I'm in NetKing, and I have a tennis mini-game

Chapter 289: Light ball collision, shattered court

Chapter 289: Light ball collision, shattered court (2nd update)
"Boss, he actually..."

Off the field.

Duke Watanabe, a fat man with fair skin, had a surprised expression on his face.

Among the representatives of the first army in the audience, No. 2 Shuji Taneshima was not present, and he was not there either. He is the person whose strength is second only to Byodoin.

But even he couldn't see clearly how Ishikawa completed the counterattack just now.


The golden hair that was blown away before it hit the ground at Byodo-in proved how terrifying that shot just now was!
Bottom line.

Byodoin plays tennis.

He has always been a person who attacks without thinking, but he actually has a pensive expression on his face. This made other representatives of the First Army feel incredible.


Byodoin raised his racket, aimed at the tennis ball and dunked it away, and at the same time, he rubbed the racket surface hard. The tennis ball, which was hit hard, started to rotate violently.

Stab it!

To them, the strength of Byodoin has always been unfathomable. This time they went on an expedition to Southeast Asia, played several games in a row and were unbeaten in a sweep.

"The power of this shot is extraordinary."

Thoughts turned.

The crisp sound of hitting the ball suddenly sounded.

Hear the words.

The representatives of the First Army were refreshed.


The Byodoin was moved.

"It's just a matter of life and death!"

"Shin Ishikawa."

The expressions of everyone in the First Army changed.

In their hearts, Byodoin was thinking about the level of swordsmanship demonstrated by Ishikawa's move just now. However, as his thoughts deepened, he became more and more afraid to confirm his conjecture.

Grabbing the tennis ball, Byodoin looked up at his opponent: "Your kendo may be excellent, but the stronger the kendo, the higher your tennis level will not be!"


From the perspective of others, the flying tennis ball looked like a mad bull, kicking up dust with its four hooves and sprinting towards Ishikawa's position.

And Byodo-in has done so to the extent that every team leader will change their expressions upon hearing this!

The Byodo-in finally made a move, and once it did, it was such a powerful move.


"You can imagine what will happen to him if he angers the Byodoin!"

As a top player, it was naturally impossible for him to be stimulated by Ishikawa's words. However, he realized that the opponent in front of him was indeed no ordinary character.

"This is a world-class move!"

Byodo-in won the title of [Overlord]!

But the next moment.

This was the first time they had seen a guy who dared to challenge him on the court in front of the Byodoin Academy.

Ishikawa was very calm and hit the serve back.

He hit the tennis ball over.

After returning the ball, he smiled and said: "The simple testing and warm-up are almost over. You don't need to be polite, just use those unique tricks you used in the expedition!"


"This boy"

The expressions of Kaji, Kimijima and other representatives of the first army changed.


"The Byodoin boss's Spanish bullfight!"

In several consecutive games, his opponents were stepped on and rubbed against each other repeatedly, and their self-esteem was shattered. Some even gave up their career as a player because of this.

And now, someone dared to provoke him. As everyone knows, when the Overlord is angry, rivers of blood will flow out!

On the steps, Mitsuya said in a deep voice: "The strong force and fierce rotation merge with each other, giving rise to a deeper power. The impact is like a mad cow, enough to destroy the opponent's racket!"

"He's so arrogant!"


"Since you are so confident in your own strength, then give it a try and accept my attack!"

The ball was served at super high speed and fell to the ground instantly. Not surprisingly, the tennis ball hit the service line with precision. At the same time, dust on the ground rose up, covering Ishikawa's figure.

at this time.

The rebounding tennis ball seemed to break through the air, blooming with dazzling white light under the blazing sunlight. The harsh sound of the tennis ball breaking through the air made everyone's eardrums buzz.

Advanced skills - Daybreak!

Because the tennis ball is hit back with a metal edge, the tennis ball is hit at a special angle and reacts with sunlight. This creates a blinding effect.

Even Byodoin was caught off guard and fell into the trap.


After all, he is a top player.

Even if there is only a moment of reaction, the five senses can clearly capture the trajectory of the tennis ball.

Ishikawa's ball skills were accurately received by him.

"The materialization effect is good, but the power of the ball itself is completely inadequate!"

while speaking.

The racket in Byodoin's hand moved from top to bottom. It was obviously not very fast, but in the eyes of others, a series of afterimages appeared, like the Thousand-Armed Guanyin.

