, Ping Shanzhi."

After some ball guessing, a fierce battle began. Matsudaira is very powerful, with excellent ball skills and speed, but he did not expect that Guiyoshi, who was going to participate in the expedition, would also improve a lot in strength.

"I come!"

"He only became a representative after another senior left this year, right?"

If the opponent is not Gujimusin, he may not take action.

after that.

"This boy"

"Indeed, logically speaking, he should be the last player in the first army to advance."



What surprised Ping Shanzhi was that Yuan Zheya smiled and shook his head at him.

So far, the first army has won two games in a row.

The last person means that his strength is probably weaker than Qiu Ting's. After all, the other party took advantage of the opportunity left by the senior’s withdrawal.


at the same time.

The two walked onto the court.


At this time, Ping Shanzhi moved his body, turned his head left and right and walked down the steps.

He seemed not to have expected that this would be the case.

Ping Shanzhi narrowed his eyes: "Does he really want to fight me?!"

Ping Shanzhi also believes that this is Hara Tetsuya's best opportunity. According to his estimation, with the strength shown by Hara Tetsuya at the Shitenbao Temple, a duel with No. 18's army is already at the upper limit.

Guji won the two games 6-4, 6-3.

Ping Shanzhi was stunned for a moment.

And Ping Shanzhi looked at Yuan Zheye. The two looked at each other, but the latter just smiled and had no consequences.

Moreover, as No. 17, Zenyuki Taira knows very well that Guji Mushin's strength is indeed not too strong.

Everyone's expressions changed.

Therefore, seeing him play, many of the second troops who originally wanted to play hesitated.


And this time.

Ping Shanzhi, who was ranked 18th, then looked at Yuan Tetsuya in the direction of the second army. When the other person's eyes turn around, nod towards them.

The troops ranked 17th to 11th all defeated their opponents.

With ten wins in ten games, the terrifying dominance of the representatives of the first army on the court made people feel an extremely strong sense of oppression.

"What on earth is this kid thinking?"

Ping Shanzhi frowned.

Yuan Zheya hasn't made a move yet, and the other party has probably given up on participating in the reshuffle.


He was a little disappointed.

The former Tetsuya Hara had a very cheerful personality when he was at Shitenbao Temple. The other party who has inherited the funny spirit of Shitenboji can ensure an optimistic attitude no matter what kind of difficulties he faces.

"It's my turn."

At this time, a figure came out.

"First Army No. 10, Kishimoto Asahi!"

I saw a tall and tall brown-haired young man with sharp eyes walking into the court with great confidence. Compared with other previous representatives of the First Army, he feels more powerful.

"It's the top ten's showdown!"

"The physical strength of Daqu is second only to No. 6, and his technique and strength are above the standard in all aspects. He is known as the [Iron Man] on the court, Kishimoto Asahi!"

"Such a person cannot be challenged by the Second Army, right?"

For a while.

While everyone was talking quietly, no one dared to come forward. They lost all ten games, which dealt a heavy blow to the hearts of the members of the Second Army.

"I come!"

But at this time, a young man with orange hair walked down the steps with a smile: "Second Army, Court No. 3, Tetsuya Hara!"

"This kid!!!"

The moment he saw Yuan Zheya come on stage, Ping Shanzhi's expression changed. He knew Kishimoto's strength, he was a player who could block his bullets head-on.

Even if Ping Shanzhi comes to challenge, the probability of winning will not exceed 20%!


Yuan Zheye's expression did not change at all.

He walked into the court calmly, looked at his opponent, smiled and said: "Senior, please give me your advice."

"Pitch 3?"

Seeing his opponent announcing his family name, Kishimoto raised his eyebrows lightly and said in a deep voice: "Boy, I don't think I've seen you before? Are you new here?"

However, Yuan Zheya asked back: "Senior, there shouldn't be an age limit for the shuffle battle, right?"


Kishimoto nodded and laughed.

This was the first time he had seen such a confident newcomer. It can be seen that the opponent's own strength is quite good for being promoted to Court No. 3 in such a short period of time.