"India--the snake charmer!"

Byodoin spoke.

A series of afterimages flew out and turned into biting snakes, opening their fangs and biting Ishikawa.

"Well come."

And this time.

Ishikawa laughed loudly, raised his racket, and his body dispersed into dozens of people in an instant. Each figure aimed at a terrifying poisonous snake.

Swish swish! ! !
In an instant.

Dozens of figures swung their rackets at the same time, and finally with a bang, the real tennis player was hit by Ishikawa himself.



The crackling sound of the ball hit everyone's ears, like the wild roar of a lion.

Whoosh whoosh! ! !
The tennis ball split apart instantly.

Under the shocked eyes of the high school students, it split into dozens of afterimages. The overwhelming sky shrouded towards the location of Byodoin Temple.


Seeing the shadows of balls filling the sky, Byodoin raised his eyebrows slightly: "A world-class trick?"

He didn't expect that not only did his move fail to score, but his opponent actually used a top trick of the same type!

Immediately, Byodo-in flickered and split into dozens of afterimages. Like Ishikawa, each Byodo-in Temple corresponds to a ball shadow.


Ishikawa's [Explosive Ball Flurry] was easily broken by Byodoin.


After the tennis ball jumped over the blocking net, it suddenly changed direction and climbed upward at a large angle.


Byodoin spoke calmly.



The tennis ball in the sky was like a phoenix descending from the fire, flashing with dazzling light, aiming at the baseline position on the side of Ishikawa's backhand and plummeting down.

"Such a lob!!!"

Yuan Zheye's expression suddenly changed.

too strong!
He seemed to smell the burnt smell caused by the fierce friction between the tennis ball and the air as it fell rapidly. It was said to be a phoenix, but it felt more like a meteor breaking through the atmosphere.

But at this time, Ishikawa moved.

He raised his feet and stepped forward. His upper body did not sway at all, but he moved to the landing point of the tennis ball at a speed visible to the naked eye.

at the same time.

Ishikawa raised his racket and hit the empty area without even looking.

The crisp sound of hitting the ball sounded.

The rapidly falling tennis ball met Ishikawa's racket unexpectedly. It feels like the tennis ball has hit the racket by itself.

Subsequently. The tennis ball played by Ishikawa also flew high into the air.

"Lob shot?!"

Mitsugu was a little surprised.

Kimijima seemed to have realized something and squinted his eyes: "Is he imitating Byodoin's tit-for-tat style of fighting?"


The tennis ball flying into the air overlapped with the sun. In an instant, a dazzling light bloomed, and the tennis ball turned into a magical bird bathed in fire, and it also aimed at the Byodoin Temple backhand position and landed it.

Astonishingly, it is one of Ishikawa's unique skills - Four Gods Enbu Suzaku!

"Well done!"

Seeing this extremely exquisite lob, Byodoin's eyes sparkled.

him at the moment.

Taking a step forward, his body dragged out a series of afterimages, chasing after the tennis ball before it hit the ground.


Lift the racket and hit the empty space in the same direction.


The lob ball with strong rotation was blasted out by Byodoin. After the tennis ball hit the ground, it turned into traces that looked like sharp swords and exploded in all directions.

"American Pirates!"

Swish swish! ! !
But the moment the tennis ball bounced off the ground, Ishikawa's whole body split into several afterimages. Each figure locked onto a trace and responded instantly.

In an instant.

The tennis ball just came off the ground and flipped back.

"Super Volleyball?!"

Everyone in the army was horrified.

No one expected that Ishikawa not only cracked Byodoin's [American Pirates], but also used a half-volley technique. It was simply amazing!
"The response has been good."

Byodoin nodded.


He lunged at the tennis ball, lifted the racket, and used the edge as an entry point. The moment he attached the tennis ball, his wrist rolled out and his strength exploded.

In an instant.

A red fire dragon rushed towards Ishikawa with its fangs and claws bared.

"China. Red Claw Dragon!"

The flames spread.

Everyone only felt a stream of hot air blowing across their foreheads, and the dragon's roaring bloody mouth had already opened towards Ishikawa, ready to swallow him in one gulp!
"A super ball skill that spins at high speed?"

Ishikawa understood the principle of this ball at a glance. He raised the racket without changing his expression, and quickly slashed out with a kendo grip.