However, it seems that it is precisely because of this reason that the other party's self-confidence is too high?

After the two went through the process, the duel began.

As soon as he came up, Kishimoto showed his superb skills. Coupled with strong strength, it is very powerful.

Although Hara Tetsuya performed well, he was obviously suppressed. In the first set, they lost the game with a score of 1-6.

For a while.

Before the members of the first army could speak, the people of the second army were already shaking their heads. After losing the first set, this guy on Court No. 3 had no chance of winning.

Because Kishimoto is a very physically strong player.

In the second set, Yuan Zhe also failed to open up the situation at the beginning and was defeated by his opponent for three consecutive games.

"I thought there was something powerful about you."

Kishimoto shook his head and said: "I didn't expect that this is the only level that makes me happy in vain."

But that's it.

Tetsuya Hara suddenly threw a short ball. Kishimoto stepped forward immediately upon seeing this, but this short volley was quite exquisite. Even if he reacted instantly, he could have arrived before the tennis ball hit the ground again.

In desperation, Kishimoto had no choice but to hit the tennis ball into the air.

And just then.

Yuan Zheye, who was well prepared, flew forward, raised his racket high, pointed it at the tennis ball, and smashed down hard.


Seeing this, a look of surprise flashed in Kishimoto's eyes: "So, is this the so-called 'trap' you arranged?"


A smile appeared on his face.

Under the shocked eyes of the members of the second team, facing Tetsuya Hara's smash, he slapped the racket away without changing his expression. It was clear that he was planning to go head-on and smash the opponent.


Almost the moment the tennis ball and racket came into contact, the racket surface was penetrated like paper.

"How can it be?!"

Looking at the tennis ball that broke through the racket and hit the ground, Kishimoto subconsciously widened his eyes. tread.

At this time.

Yuan Zhe also landed firmly.

He was not very excited about scoring smashes and violently tearing apart the opponent's racket.

"This guy actually hides his strength?!"

Kishimoto felt awe-struck.

But immediately, he glanced at the other party with sharp eyes: "Since you dare to play tricks on me, you must be prepared to accept my anger!"

As a top ten player in the U17 army.

Kishimoto's self-esteem is very strong, and he won all the first ten games. It would be so embarrassing if something went wrong with him!


Kishimoto launched a fierce offensive against Hara Tetsuya, but was blocked one by one by the opponent. However, the continuous and unorganized attacks greatly consumed his physical energy.

Take a chance.

Yuan Zhe also released a short ball again, leading his opponent to the net, and then tore his racket surface again with a fierce smash.


"Tetsuya Hara wins this round, the score is 1-3!"


After the smash.

Yuan Zhe also landed firmly.


He raised his head and looked over in surprise: "Senior, I heard that when you compete as an army, you limit your strength to about 60%. You don't need to hide it, right?"

"Sixty percent?"

Kishimoto was stunned.

Immediately, as if he thought of something, he suddenly raised his head and looked at his opponent: "Could it be that you just hissed!"

Kishimoto couldn't help but be shocked when he thought that the opponent had been fighting him with 60% of his strength.

But in fact.

In order to achieve the crushing effect, he used about 90% of his strength from the beginning, and the attack just now was at full strength.

Think of this.

Kishimoto suddenly felt a strong sense of crisis in his heart.


Off the field.

On the steps where Yijun was, Ping Shanzhi stared at this junior with wide eyes and disbelief.

"I didn't expect that you already have the strength to rival the top ten in an army."

While sighing in his heart, Ping Shanzhi then looked towards the side of the Second Army.

in the crowd.

The black-haired boy was standing alone among Ishikawa and Mori in an area.

This moment.

An extremely strong feeling of envy truly emerged in his heart.

The game continues.

However, Kishimoto was clearly out of balance, while Hara Tetsuya took the initiative and launched a counterattack.


The score was reversed visibly.

In the second set, Tetsuya Hara defeated his opponent 6-3.

In the third set, Yuan Zhe also won an astonishing 6-1. In the end, he defeated Kishimoto with a total score of 2-1 and became the first representative of the second army to successfully challenge and obtain the status of the first army in this reshuffle!

"That Kishimoto... actually lost?!"

The two armies looked at each other.

The other representatives of the first army looked at Yuan Tetsuya who had obtained the badge and calmly walked to his own camp, and their eyes were a little unnatural.

"Did the challenge succeed?"

At this time.

The second army represents one side.

Seeing that Yuan Zhe also successfully landed, Mao Li walked down the steps with a smile: "It's almost time for me to play!"

See this.

Not only the representatives of the second army, but also the players of the first army had expressions of disbelief in their eyes.

"Second Army, Court No. 3, Juzaburo Mori!"

Mauli said with a smile.

He originally wanted to challenge Yuezhi, but thinking about the power of his opponent Mach's serve, he had to settle for the next best thing.

Seeing that Yuan Zhe also successfully landed, he couldn't help but play. And such behavior makes other people feel incredible.

It has always been the first army that takes the field, and the second army that challenges.

As a result, now it is the second choice of the second army who takes the lead? Moreover, it’s on Court No. 3 again? !
"Kid, I'll be your opponent."

At this time.

Kiritani, who was ranked ninth in the first army, came off.

As for Maori, he had no intention of letting him go. After the game started, they showed a fierce offensive.


The gross profits collapsed one by one.

And when the opponent has a flaw, he seizes the opportunity to launch a counterattack.


Under the shocked eyes of the Second Army and the First Army, Maori defeated his opponents in two sets with scores of 6-4 and 6-3 respectively, becoming the second representative of the Second Army to successfully challenge!


Seeing Mori wearing the No. 9 badge on his collar and walking into the First Army camp with a smile, everyone else's eyes changed.

The first army was full of surprise.

The eyes of the second army burned with fire.

Two consecutive victories suddenly gave them an illusion. It seems that the top ten representatives of an army are easier to defeat than the bottom ten!


When No. 7 Kimijima came off the field, someone immediately launched a challenge. As a result, not surprisingly, they were defeated 6-0 in two consecutive sets, and the game ended in 20 minutes.

At this moment.

The other members of the Second Army just woke up. I know it’s not that the ninth and tenth players in the first team are not strong enough, but that the other two players on Court No. 3 are too strong!
"Those two people."

Yamato, Nakagouchi and others all looked at Mouri and Hara Tetsuya with some envy.

As representatives of Court No. 3, they know very well what is the biggest reason for the success of these two challenges!

What caught them off guard was that the other representatives of the Second Army next to them, including the players from the First Army on the opposite side, all looked at their few remaining players on Court No. 3.


Immediately, the corners of several people's mouths couldn't stop twitching. But knowing how much they weighed, they wisely closed their eyes and pretended not to see it.


The atmosphere became a little awkward.

From No. 6 to No. 3, no player from the second team dared to play. According to the rules, the referee announced that the four people had successfully defended their first-place qualification.

Since No. 8 Tono Atsukyo and No. 2 Tanejima Shuji were not present, this time the first army shuffle was the last game left.

at this time.

It's noon too.

Not to mention the players, just the people watching the game felt a bit hot.

at this time.

A tall blond figure slowly walked down the steps. And every step he took seemed to step on the heart of the representative of the Second Army, making people's bodies tremble subconsciously.

"It's almost time to finish."

Byodoin smiled and glanced at the members of the Second Army. When his gaze swept over them, these high school students, who were usually confident and boasted of being extraordinary, subconsciously looked away like mice that had encountered a cat.


Byodoin's eyes fell on the young man with blue-black hair in the No. 1 court area, and he gave him a provocative look.


The other party did not respond, but looked at him calmly.


Seeing this, Byodoin couldn't help but said: "Without the protection of Oni and Irie, have you become so timid? Tokugawa!"


at this time.

Another figure walked down the steps where the second army was.

"Sorry, Byodoin-senpai."

The handsome black-haired boy, under the surprised and uncertain gazes of the other army members except Maori and Hara Tetsuya, said with a smile: "Your opponent is me!"

(End of this chapter)

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