Stab it!

In an instant, a cold whirlwind whipped up. Using the racket as the sword blade, he could visibly cut the flame dragon in two with its claws and fangs.

Hurrah! ! !
A strong airflow exploded.

Ishikawa's return shot, mixed with the power of wind and fire, shot towards the location of Byodo-in.

Surprisingly, it is one of Ishikawa's special moves - strong wind!

"Kendo skills?"

After seeing the incoming ball clearly, Byodoin's eyes changed slightly.

Different from the sword-drawing attack just now, this time he could clearly feel the opponent's extremely exquisite swordsmanship.

Using the edge of the racket as the entry point, he easily broke through the weakest point of the fire dragon's energy wave. Then, at the moment he touched the ball, he used the power of the kendo to slash the tennis ball back.

In the eyes of others, the unique skill of killing Byodoin's fire dragon with just a few movements of his hands was an understatement!
"This man's skills are terrifying!"

He had already put away his contempt, and now he was even more wary.

Tap! !

He has a bully-like personality and only plays offensive tennis. He steps forward to meet the tennis ball without hesitation.

on the field.

The two fought continuously.

In the hands of Byodoin, various world-class top tricks were continuously displayed. And Ishikawa also used various unique skills to counterattack them one by one.

The battle between the two dazzled the surrounding spectators, who opened their mouths uncontrollably, looking horrified.


In the room on the second floor of the center court building, Saito saw Ishikawa, who was fighting against Byodoin without falling behind, and said excitedly: "Ishikawa-san actually blocked so many unique moves of Byodoin-san head-on?"


Kurobe next to him nodded: "The skills of these two people have reached an extraordinary level. In their hands, the racket can be used like an arm!"

"Not only that."

Immediately afterwards, Kurobe continued: "Their control of power and understanding of skills have reached a meticulous level. In their hands, the tennis ball is as obedient as a tamed beast!"

while speaking.

His eyes were locked on Ishikawa, and he felt an indescribable shock in his heart.

The last duel between the opponent and the ghost was about speed colliding with power. But this time, it was simply a fierce battle with the Byodoin on a technical level.

Speed, power, technique.
At almost every level, the other party has achieved an impeccable level. And such a person is just a first-year junior high school player, how can it not be surprising!



on the field.

The tennis ball played by Byodo-in roared like a lion and pounced ferociously.


This majestic African lion was intercepted by Ishikawa with his bat. The tennis ball rotated violently, trying to tear the surface of the racket, but it was still unable to break through the cage carefully prepared by Ishikawa.


The tennis ball flew out again.


Seeing this, several players from the First Army took a deep breath subconsciously.

How many times?

All the tricks played by Byodo-in were perfectly intercepted by this newcomer.

"This boy!"

Byodoin also felt troubled.

He continued to use his special moves, but was still unable to achieve a breakthrough. Suddenly, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

Zizzi! !

He spread his left hand and released a ball of golden light, integrating it into the racket the moment the tennis ball flew over.

"Destroy it!"

With a low cry, Byodoin suddenly whipped out the tennis ball.

See this.

The faces of the spectators around the stadium changed instinctively. Especially the representatives of the first army showed a bit of fear in their eyes when they looked at the ball.

"Light ball destruction!"

Yue Zhi's heart sank.

He knew very well how terrifying this move was. If Ishikawa struck back head-on, he would probably be destroyed by the terrifying explosive power. Just like the name of this trick, the tennis ball contains extremely terrifying destructive power!
Zizzi! !

Just at this time.

Ishikawa on the opposite side also raised his left hand without any warning. Under the shocked and incomprehensible eyes of others, a golden ball of light fell from his open fist.


He swings and explodes.

The ball of light shot out suddenly, and under everyone's horrified gaze, it collided with the ball of light shot by Byodoin.

Boom! ! !

Two terrifying forces exploded, with powerful destructive power that visibly destroyed the ground beneath the blocking net, causing it to crack inch by inch!


The shock waves generated by the two forces gathered in the middle and turned into a small dust mushroom cloud, rising into the sky!

Wow! ! !
After the violent explosion, stone fragments all over the sky fell like raindrops. The air waves generated by the explosion blew violently in all directions, making it difficult to open one's eyes.


A stadium filled with smoke.

Falling into extreme silence.

(End of this chapter)

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